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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Ellijay, Georgia

    Default Well Team 48 does again

    Carl wins race .......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    It is spelled Busch. BTW I don't mind the haters, but Busch didn't do anything wrong. BTW ll the clown reinvests in Nascar teams, and has 86 Nascar victories. What is he, about 26?

  3. #3
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    May 2007


    jmo: kinda apparent nascar doesn't count when the championship race is on espn(cable) instead of abc (national).

    what did the advertisors pay to be shown on abc? idk since i was watching football.

    as for harvick and kyle... perfect.

    earlier in the chase kyle wanted special treatment for those in contention. guess he forgot who today's players were. just another failed slide job caused when the driver getting passed didn't lift. boo hoo.

    jimmie the champ again?

    boring. shouldn't be, with a guy winning his 5th straight, but it is. cause he is. and today's racing ain't what is once was. and that's why today's race was on espn.
    And the days that I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, well, I have really good days - Ray Wylie Hubbard

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    What is interesting is this. I get a kick out of people that think they could walk up to Busch, give him a shove and think they would walk away in one piece. I guarantee you, that ain't happening. I know the guy BTW. He is immature at times, no doubt, but he is anything but a candy A. He is also the best driver in Nascar.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    What is interesting is this. I get a kick out of people that think they could walk up to Busch, give him a shove and think they would walk away in one piece. I guarantee you, that ain't happening. I know the guy BTW. He is immature at times, no doubt, but he is anything but a candy A. He is also the best driver in Nascar.
    If hes the best how many championships does he have???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default bush the crybaby

    the funny think about bush is he crys and crys when someone hits him but he doenst blink to drive dirty most of the race,,, who cares if hes a wimp or not but he is a crybaby and spoiled brat,, and the only reason hes winning is they are putting himin the best of the best,, id say that any of the top 20 could do what hes done with the equipment he has,,, its funny about these teams but one wins while the others are running experimental stuff and maybe not as good,, happens every week,,,,,, bushes brother was the same way spoiled and thought his poop didnt stink,,,,, got straightened out didnt he,,, look at kb in a couple of years when he isnt winning and tell me how good he is,,,,,,

  7. #7
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    Jul 2007


    Kyle Busch is the best driver in NASCAR? Whoa there. Another guy just wins his fifth straight championship in NASCAR'S premier division and Busch, who has yet to win even one, is the best driver in that division? Probably not.

    Plus, I'm hearing that the guy is Rocky Marciano reincarnate. Hmmm. His past altercations wouldn't seem to bear that out. If he's such a bad a s s he sure hasn't shown it yet. He certainly didn't seem to want to mix it up with Steven Wallace or one of Earnhardt Jr.'s crewmen among others. Busch and Harvick mixing it up? That would go down as one of the best scratch and hair pulling cat fights on record. LOL!!

    Jimmy Johnson gets labeled as boring because he is lucky enough to have an adaquate upbringing and was taught some manners as a result. Doesn't make any sense, does it? Am I understanding this correctly? Jimmy Johnson needs to act like someone who wasn't taught to display class, human dignity, common courtesy or respect to be considered not boring? What does that tell you about that segment of NASCAR fandom? I'm gonna' go out on a limb here and say that those who feel that way probably weren't taught those character virtues either.

    Even though I've never been a fan of Johnson I say way to go Jimmy. You prove you can be one of, if not, the best ever and still exemplify class and dignity.
    Last edited by CIRF; 11-26-2010 at 11:32 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Class & Dignity??? Stock car drivers.??? not necessary..
    Like the rest of us they come in all shapes/colors.
    KB is the hardest driver in NASCAR, he needs the best equipment..

  9. #9
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    Jul 2008


    And the praise continues for Johnson. Fine. Best ever? He isn't even the best now. But to my correct assessment. In order for a driver to win the silly chase, he has to have a top 5 car every week. Johnson is the only one over the last five years that gets top 5 cars every week. Lets see how he does when he doesn't get them. As for Busch, rude and crude, and if ever gets a team that gives him cars like Johnson gets every week on a regular basis, the fans screaming will have to limits.

  10. #10
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    Jul 2008


    They all do or they can't win it. this is what the debate is about where I am concerned.

  11. #11
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    May 2007


    nothing against jimmie or the 48 team. they have earned those 5 championships with the rules that are in place.

    but it's become quite obvious that domination without charisma does not sell tickets or the interest of the national television networks. a shot at a 5th consecutive championships in any MAJOR sport should have had network television.

    no. it's not all mr. johnson. guaranteed starting spots, the COT, many of the current racetracks, and the megateams fielding jeff gordon clones have turned the sport that grew by leaps and bounds barely a decade ago into a snooze fest being ran by a france with a lack of vision.

    and finally, there is a reason some would like kyle busch to be the best. it's because he arouses passion for both himself and the sport.

