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  1. #1
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    Default Found TS documents and striking nurses ???

    Ss, can I hear your perspective on each of these events today? In your own words if possible……I mean we all go back and forth and try to one up the stupidity sometimes but seriously, what you got on union nurses striking when flu,rsv and covid are wild again?
    I look at it like extortion,but I loath unions and love nurses and can’t imagine them not wanting to live up to their end on the compassion and oath deal.

    As for the documents found on miralago-joe today in that much more secure public think tank thingy..……Every president on earth has those type documents where they aren’t supposed to be, the next couple days of coverage ( or lack of it) will just once again prove that most of the dems were and are being little whiney beaches with most of the trump nonsense…..whatcha got here?
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  2. #2
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    I read today where somewhere in N.Y. state there are over 7,000 that went on strike ! !

  3. #3
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    The families of the patients that die because of this should class action everyone involved…….it’s ridiculous.
    What the hell has happened to people?
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  4. #4
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    Somehow this needs to be illegal for them to strike………if they aren’t happy and want to quit or go find a job doing something else, great.
    But to leave a public health system in a lurch because you conspire and demand is just plain dangerous and really should be unacceptable.

    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  5. #5
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    Who do they think they are anyway ? School teachers ?

  6. #6
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    Or airline pilots,rail workers or auto workers? The nerve.

    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  7. #7
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    I get negotiating, this is playing with lives…….for a buck.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  8. #8
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    Lets just hope that they don't invent another Covid crisis while they are out ? ?

  9. #9
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    What happens if they get sick on strike and have to go to the hospital?

    I believe this would be called an unintended consequence….whoops.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  12. #12
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    BBQ, I told my wife (who was a nurse) 25 years ago that they needed to unionize. She would come home and complain on a lot of different topics. All of the issues wouldn't of happen if they belong to a union. 1st everybody started at a different pay scale. My wife could have been there 10 years and a new employee could start and make $2.00 more an hour and was doing the same work that she was with the same educating she had. Vacation time was all messed up. Nobody could see who put in for what. You might get denied for your vacation because someone with less seniority put in for the same time but the DON (director of nursing) like that person better. This happened a lot. When I worked for corrections the number one seniority was called to the office and he picked his vacation for the year. His name was written on a calendar. Then the next senior person could see what was already taken.

    As far as the classified document's I will wait to hear more. Biden didn't use them for trying to negotiate for his criminal behavior like Trump did. Once Biden's attorneys found the documents, they turned them in. The National Archives didn't have to go to a court to get a search warrant to get the documents returned. The National Archives didn't even know they were gone. Its going to come down to what was his intent for the documents. We all know what the intent for the conman was.
    Last edited by ss12; 01-10-2023 at 08:32 AM.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  13. #13
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    Understaffing as a result of forcing nurses to take vaccines or being dismissed has played a major part in this crisis.

    Now understaffing, underpaid, and under appreciated nurses have had enough.

    Blame the "GUV" for bringing this on!

    Of course the union mentality of being underpaid always happens it seems.

    If I were a nurse I would have blown a mental fuse over wearing them dang masks all the time!!!
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    BBQ, I told my wife (who was a nurse) 25 years ago that they needed to unionize. She would come home and complain on a lot of different topics. All of the issues wouldn't of happen if they belong to a union. 1st everybody started at a different pay scale. My wife could have been there 10 years and a new employee could start and make $2.00 more an hour and was doing the same work that she was with the same educating she had. Vacation time was all messed up. Nobody could see who put in for what. You might get denied for your vacation because someone with less seniority put in for the same time but the DON (director of nursing) like that person better. This happened a lot. When I worked for corrections the number one seniority was called to the office and he picked his vacation for the year. His name was written on a calendar. Then the next senior person could see what was already taken.

    As far as the classified document's I will wait to hear more. Biden didn't use them for trying to negotiate for his criminal behavior like Trump did. Once Biden's attorneys found the documents, they turned them in. The National Archives didn't have to go to a court to get a search warrant to get the documents returned. The National Archives didn't even know they were gone. Its going to come down to what was his intent for the documents. We all know what the intent for the conman was.
    Cough cough!!! Excuse me, but the Homorable President Trump has never given the Chinese Communists classified DOCs nor has he received even one penny from the CCP, on the other hand Joe Biden and family have sold out to the CCP for millions and are totally compromised by the CCP.

    It's called being traitors by the way.

    Now they are allowed to lie through their teeth yet again? DOJ's head goon stares on silently.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  15. #15
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    It's time to raid the white house with 30 FBI vehichles is it not???? Or Penn University?

