Elsa Peretti’s iconic open heart design is the standard in Tiffany jewellry. The sensuality and grace of her aesthetic is framed wonderfully by this stylized heart image. Tiffany turn up in all corners of the world based on Peretti’s designs.

Tiffany Apple Pendant - Symbol of Knowledge & Education

Dedicated to all those fancy gentlewomen who like to flaunt with their taste related to cute jewelry along with their full loyalty in UK Tiffany,tiffany rings,here we have a perfect one for you. Do not worry about your fragile skin as our luxury garments were made with just a small portion of impurities in the material thus it won’t cause allergies. This is a striking Apple Pendant and is a symbol of the knowledge but you will have the opportunity to wear it. It is made in sterling silver. This is an empty shape of the apple made with a thin rod. This Tiffany Apple Pendant - Symbol of Knowledge & Education has been designed by Elsa Peretti and it looks shiny and well defined. This apple is attached to a chain in the same metal but is 16″ long. This empty apple has the seed and the stick very well defined.