View Full Version : Climate Change is a Fraud.

03-19-2024, 09:37 PM

This is an interesting site that exposes the climate hoax world wide.

The Weather Channel is nothing more than weather propaganda designed to decieve citizens and the young into believing climate change is real.

Notice how the weather maps are getting more orange and red temperatures all the time? At some time I expect weather maps to actually have AI generated steam coming from the areas the reddest, or now they are even "white" hot. :) hahahahahaaa what a joke....

03-20-2024, 02:46 PM
Try telling that to a liberal politician ! !

03-25-2024, 04:20 AM
Climate change is a complex issue supported by vast scientific evidence; dismissing it as a fraud undermines efforts to address its serious impacts. But what is your actual meaning? I do not know exactly.

03-25-2024, 11:20 AM
My meaning is, is climate change is fabricated and not true. Actual records prove this.

It's all about controlling people and making them dependant on governments that are pushing for One world government.

CO2 is a natural element. It is needed for plant growth and it's not harming the environment.

They first tried to say the Earth was cooling from man made climate change. The man made part is a total lie.

The climate changes naturally. At one time it is a fact that the Equator came through Indiana.

Maybe Google could be helpful? Not any more, they scrub everything they can and censor imformation they goes against challenging climate change.

03-25-2024, 04:27 PM
---- supported by vast scientific evidence.

If you want to believe in Junk Science, go right ahead. You can’t cure gullible.

03-25-2024, 08:14 PM

During the Late Carboniferous, Indiana lay close to the equator, making the climate humid and warm. Swamps and wetlands were prominent in much of the state. Dominant fossil plants from this time include lycopods, conifers, and seed ferns (extinct gymnosperms). Plant material accumulated in these areas of Indiana and eventually became the source of Indiana's abundant:

A). coal deposits.

B) granite outcrops.

C) limestone deposits.

D) layers of sandstone.

03-25-2024, 09:08 PM
So they say our glaciers are melting and the seas are rising!

Uh no.......basic chemistry says when ice melts, it loses 10% of its volume.......no???

A liberal parallel with Buffoonomics!

03-26-2024, 11:36 AM
our climate has been changing since the first volcano erupted , the last one that erupted was said to release more carbons than ALL fuel burning vehicles in the US could produce in 100 years , I wander how ole Al Gorehead is going to stop this ?????

03-26-2024, 12:42 PM
When glaciers melt, they do lose volume. Let’s delve into the details:

Glacier Mass Balance:
A glacier’s mass balance is the annual balance between how much snow accumulates on the glacier’s surface (in the accumulation zone) and how much ice is lost through various processes.
These processes include:
Melting: Glaciers lose ice due to surface melting caused by warmer temperatures.
Sublimation: Some ice directly transitions from solid to vapor (sublimation) without melting.
Iceberg Calving: Glaciers that terminate in the sea lose mass when chunks of ice break off and float away as icebergs 1.
Global Glacier Ice Loss:
Research indicates that glaciers worldwide have lost over 9,000 gigatons (nine trillion tons) of ice since 1961. This ice loss contributes to rising sea levels by approximately 27 mm 2.
The volume of ice in glaciers outside the ice sheets (like those in mountainous regions) is crucial for understanding freshwater resources and sea-level change.
However, direct observations of ice thickness are scarce, so global ice volume is estimated indirectly using various methods 3.
Greenland and Antarctica:
Greenland and Antarctica house most of the world’s glacial ice, including the only two ice sheets.
These thick ice sheets contain most of Earth’s freshwater. If they were to melt entirely, global sea levels would rise by nearly 215 feet (65 meters) 4.
In summary, as glaciers melt, their volume decreases, contributing to sea-level rise. Understanding glacier dynamics is crucial for adapting to a changing world and ensuring our long-term survival.

03-26-2024, 12:56 PM
If, If, Its all a Big If !

03-26-2024, 02:00 PM
They always say the glaciers and pole ice is melting. What they don't mention is, is that it's because of seasonal temp changes and that the ice refreezes the next season and in recent years there has been an increase in ice cover at the south pole.

The days of temperatures being for public observance is over as they don't want people seeing temperatures of 72 degrees below zero around the south pole.

You want governement grants at universities and private research? Then you play the global warming game to get them.

03-26-2024, 02:57 PM
The increase of ice on the South Pole does not directly help with global warming. Let’s explore why:

Albedo Effect:
Ice and snow have a high albedo, meaning they reflect a significant portion of incoming solar radiation back into space.
When ice melts, it exposes darker surfaces (such as ocean water or land), which have a lower albedo. These darker surfaces absorb more heat, contributing to global warming.
Therefore, melting ice actually exacerbates global warming by reducing Earth’s overall reflectivity.
Feedback Loops:
The melting of ice in the Antarctic can trigger feedback loops that amplify warming:
Sea ice decline: As sea ice melts, it reduces the Earth’s ability to reflect sunlight, leading to further warming.
Glacial retreat: Melting glaciers contribute to rising sea levels, which can alter ocean circulation patterns and affect climate systems.
Permafrost thaw: In polar regions, permafrost contains large amounts of frozen organic matter. When it thaws, it releases greenhouse gases like methane, intensifying global warming.
Sea Level Rise:
The Antarctic ice sheet holds an enormous volume of ice. If it were to melt significantly, it would contribute to substantial sea level rise.
Rising sea levels have widespread consequences, including coastal inundation, loss of habitat, and displacement of human populations.
Overall Impact:
While the increase of ice on the South Pole might seem counterintuitive, it’s essential to consider the net effect.
The loss of ice due to melting far outweighs any potential gain from increased snowfall or ice accumulation.
In summary, the melting of ice in the Antarctic contributes to global warming rather than mitigating it. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow ice melt remain critical in addressing climate change.

03-26-2024, 03:10 PM
Volcanic eruptions can indeed impact climate change, but the effects are complex and depend on the specific gases and particles released during an eruption. Let’s explore how volcanoes influence global warming:

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): During major explosive eruptions, large amounts of volcanic gas, aerosol droplets, and ash are injected into the stratosphere. The conversion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) has the most significant impact on climate. Sulfate aerosols formed from sulfuric acid increase the reflection of solar radiation back into space, cooling the Earth’s lower atmosphere (troposphere). Some eruptions in the past century have caused a decline in average surface temperatures by up to half a degree Fahrenheit for periods of one to three years. For instance, the climactic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 injected a massive sulfur dioxide cloud into the stratosphere, cooling the Earth’s surface by as much as 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit for three years after the eruption.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): While sulfur dioxide can cause cooling, volcanic carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that has the potential to promote global warming. However, the amount of CO2 released by contemporary volcanic eruptions is relatively small compared to human activities. CO2 emissions from volcanoes have never caused detectable global warming of the atmosphere.
Underwater Volcanoes: Recent research suggests that underwater volcanoes also play a role. Analyzing seismic data from submarine volcanoes, scientists found that underwater volcanism emits varying levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Higher CO2 levels could trigger a cycle of global warming.
Debate and Uncertainty: The extent to which volcanic eruptions impact global climate remains an ongoing debate. Factors like the type of eruption, the altitude of injection, and the specific gases released contribute to the complexity of volcanic effects on climate.
In summary, while volcanic eruptions can both cool and warm the climate, their overall impact on global warming is relatively minor compared to other factors like human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.

03-26-2024, 03:55 PM
what about them cow farts SS , find us something to post on them , BTW , do you eat beef ????

03-26-2024, 04:21 PM

cows don’t fart. They belch.”

03-26-2024, 04:53 PM
ss12, please tell me you don’t believe in the Al Gore Climate Change hoax.

03-26-2024, 05:37 PM
Al Gore, the former Vice President of the United States, has been a prominent advocate for addressing climate change. However, his statements have sometimes been subject to scrutiny and misinterpretation. Let’s explore this further:

In 2006, Al Gore released the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, which highlighted the impact of climate change on the Arctic ice cap. While the film emphasized the seriousness of global warming, some critics have questioned specific predictions made by Gore.
One claim often circulated on social media is that Gore predicted that all Arctic ice would be melted in the summer by 2013 due to man-made global warming. However, the reality is more nuanced. In a 2009 speech at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, Gore suggested that there was a “75% chance” that the entire north polar ice cap could be completely ice-free during some summer months within the next five to seven years. He attributed this prediction to researchers associated with the Naval Postgraduate School. However, it’s essential to note that Gore’s statement was based on models and probabilities, not an absolute certainty1.
Dr. Wieslav Maslowski, one of the researchers cited by Gore, later clarified that the exact likelihood of complete ice loss was uncertain. He stated that he would never try to estimate likelihood as precisely as Gore had mentioned. The 75% figure was a “ballpark figure” used in a conversation several years prior. Gore also made similar statements about Arctic ice in his 2007 Nobel prize acceptance speech and in a 2008 video, where he suggested that the entire North polar ice cap might be completely gone in five years1.
While some of Gore’s predictions may not have materialized exactly as stated, it’s essential to recognize that the scientific consensus overwhelmingly supports the reality of human-caused climate change. Numerous studies, government organizations, and scientific journals have concluded that climate change results from human-produced greenhouse gases that trap heat on Earth2.
In summary, Al Gore’s advocacy for addressing climate change is based on scientific evidence, but specific predictions should be understood in the context of probabilities and ongoing research. Climate change is a real and urgent global challenge, and efforts to mitigate its impact remain crucial.

03-26-2024, 09:13 PM
So you believe the man made climate change is real. I'm not really surprised. But I am totally at a loss to understand why you except these globalists that buy off scientists and news medias and tell us total lies. Al Gore isn't sort of over estimating, he's making statements and predictions that have nothing to do with the truth, he's a New World Order man doing the bidding of his leaders and buddies. His information are total lies, and based on deceptions, to scare the young and grown ups that don't have the ability to understand they are being played. Man you have been played so much, it's really sad.

And those people know they are lieing world wide to advance an agenda that has nothing to do with climate change. It's all about worldwide control and power over the people. So they can reshape the world into exactly what?

One story the climate whackos that tried to dupe society, happened some 20 years ago when they tried to claim a spot of lowlands in the Netherlands were starting to go under water. They took pictures of the little community that had been built recently back then showing wind mills surrounded be water, the fields under water. It really looked convincing and bad. Guess what? It turned out to be a swamp that they tried to convert into dry land and they had built dams and drained the area to built a small village for the purpose of some kind of commerce. It turned out a failure, many people moved away and the place just about shut down, so they let it return to the original marshlands, but not before Al Gore could come in and try to make a scare flick, and total lie, claiming climate change had done all of this, but leaving out the "inconvenient truth". But his lie stuck on people that did not know the truth, because Al sure didn't come back and tell them, only people that might have seen a website article wound up finding out the truth, along with the local people that saw it for themselves. Of course the leftist media sure wasn't going to interview any of these local people, OR come out with rebuttals to this story to news sources.

ss, you're supporting all of this crap, what are these people's true goals?

One thing is for sure, it's rooted in pure evil. Do you ever think about these things? If so, it sure doesn't show.

Accuweather, a weather site on the net used to show current temperatures world wide, even at little stations located on the north and south poles. They would show temperatures though that were not fitting their latest climate agenda, so now there aren't any sites that you can observe these live temperatues. Minus 72 degrees could be observed and that didn't fit their lies about the ice caps melting. The have always melted seasonally and refroze in return.

