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Thread: Lawsuit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Unhappy Lawsuit

    I heard that Needmore Speedway and Colquitt Co is getting sued for over a million dollars? Is this fact or fiction? Hope so
    Last edited by cooter12; 02-21-2011 at 06:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    NLMS, FDLMCS. Georgia


    True, 4 residents filed the law suit.... There is 2 different cases....
    If Every Thing Is Under Control, Your Not Going Fast Enough

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    What on earth for?????
    "If racing were easy, everybody would do it."

    #77 Leon "Slick" Sells

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Seems that the Hunnicutts have (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ed with the wrong wasp....Git er done

  5. #5
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    Thanks, but that tells me nothing.
    "If racing were easy, everybody would do it."

    #77 Leon "Slick" Sells

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Moultrie Observer View Post
    Since the opening of the race track for spectator events on Aug. 13, 2010, the Lowerys and Lynn Najar, their daughter, have complained on several occasions to Colquitt County Commission. The first complaints were lodged three days later on Aug. 16, when Lynn Najar said that the running of cars from 11:30 a.m.-5 a.m. caused her to have a panic attack.
    Had a panic attack from from the drone of engines, but I bet they watch NAPCAR every week. 3500 feet Away from the track, isn't that more than half a mile away. This smacks of a lawsuit for gain or revenge.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Moultrie Observer View Post
    The lawsuit seeks $1 million in special and general damages plus an unspecified amount in punitive damages plus attorney fees; temporary and permanent injunctions prohibiting continuing trespass and nuisance on the Lowerys’ and Najars’ properties; requiring that all racing activities cease by 11 p.m.; that operators pay for the cost of additional security to help prevent spectators who are impaired from getting on the roadway once they leave races, and to direct traffic away from the the two couples’ property; that operators promptly remove litter from the roadway after races; and work to limit noise from car engines by requiring effective mufflers.
    To the Najars and family, Really, $1 Million plus legal fees is the amount of damage that has been done, sounds like a frivolous law suit to me. I do think modern tracks should legislate mufflers in ALL classes, we've been running them at Dixie Speedway since the 80's and it hasn't hurt anything, actually made watching more comfortable. As to the late hour, I agree they should be able to get the show in before midnight except on special occasions. Adding extra security for drunk drivers is stupid and uncalled for, that should be a matter for law enforcement. I mean do we have cops working the parking lots at every Bar and restaraunt that serves alcohol? NO.

    To the track, be a better neighbor, there is a lot you can do that would'nt cost anymore money to do. $1 million dollars is just stupid to even consider on the basis of a panic attack induces by noise, please.
    Last edited by F22 RAPTOR; 02-23-2011 at 08:51 AM.
    "If racing were easy, everybody would do it."

    #77 Leon "Slick" Sells

  8. #8


    I agree with you Raptor! If these people did not want the race track there in the first place, why didn't they vote it down when it was initially applied for? Just some dumb folks who do not want people to have some racing fun on a Saturday night!!!

  9. #9
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    Well haterz you need to get your facts straight and I would be happy to enlighten you. The people who filed the lawsuit were NOT approached by the owners before the track was built. They exhausted every avenue to resolve this issue without filing a lawsuit and what did they (owners and county) do---ignore it. It is public record that it was addressed at the the County commission meetings, but was blown off. I really do not think this is about money it is about respect and personal rights on both sides. Some people say that it should be tolerated, well I would like to know how they would tolerate it if the people who were suing the race track built a chicken house or hog pen next to the track and see how that would fly or better yet a rendering plant. The owners of the track have a past history buying what they want and I would love to see them buy their way out of this. As far as the comments about the panic attacks, get your facts straight or you may wind up in court with them. What if you were asleep and you were suddenly woken up with the sound of thunder, what would you do. One last thing---whatever happens you bet your ass changes are going to be made that is a given! Now lets git er done....One last thing I thought people on welfare only used the 1 800 lawyers will you tell me how they got the former govenor of ga's lawyer envolved.....
    Last edited by cooter12; 02-21-2011 at 03:22 PM.

