View Full Version : Terbo helmet

02-10-2024, 06:51 PM
Does the sticker on his helmet say what I think it says? Noticed it last night and assumed I was seeing something.

Wendell 6M
02-10-2024, 08:28 PM
Yeah. You are correct. Moron. Once a clown. Always a clown. Real. Class

02-10-2024, 09:16 PM
Disappointed that the Lucas Oil series and Flo didn’t do anything about it (on again tonight). Hard to recommend young racers look at this as a professional series with crap like that. Take one step forward and then two steps back….

02-10-2024, 10:24 PM
What are you ladies talking about? Your panties seem to be in a wad!

02-11-2024, 09:02 AM
The sticker on the side of his helmet. I could care less about his preferences or how he 'comes out', truly his own business; but the vulgar way to say it is my issue. I am a dirt racer that deals with new racing families everyday, and although I mostly deal with kids wanting to head to NASCAR, sports cars, etc. I always recommend they take a look at the dirt world (and specifically guide them to watch the 'professionals'....). I just would have thought Flo would think more of their audience than to clown around with him like that. I am no morality leader but where is the line at these days?

02-11-2024, 09:31 AM
EvilB7, looking through the written vagueness of the topic here, I’m still lost as to what the sticker is/says?

Highside Hustler25
02-11-2024, 09:51 AM
Went back and watched the replay and I have to say, you had to be looking for it to see it. That's also why he didn't take his helmet off and place it on the deck. I paused the replay to see what it said. Even then it was hard to read. I could make out the first sentence but not the last. I'd say that those offended dislike Turbo.
I wonder how those same people think about the f bombs thrown out there during interviews. Nobody seems bothered by Overton's multiple f bombs every time that the mic is put in front of him. Then again, all depends on whether you like the guy or not. In this case it's pretty obvious.

02-11-2024, 10:19 AM
Still to vague, still lost as to what the sticker says?

02-11-2024, 10:43 AM
I don't know Terbo and actually thought he raced well; I wasn't 'lookin for it' but was very surprised at what I saw. I was 'looking for it' on night two; I just would have thought Flo would have addressed it (not hard, just tell him to roll on past and skip giving the attention he is looking for). I realize I am getting old in the world we live in, but I would have addressed him about it; and I do not believe the multiple f bombs are necessary either...

02-11-2024, 10:58 AM
You didn't have to be looking that hard to see it. And he wasn't trying to hide it. If it's something to hide, then stick it on the inside of the (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)pit.
And Overton sounds silly when he drops curse words for no reason. Accusing people of making $*i! up regarding his chassis situation, then talking about their chassis experiment the next day.
A lot of these guys are looking for attention. Just look at all the nonsense at the dome. When athletes in professional sports do little dances after a catch or something people act like they are showboating pieces of garbage. Racers make the show at the dome, do choreographed dances during intros, and a lot of the same people eat it up.

Highside Hustler25
02-11-2024, 11:12 AM
Still to vague, still lost as to what the sticker says?

It said suck a ****,don't be one.

Couldn't read it Sat. night. Went back and checked Fri night and it was easier to see. All for about a second. I will say, I didn't catch it live. But then again, I don't study their helmets details that closely.

02-11-2024, 11:37 AM
I liked his driver suit that he wore one night lol

02-11-2024, 11:42 AM
People are too sensitive....girls getting pregnant at 12....words are words and kids have seen and done worse...pretty sure the only ones it offends are the Karen's looking for something to make a stand about

02-11-2024, 11:49 AM
It's on a helmet, which a lot of people may not even see. We've seen just as equally bad things printed on shirts to sell for everyone to see. I didn't even see what it said when watching it live.

02-11-2024, 11:53 AM
Thats what makes DIRT racing great. Its not politically correct and certain parts of its culture will offend others.

If you like white-washed, politically correct stuff there is always NASCAR.

02-11-2024, 12:01 PM
I’m not sure anyone was offended by it. I certainly wasn’t.
I’m not offended by a lot of things that I think are in poor taste or are just bad ideas.
I will say that maybe we should just skip the pre-race prayer if we are going in a direction where stuff like the sticker on his helmet is acceptable. Let’s just end the charade.