The poor polar bears were not going to have anywhere to stand near the north pole, remember? Now in the world of truth and reality the polar bear numbers are higher than ever, in recent times.

But there they were with the Coke commercials at movie theatres showing those poor bears standing on a little iceberg surrouned by water. The rich powerful and corrupted people of the world just trying to shape your childrens minds at the movie theatres and TV sets.

I bet you drink Cokes!!!! hahahahahaaa Because you're full to the hilt of the KOOL-AID.

03-26-2024, 11:30 PM

You gullible fool.

Al Gore Climate Change hoax - https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=Al+Gore+Climate+Change+hoax.++&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZgNR_wvKPE_LaFVlBNx8aSYuitORjkr 4&gbv=2&oq=Al+Gore+Climate+Change+hoax.++&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3...8753.13135.0.13835. 2.0....0...1.1j2.34.heirloom-hp..2.0.0.rk5ET5nEdTc

You send him money too?

03-26-2024, 11:40 PM

I sure hope you are playing devils advocate with this one ss12. You surely can’t be that stupid and believe the Al Gore cult hoax. Please tell us all you’re not that dumb.

03-27-2024, 07:01 AM
Climate change is indeed real. It refers to the periodic modification of Earth’s climate due to changes in the atmosphere and interactions between various geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors within the Earth system. Here are some key points:

Evidence from Life on Earth:
All living things, including plants and animals, respond to climate changes, even if these changes are subtle and temporary.
For instance, flowering plants shed leaves when water availability is low, and animals exhibit shelter-seeking behaviors or dormancy in response to colder or drier conditions.
This adaptation by life on Earth provides evidence that climate changes naturally.
Scientific Records and Our Experience:
Our own experience of climate throughout our lifetimes, along with scientific records, confirms that climate change is happening.
While daily weather represents moment-to-moment atmospheric conditions, climate involves the average condition over a long period (decades or more) at a given location.
Year-to-year climate changes, such as droughts and floods, occur due to complex factors like atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns.
Climate variations also span decades, affecting wet, dry, cool, or warm conditions for specific locations.
Global Warming:
The rapid rise of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity is the primary driver of the recent increase in global average temperatures.
Nothing else can fully explain this dramatic rise in temperatures.
In summary, climate change is a reality, and its consequences are significant. Human activities, including emissions, have put us on a warming trajectory, impacting our planet’s climate and ecosystems

03-27-2024, 07:06 AM
Climate change denial is a topic that has sparked passionate debates and differing viewpoints. Let’s explore some perspectives:

Skeptical Viewpoint:
Some individuals argue that climate change is a myth, dismissing it as fear-mongering or a conspiracy.
They question the evidence presented by scientists and governments, suggesting that it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
For instance, they challenge the idea of rising sea levels due to warming temperatures, pointing out that we haven’t witnessed significant changes over the decades.
Additionally, they find it hard to believe in the existence of ancient lost cities like Atlantis or the impact of melting glacial ice on sea levels.
The food crisis is also attributed to other factors, such as price-fixing by global bakery corporations.
In their view, mass extinctions are a natural occurrence unrelated to climate change.
Scientific Consensus:
On the other hand, the scientific community overwhelmingly agrees that global warming is real and primarily caused by human activities.
The rapid rise of greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels is a key factor driving the recent increase in global average temperatures.
Researchers study data from ice cores, ocean temperatures, and historical climate records to understand these changes.
Climate change impacts ecosystems, weather patterns, and sea levels, affecting both human societies and the natural world.
Efforts to mitigate climate change involve reducing emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and promoting sustainable practices.
Balancing Perspectives:
It’s essential to engage in informed discussions, considering both skeptical viewpoints and scientific consensus.
While skepticism can lead to critical thinking, dismissing overwhelming evidence may hinder effective solutions.
Recognizing climate change as a manageable condition allows us to address it collectively, emphasizing adaptation and mitigation strategies.
In conclusion, the debate continues, but the weight of scientific evidence supports the reality of climate change and the urgent need for action

03-27-2024, 11:20 AM
glad to see you are enjoying your retirement , even if it is posting all these waco theory's you find on the net , wish I had time to read them for a good laugh , but some of us still have to contribute to the working society ....lol....

03-27-2024, 11:27 AM
LOL fastford, have a good day at work. The wife and I are packing up the SS minnow and will be leaving the Island tomorrow for our 2-day journey back home. The wife wants to be home for easter.

03-27-2024, 01:32 PM
ss Just where is the proof about rising sea levels? "Leading scientists say" so what? Show us the proof, and not natural erosion. Why do people like Obummer keep buying properties at the sea if it were going to go under?

It does no good to debate. In fact there is nothing proven to cause for these debates. Debates that are nothing more than elites telling us what to beleive to accomplish their own agenda.

ss what is your proof as to why there is man made climate change? Fake articles from bought out scientists?

Back in 1932 and surrounding years temperatures in the US were in the 100's for many days, clear up into Canada people died, crops died and drought all happened. Many people died from dust, and many had to leave thrier homes to keep from dieing.

The EPA has chosen to delete this info from their site. The EPA? What does that really stand for these days. Environmental Propaganda Agency?

Now these days they are outright lieing to the people and saying this all never happened and temps are now higher than ever in recorded history. Yes, lies and propaganda control the internet now on this subject as well as many other subjects.

But you won't believe this. You choose to believe made up history and facts that have replaced the real history and truth about so much these days.

At least other people can comprehend these posts, while you continue to get duped and controlled.

03-27-2024, 03:32 PM
Climate heats, Climate cools. In the 70's the dems spouted Global cooling scares. Now they spout man made global warming. Thinking man controls the climate instead of the God who created the earth is foolish at best.

I have no problem with keeping contamination down. I have a problem with the billions of tax payer funded nonsense thrown at the ridiculous global warming nonsense. Ignorance is bliss for the people who think man controls his destiny.

03-27-2024, 04:42 PM
The scientific consensus regarding climate change is robust and well-established. Let’s delve into what scientists say:

IPCC Report:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), composed of leading climate scientists, issued a “final warning” in their comprehensive sixth assessment report.
Their message is clear: act now to avert irrevocable damage to our planet due to rising greenhouse gas emissions.
Extreme weather events, heatwaves, droughts, floods, and ecosystem losses are already impacting millions of lives globally.
The 1.5°C threshold is critical; beyond it, climate damage becomes rapidly irreversible1.
Scientific Consensus:
Over 99% of scientific papers agree that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, are the primary cause of global warming.
National science academies worldwide recognize the evidence for human-induced climate change.
Global surface temperatures have increased due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities23.
Public Perception:
Surprisingly, the public underestimates the degree of scientific consensus on climate change.
Recent studies show that scientific consensus ranges from 98.7% to 100%4.
Scientists, universities, and laboratories contribute to this consensus through peer-reviewed publications.
In summary, the overwhelming scientific evidence supports the urgent need for climate action. We must address this global challenge collectively and swiftly

03-27-2024, 07:41 PM
From failed first mate to failing climatologist! tsk, tsk

03-27-2024, 10:26 PM

Post #9 Cut and Paste Plagiarism
Post #12 Cut and Paste Plagiarism
Post #13 Cut and Paste Plagiarism
Post #17 Cut and Paste Plagiarism
Post #21 Cut and Paste Plagiarism
Post #22 Cut and Paste Plagiarism
Post #27 Cut and Paste Plagiarism

That’s 7 Cut and Paste Plagiarisms. You can’t even cobble together two words of your own to support your beliefs, you have to steal others words. Must be a Union credo thing. You gullible fool believing in the Cult45VP Hoax.

You probably fall for the electric vehicle boondoggle too? Oh’ wait.

What an Idiot.

03-28-2024, 04:29 AM
Oh, someone butt is hurting again. Lurker, please tell me where I got the information. Technology is great when you know how to use it.

03-28-2024, 07:15 AM
It’s even better when you give the folks that wrote it credit……instead of using the old “union slide” and “borrowing” it and using it as your own.

03-28-2024, 10:23 AM
LOL fastford, have a good day at work. The wife and I are packing up the SS minnow and will be leaving the Island tomorrow for our 2-day journey back home. The wife wants to be home for easter.

I do have good days , I just finished a 421ci ls cheby that made 725hp on pump gas , which was 50hp more than customer expected , we were both happy till I thought about you and told him we must put catalytic converters on it which will kill 75 hp , but got to stop global warming so he must do his part , BTW he has a union job at local paper mill and said " it doesn't matter , lets just spend some more of this money I have made sitting on my azz " which I said " h3ll yea , let me get some of it to " alls well .....

03-28-2024, 01:57 PM
Do the scientists, your so called know it alls, ever refer to realities such as the 1930's heat wave, or the severe cold of the late seventies? When they claimed global cooling was going to freeze us to death if "ACTIONS' were not taken?

No they fabricate nonsense in the name of science. Bar graphs that they keep changing the colors on, on purpose. Too much points to these scientists being sold out frauds.

Let's debate that fact? Nationally....

03-28-2024, 02:00 PM
Oh, someone butt is hurting again. Lurker, please tell me where I got the information. Technology is great when you know how to use it.

What technology? They make their own results....

03-29-2024, 05:29 PM
Lurker, please tell me where I got the information.

Hmmmm? Let me guess. The Internet. From various gullible fool believing in the Cult45VP Hoax sources.

03-30-2024, 07:23 AM
First of all, the wife and I made it home yesterday afternoon.

Lurker, the information I provided was created from Artificial Intelligence.

03-30-2024, 08:46 AM
First of all, the wife and I made it home yesterday afternoon.

Lurker, the information I provided was created from Artificial Intelligence. Yep I have a co-pilot.

You both went home with farmers tans didn’t you,lol….thats sort of like a snowbird trampstamp of honor.

03-30-2024, 09:20 AM
Neither one of us have farmer tans. We both have been complemented on our tans several times. And by the way we were not snowbirds but Winter Texans. I would recommend none of you to go to South Padre Island.

03-30-2024, 09:33 AM
I’ll bet your feet up to your ankles are both white from wearing socks with your sandals or flip flops…..prove me wrong please😎

Winter Texans, snowbirds,yankee turtles or beach buzzards……all terms of endearment that mean exactly the same thing. Thanks for bringing cash to the community for a few months, now go back home please and let us enjoy ours before the real craziness of full on summer arrives.
Glad you made it home safe and sound, was your trump Bible waiting on your doorstep when you got there,lmao.

03-30-2024, 10:14 AM
ss12, glad you made it home safely, you silly gullible fool believing in the Cult45VP Hoax. The grandkids are probably glad you’re home. Have a very Happy Easter.

03-30-2024, 12:21 PM
Barbecueboy, So if ss12 calls his new found way to Union plagiarize, A.I., it’s still plagiarism, right?

03-30-2024, 07:52 PM
Biden declares March 31, Easter Sunday, as Transgender Day of Visibility. So enjoy your new holiday ss!

03-31-2024, 06:51 AM
Has been artificial the whole time.

03-31-2024, 06:56 AM
BBQ the only part of my body that isn't tan is my arm pits and where my speedo was.

Happy Easter to everyone!!