    Take Jills underwear too!!!

    By the way again. Did you know that $70 Million in Undisclosed Gifts from China Given to “Biden Center” at UPenn.
    Last edited by Buford.Justice; 01-10-2023 at 02:16 PM.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    BBQ, I told my wife (who was a nurse) 25 years ago that they needed to unionize. She would come home and complain on a lot of different topics. All of the issues wouldn't of happen if they belong to a union. 1st everybody started at a different pay scale. My wife could have been there 10 years and a new employee could start and make $2.00 more an hour and was doing the same work that she was with the same educating she had. Vacation time was all messed up. Nobody could see who put in for what. You might get denied for your vacation because someone with less seniority put in for the same time but the DON (director of nursing) like that person better. This happened a lot. When I worked for corrections the number one seniority was called to the office and he picked his vacation for the year. His name was written on a calendar. Then the next senior person could see what was already taken.

    As far as the classified document's I will wait to hear more. Biden didn't use them for trying to negotiate for his criminal behavior like Trump did. Once Biden's attorneys found the documents, they turned them in. The National Archives didn't have to go to a court to get a search warrant to get the documents returned. The National Archives didn't even know they were gone. Its going to come down to what was his intent for the documents. We all know what the intent for the conman was.
    Thanks….so basically trump deserved to get scolded and railroaded about secret nuclear documents ( which weren’t ever there, just guessed and foddered about for tv time) just because he was a brat?
    It’s funny to watch them ( and you) spin it…very telling.

    I remembered your wife being a nurse, my question was more of what is her and your opinion on nurses walking out on their patients during this very trying time of sickness…..she took an oath and or made similarly aligned promises at her graduation didn’t she?
    I totally get being fleeced by the auto manufacturers and pissed and walking out because of conditions on an assembly line or parts whs……..but nobody dies because of that, the healthcare position is held a little more sacred than that.
    My Aunt is a long standing high level nurse and we’ve had this discussion, She has never struck ever…..her compassion will not let her.

    Thanks for answering, thank your wife for being a nurse.

    And just so ya know, almost every private company in America plays favorites about vacation time,better office,nicer chair etc for employees they like more than others.

    They don’t need a union to manage their people and charge them to come to work…true story.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    BBQ, I told my wife (who was a nurse) 25 years ago that they needed to unionize. She would come home and complain on a lot of different topics. All of the issues wouldn't of happen if they belong to a union. 1st everybody started at a different pay scale. My wife could have been there 10 years and a new employee could start and make $2.00 more an hour and was doing the same work that she was with the same educating she had. Vacation time was all messed up. Nobody could see who put in for what. You might get denied for your vacation because someone with less seniority put in for the same time but the DON (director of nursing) like that person better. This happened a lot. When I worked for corrections the number one seniority was called to the office and he picked his vacation for the year. His name was written on a calendar. Then the next senior person could see what was already taken.

    As far as the classified document's I will wait to hear more. Biden didn't use them for trying to negotiate for his criminal behavior like Trump did. Once Biden's attorneys found the documents, they turned them in. The National Archives didn't have to go to a court to get a search warrant to get the documents returned. The National Archives didn't even know they were gone. Its going to come down to what was his intent for the documents. We all know what the intent for the conman was.
    Do you find the root problem of “ the archive folks didn’t even know they were missing” an issue?
    And no, we don’t know what trumps intentions were with them….please don’t act like you do.
    Probably the same intentions as Joes, whatever those were……I have my suspicions why but don’t need to share them because it’s unfounded at this point.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  18. #18
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    Biden's attorneys handed the documents over when they found them unlike the conman's attorney who signed a document indicated they handed over all of the documents. We all know this was another lie. The conmans had to have his resident search by the FBI for refusing to comply with a subpoena to turn over the documents.

    The DOJ and FBI knew what his intentions were and that's why they went and got them back. Remember they went back a 2nd time to get what the conman kept the 1st time.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  19. #19
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    Better remeasure your nose again!!!!
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  20. #20
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    Right, you hate trump….got it.

    The question was, the root problem of the archive folks not even knowing they were gone? Don’t you see that as an issue that’s a little more important than what both ( and most likely every other president that’s been on earth) has had tucked away accidentally or on purpose when they left.

    My hope in all of this is that the republicans don’t act like the cunts the dems have about trumps nothing burgers……I fear it’s coming though, and it will sadly be eye for an eye deserved.

    And they wonder why?
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????


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