View Full Version : Uaw needs another smoke break

09-13-2023, 08:44 AM
5 weeks pd vacation…17 pd holidays a year ( that’s just shy of 2 full months off))not quite good enough for americas builders of mediocrity on the roads……seems like the unions biggest bone of contention now is they want a 4 day work week, asking for another 52 days off a year and get paid more to do it.

And they wonder why? Can’t wait to see the lipstick SS puts on this pig.

Josh Bayko
09-13-2023, 10:18 AM
The UAW is too stupid to realize that the manufacturers will just move the rest of their production to Mexico. All of them will just lose their jobs entirely.

Meanwhile, the Americans building Japanese, Korean and German cars at plants here in the states will still be gainfully employed, and consumer confidence in the supposed US brands will continue it's rapid decline.

09-13-2023, 12:20 PM
Crappy products built by workers on the teet has lost all of its appeal……thanks UAW….. Enjoy your self imposed vacation and lose your map on how to get back.

09-13-2023, 02:09 PM
BBQ sometimes, but maybe not in this case, the workers have changed to 4 ten hour days instead of 5 eights. That's how my hours were at an army base I worked at anyway.

But the raises this time seem pretty outrageous. And all of those man hours just for EV's sitting around unsold and unused.

09-13-2023, 02:10 PM
The UAW is too stupid to realize that the manufacturers will just move the rest of their production to Mexico. All of them will just lose their jobs entirely.

Meanwhile, the Americans building Japanese, Korean and German cars at plants here in the states will still be gainfully employed, and consumer confidence in the supposed US brands will continue it's rapid decline.

That will please congress and the president as the more they get shut down in America, the better for their agenda and bank accounts.

That it sure will, and upon checking, they want 40 hours pays for 32 hours of work, and an unbeleivable hourly increase to boot.

On top of people not buying or wanting EV's this looks like a disaster for the US as these insane moves seem sure to drive auto production clear out of the country.

The union has sought a wage increase of up to 40% (amounting to 46% compounded) over the length of the next four-year contracts, along with full pay for 32-hour workweeks, better retirement pensions and improved health care.


Bayco just wondering if the foriegn companies you mentioned are UAW? I don't believe they are.

So they will benefit from this strike it appears..

09-13-2023, 04:32 PM
BBQ, I would blame the crappy products they put out on the engineers. If it falls apart on the highway, then blame goes on the assembly line guys. I could be wrong, but I thought the days of the $35 assembly line worker was over. I thought I heard new hires make somewhere in mid $20 an hour wage. Still in the UAW.

09-14-2023, 07:32 AM
I agree also gumby but the culture inside a union house is hardly efficient, effective or engaging…….these guys are now striking because they aren’t happy with the deal they made for themselves the last time they struck.

Did you know they actually have a “strike fund” built into their business models? They plan on striking regularly to get their way when they aren’t smart enough to get the deal they want to start with….get a look at what pay and incentives the leaders and their minion hierarchy rake off the top and call it a salary or employment package.

09-14-2023, 07:41 AM
This lesson in extortion will play out soon enough…..most union suk and are an anchor to the business. The UAW is the goat in that race.

09-14-2023, 09:32 AM

09-14-2023, 10:32 AM
All reasons to go find a job that pays fairly without making you pay just to clock in……thanks for supporting that with your cut and paste drive by.

I’m having a hard time seeing how labor is getting facked with the average being 5 weeks vacation a year, 17 pd holidays a year, above average insurance and pension benefits and most with any kind of tenure making well above the median salary.

Nope , just greed……and not so much by the workers but more by the folks at the top of the union spire.

09-14-2023, 11:51 AM
Keep complaining about unions and I will keep reaping the benefits of a union job. I just past my 13 years of being retired. The wife and I are on our way to Chicagoland speedway to watch the world supercross race this weekend. We will be Camping in the infield this weekend. You have fun working while I'm enjoying my retirement.

09-14-2023, 04:21 PM
has any one noticed what these workers are doing now days , its not work , its standing / sitting around watching robots do the work , it want be to long before these so called union workers will be obsolete , you would think the union would not be so blind to this and and stop with all these outrageous demands , but as long as the big union bosses sitting in high rise office buildings calling the shots and drawing huge salaries of the backs of the union workers , I,m afraid nothing will change ...

09-14-2023, 04:27 PM
Keep complaining about unions and I will keep reaping the benefits of a union job. I just past my 13 years of being retired. The wife and I are on our way to Chicagoland speedway to watch the world supercross race this weekend. We will be Camping in the infield this weekend. You have fun working while I'm enjoying my retirement.

you must have been one of those big union bosses I've spoke of as much as you brag , my uncle was a union man most of his working carrier , and in the end , the union screwed his retirement up , of course he was just a quarry worker for 30 years and probably not a big shot like you , congratulations SS , you done well .......

