View Full Version : Stormy Scott & Jason Durham Launch New Chassis Brand “Category 5 Race Cars”

01-14-2024, 02:31 PM
Stormy Scott & Jason Durham Launch New Chassis Brand “Category 5 Race Cars”

https://www.floracing.com/articles/11893152-stormy-scott-jason-durham-launch-new-chassis-brand-at-wild-west-shootout?fbclid=IwAR0rZxBUYVp8PDpnDHJnvJkZ7JjXQ_km H9_MkeQXO4u8iDdGNJ_k6MMoetM

01-14-2024, 02:39 PM
Good luck to them

01-14-2024, 03:22 PM
Looked pretty fast last night.

01-14-2024, 04:34 PM
Calling EPJ…..Calling EPJ!!!

Would be great to hear someone say “ and now pulling onto the track is the Hurricane in a cat 5 by stormy! Just sayin.

01-14-2024, 04:40 PM

I pay to hear that one especially at Volusia where the Atlantic Ocean isn’t to far away.

01-14-2024, 05:11 PM
Great thinking BBQ !

01-14-2024, 06:11 PM
Sounds like it's a 2013 Bloomquist with Longhorn RF & latest birdcages? If it was "designed" in 2013, can't be anything all that special.

01-14-2024, 07:20 PM
Hearing EPJ will be rolling out on the track at Brunswick with a new deal (chassis ).

01-14-2024, 08:14 PM
Hearing EPJ will be rolling out on the track at Brunswick with a new deal (chassis ). I am impressed with the attitude of the car in the turns runs straight like a Bloomquist if stormy could make it go what could top level talent do with it he was running down Larson tonight in the heat race Larson was tail wagging and it was on a rail

01-14-2024, 08:51 PM
Sounds like it's a 2013 Bloomquist with Longhorn RF & latest birdcages? If it was "designed" in 2013, can't be anything all that special.

The geometry isnt that different from 1998. Moving a couple of pieces a half inch is ground breaking. It definitely looks like an old car as far as the cage height.

01-14-2024, 11:21 PM
The geometry isnt that different from 1998.

With that said ---- other than profit, why do “guys” build chassis (of new design) if they are all basically the same geometry wise since 1998????

Moving a couple of pieces a half inch is ground breaking.

You lost me.

01-15-2024, 03:02 AM
Hearing EPJ will be rolling out on the track at Brunswick with a new deal (chassis ).New Deal you say ? Is that something that Hudson O'Neal had built ?

01-15-2024, 03:26 AM

You can't get exactly what you want, unless you do it yourself. It's also a vanity project. "Can't we all do it better than everyone else?"

The comment about the half inch is that visibly small changes to geometry can make a big difference in function. Despite the increase in efforts to make the cars like spec cars, there is room to still make visibly large changes to the basic suspension layout, but it isn't done. I'm certain there's plenty of need to do so, to actually build a car that considers the absurd difference in ride and race posture, but no large manufacturer has done it yet. No one who copies an existing car ever will.

01-15-2024, 03:56 AM
The only thing stormy is good at is throwing away his family’s money

01-15-2024, 03:59 AM

Asked and answered. Thank you very much.

Henry Every
01-15-2024, 11:55 AM
Sounds like it's a 2013 Bloomquist with Longhorn RF & latest birdcages? If it was "designed" in 2013, can't be anything all that special. Think of it as a "2013 Frame" but everything has been relocated or updated to the latest way of thinking. Like Masters said, moving things a 1/2 inch can be ground breaking and if you move everything its a completely different car. A chassis is an interconnected system and just bolting on the same parts Longhorn uses anywhere wouldn't make it a Longhorn or even Longhorn like. If you take the RF leg off a Cheetah and put it on the RF of a Rhino, it ain't gonna make him fast...

01-15-2024, 12:20 PM
It’s basically a street rod version of a 2013 Bloomquist chassis.

01-15-2024, 05:19 PM
an old chassis builder that is gone now , told me once that these things haven't changed that much in years , but you have to have something to sell to survive .....