Henry Every
02-11-2024, 12:33 PM
I'm not offended, but I do think putting things like that out their for public consumption is revealing about a persons character, like a tshirt from a few seasons back by another driver. You either have class and self respect or you don't. I don't think it effects young adults decisions on behavior or choices but its not polite or professional behavior. I'm not the least bit surprised with some other things he's said or aspired to in seasons past. Pigs grunt, that's what they do. No one should be surprised. Our entertainment culture has dropped so low in its standards and what it portrays as normal behavior that more young people feel less inhibited about what they say and do in both public and private. Terb and many others are simply products of that social decline.

02-11-2024, 12:41 PM
Thanks, Highside Hustler25

And for the record from my end, I never saw it at all during the broadcast.

02-11-2024, 02:03 PM
People are too sensitive....girls getting pregnant at 12....words are words and kids have seen and done worse...pretty sure the only ones it offends are the Karen's looking for something to make a stand about

Sensitive? Really? Did you just justify profane vulgar language by using 12 year old girls getting pregnant as an actual defense? It's actually Karens that support that very kind of behavior to boot.

It's their choice for their own actions. There are people that will lose respect over this though. And rightly so.

02-11-2024, 02:42 PM
For a minute I thought Turbo said something bad about little Bobby Pierce that upset his troll's.

02-11-2024, 03:30 PM
For a minute I thought Turbo said something bad about little Bobby Pierce that upset his troll's.Most people that are familiar with the yappy Terdbo mouth know enough to take him with a grain of salt !

02-11-2024, 06:28 PM
I don't understand why people complain if drivers give interviews that almost seem scripted/fake, but then complain if they don't use the words they agree with. Face it folks, what you really want hear is your own feelings and opinions coming out of everyone else's mouth. And please quit using kids as an excuse to be upset! You are the adults, bad behavior on someone else's part opens up a teaching opportunity for you and those kids you're so worried about.

02-12-2024, 06:34 AM
Sensitive? Really? Did you just justify profane vulgar language by using 12 year old girls getting pregnant as an actual defense? It's actually Karens that support that very kind of behavior to boot.

It's their choice for their own actions. There are people that will lose respect over this though. And rightly so.

only a fool like yourself would come up with something like that...I wasnt justifing anything...more like the little kids you karens protect arent so little...by the time they get to first grade they have probably heard every dirty word in the book...good family upbringing teaches them whats right and whats wrong...like i said...only the karens get offended

02-12-2024, 07:23 AM
I'm so, glad there is no cussing in dirt racing because you should hear them in Nascar. I thought it was funny someone saying if you want prim and proper go to Nascar. He has no clue because Nascar drivers cuss all day long on the radio. It is the Responsibility of parents to tell them right from wrong but, parents also need to realize you cuss it's likely your child will as well so, don't be shocked when they do.

02-12-2024, 07:58 AM
I'm so, glad there is no cussing in dirt racing because you should hear them in Nascar. I thought it was funny someone saying if you want prim and proper go to Nascar. He has no clue because Nascar drivers cuss all day long on the radio. It is the Responsibility of parents to tell them right from wrong but, parents also need to realize you cuss it's likely your child will as well so, don't be shocked when they do.Good Response ! !

Snake X3
02-12-2024, 12:49 PM
Most people that are familiar with the yappy Terdbo mouth know enough to take him with a grain of salt !

Exactly. I never saw it because any time that POS is going to give an interview, I close out the window.

He thinks he's funny and edgy. He's just a sh1t driver with an attitude that belongs in the NFL or NBA. He's trying to be Kyle Busch, but doesn't realize that Kyle had talent, which is why he could get away with it. I really wish that cancer had gotten him when he was a kid.

02-12-2024, 01:41 PM
I wish I had the energy to be triggered or offended by everything.

Highside Hustler25
02-12-2024, 01:56 PM
Wishing cancer for someone is pretty harsh. I hope karma doesn't come around to bite you in the azz.