09-14-2023, 08:48 PM
Keep complaining about unions and I will keep reaping the benefits of a union job. I just past my 13 years of being retired. The wife and I are on our way to Chicagoland speedway to watch the world supercross race this weekend. We will be Camping in the infield this weekend. You have fun working while I'm enjoying my retirement.

We’ve discussed this already. Even in pms. You enjoying your retirement because of how the unions facked the end user isn’t at question here.Fact being you worked all that, saw the much belabored flaws in the economics of that system,see with your own eyes how they now hold the nation hostage like spoiled kids at the Walmart toy aisle when they don’t get their way and still all you can do are drive by cut and pastes and talk about how you used said same facked system to your own personal advantage.

Great you get time with your kids….we went and played on the beach with ours in 50 mph winds ,sideways rain and giant waves,foamy beach a few weeks ago during our brush with hurricane whatever it was. Free fun is always the best fun…..but most unions suck for America bro, nobody should be able to operate a shakedown in plain site like most of them do…….I hope they get exactly what they want and the big 3 keep on making sheety overpriced cars forever.We will never run out of pack cars that way🤣

09-14-2023, 08:52 PM
Keep complaining about unions and I will keep reaping the benefits of a union job. I just past my 13 years of being retired. The wife and I are on our way to Chicagoland speedway to watch the world supercross race this weekend. We will be Camping in the infield this weekend. You have fun working while I'm enjoying my retirement.

Remember, you're just a legal pick-pocket!!! As you and your buddies fleeced American citizens to the tune of pure greediness. hahahahaha

Josh Bayko
09-14-2023, 09:05 PM
That will please congress and the president as the more they get shut down in America, the better for their agenda and bank accounts.

That it sure will, and upon checking, they want 40 hours pays for 32 hours of work, and an unbeleivable hourly increase to boot.

On top of people not buying or wanting EV's this looks like a disaster for the US as these insane moves seem sure to drive auto production clear out of the country.

The union has sought a wage increase of up to 40% (amounting to 46% compounded) over the length of the next four-year contracts, along with full pay for 32-hour workweeks, better retirement pensions and improved health care.


Bayco just wondering if the foriegn companies you mentioned are UAW? I don't believe they are.

So they will benefit from this strike it appears..

They are not. This why it says the UAW is going after Detroit.

09-15-2023, 06:45 AM
UAW going after DETROIT greed and corruption lol……sounds like cannibalism to me.

09-15-2023, 02:01 PM
Biden and the Dems have inflicted an actual hidden tax upon the citizens that most people don't even realize. Increased prices on everything we buy makes people spend more dollars and that automatically creates more sales taxes and increases government tax income as a result.

09-15-2023, 02:57 PM
Curious Burford, where can I find info on this tax that is imposed? I wouldn't doubt it, as we are taxed to the moon, but I'm wondering if there is info out there on this. Hopefully not from some left or right wing talking head news site.

09-15-2023, 03:15 PM

This one might explain this hidden tax a bit.

The HILL is a left leaning site, surprizingly.

09-15-2023, 07:37 PM
Corporate America, mid level management and DC...the working slob continues to pay the freight and keeps getting boogered in azz.

09-16-2023, 12:33 AM
thought I would have got one rebuttal to my post , guess not .....lololollol

09-16-2023, 10:22 AM
You can’t dispute the indisputable FF……your post contains waaaaay too much truth.

But to be fair, the unions guys been practicing “ standing around” for years…..they are really really good at it.

09-18-2023, 11:14 AM
Maybe simple stupid won't be so happy when the unions finally say that there is no
funds left on that retirement as we have ran out . Because most Americans are buying
Hyundai's / Kia's /Toyota's , Honda's . The Union's demands are ridiculous . No company
can survive with those demands . Days of the big three are long gone . And those ignorant
unions will follow .

09-18-2023, 12:50 PM
It wouldn’t be as awful if they built something that actually ran and would last….talking about the (wannabe) big 3.

Strike..strike and strike some dam more.Good luck working at the Detroit DGs………UAW=Unicorns at work.

09-18-2023, 03:35 PM
Now the slackers are demanding a 47% pay raise ! That is nearly half again on top of what they are making now. I remember when if a union asked for a 25% raise it was considered to be absurd !

Highside Hustler25
09-18-2023, 05:30 PM
Quit buying America made vehicles back in 82. Best move I ever made.

09-18-2023, 07:54 PM
I would be walking picket the rest of my life if our local asked for 47% raise...it aggravates me that these guys make what they make with little to no training...I have a service truck with close to 75k worth of tools in it and I have to know every in and out of the equipment I'm working on. I'm all the the working slob having a leg to stand on, but there needs to be some give here

09-19-2023, 06:41 AM
Strike , strike, strike…….and if that doesn’t work, hold your breath, lay down in the street and kick and scream until you get your way.