    And the days that I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, well, I have really good days - Ray Wylie Hubbard

  12. #12
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    Jul 2008


    Yep Kyle Busch. Nascar needs him to have a team putting him in a position to win. Meaning consistently good cars. He has never had them for more than short periods of time. If he is competing for championships and races the rating go up. Why? It gives us a polarizing driver, and man does Nascar need it. BTW I will be in minority rooting for him, bad behavior and all I like the kid. LOL
    Kyle Busch has never had cars anywhere near good enough to win the chase. The few times he went in optimistic having a good season, his team let him down. Blown motors, and other gaffs by his team made it impossible for him to win. I laugh when i see people say he can't win a championship. Stay tuned.
    Just give him equal to what Hamlin had this year and its game on. Hamlin did well, but Busch would have had the championship in hand by Miami.

  13. #13
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    Nope, class and dignity isn't necessary for anything, I reckon. It can't be bought, no one can give it to you but your just another slime bag without it regardless of what you can do better than most other people. To some folks charisma=being a lowlife a s s load. Good manners, respect and an adaquate upbringing isn't important at all but as often as not the folks it isn't important to are no better in that catagory than their slime bag hero's.

    I remember Jerry Rice when he played for the 49ers was getting some trash talk from a player on the opposite team during the late stages of a playoff game that the 49ers were leading handily. Rice didn't say a word, all he did was point at the scoreboard and smile. Speculate all you want to about who's got a better team and car or who's a better driver but the fact remains JJ has the five in a row and he did it with good manners and respect.

    Just smile and point at the scoreboard Jimmy. Hehehehehehe.
    Last edited by CIRF; 11-27-2010 at 12:58 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Rules , System , what have ya....

    All those cars , teams , etc. play by the same system. That said , it doesn't matter if they race for Cotton Candy , or a One dollar bill . My point is , until someone beats 48 at whatever the rules are , they are the ones to beat. I may say I'm not a huge 48 team fan , but they don't have one advantage ANY other Cup team doesn't.... I'm not a big C.Knaus fan , but he is the best in the garage right now (key word NOW). If history holds true , (and it always will) they will struggle , members will leave , things will happen that will take care of the strangle hold they now enjoy... As far as K.Busch , it makes me SICK to here his name in the same sentence as Tim Richmond ! ! ! J.Johnson has great car control , and he races smart. It took awhile , but I finally admitted that to myself a couple a years ago. I hate what NASCAR has become , though.

  15. #15
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    May 2010

    Default Hired help...

    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Yep Kyle Busch. Nascar needs him to have a team putting him in a position to win. Meaning consistently good cars. He has never had them for more than short periods of time. If he is competing for championships and races the rating go up. Why? It gives us a polarizing driver, and man does Nascar need it. BTW I will be in minority rooting for him, bad behavior and all I like the kid. LOL
    Kyle Busch has never had cars anywhere near good enough to win the chase. The few times he went in optimistic having a good season, his team let him down. Blown motors, and other gaffs by his team made it impossible for him to win. I laugh when i see people say he can't win a championship. Stay tuned.
    Just give him equal to what Hamlin had this year and its game on. Hamlin did well, but Busch would have had the championship in hand by Miami.
    Are you on K.Busch's payroll ? ? ? He needs a left hook to his right jaw.... pure punk...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Fuuny how many dimwits out there think Jimmy Johnson's car is equipped with an autopilot system where he just sits in the seat for 500 miles and the car wins the race!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Racers Athletes,Musicians, theyre all people.
    Love their accomlishments, dont worry if theyre Classy/Dignified..
    KB has as good a car as anyone. Hes just hard on them!!!!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Can't win without winning cars. Johnson does a nice job, but nothing other top drivers couldn't do with winning cars. The 48 team puts out winning cars every week for Johnson to drive. The behind the scenes team including Knaus are probably the best in history. The driver is the beneficiary, and that is fine. But to think other drivers have as good a chance as Johnson has is simple minded. Kyle is a bit immature, but he gives life to sport on life support. It is me against all other posters on Kyle. Just the way I like it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Nascar for me went by the wayside years ago. Actully left Dirt to follow in mid 70's through the mid ninties now back to grass roots dirt drivers. If NASCAR wants to change, raise the front of the cars to 5 inches and give them a 1 inch spoiler on the back. Then we will see who can actually drive. JMO

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    That would be a good idea. I have always like Nascar, but never as much as dirt.


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