02-12-2024, 02:13 PM
I don't care how much one doesn't like another person but, to wish for them to get cancer NO WAY

Dirt Clod
02-12-2024, 05:45 PM
I'm with you guys. The Snake X3 comment was too much. I'll be happy to take Snake to the Children's Hospital where I live and see if he wishes cancer on anyone again. And I'll give him details of how bone cancer took my dad. Sometimes think before you post a nasty comment.

Snake X3
02-13-2024, 05:48 AM
I'm with you guys. The Snake X3 comment was too much. I'll be happy to take Snake to the Children's Hospital where I live and see if he wishes cancer on anyone again. And I'll give him details of how bone cancer took my dad. Sometimes think before you post a nasty comment.

Yeah. My father died from the same thing and I still stand by my comment. He's a piece of sh1t and I don't know why you'd think that showing me how horrible it is would make me take it back. That's exactly why I said it.

Snake X3
02-13-2024, 05:51 AM
Wishing cancer for someone is pretty harsh. I hope karma doesn't come around to bite you in the azz.

Too late. Already bit me on the azz two years ago. Sorry, but not sorry. Everyone dies. I don't expect or want pity from anyone.

Snake X3
02-13-2024, 06:55 AM
I don't care how much one doesn't like another person but, to wish for them to get cancer NO WAY

I don't know why people are so upset. I'm just being "colorful". You know, this board would be soooooo dull if it weren't for colorful personalities like me. Just like racing would be so dull without colorful personalities like Terdmo.

02-13-2024, 07:17 AM
Sorry for your loss snake, my pops checked out in 21 and it sux.

Also sorry the hate for turbo chews at you like this….he reminds me of tattoo from fantasy island( always in the picture but most times just in the way and doesn’t affect the outcome of the show)

Snake X3
02-13-2024, 07:36 AM
Thanks, BBQ. And sorry for your loss as well.

Problem is, he very often does effect the outcome of the show. Remember his famous remark after wrecking JD that it was okay because he has enough money? The list goes on and on, yet people excuse him and all too often glorify his pi55 poor behavior because supposedly the sport would be too dull without his outrageous antics. Suave and Rigsby are the worst offenders.

if Erb wished cancer on someone, people would just laugh it off because he's Late Model racing's lovable scamp. He's a POS. He's pumpkin headed acne faced lower tier driver with no class. His lack of skill and deplorable antics are a stain on the sport, not what makes it interesting and if drivers were allowed to police their own, I'm sure he would have had his azz put in line long ago.

MadDad Racing
02-13-2024, 07:41 AM
Too late. Already bit me on the azz two years ago. Sorry, but not sorry. Everyone dies. I don't expect or want pity from anyone.

Well its not to late really, your Pops passed 2 yrs ago.. You just posted your Puke this mornin'... So just maybe round 2 of karma can bite your azzz.. Could be today, maybe tomorrow.. Glad you dont expect pity cuz you dont deserve it, and deff not get it from me.. Heres to a bad day for you, cheers......... Tuff guy

02-13-2024, 08:35 AM
Thanks, BBQ. And sorry for your loss as well.

Problem is, he very often does effect the outcome of the show. Remember his famous remark after wrecking JD that it was okay because he has enough money? The list goes on and on, yet people excuse him and all too often glorify his pi55 poor behavior because supposedly the sport would be too dull without his outrageous antics. Suave and Rigsby are the worst offenders.

if Erb wished cancer on someone, people would just laugh it off because he's Late Model racing's lovable scamp. He's a POS. He's pumpkin headed acne faced lower tier driver with no class. His lack of skill and deplorable antics are a stain on the sport, not what makes it interesting and if drivers were allowed to police their own, I'm sure he would have had his azz put in line long ago.

This is what miserable looks like.

02-13-2024, 10:00 AM
I don't know why people are so upset. I'm just being "colorful". You know, this board would be soooooo dull if it weren't for colorful personalities like me. Just like racing would be so dull without colorful personalities like Terdmo.

I'm definitely sorry for your loss or anyone else for that matter but, I'm sorry I still can't condone wishing someone to get cancer.

