FIRE Movement Catching My Attention

  1. gwyn
    Having only recently heard about the FIRE financial independence, retire early movement, I feel so behind in the knowledge and habits needed to achieve that ambitious goal. Do you follow any motivational yet practical blogs by or for folks striving for FIRE? Would love to soak up advice on maximizing savings rates, optimization strategies, building passive income streams etc. Living frugally comes naturally but investing intelligence definitely does not! Any blog or resource suggestions you have for aspiring FIRE devotees like me?
  2. Rappar
    Hey there! One blog that stands out for me is Thetradingbible. It's got this cool blend of motivational content and practical advice on living frugally while smartly investing your savings. And oh, speaking of investments, I stumbled upon an interesting read the other day about Bitcoin's value proposition on this site: Technical Analysis It's not directly related to FIRE, but it got me thinking about diversification and the role of digital assets in a modern investment portfolio. Kind of a fun detour from the usual stocks and bonds talk!
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