03-31-2024, 07:05 AM
Lurker first of all to be plagiarism it has to be "Someone". So is Artificial Intelligence "Someone". Here is AI response to "is AI someone.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems capable of performing complex tasks that historically only a human could do, such as reasoning, making decisions, or solving problems. However, it’s essential to understand that AI is not a sentient being or an individual. It is a technology—a tool that enables machines to mimic certain aspects of human intelligence. When we talk about AI, we’re discussing algorithms, models, and systems designed to process data, learn from it, and perform specific tasks.

According to AI, AI is not a sentient being an "Individual" but a technology.
I let you all know on 2-19-2024 that I was going to start using A.I. So that was my warning that I would be using A.I.

03-31-2024, 08:13 AM
QUOTE: Happy Easter to everyone!!

While I suuport the one that supports 81 million murdered babies, that the risen Savior created and died for!

Hypocritical much???

03-31-2024, 09:55 AM
Zero, may the Lord bless you and your family today and everyday.

03-31-2024, 10:14 AM
ss12, You’re probably right on the A.I. “someone” thing. Cuse’ brother I haven’t a clue about it at all ---- so you got me on this one.

And yes, ZERO25, He has Risen.

Happy Easter to all!!!

03-31-2024, 12:00 PM
Zero, may the Lord bless you and your family today and everyday.

Sorry the truth hurts!

Based on your posts, your lord appears nowhere in my Bible!

04-01-2024, 06:59 AM
Zero yes, my bible is different from yours. I didn't buy mine for $59.99 from a cult leader.

04-01-2024, 10:58 AM
Created by AI

The influence of the far right on religion has been a topic of significant debate and analysis. Let’s explore some perspectives:

Backlash Against Rightwing Evangelicals:
The rise of the religious right in the 1980s, with its insertion of religion into public debate and uncompromising discourse, has led to a backlash.
Critics argue that the religious right promotes policies (such as bans on same-sex marriage and abortion) viewed by many Americans as intolerant and radical.
As a result, some people have disaffiliated from religion altogether or migrated to more moderate religious groups1.
Decline in Religious Affiliation:
The number of religiously unaffiliated Americans (often called “nones”) has risen significantly.
Millennials, in particular, are turning away from religion.
Experts attribute part of this decline to the swirling mix of rightwing politics and Christianity pursued by the Republican party2.
Christian Nationalism:
Some experts warn that “Christian nationalism” threatens democracy.
It could lead to politicians passing laws reflecting specific Christian values, potentially undermining general freedom of religion and eroding trust in election results3.
Hijacking of Religious Concepts:
Right-wing extremists, including white supremacists and anti-abortion adherents, have hijacked religious concepts and scriptures.
They twist religious doctrine to justify threats, criminal behavior, and violence4.
In summary, the far right’s influence on religion has sparked reactions, shifts in religious affiliation, and concerns about the intersection of politics and faith. The impact is complex and multifaceted, affecting both religious communities and broader society.

Zero Quit, spreading your hate using religion. Religion is about pulling people together not pushing them away. As you have read in the above article YOU are the type Pushing people away from religion.

04-01-2024, 02:06 PM
ss your entire post is a pack of proveable lies and distortions of the truth. Do you support them? I assume you do if you post them.

far right extremists? That is the left's term to cover everyone that doesn't support them....

If you're not a Marxist, globalist, or any group that supports the destruction of western christian values, and the United States as founded, a free nation, then you are a right wing extremist, and the programmers who are in control of AI are distorting AI to reflect the left's values.

AI, just another corrupted concept that is being used for the left's lies and propaganda.

People would like to think the internet is a source of good information, based on the truth, but sadly it is now quite opposite of that.

04-01-2024, 02:15 PM
ss how do you pull people together by dumping illegals everywhere who no nothing but commit crimes, murder, steal, deal drugs, and take benefits from vets, homeless, and bills that could rebuild the infrasture, and much more. People see the half a trillion being spent on illegals and foreign nations while we citizens sink into terrible inflation, and our free market interprize being crushed by regulations and illegals driving them out of business.

Tell the small businesses on many big city streets how we are coming together as they have to close the stores because the law enforcement is told to not enforce the laws and the criminals commit crimes and the owners go to jail if they fight back.

Obummer, Obiden, and the shadow government, come together????? No they are doing just the opposite.

Beggers CAN be choosers. ss the illegals in the free hotels in NYC are throwing away free breakfasts and dinners delivered to them, and using their cash cards to buy food with instead. Another come together for ya!!!

04-01-2024, 05:55 PM
is artificial intelligence biased?
https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d66abf2c052447ae&sca_upv=1&hl=en&gbv=2&sxsrf=ACQVn0_TNvLP1ePwUBUnqnLnyOKmgQr4aA%3A1712011 582198&q=is+artificial+intelligence+biased%3F+&oq=can+artificial+intelligence+be+biased&aqs=heirloom-srp..

AI bias, also called machine learning bias or algorithm bias, refers to the occurrence of biased results due to human biases that skew the original training data or AI algorithm—leading to distorted outputs and potentially harmful outcomes

can artificial intelligence be biased?
https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=can+artificial+intelligence+be+biased&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZgtHPDWXPDr3dSXfdGqHzX-DA4FALrl-&gbv=2&oq=Is+artificial+intelligence+biased+&gs_l=heirloom-hp.1.2.0i22i30j0i512i650i390l4.6561.6561.0.14094.1 .

It is important to recognize that bias can occur in various stages of the AI pipeline. One of the primary sources of such bias is data collection. The resulting outputs may be biased if the data used to train an AI algorithm is not diverse or representative.

04-01-2024, 06:09 PM
ss12, after a little research, I find your new found way of posting with artificial intelligence to be very-very questionable at best. Furthering, where artificial intelligence pulls its data from, as Clayton has pointed out for years now, the internet as a whole is scrubbed and far left leaning. Feel free to post your artificial intelligence postings, but note, I call BS and won’t believe any of what you post from here forward. Thus, your credibility goes down even further than it already is.

04-01-2024, 06:24 PM
Then again, ss12, I see where you are coming from using artificial intelligence to post with. Being the Union man that you are, you are use to someone else to do your thinking.

04-01-2024, 07:30 PM
Lurker, I'm going to be using AI all the time you might of well get used to it. Please tell me which way is it biased.

04-01-2024, 07:35 PM
Created by AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is actively addressing bias to create more equitable and fair outcomes. Here are some ways in which AI is working to reduce bias:

Fairness in Algorithm Design:
Mitigating Bias: AI algorithms are being designed to incorporate principles of fairness. For instance, equalizing error rates across different groups or ensuring equitable outcomes helps reduce bias1.
Transparency: Making AI systems transparent and interpretable allows us to understand and identify potential biases1.
Data-Driven Approaches:
Diverse Data: Ensuring training data is diverse and representative helps reduce bias. Biased data can lead to biased models.
Auditing Data: Regularly auditing data for bias and addressing any discrepancies is crucial.
Ethical Guidelines and Policies:
Guidelines: Developing and following ethical guidelines for AI development helps prevent bias.
Legislation: Some regions are introducing legislation to regulate AI and ensure fairness.
AI-Enabled Hiring:
Objective Assessment: AI objectively assesses data points in hiring, reducing assumptions and mental fatigue that humans may succumb to2.
Reducing Human Bias: By automating parts of the hiring process, AI minimizes human bias.
Research and Collaboration:
Ongoing Research: Researchers continuously study bias in AI and work on solutions.
Collaboration: Organizations collaborate to share best practices and address bias collectively.
Remember, while AI can help reduce bias, it’s essential to remain vigilant and continually improve our systems to create a more equitable world.

04-01-2024, 08:22 PM
Zero yes, my bible is different from yours. I didn't buy mine for $59.99 from a cult leader.

Smh......that Bible was produced by Lee Greenwood. I guess you think hes a fraud too!

Btw.....I said Bible, not Qur'an!

04-01-2024, 08:54 PM
Has been artificial the whole time.

Or severely lacking. hahahaaa

04-02-2024, 02:04 AM
Lurker, I'm going to be using AI all the time you might of well get used to it.

Use whatever you want. It’s your credibility that gets hurt further.

Please tell me which way is it biased.

From what I can tell researching what you’ve posted so far, using AI, the data collected is what I would call, Left leaning and Far Left leaning.

Furthering, if you cut and paste your AI postings, then plug it into a search engine such as Google, bits and pieces of the EXACT SAME AI wording WILL be found on the internet when you start clicking links. That said, AI plagiarizes others works of writing when data is pulled and AI writes the answer to your question.

04-02-2024, 02:28 AM
how to ask artificial intelligence a question

04-02-2024, 02:33 AM
HyperWrite's Ask AI tool is a powerful resource that provides AI-informed answers to any question you may have. Whether you're looking for up-to-date factual information or need a deeper understanding of a complex topic, Ask AI leverages the power of advanced AI models to deliver accurate and relevant answers.


04-02-2024, 02:35 AM
ss12, for full disclosure and transparency, next time you ask AI a question --- please post the exact question that you asked AI.

04-02-2024, 02:37 AM
ss12, what artificial intelligence site or platform do you use?

04-02-2024, 07:06 AM
Lurker, after reading your above post I see its just Your "opinion" that AI is left leaning. You know what they say about opinions.

As far as what AI site I'm using it doesn't really matter. Maybe I'm using two. And as far as What questions I asked AI you will have to figure that one at on your own. I'm sure it will have something to do with whatever topic being discussed.

04-02-2024, 07:23 AM
And there’s your artificial answer…….insert shocked face here.

04-02-2024, 10:37 AM
Lurker, after reading your above post I see its just Your "opinion" that AI is left leaning. You know what they say about opinions.

As far as what AI site I'm using it doesn't really matter. Maybe I'm using two. And as far as What questions I asked AI you will have to figure that one at on your own. I'm sure it will have something to do with whatever topic being discussed.

Oh no, it's not just an opinion. A-I seems tp align with what YOU want to beleive, so actually, you are using complete bias yourself.

And it is probable that A-I is very leftwing biased. But since the search engines are also left biased, it makes it harder to prove.

You are telling us that you trust A-I? As lurker said, your crediblilty is gone for doing such.

We have shown you many facts and truths on here and there seems to be nothing between your ears to understand them. :)

04-02-2024, 09:29 PM

They way you posted your reply to me, post #66, makes me think you are the Union slug that you post like, as well as being under or poorly educated. But I will post back to you in an adult manner.

Lurker, after reading your above post I see its just Your "opinion" that AI is left leaning. You know what they say about opinions.

No it not just my opinion, its from my researching what you’ve posted using AI, then finding the exact same plagiarized wording on Left leaning sites. All links were include for everyone to see for themselves.

As far as what AI site I'm using it doesn't really matter.

It does matter and you know it. Stop being coy.

And as far as What questions I asked AI you will have to figure that one at on your own.

And it also matters how you ask questions to an AI site. The true nature of the way you ask a question to AI can and will bias sway the data written back to you from AI. That is a fact published in the links I’ve already provided.

The last ounce of credibility you had, is gone. Remember you are the one that spouted off with the AI garbage, I just researched it better than you, then found out your lies. You’ve been outed again.