02-13-2024, 10:24 AM
only a fool like yourself would come up with something like that...I wasnt justifing anything...more like the little kids you karens protect arent so little...by the time they get to first grade they have probably heard every dirty word in the book...good family upbringing teaches them whats right and whats wrong...like i said...only the karens get offended

I see, you are just fine with the decline of morality in America. You don't know what a real Karen is, apparently.

Complaining about people complaining or just having opinions again?

Maybe it's you that needs a Karen T-Shirt. hahahaha

02-13-2024, 10:31 AM
People are too sensitive....girls getting pregnant at 12....words are words and kids have seen and done worse...pretty sure the only ones it offends are the Karen's looking for something to make a stand about

I still think this is one of the stupidest posts ever on 4m. hahahahahaa

PF, Im dissappointed in you . :)

Highside Hustler25
02-13-2024, 11:18 AM
I still think this is one of the stupidest posts ever on 4m. hahahahahaa

PF, Im dissappointed in you . :)

How's come Karen? Cuz you fit the narrative? Or cuz you got your sister pregnant at 12.

02-13-2024, 11:32 AM
All this talk of karma….I had no idea Buddhism and Hinduism was so prevalent in the dirt track world.

It’s a bad joke, obviously …..but trying to bring a little levity to the conversation here.

Somebody described hate to me this way…….Hate is the poison you drink, it only affects you in the end.Drink enough and you will die from it.
It’s a good way to think about it.

02-13-2024, 11:45 AM
Thanks, BBQ. And sorry for your loss as well. Problem is, he very often does effect the outcome of the show. Remember his famous remark after wrecking JD that it was okay because he has enough money? The list goes on and on, yet people excuse him and all too often glorify his pi55 poor behavior because supposedly the sport would be too dull without his outrageous antics. Suave and Rigsby are the worst offenders. if Erb wished cancer on someone, people would just laugh it off because he's Late Model racing's lovable scamp. He's a POS. He's pumpkin headed acne faced lower tier driver with no class. His lack of skill and deplorable antics are a stain on the sport, not what makes it interesting and if drivers were allowed to police their own, I'm sure he would have had his azz put in line long ago.I'm sure that he wouldn't have lasted very long back in the day where people would be quick to hand out a " Jimmy Spencer Tune Up " to someone that has been described by many as " Punk azzed Beetch " ? ?

02-13-2024, 07:28 PM
It said suck a ****,don't be one.

Couldn't read it Sat. night. Went back and checked Fri night and it was easier to see. All for about a second. I will say, I didn't catch it live. But then again, I don't study their helmets details that closely.

Seems minor compared to the famous Jack Hewitt quote! Lol

Highside Hustler25
02-13-2024, 07:54 PM
Nobody could throw f bombs like classless Jack Hewitt.

02-13-2024, 07:57 PM
How's come Karen? Cuz you fit the narrative? Or cuz you got your sister pregnant at 12.

Backside Hugger25, that's really just a lame post. By the way, how did you get that name? Nevermind, we don't want to know! :)

Highside Hustler25
02-13-2024, 08:03 PM
Backside Hugger, that's really just a lame post. By the way, how did you get that name? Nevermind, we don't want to know! :)

What's wrong bed wetter, depends leak again?

02-13-2024, 09:50 PM
I still think this is one of the stupidest posts ever on 4m. hahahahahaa

PF, Im dissappointed in you . :)

This is the epitome of irony coming from the guy with the most Karen-esque signature on 4m.

02-13-2024, 10:27 PM
How's come Karen? Cuz you fit the narrative? Or cuz you got your sister pregnant at 12.

lol............................................... .................

02-13-2024, 10:29 PM
Just ask Jack about the flagman at Macon and that will get the f bombs going full tilt.

02-14-2024, 10:20 AM
Just ask Jack about the flagman at Macon and that will get the f bombs going full tilt.I've seen some recent videos of " Do it to it " Jack Hewett and fortunately he was able to shed that ill language behind him. He used the words in an anger situation and not for every day talk to try and impress somebody as someone might as a sign of immaturity.

02-14-2024, 10:59 AM
I've seen some recent videos of " Do it to it " Jack Hewett and fortunately he was able to shed that ill language behind him. He used the words in an anger situation and not for every day talk to try and impress somebody as someone might as a sign of immaturity.

