Conversation Between shockman and shawburn

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, I sent a message awhile back asking if you would be able to rebuild, as well as add schrader valves to SZ series Bilstein shocks. I have 5 shocks that would need this. Can you do this, what would be the cost, turnaround time? Any info you can give me is appreciated. Jim 262-225-1445
  2. I sent you a message awhile back about adding schrader valves to Bilstein SZ series shocks. I have a new question. I have one shock that has leaked all of the oil out. I am looking for someone locally that may do work on these. If I do not find anyone, what do you charge to replace the seals and refill with oil? I am not in a hurry, but what do you estimate for turn around time? Any help or info is appreciated. Thanks
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