09-19-2023, 02:50 PM
Maybe simple stupid won't be so happy when the unions finally say that there is no
funds left on that retirement as we have ran out . Because most Americans are buying
Hyundai's / Kia's /Toyota's , Honda's . The Union's demands are ridiculous . No company
can survive with those demands . Days of the big three are long gone . And those ignorant
unions will follow .

The Gov. would bail them out with our tax dollars again! :)

Meanwhile keep them EV's coming, hot off the line..

And then into a parking lot to just sit!!!

09-21-2023, 07:42 AM
Strike pay……it’s what’s for dinner!!!


09-21-2023, 07:45 AM
“Growing number of rank and file union members voting Republican now”……as reported by cnn this morning.

Guess it’s not so great after all.

09-21-2023, 09:45 AM
^^^ Glad to see that they are finally able to see the light ! ^^^

09-21-2023, 10:18 AM
Unions should not be controlled by political parties, and the DEM party has done just that for too many years.

Hey ss, MUGA!! "Make Unions Great Again"

Whoops, they never have been great..

09-21-2023, 01:13 PM
Yes they were needed and great at one time…….

Just like pay phones and 8 tracks were.

Josh Bayko
09-24-2023, 05:55 PM
I’m starting up think the goal of the bought and paid for morons in charge of the UAW is to purposely shut down all of the US plants so the big three can move em to Mexico.

Also, the UAW has spent years trying to recruit the workers at the Japanese, Korean and German brand plants in US and have been told to pound salt literally every time.

09-25-2023, 07:53 PM
Can someone file a search warrant for SS? He seems to have gone missing on this……and they wonder why?

09-25-2023, 11:04 PM
Dana lays off 240 employees as a result of UAW strike - https://www.wane.com/top-stories/dana-lays-off-240-employees-as-a-result-of-uaw-strike/

09-25-2023, 11:06 PM
Why Biden’s strike magic faltered - https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/25/uaw-strike-bidens-strategy-00117656

09-25-2023, 11:09 PM
Auto workers expand their strike to 38 locations in 20 states. Biden plans visit to show support - https://apnews.com/article/uaw-ford-stellantis-general-motors-strike-labor-4132aa222c9a4456415af480d6fafa98

09-26-2023, 08:13 AM
No way Joe runs in 24, they will need to install another candidate……and they know it.

Gavin Newsome,lol…..uh boy.

09-26-2023, 08:14 AM
And trump will announce Chris Christie as his running mate………shock and awwwwwww.

09-26-2023, 02:30 PM
Auto workers expand their strike to 38 locations in 20 states. Biden plans visit to show support - https://apnews.com/article/uaw-ford-stellantis-general-motors-strike-labor-4132aa222c9a4456415af480d6fafa98

Maybe he will continue to make an utter fool of himself. I see him giving a story of when he was a union leader and setting an auto company straight.

09-28-2023, 02:20 PM
Oh WHOOPDEE DO DE DOO ! ! Its good to see that the Union scum in Hollwood has reached an agreement !

09-28-2023, 04:38 PM
Now they get to do even less work…..cool.

09-29-2023, 05:01 PM
United Auto Workers strikes spread as 7,000 more workers at two plants join the picket line - https://apnews.com/article/autoworkers-detroit-general-motors-stellantis-ford-e2c78274333bea20856b90126a6b831c

09-29-2023, 05:02 PM
UAW strike update: More walkouts for GM and Ford - https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=UAW+strike+update%3A+More+walkouts+for+GM+and+Fo rd%2C+&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZRdWuP5PHXRTkd853qT7sB-9V0hb5rQi&gbv=2&oq=UAW+strike+update%3A+More+walkouts+for+GM+and+F ord%2C+&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3..0i546l4.4533.9102.0.9788. .1j1.2.0....0...1ac.1j2.34.heirloom-hp..1.1.155.mQkCbjzRTQU

09-29-2023, 05:04 PM
The ilk of ss12 and his Union cronies want our Country to fail.

09-29-2023, 08:27 PM
UAW strike update: More walkouts for GM and Ford - https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=UAW+strike+update%3A+More+walkouts+for+GM+and+Fo rd%2C+&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZRdWuP5PHXRTkd853qT7sB-9V0hb5rQi&gbv=2&oq=UAW+strike+update%3A+More+walkouts+for+GM+and+F ord%2C+&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3..0i546l4.4533.9102.0.9788. .1j1.2.0....0...1ac.1j2.34.heirloom-hp..1.1.155.mQkCbjzRTQU
The good news here is less pieces of crapola are being produced…..so we got that going for us….which is nice.

09-29-2023, 08:28 PM
Glass half full ya know?

