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  1. #1
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Post Daytona launch of The Racers Workout

    Date: Friday, February 25, 2011

    “Nothing Means Nothing, IF You Don’t Win some Races!” declared the hard to miss rock of granite in the red shirt, known simply to his pro racing clients as “Russ”.

    With that Russ Bohaty, the racer’s personal trainer to elite racers such as NASCAR's Kasey Kahne, Sprint Car's Joey Saldana and Travis Rilat, gave approval for the release of his one-of-a-kind sport specific fitness system for automobile and motocross racers: “The Racers Workout”. It is designed so that you can take Russ Bohaty and his expertise to the gym or to your workout room. The program includes multiple daily workouts, demonstrated in online videos, DVD and in a step-by-step blueprint. It also includes, the exact same mental preparation used by his pro racers when they are in the driver's seat just prior to the green flag, called “Helmet Talks”. Plus, mini-workouts you can do quickly with no equipment and a specific nutrition plan designed for the hauler and race day.

    “Racers are special athletes with extreme needs that are unique to their sport.” Bohaty said from his Dallas, TX area Gold's Gym. “I wanted to take what I learned from helping the best, find their edge of peak physical and mental fitness and then boil it down to the crème of the crop. My goal is simple: Racers who train my way will have a last lap advantage that will make it as fast as their first lap. The extra energy a driver gets in this program determines who wins and who finishes second.”

    Race Car Drivers of all levels are definitely a brotherhood. The family reunion in many ways takes place every February in Florida. The Daytona 500 signals not only the beginning of NASCAR's official race season, but also the unofficial announcement of the sprint car, dirt track, kart, and all the other racing series across the nation. Bohaty said that the timing to bring his Racer's Workout to all racers couldn't be better.

    “It worked out cool that Racers Workout is being released right about now.” Bohaty said grinning. “This is the perfect time for all racers to gear up for lots of wins by getting into winning racing shape. It is about the physical fitness and core strength to withstand and overcome all season long. And the training for mental focus is what can only be found at the professional level.”

    Bohaty has followed the long path in his career to be at this point. Hailing from Minnesota, he got into athletics as an elite amateur hockey player. Later earning his degree at St. John's University in St. Paul, he coached professional and amateur goalies. From there he embarked on a career of personal fitness coaching that over time brought him to the world of professional racing and ultimately settling full time in his adopted home state of Texas.

    “I saw Kasey Kahne and his group evolve from young hungry amateur racers to what you see here today.” Bohaty recalled. “I just always say that it is an honor to contribute any way I can. The thing that stands out working with Kasey, Travis, or a guy like Joey Saldana, is that they are always looking to turn their weaknesses into strengths and to WIN!”

    That hunger exists in the heart of all racers at any track, Bohaty believes. The critical difference is often just access to the best resources. Creating a personal championship fitness regimen for racers representing the best on the track, gave him the opportunity to employ trial and error over a long period of time. From there, he further sharpened the exercises through hundreds more hours working with clients. Seeing what worked and seeing what worked even better.

    “I wanted the best of the best and then play them off against each other. No fat. This had to be right and it had to have noticeable impact in the results of the user.” Bohaty said. “If it didn't work in a big way for Kasey or Travis, it isn't worth sharing with the racers out there. That special something exists in all competitive athletes, but especially in racers. Bottom line: it all starts with a dream of something. Then it is about focus and effort. Racers Workout is meant to be a vital blunt tool in that dream arsenal.”

    When he was approached about creating a sport specific workout tailored towards racers of all levels, Bohaty was clear about his vision. As the culmination of a long term labor of love, the Racers Workout had to be effective but it also had to represent his beliefs about what matters. That meant that the foundation would be about strong relationships.

    “Everywhere I have gone and everything I have had the wonder of experiencing starts with doing right by people.” Bohaty said. “My Workout will be guaranteed or your money back and I made sure that the production team put together plenty of free content for people to see what Racers Workout is about and what I am about. I am your personal trainer throughout this course, just as much as I was Kasey's. We need that level of comfort, otherwise, we are gonna stall on the first lap.”