  10. #10
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    its sounds like the track is its biggest enemy. if your still running races at 5 in the mourning its tells me that they dont know what the heck their doing. wound'nt you be pissed if your neigbor cut his grass at 5am. if you want good neigbors be a good neigbor.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    Well haterz you need to get your facts straight and I would be happy to enlighten you. The people who filed the lawsuit were NOT approached by the owners before the track was built. They exhausted every avenue to resolve this issue without filing a lawsuit and what did they (owners and county) do---ignore it. It is public record that it was addressed at the the County commission meetings, but was blown off. I really do not think this is about money it is about respect and personal rights on both sides. Some people say that it should be tolerated, well I would like to know how they would tolerate it if the people who were suing the race track built a chicken house or hog pen next to the track and see how that would fly or better yet a rendering plant. The owners of the track have a past history buying what they want and I would love to see them buy their way out of this. As far as the comments about the panic attacks, get your facts straight or you may wind up in court with them. What if you were asleep and you were suddenly woken up with the sound of thunder, what would you do. One last thing---whatever happens you bet your ass changes are going to be made that is a given! Now lets git er done....One last thing I thought people on welfare only used the 1 800 lawyers will you tell me how they got the former govenor of ga's lawyer envolved.....
    Hahahahahahaha! I can not stop laughing, ever since I started reading your post. $1 million dollars of respect, I see. What facts do I need to get straight, I read the article and quoted it directly, she claims race cars gave her a panic attack 1/2 mile away... Threatening me with a lawsuit is weak, dude. Especially since I quoted the article directly However you seem to have some inside info so you are either in contact, a friend or a relative... I'm sure you'll deny it, but you already gave yourself away. Getting Roy Barnes invloved isn't hard, you just call his office like anyone else. He's also a bleeding heart, greedy liberal. Did i mention we are from the same home town, Mableton... My father in-law practices law too and knows Roy very well, they were friends before he became govenor, now not many in our home town care for him anymore.
    Last edited by F22 RAPTOR; 02-23-2011 at 08:17 AM.
    "If racing were easy, everybody would do it."

    #77 Leon "Slick" Sells

  12. #12
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    Dec 2010


    Well 1st I would like to clear things up..No threats were made and fyi I am not a relative to to the plantiffs. I am from Florida and I know about the owners of that track. A friend of my family was hurt really bad by them many years ago in Jacksonville in of all things a car accident and they bought themselves out of it. As far as the govenor issue, his track record was not the issue, it was his attorney that was mentioned. So you can make all the fart jokes you want to. I am seeing Karma being a bitch now...git er done
    Last edited by cooter12; 02-21-2011 at 06:34 PM.

  13. #13
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    Default Really?

    .....git er done.......Is that your........oh, never mind!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    Well haterz you need to get your facts straight and I would be happy to enlighten you. The people who filed the lawsuit were NOT approached by the owners before the track was built.
    How would you know this unless you were familiar with these people. Why would the track have to approach anyone but the county before building. Do the Najar's and family issue permits? Nope. This looking more and more like your involved and pressing to get revenge for your friend. Maybe you should be careful you don't end up in court yourself... You seem to be treading dangerously close to harassment, defamation of character and slander.

    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    They exhausted every avenue to resolve this issue without filing a lawsuit and what did they (owners and county) do---ignore it. It is public record that it was addressed at the the County commission meetings, but was blown off.
    So if one person complains then everybody has to comply... What about the track, they have rights too.

    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    I really do not think this is about money it is about respect and personal rights on both sides.
    Its not about respect, its a scare tactic. If you file a suit with a big number then maybe they'll respond or bend to your will. Both sides, to whom are you referring?

    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    The owners of the track have a past history buying what they want and I would love to see them buy their way out of this.
    See this statement right here, this is you looking for revenge. Plain and simple, NOT justice or respect.

    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    As far as the comments about the panic attacks, get your facts straight or you may wind up in court with them. What if you were asleep and you were suddenly woken up with the sound of thunder, what would you do.
    How could you know this unless you were in contact? It wasn't in the article... My facts came straight from the article, where did yours come from? Threatening me is a waste of time, since I obviously have more knowledge of the legal system than you.

    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    One last thing---whatever happens you bet your ass changes are going to be made that is a given! Now lets git er done....One last thing I thought people on welfare only used the 1 800 lawyers will you tell me how they got the former govenor of ga's lawyer envolved.....
    They called Roy's office, like anybody else hoping for a home run.