04-02-2024, 09:37 PM
Using AI for factual information
https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=Using+AI+for+factual+information+&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZgzNr8r1NU5ymBZgiTmBYdozZZ2z72B h&gbv=2&oq=Using+AI+for+factual+information+&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3..0i512i546l4.8736.8736.0.11554. 3.203.2-1.1.0....0...1.2.34.heirloom-hp..0.1.203.TUisedUvqR4

Q. What is the accuracy rate of AI?


Although reports indicate that AI programs can be at least 95% accurate on a regular basis, AI programs cannot determine whether or not the data being analyzed is accurate, so usually overall accuracy is much lower but normally higher than 80%. It is a metric used to predict the correctness of a machine learning model.

04-02-2024, 09:45 PM
ChatGPT leans liberal, research shows - https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/08/16/chatgpt-ai-political-bias-research/

Chatbots are ingrained with political biases picked up from their training data -- which in most cases is unfiltered text from the web

ChatGPT will tell users that it doesn’t have any political opinions or beliefs, but in reality, it does show certain biases, said Fabio Motoki, a lecturer at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, and one of the authors of the new paper. “There’s a danger of eroding public trust or maybe even influencing election results.”

Though chatbots are an “exciting technology, they’re not without their faults,” Google AI executives wrote in a March blog post announcing the broad deployment of Bard. “Because they learn from a wide range of information that reflects real-world biases and stereotypes, those sometimes show up in their outputs.”

04-02-2024, 09:48 PM
AI’s pro-Democrat bias could swing the 2024 elections - https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4482389-ais-pro-democrat-bias-could-swing-the-2024-elections/

04-02-2024, 09:58 PM
Lurker, after reading your above post I see its just Your "opinion" that AI is left leaning.

At this point, everyone is laughing at you once again. Credibility, gone.

04-02-2024, 10:05 PM
And there’s your artificial answer…….insert shocked face here.

That’s artificial plagiarized answer.

04-02-2024, 10:09 PM
Lurker It doesn't matter what Question I asked AI as long as I get the information that I was looking for! If it is left leaning the better for me. As far as my credibility goes AI will only improve my credibility.

04-02-2024, 10:38 PM
A-I seems tp alogn with what YOU want to beleive, so actually, you are using complete bias yourself.

You called it.

04-03-2024, 06:14 AM
Who’s on first, lol?

04-03-2024, 06:41 AM
Generated via AI:
Question: Why AI is good for both political parties?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) benefits both political parties in various ways. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

Efficiency and Decision-Making:
AI can streamline administrative processes, making government operations more efficient. For instance:
Automated Data Analysis: AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data quickly, aiding policymakers in making informed decisions.
Predictive Analytics: AI models can predict trends, enabling better resource allocation and policy planning.
Chatbots and Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots can handle routine inquiries, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.
Policy Formulation and Research:
AI can assist in policy research and development:
Data-Driven Policies: AI can analyze historical data to inform policy decisions.
Identifying Patterns: Machine learning algorithms can identify patterns in economic, social, or environmental data.
Evidence-Based Policies: AI helps policymakers base decisions on empirical evidence.
National Security and Defense:
Both parties benefit from AI advancements in defense and security:
Cybersecurity: AI detects and prevents cyber threats, safeguarding critical infrastructure.
Military Applications: AI enhances surveillance, reconnaissance, and strategic planning.
Economic Growth and Innovation:
AI drives economic growth and job creation:
Startups and Innovation: AI startups contribute to economic dynamism.
Automation: While some jobs may be displaced, AI also creates new roles in technology and data science.
Healthcare and Public Health:
AI improves healthcare outcomes:
Medical Diagnostics: AI assists in diagnosing diseases and interpreting medical images.
Drug Discovery: AI accelerates drug development and personalized medicine.
Environmental Sustainability:
AI can address environmental challenges:
Climate Modeling: AI models predict climate change impacts.
Energy Efficiency: AI optimizes energy consumption and reduces waste.
Bipartisan Cooperation:
AI transcends party lines:
Research Funding: Both parties support funding for AI research and development.
Ethical Guidelines: Bipartisan efforts focus on AI ethics, privacy, and transparency.
In summary, AI offers opportunities for both parties to enhance governance, improve services, and address critical issues. Collaborative efforts ensure that AI benefits society as a whole.

04-03-2024, 07:41 AM
You know AI is a major threat to organized labor……right? Careful what you pick as your bandwagon du jour sir.

04-03-2024, 08:07 AM
Generated by: AI
Question: Will AI Affect Union or non-union jobs more?

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on jobs is a topic of significant interest. Let’s explore how it might affect both union and non-union jobs:

Union Jobs:
United Auto Workers (UAW) and other trade unions prioritize maximizing pay increases for their members during negotiations with companies. However, they should also consider the impact of AI and automation on jobs.
The advance of AI and automation technologies in the workplace necessitates new approaches to labor relations. Unions must prepare their members for this changing landscape1.
While union jobs often offer more protections, better pay, and benefits like healthcare and pension plans, they may also limit job opportunities. Unions need to adapt to address the challenges posed by AI and automation2.
Non-Union Jobs:
AI’s impact on non-union jobs can vary widely. Some evidence suggests that AI will create new jobs while improving work quality and environments for existing professions3.
However, historical patterns indicate that technological changes tend to affect lower-paid and lower-qualified workers more significantly than others3.
Non-union voice actors, for example, may have more job opportunities but often face lower pay and fewer contractual protections2.
Specific Job Categories:
White-collar jobs (better-paid professionals with bachelor’s degrees) and production workers may be particularly susceptible to AI’s spread into the economy4.
Better-paid professionals in high-tech metro areas are also exposed to AI4.
In summary, both union and non-union jobs will experience the impact of AI, but the specifics depend on various factors such as job type, qualifications, and industry context. It’s essential for all workers and unions to stay informed and adapt to the changing landscape brought about by AI and automation.

04-03-2024, 08:17 AM
BBQ, Rumor has it that your lovely wife is working with AI to produce a better barbecue wagon to replace you.

04-03-2024, 12:20 PM
Buford, I'll keep using AI as a source of information and you can keep using Truth Social as your source of information.


04-03-2024, 12:20 PM
"artificial".........kinda ironic coming from a union guy!

04-03-2024, 04:18 PM
ss you have gone bonkers. A-I could be a great thing, but it is politically controlled and also owned by leftist the agendas, tthat are proven to be dishonest.

Now you are backing up your posts with A-I based answers, nobody with any intelligence would honestly turn to or rely on, in the real world.

Maybe you need to go to your island an let your A-I do all of your posting and propaganda.

Are you scheduled for any brain implants yet, BTW????


The terrors of technology are coming.

04-03-2024, 04:36 PM
BBQ, Rumor has it that your lovely wife is working with AI to produce a better barbecue wagon to replace you.

Bbq wagon,lol……..you don’t do this much do you?

04-03-2024, 06:24 PM
ss you have gone bonkers. A-I could be a great thing, but it is politically controlled and also owned by leftist the agendas, tthat are proven to be dishonest.

Now you are backing up your posts with A-I based answers, nobody with any intelligence would honestly turn to or rely on, it the real world.

Maybe you need to go to your island an let your A-I do all of your posting and propaganda.

Are you scheduled for any brain implants yet, BTW????


The terrors of tenchnology are coming.

The reason AI is left leaning is because it takes people with high IQs to develop this type of technologies. These intelligent people vote for democrats. By using these types of technologies allow the democrats to steal elections.

04-03-2024, 08:14 PM
These Trump hating people vote for democrats.

Fixed it for ya!

04-03-2024, 08:37 PM
BBQ the only part of my body that isn't tan is my arm pits and where my speedo was.

Happy Easter to everyone!!

So!!! You went to a nudist beach!!!

04-03-2024, 08:45 PM



04-03-2024, 08:48 PM
The reason AI is left leaning is because it takes people with high IQs to develop this type of technologies. These intelligent people vote for democrats. By using these types of technologies allow the democrats to steal elections.

Now you are telling us that Democrat people are smarter and superior???? This makes you look anything but superior.

No no, as a said above rich elites have the money to get an advantage, and the high IQ's were probably stolen or bought from the true intelligent people that created I-A. And I would say that would not include very many Democrats, because you just can't be truly smart and superior over anyone, by voting for Democrats.

Your "illusions of grandeur" are so laughable and your IQ is too. :)

But you did finally admit, they are stealing elections. So this is for you!!!


04-03-2024, 08:53 PM


What "GOOD" are we supposed to derive from this snooty video?????

04-04-2024, 08:45 AM
Now you are telling us that Democrat people are smarter and superior???? This makes you look anything but superior.

No no, as a said above rich elites have the money to get an advantage, and the high IQ's were probably stolen or bought from the true intelligent people that created I-A. And I would say that would not include very many Democrats, because you just can't be truly smart and superior over anyone, by voting for Democrats.

Your "illusions of grandeur" are so laughable and your IQ is too. :)

But you did finally admit, they are stealing elections. So this is for you!!!


Generated via AI:

Title: Dispelling the Myth: The 2020 Election Was Not Stolen

In the wake of the 2020 United States presidential election, a narrative emerged and gained traction among some segments of the population: the belief that the election was stolen. This narrative has been particularly prevalent among individuals on the far right of the political spectrum. However, it is essential to address this misconception and provide a clear and evidence-based explanation as to why the 2020 election was not stolen.

The Legal Landscape: One of the fundamental aspects of democratic societies is the rule of law. The 2020 election underwent rigorous legal scrutiny, with numerous lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and its allies. However, the overwhelming majority of these legal challenges were dismissed by state and federal courts due to lack of evidence or merit. In some instances, judges appointed by both Democratic and Republican administrations ruled against these claims. This underscores the integrity of the legal process and demonstrates that the allegations of widespread fraud lacked credible evidence.

Bipartisan Oversight: Elections in the United States are not conducted in isolation but are subject to extensive oversight from both major political parties. In 2020, Republican and Democratic election officials, along with thousands of poll workers and volunteers from diverse political backgrounds, oversaw the electoral process. The Department of Homeland Security described the 2020 election as "the most secure in American history." Assertions of widespread fraud are not only unfounded but also disregard the bipartisan efforts to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

Independent Audits and Recounts: Following the election, several states conducted audits, recounts, and canvassing processes to verify the accuracy of the results. These efforts, often initiated by state laws or at the request of candidates, reaffirmed the outcome of the election. In Georgia, for example, a hand recount of nearly 5 million ballots confirmed Joe Biden's victory, with only minor discrepancies found. Similar recounts and audits in other battleground states yielded consistent results, further debunking claims of widespread fraud.

Cybersecurity Measures: Concerns about foreign interference and cybersecurity threats were prevalent leading up to the 2020 election. However, federal and state agencies, along with private cybersecurity firms, implemented robust measures to safeguard the integrity of the electoral infrastructure. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) described the election as "the most secure in American history" and refuted claims of widespread voter fraud or manipulation. These assurances from experts in the field underscore the credibility of the electoral process.

Respect for Democratic Norms: Central to the functioning of any democracy is the peaceful transfer of power based on the will of the electorate. Despite the contentious nature of the 2020 election, key institutions, including the judiciary, state legislatures, and Congress, upheld the rule of law and affirmed the outcome of the electoral college. Former President Donald Trump's own attorney general, William Barr, stated that the Department of Justice found no evidence of widespread fraud that would have altered the outcome of the election. It is imperative to respect the democratic norms and institutions that underpin the electoral process, even in the face of political disagreement.