01-15-2024, 05:23 PM
So to recap, Bruce Nunnally of Brucebuilt is building BMF chassis for Cory Hedgec*ck, Sniper Chassis for Ricky Weiss and now Catorgory Five chassis for Stormy Scott. What is stopping each of them from stealing ideas from the others and are the designs that much different?

Bruce is a heck of a fabricator though, and I believe builds his own modified chassis as well.

01-15-2024, 05:45 PM
Did the Scott Bros at one time have Bloomquist chassis ? If so they where not doing very well in them. I just don't remember because they switched more than any other team out there.

01-15-2024, 06:00 PM
Yes they did- but it was short lived. The Bloomquist cars are constructed for Scott’s driving style..-pretty much straight and not bent sideways in the turns. They don’t fit most everyone’s driving style. He always said if you are sideways in the turns : you’re not moving forward. McDowell/Bloomer have pretty much the same driving style. Jimmy Owens had his best years in that Chasis as well. It’s kinda ironic the 2013 car that Stormy purchased off Eckert is a Bloomquist car.
Weiss was in the Bloomquist stuff before falling out and starting the Snipers. Don’t know if Hedge(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) was ever in one or not- but since These 3 Chasis are now coming out of Bruce’s shop and he worked for Scott for years- I would think they are pretty similar in design.
Don’t forget Bruce worked at Warrior Chasis building the Black Magics that Scott drove before he left Warrior and went to work for Scott.
It would be very interesting to put a Bloomquist, BMF, Sniper, and the Catagory 5 cars of Stormy’s together and compare them.

01-15-2024, 06:34 PM
How was Bruce able to black market one of Scott's cars and remain friends with him?

01-15-2024, 06:39 PM
^^^ not sure what you are asking??

01-15-2024, 08:50 PM
Bruce also built and sold rockets at one point not very long ago.

Josh Bayko
01-15-2024, 09:02 PM
Bruce also built and sold rockets at one point not very long ago.

He still listed as a Rocket dealer (with a jig) on Rocket’s website.

01-15-2024, 10:06 PM
The black magics…..man that never gets old just to say it and think about what all was going in in dirt racing then.

01-16-2024, 05:41 AM
As many have said cars today are pretty much the same. What I wonder is what is the cost of each one that comes out of a Brucebuilt jig ? Secondly, has Brucebuilt ever manufacturered a chassis of his own design ? You would think all the measurements he has, move a bar or 2 here or there and he can call it destroyer chassis co.

01-16-2024, 06:30 AM
Did the Scott Bros at one time have Bloomquist chassis ? If so they where not doing very well in them. I just don't remember because they switched more than any other team out there.

more than tony jackson jr??

01-16-2024, 08:39 AM
As many have said cars today are pretty much the same. What I wonder is what is the cost of each one that comes out of a Brucebuilt jig ? Secondly, has Brucebuilt ever manufacturered a chassis of his own design ? You would think all the measurements he has, move a bar or 2 here or there and he can call it destroyer chassis co.

He has had a mod chassis, I haven't seen one in awhile though. I don't think he has made his own late model frame yet. Im sure he stays busy enough just assembling cars.

01-16-2024, 09:00 AM
Who designed/engineered the Team-Zero chassis? I sincerely doubt Bloomer did it. Heard it mentioned on HTF at the dome that the Capital didn't turn as far to the right as the Longhorn. Partly why Joseph spun out first lap. What has Longhorn done that gets so much steering angle? Rack shifted right? Steering arm trickery? Magic juju beads?

You'd have to think a chassis builder that's welded together just about every different brand over last 30 years has learnt a thing or 40.

01-16-2024, 09:16 AM
Most definitely Scott designed and built his Chasis. Of course he had a baseline from his previous brands: Warrior, Rayburn, Mastersbuilt, Barry Wright. Bruce Nunley fabricated Scott’s cars as Scott wanted. The Bloomer cars are much more rigid and don’t flex as much as other brands. He is currently in the process of building 2 brand new cars with input/collaboration of Shane McDowell. Could be some changes to his older design??
Although every Chasis is somewhat a copy of another through the years- changes are made with learning curves and changes in technology and guys like Kevin Rumley with engineer inputs.
The Bloomer cars are so rigid- they are hard to wear out unless bent up in a wreck.
Scott would lay on a creeper under a car for hours studying every part and trying to figure out how to make it better. How many of today’s drivers do that? I just don’t understand how anyone could say “they doubt he designed his own cars.”

