View Full Version : Wonder if Track Promoters are trying this?

03-10-2024, 12:07 PM
I was thinking if most track promoters are trying something like this. Going to the local schools within 30 minutes of their track and getting the kids in K-9 Coupons for Free Admission and a Free Hotdog and Drink. This would allow you to collect on Souvenirs, Admission on adults as well as other older family and also collect on food. And it could be a write off on your taxes. Just a thought. It would help the sport alot by introducing the kids to racing and families.

03-10-2024, 02:03 PM
I helped a promoter/owner of a track and he tried numerous things to no avail. It never hurts to try new things because you never know what might catch on.

03-10-2024, 02:16 PM
I was just wondering that if you got the kids interested then they would bring parents and all and you would sell more tickets and all. Also maybe do something cool like a enduro where the kids could throw water balloons and such at the enduro cars. And another good one how about every week maybe do a random drawing after heat races from the kids tickets and allow the winners to be in victory lane with the feature winner. One for Late Model, Modified, stock car, compact or pro 4. And adults draw 5 winners with each getting a free item of their choice from the concession stand such as Hot Dog, Hamburger, Ice Cream, Soda, or Sausage

03-10-2024, 02:55 PM
Maybe when it was affordable, because today it's far from that.

03-10-2024, 03:40 PM
Maybe when it was affordable, because today it's far from that.

What is not affordable to you?

03-11-2024, 09:12 AM
Maybe when it was affordable, because today it's far from that.

Compared to what? Taken the family to a movie or ball game lately?

One of the tracks I work for tried this with the schools and got no bounce from it. Kids aren't into cars like they used to be.

03-11-2024, 10:08 AM
Dirt tracks have a problem and that it's not the 70's anymore. It's 2024 where EVERYTHING is internet based.
MOST dirt tracks don't even have basic Wifi...

03-11-2024, 11:20 AM
Compared to what? Taken the family to a movie or ball game lately?

One of the tracks I work for tried this with the schools and got no bounce from it. Kids aren't into cars like they used to be.

Let’s quit blaming it on the kids and put more blame on the adults who fail to make racing more attractive to kids.

1.) most parents are lazy. They are ok with their kids playing electronics and don’t want to teach them or show them other things outside.

2.) tracks have to be better at including things for kids. As well as being timely and finished at a respectable hour. I’m an adult and I don’t want to be at the race track until 1 in the morning, I know kids don’t.

03-11-2024, 12:10 PM
I was just wondering that if you got the kids interested then they would bring parents and all and you would sell more tickets and all. Also maybe do something cool like a enduro where the kids could throw water balloons and such at the enduro cars. And another good one how about every week maybe do a random drawing after heat races from the kids tickets and allow the winners to be in victory lane with the feature winner. One for Late Model, Modified, stock car, compact or pro 4. And adults draw 5 winners with each getting a free item of their choice from the concession stand such as Hot Dog, Hamburger, Ice Cream, Soda, or Sausage

He went as far as having some of us going around the neighborhood giving away tickets to try and get people to come. I will tell you a funny story. A good friend of mine worked for this promoter as well and he and I went out to give a way tickets so, he knocks on this guys door and asked the guy if he would interested in having free tickets for the races and the guy says that's just a bunch of noise over there and without hesitation my friend says well why don't come over see what's making all that noise lol, The guy got pissed and told my friend to never come back lmao............. We would laughed about that for years.

Yes he had bike give aways, quarter midget night amongst many other things. Did it bring in new fans yes it did but, not to the extant it made a huge difference.

03-11-2024, 01:25 PM
our local track was rented out by the monster trucks this weekend, not even good ones. $40 a head and 20 to park in grass and they packed it all 3 days. I dont have a promoter mindset but most local tracks are missing it. The days of opening the gates and expecting they will come are gone

03-11-2024, 01:58 PM

On that note I've often wondered if weekly, by that I mean Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday night racing options have the market over saturated. If the culture were say, more limited to fewer nights it might mean more cars, more fans and a bigger over all show.

I would think, if the Monster Trucks were having weekly shows, 30 times a year, they might also suffer the same.

03-12-2024, 06:05 AM

On that note I've often wondered if weekly, by that I mean Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday night racing options have the market over saturated. If the culture were say, more limited to fewer nights it might mean more cars, more fans and a bigger over all show.

I would think, if the Monster Trucks were having weekly shows, 30 times a year, they might also suffer the same.

yea that is a good point. it does seem like we have alot more supply than demand some days, i guess streaming helps that though

03-15-2024, 05:46 PM
I will get to the point, late night shows are killing the crowds.

03-16-2024, 02:13 AM
Promoters seem to be scared to try anything. Another guy and myself begged a local promoter to give out free admission to a large group of people (perhaps 500/week) for a while to put butts in the seats. At the very least, these people would eat hotdogs, hamburgers, etc. but might like the racing and come back. The promoter was scared to get off free stuff so those potential "customers" stayed home. The group wore olive drab and resided at Ft. Bragg!

03-16-2024, 08:02 AM
Could have sold a bunch of bright leaf hotdogs jog….a bunch of em.
Your suggestion was a huge missed opportunity .

03-18-2024, 02:22 PM
And a few of them, at a minimum, would have returned for the racing. Some may have brought a friend the second time. Couldn't convince the promoter (my friend) that you have to put cheese on the mousetrap.

03-18-2024, 06:37 PM
Cedar Lake has a free admission night---and area high schools decorate a school bus for their high school, and then drivers race the buses.

03-18-2024, 06:40 PM
May 11 school bus races
May 25 pack the track night---free grandstand

03-19-2024, 04:21 AM
Local track fremontohspeedway.com used to do school night with free tickets in county

03-19-2024, 12:28 PM
https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/document/4a3d-3101824/2024_Schedule.pdf?_gl=1*5nrdwo*_ga*MTA5OTUyMzU4MS4 xNzEwODA1MDgx*_ga_PQ25JN9PJ8*MTcxMDg2OTE2OS4yLjEuM TcxMDg2OTE4MS4wLjAuMA..#_ga=2.117384262.198279976. 1710805082-1099523581.1710805081

03-28-2024, 05:19 PM
comments pro or con about the efforts of Cedar Lake owners/promoters ????