09-29-2023, 08:50 PM
The ilk of ss12 and his Union cronies want our Country to fail.

You hear that ss, you are supporting the countries failure.

09-29-2023, 08:56 PM
I think the term is “ I got mines”……and yes it’s colorless.

09-30-2023, 10:07 AM
In my area there is a large foundry that employs a bunch of people around the area. They have had to scale down and go to 32 hrs because of this UAW thing. Didn't we the taxpayers just bail out these people a few years back?

I was talking with a friend who owns a GM truck and he said, maybe next time it will be a Toyota, especially if they can put a good diesel in one.

I've owned a couple Hondas in the past. I might just go back next time I need a vehicle.

09-30-2023, 10:14 AM
Didn't we the taxpayers just bail out these people a few years back?

That’s the fly in the ointment.

10-04-2023, 11:27 AM
The auto workers could go be health care workers….i here they are short of quality help now…..smfh?

10-05-2023, 05:34 AM
^^^ Perhaps they should join on up with a teachers union if they want more time off ? ? ^^^

10-05-2023, 06:56 AM
If it’s time off they want they could always just run for a position as a union boss of some sort? That comes with a variety of unearned and backhanded perks.

10-09-2023, 11:47 AM
Almost 4 weeks worth of fords…gms and Chryslers not being built……the only folks this hurts are the local tow truck drivers and all the future tows missed by not having these cars in the mix.

10-10-2023, 07:55 AM

10-10-2023, 08:27 PM
crooks and liars, self explanitory!!!!!

10-10-2023, 08:54 PM

If unions were ever honest they would be out of business…..so there’s that.

10-12-2023, 06:33 AM
More lazy overpaid underworked workers walking out, less crappy UAW products hitting the streets in America………that’s a push.

10-13-2023, 11:01 PM
Did anyone go back to work yet? Or is real work even allowed in these shops anymore?

Free water, donuts and strike pay…lol Enjoy that nice hole you all are digging for yourselves….and thanks for not making the hideous maverick trucks.

10-16-2023, 05:28 PM
I liked that little maverick truck BBQ , or at least the theory behind it , it came out during covid and was billed as the most economically priced vehicle in existence at the time , you could order one online and have it delivered to your local ford dealership for under 20 grand and that was with the ecobost engine and well equipped , with the new demands of the unions , there is no way they can produce it for that price , probably twice that price with the pay increase the unions are demanding .....

10-16-2023, 05:39 PM
Can’t wrap my head around the maverick truck iteration…….my buddy in high school had the grabber version and I drove a much more modest 3 on the tree maverick for a little while.
Nope, no maverick truck for me….hate everything about it.

10-30-2023, 06:41 AM
Did anyone go back to work yet or are they still not making sheety cars? I’m hoping the latter.

Strike pay, lol.

10-30-2023, 08:39 PM
The gm guys are going back to work…….yaaaay.

They can build more nascar Camaro pace cars that break down on national television……so a Ford pickup can come to the rescue until they can get a Camaro to run.

Back to work y’all, and please don’t strike one extra lick of work for any reason. And putting screwdrivers in your lunch box don’t count as extra work.

10-30-2023, 08:43 PM
This just in, the Ford pickup that saved the day yesterday has just had a recall issued…….maybe, as far as you know. But probably will.

Thanks union quality.

10-30-2023, 10:10 PM
What a complete embarrassment it should be for your product to break down and have to be towed away live on national TV ! Then wonder why so many people flock to Toyotas etc ? Out here in the country it looks like more and more people are buying Subarus, Kias, and Hyundais for cars a lot more than Chevys. It is also surprising the amount of Ram pick-ups that people are driving in leiu of the traditional brands.

10-30-2023, 10:47 PM
Toyotas work almost every time…….they aren’t like the UAW yet.

10-31-2023, 05:29 AM
^ ^ True that ! They are like the energizer bunny, They keep going and keep going ! Thats why we have a couple {and not because Bobby Pierce has Toyota on his car,} we bought them long before that.

11-01-2023, 07:53 PM

Toyota Gives 9% Pay Bump to Most U.S. Auto-Factory Workers, Following UAW Gains in Detroit

That didn’t take long.

Toyota Motor is giving most of its U.S. auto-factory workers a 9% pay bump and shortening the time it takes to reach the maximum pay, a sign that gains the United Auto Workers made in Detroit are rippling through the auto industry.

Toyota, whose U.S. factories aren’t unionized, will increase pay for most assembly plant workers from $31.86 an hour to $34.80 an hour, starting Jan 1., a spokesman for the company said Wednesday.

11-02-2023, 06:31 AM
They deserve it….they actually do the work and make quality products.

But msn, SS? Come on man, you can do better than that clown show for cut and pasties.

12-22-2023, 02:10 PM
Open that at your own risk.