Jack was a man's man, He took no sh&t. He realized that too much profanity could hurt his popularity. I didn't get to see him race much, but in the sprint world he is one of the best ever.

Anger can make anyone cuss for sure raceready.

People who cuss too much are often looked at as not too smart. Now call me a Karen again, you two little twits. hahahhaa

Highside Hustler25
02-14-2024, 11:13 AM

02-14-2024, 12:00 PM
Jack Hewitt was a real badazz. He was a racers racer. Comparing him to Terbo is absolutely ridiculous.

02-14-2024, 12:47 PM
Like comparing a pig picking to a salad bar…..sure both are food. But after that nothing similar about it.

02-14-2024, 02:26 PM
^ ^ Comparing Jack Hewitt to Terdo is like comparing a pit bull to a little ankle biting Chihuahua dog. If Terdbo ever rammed one of Jacks cars he would end up taking a trip in the ambulance ! !

02-14-2024, 03:43 PM
"Hate is the poison you drink, it only affects you in the end.Drink enough and you will die from it."

An similar old quote I've always remembered was "Spite is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die."

02-14-2024, 04:02 PM

You are a sad excuse of a fan for a good fellow like Jason Feger. @ realkaren.idiot. hahahahah

Your backside buddy peircefan likewise. BTW I have no sisters.

02-14-2024, 04:12 PM
"Hate is the poison you drink, it only affects you in the end.Drink enough and you will die from it."

An similar old quote I've always remembered was "Spite is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die."

Both are very user friendly and oh so true…..

Highside Hustler25
02-14-2024, 04:41 PM
You are a sad excuse of a fan for a good fellow like Jason Feger. @ realkaren.idiot. hahahahah

Your backside buddy peircefan likewise. BTW I have no sisters.

You like to dish it out but get yer panties all in a wad when you get it in return. Too funny.
I'll refrain from picking on ya as I'm unaware of your period cycle. 👋

02-14-2024, 07:12 PM
I've seen some recent videos of " Do it to it " Jack Hewett and fortunately he was able to shed that ill language behind him. He used the words in an anger situation and not for every day talk to try and impress somebody as someone might as a sign of immaturity.

Raceready I'm by no means saying Jack goes around cussing everyone. I was talking about just the one incident at Macon. I have the utmost respect for Jack. One of the best to ever drive a racecar.

02-14-2024, 08:02 PM
You like to dish it out but get yer panties all in a wad when you get it in return. Too funny.
I'll refrain from picking on ya as I'm unaware of your period cycle. 

Pretend on Backside, you're not bothering me none. As is often said lol, laugh some mmoooorrrrriiiiisssss!!!! hahahahahaa

Now go HUG a porcupine.:)

02-15-2024, 09:25 AM
It said suck a ****,don't be one.Couldn't read it Sat. night. Went back and checked Fri night and it was easier to see. All for about a second. I will say, I didn't catch it live. But then again, I don't study their helmets details that closely.I'm old but just don't understand what his point is. Is he saying that he would rather suck a d--k than to be a d--k.

02-15-2024, 12:39 PM
^ ^ Comparing Jack Hewitt to Terdo is like comparing a pit bull to a little ankle biting Chihuahua dog. If Terdbo ever rammed one of Jacks cars he would end up taking a trip in the ambulance ! !

So comparing what 2 drivers say shouldn't be done because one is a bada$$ and one isn't? I brought Jacks name up for the language and nothing more. The thread got started because of what some deem as offensive language. Seems the language isn't the problem, it's who is using it. Not a fan of Terdbo, but there are other reasons to dislike him without holding people to different standards.

02-15-2024, 12:40 PM
I'm old but just don't understand what his point is. Is he saying that he would rather suck a d--k than to be a d--k.

I don't understand the meaning either. I guess it's his helmet he can do what he wants with it. lol

02-16-2024, 07:03 AM
4 pages later the sticker did it's job lol smh

02-16-2024, 09:26 AM
Certain individuals here should stay in the shallow end of the pool.