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Thread: Black Issues

  1. #321
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    You're now trying to argue the correct way to name wars, which is irrelevant to the conversation. It doesn't matter what you think a proper name is when the argument is about what people actually called it. Even then, other nations likely would call it the American Civil War, but in the United States, there has only been one civil war to refer to, thus THE Civil War can only be referencing that specific conflict. But again, you disagreeing with a name being used doesn't prove your point at all. As for your next post, the 16% was a combination of WoNA AND War Between the States. War of Northern Aggression shouldn't sound right because it's 100% wrong/inaccurate.

  2. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris1241 View Post
    You're now trying to argue the correct way to name wars, which is irrelevant to the conversation. It doesn't matter what you think a proper name is when the argument is about what people actually called it. Even then, other nations likely would call it the American Civil War, but in the United States, there has only been one civil war to refer to, thus THE Civil War can only be referencing that specific conflict. But again, you disagreeing with a name being used doesn't prove your point at all. As for your next post, the 16% was a combination of WoNA AND War Between the States. War of Northern Aggression shouldn't sound right because it's 100% wrong/inaccurate.
    Wow 17 pages on this??? Really!!!!
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  3. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris1241 View Post
    You're now trying to argue the correct way to name wars, which is irrelevant to the conversation. It doesn't matter what you think a proper name is when the argument is about what people actually called it. Even then, other nations likely would call it the American Civil War, but in the United States, there has only been one civil war to refer to, thus THE Civil War can only be referencing that specific conflict. But again, you disagreeing with a name being used doesn't prove your point at all. As for your next post, the 16% was a combination of WoNA AND War Between the States. War of Northern Aggression shouldn't sound right because it's 100% wrong/inaccurate.
    He argues about the correct name to call wars, you argue about what war is itself……it works both ways.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  4. #324
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    Where have I argued about what war is itself in relation to the origins of the Civil War's name? I'm being honest as this entire thread has become a jumbled mess.

  5. #325
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    You argued early on that the soldiers from the south didn’t deserve to be recognized on Memorial Day because they weren’t actually fighting a recognized war in the US……….I don’t really remember how you worded it, just that you did.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  6. #326
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    Default when they hit the windshield!

  7. #327
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    Same thread, but a very different topic. That also isn't what I said in the first place. They don't fall under Memorial Day because they did not fight for the United States military. They fought in direct opposition to it.

  8. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    Jefferymo, define 'white power'..... To make things a little clearer, when we define black power, we are talking about African demonic, Marxist, un-moral ruling like the Black Panthers and some of the Black Terrorist Organizations that has a play book to go to all White Nations and under mine them plus what is good in America. Haiti, Middle Eastern Black Nations like Yemen, and African Nations are in terrible trouble and always will be because of their demonic morals and culture, even the Bible says so. White power is word used by the unmoral left, Hitler was on the Marxist left list with his Alt Reich (pronounced 'Rite', not Right) program to take over the world, An Austria Jew, that hated other Jews. Note, he was not a German but a immigrate to Germany. The Skin Heads promote 'White Power' because they don't want the Jews to no longer control the Banking and Shipping world wide like the Roth-childs, a dozen families of money and power, plus like George Soros is an example. Most all good Governments are White Power ran, which is good. If Black Power controlled the world, the result would be like the movie, 'Planet of the Apes', with the Statue of Liberty buried.
    YO, YO,! ! Jeffy MO ! ! Y no questions, comments, additions or corrections ? ? Just as I thought ! ! Also your reply about the Klan was way far out there.

  9. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris1241 View Post
    Same thread, but a very different topic. That also isn't what I said in the first place. They don't fall under Memorial Day because they did not fight for the United States military. They fought in direct opposition to it.
    They fought against their aggressors……which as luck would have it, were all from the north.

    Like I said, you read about it….a bunch of families people lived it, I know some of them.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  10. #330
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    Doesn't matter who the aggressor was (it was the South, though, who made the initial acts of aggression). I had ancestors who fought in the Civil War too, though mine was for the Union. This isn't about right or wrong. It's about if the soldiers fall under the US Memorial Day. They were not United States soldiers or veterans, so they don't qualify.

  11. #331
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    George Soros (made his billions in hedge funds) went to Turkey, was kicked out of Turkey because he tried to buy the country; with his radical ways (open society) which those people didn't buy into his agenda. So Soros went to England, then here to the US. People like him are funding all of this craziness. I saw a long list (hundreds) on TV of all of the name deletions that the Blacks demand. Lee and Jackson statues are being removed in Charlottesville VA this past weekend. Anyone who ever had slaves, promoted slaves, had any connection to slavery will be cancelled from history; which will cost millions changing names of cities, buildings, the possibilities are endless. Changing America to the point no one will recognize this Nation by deleting Presidents, Congress men, and changing history to meet the Black demands. Do you really think it will stop there? Ever noticed when asked, "what are you asking for in your demands?", they will not say, for it is rooted in evil.

  12. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris1241 View Post
    Doesn't matter who the aggressor was (it was the South, though, who made the initial acts of aggression). I had ancestors who fought in the Civil War too, though mine was for the Union. This isn't about right or wrong. It's about if the soldiers fall under the US Memorial Day. They were not United States soldiers or veterans, so they don't qualify.
    This is about right and wrong……..and one of us is one and one of us is the other.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  13. #333
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    Sorry, meant morally right and wrong. It doesn't matter if you or i agree with their motives, if what I meant to say.

  14. #334
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    You “ mean to say” a lot of stuff , my question is…..why don’t you?

    This isn’t the first time you’ve been called on something and then the reply being….wha wha happen was, what I meant to say was….

    No sweat on my end, your posts are a lot like north Alabama’s…..I don’t agree with a lot of it, but they do make me think.

    Back to my point….every American soldier that fought and died to build this country should be recognized on Memorial Day….endeth the lesson.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  15. #335
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    Chicago Board of Education | Chicago Public Schools..........The current Board members were appointed by Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot in June 2019. They are a diverse group of committed, distinguished, and highly-accomplished experts in their professions, as well as prominent leaders in social, civic, and cultural affairs. They mandated that schools have condoms for 10 yr. olds and up for free. What 10 yr. old is sexually active? Is that not a crime? Should parents not be notified? Also not to post sex education classes because parents will opt out their children; to promote the LBGQT+ agenda. We need straight moral WHITE people to run this country.

  16. #336
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    Biden is acting like Abe, calling for civil war for Marxist Blacks. Republican led States on voting laws, State Rights being taken way, being called Jim Crow, Federal take over. Does it remind you of something?....Give Biden a small black hair piece and a upper lip black hair, he looks like who? Biden spoke just like Hitler today!

  17. #337
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    You are absolutely right that every American soldier should fall under Memorial Day. Confederate soldiers do not fall under that criteria.

  18. #338
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    They were American soldiers…….carry on.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  19. #339
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    On TV, a show stated that there was a black regiment of 15k or 150k mostly slaves who fought for the South. I guess cancel culture should not acknowledge them neither, nor acknowledge the South period, for they are backwards and stupid unlike the progressive- civil rights regressive.

  20. #340
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    Default Thomas Sowell

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    Facts about slavery never mentioned in school -

    Facts About SLAVERY They Don't Teach You at School -
    Last edited by lurker; 07-14-2021 at 11:22 PM.


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