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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Northwest Indiana

    Default Southern All Stars DQ McDowell for tire infraction which hands the win to Ray Cook.

    Southern All Stars DQ McDowell for tire infraction and that hand win to Ray Cook.

    Ray Cook is the winner of lasts nights Bill and Frank Ingram Memorial at North Georgia Speedway! Tire Rule infraction from Dale McDowell disqualified him handing the win to Cook pending tire test. The Rule infraction was over the limit of tires allowed for the event. The Series allows six tires to be used per event. Officials mark four tires pre-Qualifying with an allowance of two unmarked tires to be used for the feature event. This was announced during drivers meeting and has been a rule fir over two years now. Officials did check prior to feature in which our official asked about the tires. In this instance a communication error may have occurred. Feature was ran and again the officials see 3 unmarked tires on the car. This resulted in a Disqualification. We don't believe this was done intentionally by Shane McDowell Racing but we have to stand by our rules when all other participants in the event abided by the rules.
    Nathan Stephens

    Next Race - 7/20 TBA
    2024 Season: 14 - Brownstown (IN) 2, Fairbury (IL) 2, Farmer City (IL) 1, Grundy Co (IL) 1, Kankakee (IL) 2, & Shadyhill (IN) 6

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Northwest Indiana


    Shane McDowell Racing
    Last night after a lot of debate and uncertainty, we’ve been officially disqualified. Before the feature, we went through tire tech. The official asked Dale if we flipped tires, Dale couldn’t hear/understand what he was saying so the offical asked Dale if we changed tires and Dale said yes. The official didn’t ask which ones or how many or any other issues. The official radioed to the tower and he cleared Dale to roll to the track. After the race they scaled us, checked droop and rolled us to the front stretch…while on the front stretch they checked our tires again and said we were only allowed to change 2 tires (the tire rule on their website isn’t accurate, so don’t read that. They post a “bulletin” on their Facebook page-only, 2-3 days prior to the event which is inadequate, but anyway) So while discussing on the front stretch about their rules they then pull us to the infield VL and do pictures. They come to our truck to do the tire test. One offical begins the tire test while the other offical is talking to Shane about what tires we changed. They understood our explanation and how we were misconstrued and explained that you count the 4 from earlier in the night and really can only change 2 tires. However, regardless of the rule, they admitted that their officials made a mistake in PRE-RACE tire tech and they couldn’t dq us because their officals “dropped the ball” and if they had caught it in tire tech they would have made us change it and we could’ve raced with no further issues. Then 20-30 minutes later the officials show back up and declare us dq’d because of the 7 tires.
    They informed us this same situation happened to Weiss last year and they let him change it because it was caught in pre-race tire tech! However, their failure to properly tech pre-race tires, resulted in us being cleared/legal to race! After running the whole race THEN they determined that they didn’t catch it and we were in the wrong!! They were totally unclear on how to make this call…they changed their minds 3 times on what they were gonna do…how can the pre-race tire tech give us the ok to race and then realize they made a mistake and dq us AFTER the race….we’re the ones taking the hit, not the officials that failed to have the knowledge on how to tech THEIR OWN RULE…what’s the purpose of pre-race tire tech if you’re not doing it right or don’t know what you’re doing!?!?!
    So how did they justify their mistake to us you ask? Basically it’s ok for them to make a mistake, but we should know the rules better than they know how to tech!
    Happy Sunday Y’all
    Nathan Stephens

    Next Race - 7/20 TBA
    2024 Season: 14 - Brownstown (IN) 2, Fairbury (IL) 2, Farmer City (IL) 1, Grundy Co (IL) 1, Kankakee (IL) 2, & Shadyhill (IN) 6

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Petersburg, Georgia


    Sucks for Dale, but thems the rules. Congrats to Ray!
    Make America Godly Again
    2 Chronicles 7:14

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    Wonder if it was someone other than ray cook in 2nd. MAN UP a holes, I'd like to know who it was that said we need to change this after it was ruled we screwed up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I don't think Cook has any affiliation with SAS. I don't know know why SAS would favor him?

    One of the bigger problems we have is, some of these officials don't understand the rules to begin with. We had a guy at a Lucas show measure a piece of the body with his finger instead actually measuring it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    On the road


    A tire rule that the rulers don’t know how to tech???? Stuff like this is great for the sport…..smfh.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    none of this kind of stuff happened when Ole BJ was at the helm , welcome to the modern era of late model dirt racing .....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    SAS admitting fault just once should be enough to throw their case right out the window.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Northwest Indiana

    Thumbs up

    Shane McDowell Racing
    Last year at the World 100…in OUR b-main, 2 drivers changed tires AFTER going through tire tech…that’s illegal and yes, it’s in the rules and yes, it’s mentioned in the drivers meeting but mistakes happen! Officials didn’t catch that they changed tires until AFTER the b-main…. the series did not DQ them for the mistake because their officials “dropped the ball” not only did they not DQ them they added an additional 2 transfer spots from the b-main (Chamberlain & Hedgec0ck) to make it right!! That’s how you handle a situation professionally!
    Southern All Star Dirt Racing Series still has time to make it right as they are waiting on tire test results…. right or wrong, miscommunication or not you’re supposed to give your officials the credibility to make the calls…do you have the courage and professionalism to stand with them or not!?!?
    Nathan Stephens

    Next Race - 7/20 TBA
    2024 Season: 14 - Brownstown (IN) 2, Fairbury (IL) 2, Farmer City (IL) 1, Grundy Co (IL) 1, Kankakee (IL) 2, & Shadyhill (IN) 6

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Northwest Indiana


    Nathan Stephens

    Next Race - 7/20 TBA
    2024 Season: 14 - Brownstown (IN) 2, Fairbury (IL) 2, Farmer City (IL) 1, Grundy Co (IL) 1, Kankakee (IL) 2, & Shadyhill (IN) 6

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Its called "pre race TIRE TECH". The one and ONLY thing that official is looking at is tires, if he clears you to go on to the track the only tire infraction you should be able to be called wrong on is if the tires have been chemically altered. The whole 6 tire rule was in place to save teams money and ease the tire usage during the covid shortage, but telling the 17m he's clear to race and burn up 10-12 gallons of racing gas, 4 tires at $220 a piece, 50 laps on the motor and dq him to go home with $0 after PASSING pre race tire tech??? But ill also say had they not had a pre race tire tech and everybody rolled to the front stretch and after the race they found out he used 7 tires, the DQ would be valid imo.


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