In conclusion, the assertion that the 2020 election was stolen lacks credibility and is contradicted by a wealth of evidence and expert opinion. The democratic process prevailed, with millions of Americans exercising their right to vote and electing their representatives. While political divisions may persist, it is crucial to confront misinformation and baseless claims to safeguard the integrity of democracy. Moving forward, it is incumbent upon all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for the rule of law in future elections.
Title: Dispelling the Myth: The 2020 Election Was Not Stolen

In the wake of the 2020 United States presidential election, a narrative emerged and gained traction among some segments of the population: the belief that the election was stolen. This narrative has been particularly prevalent among individuals on the far right of the political spectrum. However, it is essential to address this misconception and provide a clear and evidence-based explanation as to why the 2020 election was not stolen.

The Legal Landscape: One of the fundamental aspects of democratic societies is the rule of law. The 2020 election underwent rigorous legal scrutiny, with numerous lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and its allies. However, the overwhelming majority of these legal challenges were dismissed by state and federal courts due to lack of evidence or merit. In some instances, judges appointed by both Democratic and Republican administrations ruled against these claims. This underscores the integrity of the legal process and demonstrates that the allegations of widespread fraud lacked credible evidence.

Bipartisan Oversight: Elections in the United States are not conducted in isolation but are subject to extensive oversight from both major political parties. In 2020, Republican and Democratic election officials, along with thousands of poll workers and volunteers from diverse political backgrounds, oversaw the electoral process. The Department of Homeland Security described the 2020 election as "the most secure in American history." Assertions of widespread fraud are not only unfounded but also disregard the bipartisan efforts to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

Independent Audits and Recounts: Following the election, several states conducted audits, recounts, and canvassing processes to verify the accuracy of the results. These efforts, often initiated by state laws or at the request of candidates, reaffirmed the outcome of the election. In Georgia, for example, a hand recount of nearly 5 million ballots confirmed Joe Biden's victory, with only minor discrepancies found. Similar recounts and audits in other battleground states yielded consistent results, further debunking claims of widespread fraud.

Cybersecurity Measures: Concerns about foreign interference and cybersecurity threats were prevalent leading up to the 2020 election. However, federal and state agencies, along with private cybersecurity firms, implemented robust measures to safeguard the integrity of the electoral infrastructure. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) described the election as "the most secure in American history" and refuted claims of widespread voter fraud or manipulation. These assurances from experts in the field underscore the credibility of the electoral process.

Respect for Democratic Norms: Central to the functioning of any democracy is the peaceful transfer of power based on the will of the electorate. Despite the contentious nature of the 2020 election, key institutions, including the judiciary, state legislatures, and Congress, upheld the rule of law and affirmed the outcome of the electoral college. Former President Donald Trump's own attorney general, William Barr, stated that the Department of Justice found no evidence of widespread fraud that would have altered the outcome of the election. It is imperative to respect the democratic norms and institutions that underpin the electoral process, even in the face of political disagreement.

In conclusion, the assertion that the 2020 election was stolen lacks credibility and is contradicted by a wealth of evidence and expert opinion. The democratic process prevailed, with millions of Americans exercising their right to vote and electing their representatives. While political divisions may persist, it is crucial to confront misinformation and baseless claims to safeguard the integrity of democracy. Moving forward, it is incumbent upon all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for the rule of law in future elections.

04-04-2024, 10:16 AM
The bottom of your feet and the palms of your hands are not tanned sir…..why you embellish so much? Or is that AI too?

04-04-2024, 03:11 PM
Generated via AI:

Title: Dispelling the Myth: The 2020 Election Was Not Stolen

In the wake of the 2020 United States presidential election, a narrative emerged and gained traction among some segments of the population: the belief that the election was stolen. This narrative has been particularly prevalent among individuals on the far right of the political spectrum. However, it is essential to address this misconception and provide a clear and evidence-based explanation as to why the 2020 election was not stolen.

The Legal Landscape: One of the fundamental aspects of democratic societies is the rule of law. The 2020 election underwent rigorous legal scrutiny, with numerous lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and its allies. However, the overwhelming majority of these legal challenges were dismissed by state and federal courts due to lack of evidence or merit. In some instances, judges appointed by both Democratic and Republican administrations ruled against these claims. This underscores the integrity of the legal process and demonstrates that the allegations of widespread fraud lacked credible evidence.

Bipartisan Oversight: Elections in the United States are not conducted in isolation but are subject to extensive oversight from both major political parties. In 2020, Republican and Democratic election officials, along with thousands of poll workers and volunteers from diverse political backgrounds, oversaw the electoral process. The Department of Homeland Security described the 2020 election as "the most secure in American history." Assertions of widespread fraud are not only unfounded but also disregard the bipartisan efforts to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

Independent Audits and Recounts: Following the election, several states conducted audits, recounts, and canvassing processes to verify the accuracy of the results. These efforts, often initiated by state laws or at the request of candidates, reaffirmed the outcome of the election. In Georgia, for example, a hand recount of nearly 5 million ballots confirmed Joe Biden's victory, with only minor discrepancies found. Similar recounts and audits in other battleground states yielded consistent results, further debunking claims of widespread fraud.

Cybersecurity Measures: Concerns about foreign interference and cybersecurity threats were prevalent leading up to the 2020 election. However, federal and state agencies, along with private cybersecurity firms, implemented robust measures to safeguard the integrity of the electoral infrastructure. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) described the election as "the most secure in American history" and refuted claims of widespread voter fraud or manipulation. These assurances from experts in the field underscore the credibility of the electoral process.

Respect for Democratic Norms: Central to the functioning of any democracy is the peaceful transfer of power based on the will of the electorate. Despite the contentious nature of the 2020 election, key institutions, including the judiciary, state legislatures, and Congress, upheld the rule of law and affirmed the outcome of the electoral college. Former President Donald Trump's own attorney general, William Barr, stated that the Department of Justice found no evidence of widespread fraud that would have altered the outcome of the election. It is imperative to respect the democratic norms and institutions that underpin the electoral process, even in the face of political disagreement.

In conclusion, the assertion that the 2020 election was stolen lacks credibility and is contradicted by a wealth of evidence and expert opinion. The democratic process prevailed, with millions of Americans exercising their right to vote and electing their representatives. While political divisions may persist, it is crucial to confront misinformation and baseless claims to safeguard the integrity of democracy. Moving forward, it is incumbent upon all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for the rule of law in future elections.
Title: Dispelling the Myth: The 2020 Election Was Not Stolen

In the wake of the 2020 United States presidential election, a narrative emerged and gained traction among some segments of the population: the belief that the election was stolen. This narrative has been particularly prevalent among individuals on the far right of the political spectrum. However, it is essential to address this misconception and provide a clear and evidence-based explanation as to why the 2020 election was not stolen.

The Legal Landscape: One of the fundamental aspects of democratic societies is the rule of law. The 2020 election underwent rigorous legal scrutiny, with numerous lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and its allies. However, the overwhelming majority of these legal challenges were dismissed by state and federal courts due to lack of evidence or merit. In some instances, judges appointed by both Democratic and Republican administrations ruled against these claims. This underscores the integrity of the legal process and demonstrates that the allegations of widespread fraud lacked credible evidence.

Bipartisan Oversight: Elections in the United States are not conducted in isolation but are subject to extensive oversight from both major political parties. In 2020, Republican and Democratic election officials, along with thousands of poll workers and volunteers from diverse political backgrounds, oversaw the electoral process. The Department of Homeland Security described the 2020 election as "the most secure in American history." Assertions of widespread fraud are not only unfounded but also disregard the bipartisan efforts to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

Independent Audits and Recounts: Following the election, several states conducted audits, recounts, and canvassing processes to verify the accuracy of the results. These efforts, often initiated by state laws or at the request of candidates, reaffirmed the outcome of the election. In Georgia, for example, a hand recount of nearly 5 million ballots confirmed Joe Biden's victory, with only minor discrepancies found. Similar recounts and audits in other battleground states yielded consistent results, further debunking claims of widespread fraud.

Cybersecurity Measures: Concerns about foreign interference and cybersecurity threats were prevalent leading up to the 2020 election. However, federal and state agencies, along with private cybersecurity firms, implemented robust measures to safeguard the integrity of the electoral infrastructure. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) described the election as "the most secure in American history" and refuted claims of widespread voter fraud or manipulation. These assurances from experts in the field underscore the credibility of the electoral process.

Respect for Democratic Norms: Central to the functioning of any democracy is the peaceful transfer of power based on the will of the electorate. Despite the contentious nature of the 2020 election, key institutions, including the judiciary, state legislatures, and Congress, upheld the rule of law and affirmed the outcome of the electoral college. Former President Donald Trump's own attorney general, William Barr, stated that the Department of Justice found no evidence of widespread fraud that would have altered the outcome of the election. It is imperative to respect the democratic norms and institutions that underpin the electoral process, even in the face of political disagreement.

In conclusion, the assertion that the 2020 election was stolen lacks credibility and is contradicted by a wealth of evidence and expert opinion. The democratic process prevailed, with millions of Americans exercising their right to vote and electing their representatives. While political divisions may persist, it is crucial to confront misinformation and baseless claims to safeguard the integrity of democracy. Moving forward, it is incumbent upon all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for the rule of law in future elections.

You didn't put a "disinformation" warning on your post. But of course people know trash when they read it. hahahaaha

Seriously though, this A-I being used with such dishonesty and just plain lies, is dangerous to society. Our citizens should not be subjected to such false info, even in the name of A-I. There are going to be people getting fooled and deceived by such a tool. Nothing intelligent about that ss.

04-04-2024, 08:15 PM
The bottom of your feet and the palms of your hands are not tanned sir…..why you embellish so much? Or is that AI too?

Wasnt he a proud member of the BR549 Garbage Picker Upper Union?.........Or, was that artificial too?

04-04-2024, 08:28 PM
Zero, Junior Samples would make a spittoon out of ss!! :)

04-04-2024, 08:32 PM
Lulu too! :)

04-05-2024, 07:03 AM
Generated via AI:

Insults, those sharp-edged verbal arrows, have a fascinating psychology behind them. Let’s delve into why they’re flung around and what drives people to use them:

Status and Anger:
Insults often stem from anger related to status insecurity. Imagine a chicken pecking order: the bottom chicken gets pecked by everyone else, while the top chicken remains unscathed. In our human society, physical aggression is less common, so we resort to verbal interactions.
When someone insults another, it’s an attempt to lower the recipient’s social status and elevate their own.
Many insults are reactive, triggered by real or perceived slights—like someone cutting in line accidentally1.
Content of Insults:
Insults aim to diminish someone in the imaginary status hierarchy.
Common themes include:
Social Status: References to ancestry, lack of prestige, or membership in despised out-groups.
Sexuality: Often featuring sexual components or alluding to sexual organs.
Shame: Mentioning unappealing traits like fatness, shortness, baldness, or contagious diseases.
Intelligence: Questioning mental competence; recipients are invariably labeled as “stupid” or "crazy"1.
Narcissism and Social Media:
Our era is marked by heightened concern about how we’re perceived by others.
Social media amplifies this, where constant evaluation encourages ego inflation at the expense of others.
Insecure individuals may lash out online, enjoying the freedom from real-world reprisals1.
Diogenes’ Wisdom:
Diogenes wisely said, “An insult dishonors the one who utters it, not the one who receives it.”
So, perhaps hurling insults reveals immaturity and a lack of valid arguments more than anything else2.
Remember, the power lies in rising above insults, not in trading them.