01-16-2024, 10:03 AM
^^^ not sure what you are asking??

What I'm getting at is it's not like a person/ company to think very highly of someone who took their idea for their own benefit. Scott has basically black-balled Weiss for 'copying' his car, so if Bruce did it why would Scott associate with him?

01-16-2024, 10:06 AM
Did the Scott Bros at one time have Bloomquist chassis ? If so they where not doing very well in them. I just don't remember because they switched more than any other team out there.

If I remember correctly they paid for cars from Scott and never got them. Rumor was Scott ended up giving them so much of his souvenir money until they got their money back.

01-16-2024, 10:11 AM
Define baseline. My guess is took somebody else chassis and added a few diagonals. As suggested by others, bet you could put 90% of the chassis built last 30 years on same jig with very little jiggling. Not talking about suspension mounting points. Main difference is underslung or not.

Whole lot of, it's new, so must be better. Rocket had the better mousetrap few years ago. It's Longhorn now. They too will lose that edge.

01-16-2024, 10:28 AM
They did get the cars - but there was some disagreement over the mentorship $$ agreement. I think there was a threat of a lawsuit. Souvenir $$- Scott Dosen’t own that aspect of his team anymore-it belongs to Arizona Sport Shirts.
As for coping: every Chasis is a copy of someone else’s. Bruce is a craftsman/fabricator. He builds what customers want. He doesn’t spend a lot of time at tracks with teams and getting hands on like Chasis manufacturers do. Look at it this way: he’s not the architect- just the builder. Bring him your plans/design/wants- he will craft it for you.
Remember when Blankenship took his Bloomer car to Rocket to be jigged? It happens all the time- Scott/ Mark Richard’s get along fine now.
At this point: Bloomer needs all the friends/help he can receive.
I don’t think any Chasis manufacturer has a patent on their Chasis. The new version Rockets came after Kevin Rumley spent the off-season in Shinnston with Mark. I would guess Rumley is the biggest mover/shaker in the development of late models as we know them today. Extremely smart- hands on experience and always thinking outside the box for a new edge/advantage.

Just from my own personal opinion- I credit him with the current success of Longhorn.
These views are just my own from an active fans perspective- and they don’t mean a dang thing for credibility.

01-16-2024, 10:44 AM
when rocket really took of was when larry shaw started building them for dale mcdowell in the early 2000,s . I took a larry shaw original chassis and with help from kevin shaw and shane mcdowell , converted it to as much rocket geometry as possible and started winning races , I gained more knowledge from that ordeal than any other time in my racing endeavors ....other than adjusting chassis for soft rt frt setups , not much has changed chassis wise ....

01-16-2024, 12:48 PM
I have been told that the deal with Arizona was only for a certain amount of time and that it has expired.

01-16-2024, 05:38 PM
I know of 1 guy that it would be interesting to put his ideas in a builders hands to see what you would come up with.
Cody Mallory. Yea I know he's a lose cannon, I know more guys will know than me but he has helped O'neal, Bloomquist, Owens, and so on win championships. No matter what chassis he touches he seems to get guys championships. Or Is he that much cutting tires.

01-16-2024, 05:44 PM
Cody is definitely a “very” loose cannon. But he is very race smart and works extremely hard. He’s doing okay with his consulting business as of now.
Not sure if he has won any championships with Bloomer tho??

01-16-2024, 07:20 PM
My error fox, I thought they won it the last year together

01-16-2024, 07:54 PM
I am not sure when the last championship Scott won - but I’m thinking Tommy Hicks was probably the crew chief. ( although actually Scott was the cc- they were the title holder so to speak)

01-16-2024, 09:07 PM
Wouldnt surprise me if Epj showed up next week in a Brucebilt creation!

He has his hands in a lot of them!