View Full Version : Would it be wise to raise start and DNQ Money?

12-04-2023, 07:27 AM
With expenses going up and all would it be wise for a Series Like Lucas to say listen we are going to pay $25,000 to win but pay $3,000 to start and any DNQ will get $400. Instead of paying $50,000 to win and $2,000 to start and $100 DNQ money. Or would that just lead to more start and parks? Please be serious.

12-04-2023, 09:05 AM
Some of the team owners are for that.

12-04-2023, 09:52 AM
If you keep raising the purses the ones who pay for it are the fans. Eventually dirt racing will price itself out.

12-05-2023, 02:28 AM
Amen smooth32! Some tickets are at a maximum limit now.

12-05-2023, 04:53 AM
Well to keep the sport viable ticket prices are going to have to go up just like everything else. I think your going to see 1 day shows at 50 soon. Some may be there already I don't travel like I used to and with my 85" TV and a good bourbon I have the best seat in the house. I think in the near future your going to see streaming prices double.

12-05-2023, 06:39 AM
everybody wants to make money...nothing wrong with that...there has to be a fine line where it makes sense for everyone...fans...sanctioning series...promotors...drivers...there has to be some type of benefit for everyone...thats what makes a track successful...I went to a cubs game with my with and when it was all said and done I spent $650 for the day. I go to a race with my wife and spend $300 or $350 that includes shirts...not so bad in comparison however if it gets much higher i agree with dirtcrazy4u Ill just stay in the comfort on my home and enjoy the show...

12-05-2023, 09:29 PM
my wife & i were surprised at how much we didnt miss live shows...yes were getting older thats most of it. but now we can watch 3-4 races at once if we want between 2 tvs, laptops, phones from the cozy confines of our own house in COMFORT. When my filming of the races was decreased i realized how boring being at the track could be these days. We dont miss it at all now and it upsets my racing friends, but they are all younger and more into weekly $350 win mod shows and what not. That no longer interests me. I wanna see the best racers in the fastest classes. Its also much cheaper to watch from home.

Karl Childers
12-06-2023, 05:01 AM
latemodelman's post is not about raising the purse. I think he has a very good point as far as spreading the total purse around the entire field. In return you would have more race cars coming to big events.
The backbone of all dirt model racing is the really good small track drivers that drives 200 miles to try and make the show. Without them .. all you got is a few Mr. Big Shots.