    To become part of the Racer's Workout experience and grab your champion's edge, go to
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Central Ky


    .....If this program ain't workin' for ya,.....Ya'll can com'on out to the farm and throw some hay bales and, chase some of charge!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Forney, Texas


    Count me in Wallcrusher! I love it when my guys cross train out in the fresh air. The more productive the better.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  4. #4
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    Forney, Texas


    Great read on Mark Martin and his fitness edge.
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  5. #5
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Small, quick change to what you eat, with huge return

    If you look at the NASCAR circuit and really any pro circuit these days the number of lean athletes far outnumbers the portly ones. A thinner fitter driver has the essential physical strength and stamina to power through when it is winning time.

    If your goal is to lose some extra weight to improve your health and to start performing better on the track, try this: eat all, or most all your food from the outer aisles of the super market rather than the interior numbered aisles. So start eating more real food. More meats, chicken, fish, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, nuts. Eat less frozen dinners, canned or boxed foods.

    Try it for a week. You will be amazed at the results all around.


    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  6. #6
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Mark Martin, a monument to taking great care of himself, being race fit

    How about that old Mark Martin winning that nationwide race yesterday? He and I use to get drunk together back in the early 80s. It was around then we both quit drinking and got into fitness. I was a track announcer back then. Talk about career longevity with continued success. He was twice the age of most racers in that field today. Mark even was a spokes person for York fitness equipment back in the 90s. He still works out harder than many other racers and it continues to show. Way to go Mark!
    link to the write up.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  7. #7
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Getting a lot of questions about Race day eating and dehydration related cramps

    This is one of my favorite foods for the hours leading up to the race. I love all fruits and veggies for race day, but bananas hold a special place for me. One of the biggest reasons is that with the dehydration that can be common in the heat of a car, they help maintain valuable potassium levels, which prevents cramping.

    To more butt kicking and winning out there.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  8. #8
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Opportunities for improved fitness in unconventional places

    Hey Everyone,

    I am big on working hard at core strength. Your core is basically your muscles extending from your chest to your upper thighs. They are super important for racing stamina and also important to maintain durability long term.

    Back problems late in life are as much a product of a weak core than anything. A person with a weak core, will be more likely to compensate with his back while working or lifting.

    When you are couching it watching the race on a week-end, you can really go after strengthening that core. During the commercials, commit to going to the floor and work on straightening your legs with your arms straight over your head and holding for a 5 count. Maintain normal breathing and never hold your breath.

    Do this on your stomach and on your back. On your tummy you are like Superman, on your back you are like you are doing a backstroke in a pool. Great core strengthening exercise. Over time try to hold for a 6 count, then 7 and so on.

    Try it and let me know what you think.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  9. #9
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Article about the Fitness movement in NASCAR, by me

    One of the things that I've had to get used to is more writing. This is one I wanted to share with the Racers out there. Basically it talks about how Fitness became mainstream in Racing. I am glad to see it. Tell me what you think.

    It was published on a blog called Home Workouts Guide and was originally written last August. I hope you all enjoy it. Russ

    Yesterday I had the opportunity to enjoy the Carquest Race at Michigan International Speedway in Michigan. My client NASCAR champion Kasey Kahne was the pole sitter and with him on the bubble in the shakeout of who will make the Chase, I knew that the race carried great weight for his season. The area that is my focus as Kasey’s personal trainer is to help him handle the physicality of the driving act for the 3 plus hours that is required. Until fairly recently, fitness and auto racing were not thought of as necessarily going together. The image of the good old boy who roles out of bed and jumps behind the wheel after a night of partying and heavy eating and races his tail off to victory is a quaint notion.

    The fact is, many of your top drivers at the highest level like NASCAR, Indy, Outlaw as well as your motocross, have fitness regimens that rival athletes in the major sports such as football. The idea hit the mainstream in 2005 when popular medical correspondent for CNN Dr. Sonjay Gupta ran a special on the extreme conditions endured by NASCAR drivers during a typical competitive ride. One observer noted to Dr. Gupta that the experience is like sitting in a sauna cranked up to over 100 for 3 hours with a roll of nickles grasped firmly in each hand. He came away more than impressed by the physical and mental demands of competitive racing. The profile looked at Rusty Wallace and Carl Edwards who was a newcomer at the time, and the athleticism required to compete in NASCAR. As the money and competitive pressure of large corporate sponsorship of teams has grown, so did the desire to look for whatever edge that could be found.