04-05-2024, 07:14 AM
SS rolling in with someone else’s thoughts as an answer??? Didn’t see that one coming.

Wonder what AI would say if you asked it about plagiarism and it’s over use?

04-05-2024, 08:48 AM
BBQ, it’s essential to recognize that AI-generated content is technically not plagiarism. Plagiarism involves copying someone else’s ideas or words and presenting them as one’s own. AI-generated content doesn’t fit this definition, as it originates from algorithms rather than human authors.

Generated by AI

BBQ, can you please give me the human author of the above post?

04-05-2024, 09:51 AM
"artificial".........kinda ironic coming from a union guy!Now that there is funny, I don't care hoo yoo are ! !

04-05-2024, 04:48 PM
BBQ, it’s essential to recognize that AI-generated content is technically not plagiarism. Plagiarism involves copying someone else’s ideas or words and presenting them as one’s own. AI-generated content doesn’t fit this definition, as it originates from algorithms rather than human authors.

You lie to fit your narrative, and its all bull$hit.

Is artificial intelligence considered plagiarism?

Doing academic work requires that the work you turn in is your own. A paper that is written by AI is not considered your own original work. It doesn't matter which AI program/software you use. Using any of these to write your papers is considered a form of plagiarism.

artificial intelligence plagiarism - https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0d192b7b40015184&sca_upv=1&hl=en&gbv=2&sxsrf=ACQVn09SsIwcGJuy5Jy7uw92pVtRmkeOaA%3A1712352 619998&q=artificial+intelligence+plagiarism&oq=artificial+intelligence+plagerisum+&aqs=heirloom-srp.1.0l5

Is Using AI Content Plagiarism? - https://www.quetext.com/blog/is-using-ai-content-plagiarism

However, if the AI writer searches for existing content on the web and then uses paraphrasing to generate unique content when you run it through a plagiarism detector, so it doesn’t get flagged as duplicate content, that would be considered plagiarized content.

It can be challenging to know if a random AI tool generates content from scratch or paraphrases existing content without further research into how the tool works.

If the latter, you would be held responsible for the plagiarism, not the tool creators, as they simply provide a rewriting tool for you. When using information from any source, quoting when paraphrasing is essential. Thus, random AI writing tools carry an inherent risk of AI plagiarism.

A growing concern is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots to write entire essays and articles. While it may be tempting to use AI in this way, please be aware that this is also considered a form of plagiarism. - https://libguides.sjsu.edu/c.php?g=436654&p=9517043

04-05-2024, 04:55 PM

I can cut and paste everything AI that you’ve posted so far, plug it into a search engine, and it will pop up as someone else’s work, paraphrased or complete context, linked to some form of existing web link address.

But you already knew that, and so did most everyone reading this.

04-05-2024, 05:04 PM
BBQ, can you please give me the human author of the above post?

Its directly from quetextblog, with no author cited. Link was already provided.

04-05-2024, 05:08 PM

You left out the truthful part of the quetextblog, only citing what fit your narrative. I on the other hand posted the link for everyone to read if they wish.

04-05-2024, 05:16 PM
Lurker thanks for the information. This is what I got from your information.

AI Content and Plagiarism
Since artificial intelligence tools generate unique content from scratch instead of stealing someone's ideas, using an AI tool isn't technically plagiarism, unlike copy-paste plagiarism.

Lurker, is AI going to be a person too, just like corporations are people too? They are going to be fighting wars for us, shouldn't they be able to vote?

04-05-2024, 05:56 PM
You only post the parts that fit your narrative. Plain and simple, what you are doing is a form of plagiarism. You know it, I know it, and everyone reading this knows it.

Cheating is all you know, thanks to your Union work non-ethics.

04-05-2024, 06:03 PM
--- content from scratch ---

None of what you post AI wise is from “scratch”. None!! It’s simply pulled from others written works on the internet, then paraphrased, or word for word re-written via AI.

04-05-2024, 06:42 PM
Lurker, Let me get this straight what we post on here is now considered academic work? This is from your post above.

Yes, using artificial intelligence (AI) to write academic work is considered plagiarism. AI tools generate unique content from scratch, so using AI to write papers is taking credit for a creation you did not create.

04-05-2024, 06:56 PM
Lurker, you can jump up and down scream and shout all you want, but as long as I identify my source of information there is nothing you can debate about. As long as I post: "Generated by AI" there is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing wrong with me copy and paste another article and post the link. You post 3 links in your post 102. Why is mine different?

04-06-2024, 02:32 AM
I like the holier-than-thou approach.

There is nothing wrong with me copy and paste another article and post the link.

Problem is, you don’t cite your link. Tell us the exact wording you ask AI.

04-06-2024, 07:18 AM
Like the tire rule debacle…..his comments will never meet the benchmark if you don’t know what the benchmark is?
SS, why so hard to just answer the man’s question of what was the question exactly how you asked it?

Fits the old early computer nerd explanation of bad results using the garbage in, garbage out analogy.

04-06-2024, 07:22 AM
You only post the parts that fit your narrative. Plain and simple, what you are doing is a form of plagiarism. You know it, I know it, and everyone reading this knows it.

Cheating is all you know, thanks to your Union work non-ethics.

You can take a guy out of the indoctrinated culture but you can’t take the indoctrinated culture out of the guy…..

04-06-2024, 09:24 AM

The way you ask a question to AI is most important --- As it can sway the answer with bias one way or another. Reading ss12’s AI posted answers thus far, then plugging those answers to a search engine and getting the results --- it is quite obvious that ss12’s question(s) are/is biased to fit his narrative from the get go. Added, I’ve plugged in ALL of his AI answers thus far, and EVERYONE of them is in some form or another, verbatim or paraphrased, comes from someone else’s work. Thus like the Union “indoctrinated” guy that he is, he’s stealing from others hard work and research.

Think about that one for a moment. He’s outright stealing and he knows it, but chooses to do it any way. That my friend tells all of US a lot about his character, morals, and ethics.

04-06-2024, 09:42 AM
AI Bias - What Is It and How to Avoid It? - https://levity.ai/blog/ai-bias-how-to-avoid

----- An Artificial Intelligence system is only as good as the quality of the data it receives as input. Suppose you can clear your training dataset of conscious and unconscious preconceptions about race, gender, and other ideological notions. In that case, you will be able to create an artificial intelligence system that makes data-driven judgments that are impartial.

However, in the actual world, we know this is unlikely. AI is determined by the data it’s given and learns from. Humans are the ones who generate the data that AI uses. There are many human prejudices, and the continuous discovery of new biases increases the overall number of biases regularly. As a result, it is conceivable that an entirely impartial human mind, as well as an AI system, will never be achieved. After all, people are the ones who generate the skewed data, and humans and human-made algorithms are the ones who verify the data to detect and correct biases.

04-06-2024, 09:45 AM
Artificial Intelligence Can Be Biased. Here’s What You Should Know. - https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/artificial-intelligence-algorithmic-bias-what-you-should-know/

04-06-2024, 10:08 AM
Gentleman you might as well get use to AI its not going anywhere soon. Now all you got that it's bias but it's all in how you ask the question. Isn't Fox's news bias, isn't CNN bias. You will have bias wherever you go. Aren't most of your post bias against mine? When you go and research a topic the information you gather can't that make you bias one way or another? So, you can be bias, but I can't? AI is being taught in grade school right now. My 10-year-old grandson has been using AI in a computer class in school.

04-06-2024, 10:24 AM
so it’s all in how you ask the question? Like in real life and stuff?? Some of us don’t need to be artificially intelligent to give the correct answer.

But considering your past and being told what to think and do……I understand.

04-06-2024, 10:49 AM
I remember when myspace first came out too.

04-06-2024, 02:25 PM
Lurker thanks for the information. This is what I got from your information.

AI Content and Plagiarism
Since artificial intelligence tools generate unique content from scratch instead of stealing someone's ideas, using an AI tool isn't technically plagiarism, unlike copy-paste plagiarism.

Lurker, is AI going to be a person too, just like corporations are people too? They are going to be fighting wars for us, shouldn't they be able to vote?

So you would like AI units or whatever you want to call them to have human rights and voting rights? Sir, you are too far down the rabbit hole.

As you stated in one of your posts above the left does cheat in the voting process. So now you want to allow them to create machines with voting rights? How many new machines do they need to build just to win elections?

None of us know what's going to happen but pushing this A-I upon us is wrong and just another tool of evil, is what it could become.

A-I is dangerous, because of the corruption in our society.

04-06-2024, 02:38 PM
Gentleman you might as well get use to AI its not going anywhere soon. Now all you got that it's bias but it's all in how you ask the question. Isn't Fox's news bias, isn't CNN bias. You will have bias wherever you go. Aren't most of your post bias against mine? When you go and research a topic the information you gather can't that make you bias one way or another? So, you can be bias, but I can't? AI is being taught in grade school right now. My 10-year-old grandson has been using AI in a computer class in school.

Let us understand the difference between bias and truth. It is not biased to state the truth, but A-I does not know the truth, it only knows what it is programmed to know.

No way I would want A-I to teach my children without knowing what it is teaching. The Department of Education needs to be abolished, because they will/are using A-I for a baised agenda. When you see colleges not even coming out of the locker room for National Anthems, then what does that tell you about that college?

04-06-2024, 03:55 PM
Let us understand the difference between bias and truth. It is not biased to state the truth, but A-I does not know the truth, it only knows what it is programmed to know.

No way I would want A-I to teach my children without knowing what it is teaching. The Department of Education needs to be abolished, because they will/are using A-I for a baised agenda. When you see colleges not even coming out of the locker room for National Anthems, then what does that tell you about that college?

Truth/Guys that pay for their jobs..... is an oxymoron!

04-07-2024, 07:02 AM
Generated by AI

Unions play a crucial role in shaping not only the lives of their members but also the broader community. Let’s explore how they benefit both union and non-union workers:

Higher Wages and Benefits:
Union members typically earn 10.2% more on average than non-union workers with comparable jobs and experience1.
This wage premium is even higher for women and workers of color.
When union density is high, non-union employers often raise their standards to compete, resulting in better pay and benefits for all workers2.
Reduced Income Inequality:
Unions help reduce wage inequality by raising wages more for low- and middle-wage workers than for higher-wage workers.
They also set a pay standard that non-union employers tend to follow3.
Health and Well-Being:
States with higher union densities tend to have:
Lower uninsured populations (those without health insurance).
Expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
Paid sick leave and paid family and medical leave laws.
These benefits extend beyond union members to non-union workers as well2.
Democracy and Voting Rights:
States with strong union presence have passed fewer restrictive voting laws compared to low-union-density states.
Unions contribute to a healthier democratic environment by advocating for workers’ rights and participating in civic activities2.
In summary, unions not only empower workers within their workplaces but also positively impact economic structures, social well-being, and democratic processes in the broader community.


04-07-2024, 07:12 AM

But that’s not all unions do. Unions also have powerful effects on workers’ lives outside of work.

In this report, we document the correlation between higher levels of unionization in states and a range of economic, personal, and democratic well-being measures. In the same way unions give workers a voice at work, with a direct impact on wages and working conditions, the data suggest that unions also give workers a voice in shaping their communities. Where workers have this power, states have more equitable economic structures, social structures, and democracies.