    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    Well 1st I would like to clear things up..No threats were made and fyi I am not a relative to to the plantiffs. I am from Florida and I know about the owners of that track. A friend of my family was hurt really bad by them many years ago in Jacksonville in of all things a car accident and they bought themselves out of it. As far as the govenor issue, his track record was not the issue, it was his attorney that was mentioned. So you can make all the fart jokes you want to. I am seeing Karma being a bitch now...git er done
    A threat is exactly what you did when you said I'd end up in court with them... In case you forgot I highlighted it in blue from your earlier posts... So your beef is one of revenge, not justice or fairness. Bottom line none of what was listed in this frivoluos lawsuits press write up warrants anyone getting a million dollars.

    1) Nobody was physically injured by them, the lady with the panic attack issue already had issues, with thunderstorms according to you.

    2) Some trash in the front yard and people being drunk are issues for law enforcement, not the track owner(they most likely didn't serve it) or the county council.

    3) Now the time issues that can be remedied, the sound can be remedied, but what happens off there property isn't their responsibility. That'd be like you having friends over and when they left they threw garbage out on the square and the city expected you to come clean it up....NOT.

    Look you've obviously got an axe to grind, that's your issue. Maybe they did wrong someone you know, but that has no bearing here and no consideration at all.
    Last edited by F22 RAPTOR; 02-23-2011 at 08:41 AM.
    "If racing were easy, everybody would do it."

    #77 Leon "Slick" Sells

  15. #15
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    this is not personal at u raptor but while we are speaking of records this is not the first time they have been sued...and my motive is not revenge (even though it would be nice now that it cold)but is to witness Karma being a bitch so call it whatever u like, research has shown other tracks with this problem take steps to improve the problem yet the owners and county of this track want it to just go away. When the track was approved all that was being seen was the revenue being brought into the county, and more benjamins lining the pockets of the owners Just saw the report on the news and any establishment who's customers have to stop and urinate in the neighbors yard/driveway needs to re-evaluate the sort of people they want to draw in. Hope the EPA and Health department gets involved. These are elderly people and I am sure they have never defrauded the govenment or been sued by someome karma 1 --- Needmore Speedway 0

    This is being written to put the facts out about what sort of bull(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) goes on with this track. Funny that there isnt much litter on the road of the stench of rank piss till the day after a race or practice. Yes I do not like the owners of the track and how they do business and friends and neighbors. But mark my word.....their luck is running short now git er done
    Last edited by cooter12; 02-21-2011 at 11:38 PM.

  16. #16
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    Cool cooter

    cooter go back to hazard county, and git r done ,leave the race track out of it, i have been there and it is so far out in the sticks ,i cant see anybody hearing it , they run sportsman car , not supers, get a life , git r dun what a joke you are,go get mad at some of your redneck friends for there loud trucks and country music

  17. #17
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    just because they ask for 1 million doesn't mean they really want a million. but the figure 1 million makes a good news story and has an attenion getting sound. im sure if the track clean up their act it will go a long way in settling this.
    Last edited by tsand; 02-22-2011 at 12:20 PM.

  18. #18
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    raptor hate to dissappoint but didnt vote for that guy...seems to me your envious ...will wait to see how this plays out in court

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooter12 View Post
    ...will wait to see how this plays out in court
    Answered these questions to justify them receiving $1 Million Dollars...

    How is it the responsibility of the track what people do after they leave?

    How is "drunk driving" a track responsibility, if they don't serve alcohol?

    How is it the tracks responsibility to pick up trash thrown out by other people?

    How is it the tracks fault if someone urinates in your yard?

    Sound level, sure track should deal with that.

    Time of operation, sure track should be more responsible.

    Which part of all these issues equates to a $1 Million dollar pay day?
    Last edited by F22 RAPTOR; 02-23-2011 at 08:45 AM.
    "If racing were easy, everybody would do it."

    #77 Leon "Slick" Sells

  20. #20
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    NLMS, FDLMCS. Georgia

    Default Cooter12

    "GhostofOShunnicutt" Or Cooter, whatever your name is, Look I had a run in with you already, aight. Look the past is the freakin past, you can't hold a rivalry forever. Why don't you just chill, you live in a different state and dont even affliate with the track, why don't you leave it alone? It looks like to me this lawsuit is all about money, 1,000,000 dollars? Are you kidding me? You obviously know about the plaintiffs or know of them really well or you won't be talking all this, or starting this thread... You pissed alotta people off last year on Needmores site, and now your doing it again. Come down here to Norman Park talking all that, and see how long you last. Thats notta threat, its the truth. "AND MARK MY WORD, YOU'RE LUCK IS GOING TO RUN OUT SOON."

    You're pathetic.
    If Every Thing Is Under Control, Your Not Going Fast Enough


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