Seeking Cloud Wizardry

  1. Rappar
    My startup is in need of some serious cloud wizardry and devops magic! We've built a cool app but our infrastructure is creaking under the strain of unexpected viral growth. Does anyone have experience with a reasonably priced cloud and devops solutions firm who could help us scale while keeping costs down? Our app lets people share pet photos so the more furry friends the better! Would love any suggestions on companies who could work their infrastructure magic yet not send us barking mad with giant bills!
  2. gwyn
    Hi there, I'm a fellow pet lover and app developer. I know how hard it is to manage a cloud infrastructure and devops for a viral app. I had a similar challenge with my app that lets people create and share custom stickers of their pets.I tried to handle everything myself, but I soon realized that I needed expert help. That's when I found A-Dev , a company that offers cloud and devops solutions for startups. They have a team of experienced and certified cloud architects and devops engineers who can handle any project, big or small.
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