Income and economic protections
We find that, on average, the 17 U.S. states with the highest union densities:

have state minimum wages that are on average 19% higher than the national average and 40% higher than those in low-union-density states
have median annual incomes $6,000 higher than the national average
have higher-than-average unemployment insurance recipiency rates (that is, a higher share of those who are unemployed actually receive unemployment insurance)
Health and personal well-being
We find that the states with the highest union densities:

have an uninsured (without health insurance) population 4.5 percentage points lower, on average, than that of low-union-density states
have all elected to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, protecting their residents from falling into the “coverage gap”
are more likely to have passed paid sick leave laws and paid family and medical leave laws than states with lower union densities.

Unions, by and large, help make people’s lives better. If unions are about anything, they’re about creating broadly shared prosperity, about lifting pay for workers and reducing gaps between rich and poor, about making sure that jobs are safe, and about assuring that people have health coverage and enough for retirement and also have work-life balance that gives them time to be with their families. In these ways, unions very much work for the economy.

04-07-2024, 07:42 AM
Zero why don't you tell them what I got for those union dues, like full retirement at the age of 50, free health insurance for the rest of my life, and the 3% cost of living adjustment every year. Why didn't you tell them you won't be getting none of that when you retire? But you didn't pay union dues!!

04-07-2024, 08:27 AM
'Unnecessary' and 'Political': Why Unions Are Bad For America - https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/06/unnecessary-and-political-why-unions-are-bad-for-america/258405/

04-07-2024, 11:11 AM
Zero why don't you tell them what I got for those union dues, like full retirement at the age of 50, free health insurance for the rest of my life, and the 3% cost of living adjustment every year. Why didn't you tell them you won't be getting none of that when you retire? But you didn't pay union dues!!

But with the money he makes ( and more importantly keeps for himself) he can pay for all of that stuff and more if he isn’t a hack and has some work ethic….which he does.

And he doesn’t have to lick anyone’s boots….Let’s don’t forget that part either sir.

04-07-2024, 04:02 PM
ss your A-I copying and pasting could well be considered a total waste of time and space.

Could, is putting it nicely....

04-08-2024, 07:41 AM
BBQ, So Zero can pay for all of the benefits with the money he makes himself. No different than me paying union dues. Nothing free. But with a bargaining agreement with hundreds of union members you will get better benefits.

generated via AI

Union workers tend to receive better benefits compared to their nonunion counterparts. Let’s explore the key differences:

Union Workers: Many union members receive medical benefits, including health insurance. This coverage often extends to unmarried domestic partners, which might be less common in nonunion jobs. Additionally, union members often receive retirement benefits12.
Nonunion Workers: In nonunion workplaces, employers determine the benefits provided to employees. While nonunion members may also receive insurance coverage and other benefits, they tend to receive fewer benefits compared to union members. Retirement plans may not be as common for nonunion employees1.
Union Workers: On average, union workers’ wages are 11.2% higher than those of nonunion workers in the same industry and occupation with similar education and experience2.
Nonunion Workers: Nonunion workers generally have less bargaining power when it comes to negotiating wages.
Collective Bargaining:
Union Workers: Unions negotiate aspects such as wages, benefits, hours, and other working conditions through collective bargaining. This process involves negotiating terms of employment as a group through a binding contract.
Nonunion Workers: In nonunion jobs, employers hold most of the power and develop their own guidelines and work expectations, including hours, wages, and work schedules.
Unionized jobs are common in certain industries, including:
Public sectors (e.g., firefighters, police, military)
Utilities (engineers, electricians, technicians, operators)
Transportation (school bus drivers, pilots, train conductors)1.
In summary, while both union and nonunion workers receive benefits, union workers often enjoy better benefits, collective bargaining power, and higher wages. However, the decision between union and nonunion employment depends on individual preferences and industry considerations.


04-08-2024, 09:41 AM
You’ve been brainwashed brother, but ok…….we’re all alright.

04-08-2024, 10:49 AM
Zero why don't you tell them what I got for those union dues, like full retirement at the age of 50, free health insurance for the rest of my life, and the 3% cost of living adjustment every year. Why didn't you tell them you won't be getting none of that when you retire? But you didn't pay union dues!!

do you really think those dues you paid are going to pay for all these things you described ???? , h3ll no , the rest of us are paying it when we buy the over priced products unionized companies produce ....

04-08-2024, 11:13 AM
do you really think those dues you paid are going to pay for all these things you described ???? , h3ll no , the rest of us are paying it when we buy the over priced products unionized companies produce ....
Stop making sense FF……..

04-08-2024, 11:19 AM
You’ve been brainwashed brother, but ok…….we’re all alright.

He’s a brainwashed lemming.

04-08-2024, 01:15 PM
'Unnecessary' and 'Political': Why Unions Are Bad For America - https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/06/unnecessary-and-political-why-unions-are-bad-for-america/258405/

ss will surely give A-I a search and post it's twisted reality in defense of his precious unions. Again. To read that stuff and take it as truth or even valid, is a joke. lol

Pass out the "think for yourself" flags please. :)

04-08-2024, 08:21 PM
It’s fun talking to all y’all….SS hammers trump in a stupid way, I do the same with unions….works pretty well I think?

04-09-2024, 07:29 AM
Gentleman, keep working for peanuts the republican party loves voters like you. They have even gotten you to hate on everything. Keep hating it's the republican way!! Have a good day at work and I will enjoy another day of been Retired. Hopefully you gentleman will save enough peanuts and maybe someday you will be able to retire.

Someone gets to live the American dream and all you can do is hate about it. Sounds like a whole lot of jealousy to me. Work until you die the republican way. What party is it that wants to raise the age before you can draw social security? Republicans Work until you die that's the republican way.

04-09-2024, 09:02 AM
We feed less fortunate and sponsor great causes because we want to, not because we have too……I’ll work for those peanuts until I die….no problem SS.

Enjoy making the day 100% about you and what you can get for yourself.

04-09-2024, 09:25 AM
SS , your living in the past , have you even took a real good look at the dem party of today ????? it is exactly what you describe above , the moderate dems are gone with the exception of a few stragglers like Harold ford , I kinda took you as a moderate to begin with but I am afraid you have fallen victim to the far left liberal side which is the majority of todays dem party , so sad .......

04-09-2024, 09:59 AM
First of all, I have worked all my life to get where I'm at. Nobody has given me anything. Things I have, I have earned by going to work every day. I have made a lot of good choices in my life. I have done jobs nobody else wanted to do. You are living your lives because of the choices you have made. You can live life the way you want to that's your choice but don't hate on other who made different choices and are living a good life.

Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

04-09-2024, 10:59 AM
Spin it how you want to brother……but when you have to keep convincing yourself and others how nobody gave you anything, how you made all the correct decisions and how hard you worked in the union to get where you are.

You probably didn’t…..but nobody is judging.

04-09-2024, 07:33 PM
First of all, I have worked all my life to get where I'm at. Nobody has given me anything. Things I have, I have earned by going to work every day. I have made a lot of good choices in my life. I have done jobs nobody else wanted to do. You are living your lives because of the choices you have made. You can live life the way you want to that's your choice but don't hate on other who made different choices and are living a good life.

You say that A LOT, and I mean A LOT. Makes me wonder how much is bull$hit, that’s based off of the other bull$hit you post.

04-09-2024, 08:09 PM
Zero why don't you tell them what I got for those union dues, like full retirement at the age of 50, free health insurance for the rest of my life, and the 3% cost of living adjustment every year. Why didn't you tell them you won't be getting none of that when you retire? But you didn't pay union dues!!

The consumer knows nothin aint free........are you that union ignorant?

Who absorbed all those union "costs".......the CONSUMER!!!

04-10-2024, 06:46 AM
Gentleman quit be jealous of what I have, and YOU DON'T!! If you preferred a non-union job over a union job that's your choice. But don't complain what benefits that the union member has, and YOU DON'T! That was YOUR choice. Have a good day at work.

Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

04-10-2024, 07:38 AM
And they wonder why?

04-10-2024, 08:03 AM
Gentleman quit be jealous of what I have, and YOU DON'T!! If you preferred a non-union job over a union job that's your choice. But don't complain what benefits that the union member has, and YOU DON'T! That was YOUR choice. Have a good day at work.

Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

Yup, you have to live in Illinois…….and I DONT,lol.

04-10-2024, 05:24 PM
Gentleman quit be jealous of what I have, and YOU DON'T!! If you preferred a non-union job over a union job that's your choice. But don't complain what benefits that the union member has, and YOU DON'T! That was YOUR choice. Have a good day at work.

Mr. braggadocios, you want to be full disclosure?

Lets lay out on the table your current net worth, then I’ll lay out mine --- then what each of ours net worth is at age 70.

Then we can talk about Unions and good choices we‘ve made.

04-10-2024, 06:22 PM
Lurker, I don't care what your net worth is or what it's going to be when you are 70. If you are richer than me good for you and you shouldn't care what I have. We can't even debate on any topic anymore because it all leads back to the UNION. That's all of you have anymore. Nothing but hate but I understand why you all are republicans. Because that is what the republican party is about right now hate. You guys hate the American worker that a union member who is making sure your lights are on and doing it safely. Do hate school teachers, Police officers, how about the postman, just hate them all.

04-10-2024, 06:45 PM
That’s what I thought.

04-10-2024, 06:47 PM
And I’ll do all with out being Union, and not having to pay to clock in.

04-10-2024, 06:48 PM
Lurker, I don't care what your net worth is or what it's going to be when you are 70. If you are richer than me good for you and you shouldn't care what I have. We can't even debate on any topic anymore because it all leads back to the UNION. That's all of you have anymore. Nothing but hate but I understand why you all are republicans. Because that is what the republican party is about right now hate. You guys hate the American worker that a union member who is making sure your lights are on and doing it safely. Do hate school teachers, Police officers, how about the postman, just hate them all.Just talk about your pot calling the kettle black ! !

04-10-2024, 06:50 PM
And for the umpteenth time, I’m not a Republican.

Conservative, Libertarian!!!

04-10-2024, 07:13 PM
Lurker posted: And I’ll do all with out being Union, and not having to pay to clock in.

Lurker, I have enough to live a very happy life. I have been debt free for the last 15 years. And I'm going to spend some of it the next few years. This is my last chance to do what I want. I look at my parents and see what waits me. Time
for the wife and I to live it up!! The daughters are already taking care of.

Lurker you might want to re-word your post. "And I’ll do all with out being Union, and not having to pay to clock in".

04-10-2024, 07:57 PM

Brag, brag, brag ---- that’s all you got Union man.

04-10-2024, 09:00 PM
It isn’t much, but I can drag a few grills up for the weigh in. Do I have to go to Illinois?

04-11-2024, 06:41 AM
BBQ, come to Illinois and you can stay at my place!

04-11-2024, 06:48 AM
Lurker posted: Brag, brag, brag ---- that’s all you got proud Union man.

We all know that you have been wanting to tell us what you have. Please feel free to post it on here. You made the challenge in post 146. Here is your opportunity to tell us all what you have. I have posted several times where I was employed now let's here where you are employed.

04-11-2024, 10:41 AM
BBQ, come to Illinois and you can stay at my place!

No offense to you personally but I think I’d rather take my chances sleeping on a park bench in San Francisco than to ever have to come near Chicago ever again….but thanks for the offer.

