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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by lurker View Post
    Tyy7777, Back to my question in post #27. Were they a popular race team in there area before going YT?
    No they were racing weekly in Florida. It’s pretty dang cool what they have built. No matter what they do anymore they have some people on the internet telling them that every decision they make is the wrong one

  2. #42


    The question remains... Will Langenfelder repossess cars, engines, and other equipment? Will Kubota money be used to buy them back? Or will Jonathan take another questionable PPP loan? Oh, wait they don't give those out anymore.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I do think it is pretty neat what they done building their team just over a YouTube and Patreon channels. I don't have time to sit down and watch their videos like I used to. One of the last videos I remember watching was when they first got the capital car. It's definitely different the way they have did it, but they gave made it work so far.

  4. #44
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Top Row Analyst View Post
    The question remains... Will Langenfelder repossess cars, engines, and other equipment? Will Kubota money be used to buy them back? Or will Jonathan take another questionable PPP loan? Oh, wait they don't give those out anymore.
    they were a business that was forced to shut down during covid, not sure how thats questionable?

    its so funny the jealousy around their team. They built something from nothing with a couple cameras and free social media. Theyre regional guys that go to a few big shows a year and usually have a good showing. Theres nothing impressive about guys racing on their grand daddies tax write offs. If they got a corporate sponsor then good for them and theres usually 3 sides to a story

  5. #45
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by riddle28 View Post
    they were a business that was forced to shut down during covid, not sure how thats questionable?

    its so funny the jealousy around their team. They built something from nothing with a couple cameras and free social media. Theyre regional guys that go to a few big shows a year and usually have a good showing. Theres nothing impressive about guys racing on their grand daddies tax write offs. If they got a corporate sponsor then good for them and theres usually 3 sides to a story
    Yep..........<cutting down on the verbose-ness>

  6. #46
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    Dec 2017



    So HTF is sorta like the Thomas Meseraull, TmezTV of the DLM world --- good enough, thanks for answering my question.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by lurker View Post
    Dlmfan123, So HTF is sorta like the Thomas Meseraull, TmezTV of the DLM world --- good enough, thanks for answering my question.
    Tmez has been racing nationally for years now, him on YouTube is only a year or two old

  8. #48
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by KTMLew View Post
    Youtube, Instagram, Tic-Toc, SnapChat, are the new way.
    You forgot Facebook.

    Social media wise, this forum is the closest I get to any form of social media. None of the above are my thing, nor do I have time for them. I liked racing well before today’s social media driven world. Showing up at Monett Speedway on a Sunday night just to see if Moyer or Phillips showed up was good enough for me. My buddies use to call Larry’s shop in Springfield to see where he was racing, so I guess that was old school social media -- hahaha.

  9. #49
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Dlmfan123 View Post
    Tmez has been racing nationally for years now, him on YouTube is only a year or two old
    Thanks, Dlmfan123. But the two are comparable, correct?

  10. #50
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    Dec 2017


    I just looked at the HTF YT page ---- where in the world do people get the time to look at and follow stuff like this, and 20 to 30 minute videos. To each there own, and good for HTF getting that many viewers and hits.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by lurker View Post
    I just looked at the HTF YT page ---- where in the world do people get the time to look at and follow stuff like this, and 20 to 30 minute videos. To each there own, and good for HTF getting that many viewers and hits.
    My old job, I was a night shift supervisor. I had about 2hrs a night I could get some screen time in. I've changed to a truck driver since then, and then and add a wife, and kid in, I barely got time to keep up with racing news anymore.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by lurker View Post
    I just looked at the HTF YT page ---- where in the world do people get the time to look at and follow stuff like this, and 20 to 30 minute videos. To each there own, and good for HTF getting that many viewers and hits.
    If you do retirement properly you have 24/7 to do whatever you want. Not talking about saving tons of money being the right way. Keeping expenses down works too. I own almost nothing. Makes moving very easy...but I digest.

  13. #53
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    It does help to keep everything moving when you digest.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis View Post

    It does help to keep everything moving when you digest.
    Look up Brent Terhune.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by KTMLew View Post
    Look up Brent Terhune.
    All I saw was a bunch of facebook YT, Insta, Ticktock, etc.....

    I don't do that sh|t....too old, lol.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    As far as Langenfelder reposing anything, that depends on the details of the agreement. I would think, certainly hope, both sides would have crossed their T's and dotted their I's in the deal. HTF because they have free access to a racing lawyer and Lagenfelder because he's operating a large successful business that probably encounters legal matters all the time. My guess would be that Lagenfelder thought this was going to be a REALLY long term deal and fell into the bromance of the team and therefore maybe got a little too relax making the deal not ever seeing this situation coming. If that is the case, it probably won't ever happen again to him.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis View Post
    All I saw was a bunch of facebook YT, Insta, Ticktock, etc.....

    I don't do that sh|t....too old, lol.
    He's a comedian. Ends lot of his short videos with I digest instead of I digress. But not everyone has my sense-of-humor. YMMV.

    I'm 66 and think he's quite funny making fun of a certain ex-president & his cult members.

  18. #58
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    Soooo...37 minute Patreon video that says nothing. Said they can't say anything official until Friday. My guess is laywer says contract starts on X date. Say nothing until then. I only watched maybe 10 minutes. Was completely pointless.

    And Whynot cancelled, rained out, with no date available to reschedule.

  19. #59


    I’ll say one thing you spend a couple days pitted near them and you quickly figure out that the joiners give you some the worse fake mf’r vibes you’ll ever get. Jesse and some the other crew guys aren’t that way but the joiners themselves give you hardcore snake oil salesman vibes.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by KTMLew View Post
    None of us armchair team owners have any idea exactly how these sponsorships work. Does the sponsor call X business and place an order? Doubt it. My guess is Race Team Y calls company and gets price on widget. Sends sponsor the quote. Sponsor wires team that amount of money to teams account. Kinda doubt this level of sponsorship is a, "here's $250K to spend how you want" type of deal.

    Also remember, Joshua's wife is their attorney. THIS is what she's done for years. Racing stuff.

    From what I've seen/understood thru their videos, two engines & one car "belong" to Langenfelder...but lawyers do lawyer stuff.

    The first LH was essentially a trade. Found option on LH so...sold fairly new Capital because Langenfelder wanted them in a LH plus the Capital stuff just wasn't getting better. The 2018/19 chassis seems better for them than the new ones they bought.

    My guess is best case...Langenfelder just takes the L. Worst case, LAWYERS!
    with your post in post #14 , " were running it to keep laps of the clements & duckens : , you must be more to them than a " arm chair team owner " , any way , all I can say is I only met them once several years back and they seemed alright to me , I dont follow them or any one else on book face so I have no idea of there social influence ....


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