Brand Tracking on the Web

  1. Hmaneche
    Help me find an online service that will help my company track mentions of our brand on the Internet. I would like to be able to analyze reviews, comments and mentions on social networks, forums and news sites. Can anyone recommend reliable services with good monitoring and analytics features? Thanks in advance for your advice.
  2. Upamalel
    Good afternoon. I can recommend Brand24, which is a great online service that can help your company track mentions of your brand online. They provide extensive capabilities to analyze reviews, comments and mentions on various platforms including social media, forums and news sites. Personally, I have used brand24 customer service for advice and help with service customization and have been pleasantly surprised by their responsiveness and professionalism. I recommend brand24 to effectively monitor and analyze your online presence.
  3. Hmaneche
    Your detailed approach and clear guidance were a godsend. Thank you for your patience and comprehensive help
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