04-11-2024, 10:50 AM
^ ^ But you would have to take your chances of being " corned " in San Fran ? ^ ^ Besides that it has turned into another filthy dirty Democratic city full of junkys and bums !

04-11-2024, 11:04 AM


04-11-2024, 02:39 PM
SS too bad you don't live in Michigan, the GOV is offering $500.00 for each illegal that you house into your home!!!! Just more of your American Dream for ya!!!

04-11-2024, 03:12 PM
SS too bad you don't live in Michigan, the GOV is offering $500.00 for each illegal that you house into your home!!!! Just more of your American Dream for ya!!!No wonder Detroit is such a Sheethole ??

04-11-2024, 04:20 PM
SS too bad you don't live in Michigan, the GOV is offering $500.00 for each illegal that you house into your home!!!! Just more of your American Dream for ya!!!

Detroit…….” rock city”…….and not the kiss song.

04-11-2024, 04:21 PM
It isn’t much, but I can drag a few grills up for the weigh in. Do I have to go to Illinois?

I thought his UNION was making you a bbq wagon?.....no??? lolol

Speaking of Chicago......weather sure is nice here in the south, aint it!

I would hate my union job too, if it was less than 60 degrees when I went to work.....so theres that!

04-11-2024, 09:37 PM

BBQ, here's your new rig!!!

04-12-2024, 03:57 AM
Union quality written all over that one I tell ya……..🤣

I think I’ll just stick with the junk I have.

04-12-2024, 04:44 PM
The union welding shop charged so much for the trailer, the top was found on side of the road!....go figure!

BTW......sure was nice high 70's and a good little breeze here in J-town! Shorts and t-shirt was the proper attire, on my day off. Most of my Fridays are the same!!!

Still hate my self-employed job though......roll eyes!

04-12-2024, 09:28 PM
Don't blame you one bit BBQ, that buggy looks a bit wokish!!! :)

04-14-2024, 01:22 PM
Don't blame you one bit BBQ, that buggy looks a bit wokish!!! :)That would be just the thing for a Joe Biden campaign rally. For all the more people that show up, it should be ample to handle the flow !

04-15-2024, 03:38 PM
First of all, I have worked all my life to get where I'm at. Nobody has given me anything. Things I have, I have earned by going to work every day. I have made a lot of good choices in my life. I have done jobs nobody else wanted to do. You are living your lives because of the choices you have made. You can live life the way you want to that's your choice but don't hate on other who made different choices and are living a good life.

Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

this statement also makes one wander , If a person works hard all there life to get what they want and make great choices along the way , then what is the significance of the union ??? by your logic , you didnt need them any way , so why PAY them ??? oh wait , got to support them big union bosses that maybe helped you get what you wanted ...

04-15-2024, 07:37 PM
Very well said fastford.

Then add in this little gem.

The daughters are already taking care of.

Funny, ss12 hates Trump and everything Trump stands for, but ss12 is “taking care of “ his daughters like Fred Trump took care of Donald.

Ooooh, the irony!!!!!!

04-15-2024, 07:59 PM
Lurker, how funny but there is a big difference, my daughters are very successful and don't need mommy and daddy money. "The daughters are already taking care of", and they did it all on their own just like mommy and daddy did!!

04-15-2024, 08:06 PM
Lurker, how funny but there is a big difference, my daughters are very successful and don't need mommy and daddy money. "The daughters are already taking care of", and they did it all on their own just like mommy and daddy did!!

Do they have union jobs? Part of the union culture other than your involvement raising them? There is a reason for my question. Answer honestly please.

04-15-2024, 08:22 PM
One daughter has never been in a union, but her husband is. The other daughter has been in a union but has taken a company position and her husband I'm not sure if he is in a union or not. He works for the city but not sure if his position is union or not. And yes my union job helped paid for their higher education to help them be successful.

04-15-2024, 08:41 PM
Thanks for being honest…..they sound like smart kids.

04-15-2024, 09:33 PM
My apologies, ss12. Good for your daughters.

04-16-2024, 07:24 AM
Apologies accepted; we raised our daughters to be financially independent.

04-16-2024, 08:09 AM
So what you’re saying is that they learned from your mistakes of being on the union teet???lol.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Always cool to be proud of your kids for whatever reason.

04-16-2024, 08:50 AM
all children need and should get help from there parents , unions or not , that said , I was able to put my daughter in a church based pre=school at age 4 , she went from there , through high school , through 4 years collage then here masters and know while teaching nat a deaf and blind school , getting her doctrine and will probably be running the school by the time she is 35 , except for her doctrine , she earned all of this schooling on her own with full scholarships , BTW , she has never made anything but strait A,s her entire school career , THANK GOD , because this ole used car dealer / engine builder could have never afforded this as a single parent , now my son , well thats a bit different , but he is getting there ,,,lol , sorry about the rant but I rarely talk about these things but am very proud of both my children ....BTW , she is a tom boy from hell , she breaks young horses and can drive the wheels of a race car .......

04-16-2024, 05:13 PM
Should parents who are not in prison be allowed to attend their children's graduation?

04-16-2024, 10:50 PM
Ask Joe B and his whacko Judges about that, and they might say no unless the only person in the world that can't do that is Donald Trump.

04-17-2024, 08:47 AM
Should parents who are not in prison be allowed to attend their children's graduation?

I think he should go any way , like J. Turley said yesterday ," that will be the nail in the coffin for the dems , trump will win by a land slide come November " , no matter which side your own , except maybe a few far lefties on here , every one knows this is not right ......

04-17-2024, 06:53 PM
Thanks left wing judges for solidifying Trumps win in November!

Ole Trump becoming a martyr. Americans love martyrs!

I bet even whacko SS is shedding a tear for the Don, for missing his sons graduation!

04-18-2024, 06:05 AM
Their mission is to keep him out yet all they do is pave the way with their schemes to keep him out…..dam they’re dumb.

04-18-2024, 07:03 AM
Melania and Barron are hoping that the judges does stop criminal defendant (Cult45) from coming to Barron's graduations. The only way the judge would stop criminal defendant (Cult45) from going to the graduation is if he doesn't follow the rules of the court. It's in the criminal defendant (cult45) hands if he goes to Barron's graduation or not. Please remember that the only reason that the criminal defendant (cult45) is not in custody is because he out on BOND. The criminal defendant is out on bond in 3 other cases. If the criminal defendant messes this case up it will affect the other cases which means he could be locked up until the other cases are settled. Remember the Judges can revoke the bonds at any time.

Candidates Matter

04-18-2024, 07:35 AM
All these idiots howling about trump media is in the tank…..meanwhile smart folks are buying it low now because they know.
It’s kinda how you make money in that arena.


04-18-2024, 03:49 PM
Melania and Barron are hoping that the judges does stop criminal defendant (Cult45) from coming to Barron's graduations. The only way the judge would stop criminal defendant (Cult45) from going to the graduation is if he doesn't follow the rules of the court. It's in the criminal defendant (cult45) hands if he goes to Barron's graduation or not. Please remember that the only reason that the criminal defendant (cult45) is not in custody is because he out on BOND. The criminal defendant is out on bond in 3 other cases. If the criminal defendant messes this case up it will affect the other cases which means he could be locked up until the other cases are settled. Remember the Judges can revoke the bonds at any time.

Candidates Matter

You continue to show us your total lack of integrity and just doing the right thing.

You know this is a pack of lies and a kangaroo court, yet you eat it up and hope that they can get away with destroying the justice system to get a man that is actually trying to save our justice system.

I just hope Trump wins out in the long run and American can be saved, You sir are showing us that you totally support the destruction of America.

So your American Dream is to destroy America. Union or no union you are a discrace as an American citizen.

Sadly you fall into a poll that says some Democrat citizens think that cheating, stealing elections, and imprisoning opposing party participants (including citizens) for made up charges or just having opinions, is perfectly fine.

I just hope America does not have too many whack jobs like this to actually bring us down.

04-20-2024, 03:42 PM
Buford, please explain why cult45 is asking the United States Supreme Court for presidential immunity if he didn't commit a crime? Don't need to ask for it if you didn't commit a crime.

04-20-2024, 05:10 PM
Buford, please explain why cult45 is asking the United States Supreme Court for presidential immunity if he didn't commit a crime? Don't need to ask for it if you didn't commit a crime.

Because he IS being charged for a crime. That is more than a good reason. They are trying to make a criminal out of him and if the Supreme Court will do the right thing he will get immunity, but this Supreme Court seems to waffle on issues that go against the deep state and uniparty.

The reasons for this are possible blackmail, personal threats, and members who don't have enough spine to stand up and do the right thing.

This is a political party that has bought up and stolen enough power to already collapse the second amendment, and at the same to have the media to act like all is well and the deep state sends them their scripts and stories to spew propaganda and gaslight American citizens into a false feeling that things are not nearly as bad as they actually are right now.

It's like termites eating away, out of sight until your recliner finally falls through the floor. And the people are not not reacting nearly enough it seems. Some don't even know what's really going on, and others are in delial. And then there are numbers of duped fools who are unknowingly supporting our demise.

The Trump rallies though, are huge and show that a great movement is coming together. They are coming to understand that even certain Republicans in congress are in the deep state too.

Trump being charged and in court all the tiime is a big distraction and also meant to keep Trump off the campaign trail. Such underhanded stratagies by these evil people who are fighting to take control finally and keep themselves from being destroyed by their own real crimes of treason, and other numerous crimes.

Do you like those extra long sentences? lol

04-21-2024, 08:09 AM
Amazing it took 4 different grand jurys to secure an indictment, after the first 3 failed......hmmmmm!

04-21-2024, 02:22 PM
Something is plainly wrong with some the liberal minds on here ? You simply can't lern em nuthing ?

04-21-2024, 08:25 PM
Melania and Barron are hoping that the judges does stop criminal defendant (Cult45) from coming to Barron's graduations. The only way the judge would stop criminal defendant (Cult45) from going to the graduation is if he doesn't follow the rules of the court. It's in the criminal defendant (cult45) hands if he goes to Barron's graduation or not. Please remember that the only reason that the criminal defendant (cult45) is not in custody is because he out on BOND. The criminal defendant is out on bond in 3 other cases. If the criminal defendant messes this case up it will affect the other cases which means he could be locked up until the other cases are settled. Remember the Judges can revoke the bonds at any time.

Candidates Matter
I love how you say candidates matter……and well, Biden.lol.

04-22-2024, 05:08 PM
Cul45 made history today, unfortunately for being on the wrong side of the law. Candidates matter!!

04-22-2024, 08:07 PM
Cul45 made history today, unfortunately for being on the wrong side of the law. Candidates matter!!

ss why is it that more and more Democrats in congress have ties to the KGB, like Raskin's father for example. These people are the ones on the wrong side of the law, unless our laws are ran by NeoCommunists. That would be the right side to you, right???

Wave your little blue and white flag today did you????

Shouldn't our congress be waving the US flag??

04-22-2024, 08:23 PM
Something is plainly wrong with some the liberal minds on here ? You simply can't lern em nuthing ?

You can't learn them nuttin, because they are not America first!!! They eat up the Gestapo and Biden goosesteppers!!!!

04-25-2024, 09:34 PM
I think ss's brains got ate by the cannibals as well, ......no wonder theyre starving to death over there!