    It all actually predated 2005 and might have found it’s origins with the leadership of the great Dale Earnhardt. #3 was possibly NASCAR’s most popular driver ever and when he reached his 40s, he became a convert to fitness in preparing for races. He seemed to get better with age. Guys saw Dale do something and figured they had to keep up. What has ensued is nothing less than an arms race for every competitive advantage, meaning that guys train longer, harder and with more professional guidance than they ever have before. I have more recently taken the best of the best from my training of elite race car drivers and created “The Racers Workout” which aims to share the physical and mental exercises that make the difference in the drivers seat.
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  10. #10
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    Forney, Texas

    Default What the stars of NASCAR are saying about fitness

    I love reading stuff like this.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  11. #11
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    Default The first Golden Key To Health: Committment

    This is the first video in a 5 part series I did for my you tube subscribers. I'll post the rest throughout the week. Want to make sure that I don't get too ahead of myself talking too much about anything but the basics. The basics and mastering them are key to your success on the track. Same with fitness.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  12. #12
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    Forney, Texas

    Default 2nd Golden Key to Health: Flexibility

    Last time we talked about the first Golden Key: Committment. Today we're talking something a lot of our big strong racer types spend their lives totally ignoring: Flexibility.

    Don't. It is huge. It is a focus of Racer's Workout and I'll even tell you flat out to consider practicing a little yoga, if only for 10 or 15 minutes once a week. You will be amazed at what a difference it makes in your workout performance and your results on the track. Check this out:

    (not a nice word)

    I want to hear your feed back about how you are doing fitness wise. Lay down some comments and let's work together.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  13. #13
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    Forney, Texas

    Default The 3rd Golden Key to Health: Muscle Strength

    Today's 3rd Golden Key to Health is Muscle strength using resistance training. This usually means weights, either machine or free style (dumb bells). Beyond the advantages it brings for people in competitive sports, the more recent studies are numerous that resistance training is valuable for all of us. First, it strengthens bones and muscles which makes us more durable as we age. It also aids in fat burning. It is well known in my field that people who incorporate weight training into their routines are more easily able to maintain a healthy weight and reach their body ideal.

    For us Racers, we are more interested in kicking butt. Weight Training is my number 1 tool to change performance. So check out Muscle Strength. The 3rd Golden Key to health.
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  14. #14
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    Default Kasey taking first at Darlington Truck Race

    Proud of Kasey, my friend and tough as nails client. He has the will to win but way more importantly: he has the will to prepare to win. Looking for big things this year from him.
    The reason something like this pertains to you all is we all have the potential reach our ideal outcome in any area. For Racers, that might mean doing the extra things it takes to prepare to have that edge.

    It really starts with a goal that excites and makes the work seem like play.

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  15. #15
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    Default The 4th Golden Key to Health: Understanding Heart rate

    The 4th Golden Key

    Did you know there is a right way to approach working out to get the max benefits and the key is understanding your target heart rate? As a fitness instructor, this is one of my favorites. Mostly because it is good for business. lol We delve deeply into this aspect in my Racers Workout program for 1 reason: it is a small thing that makes a huge difference in your outcome.

    Reminds me a little of the old story about the plant manager who hires a specialist to come in and fix a mechanical issue in the plant so it can get back up to producing. The specialist walks in, surveys the situation, and proceeds to an area where two pipes meet a few feet from the entrance to the plant. He pulls out a wrench, turns the big nut about a half a turn, and instantly the plant is back at full capacity.

    He then takes out an invoice pad and gives the top carbon to the plant manager: It reads "$20,000 due on receipt". The plant manager immediately is taken back by the bill. He looked the specialist in the eye and said: "I can't take this to my superiors for payment. You were only here less than 1 minute and besides, the bill isn't itemized." The specialist calmly takes the bill back and writes on it briefly and then presents it again to the plant manager. The bill reads:

    For time spent: $5
    For knowing where to turn the wrench: $19,995

    Moral of the story: There is no price too much for really good information of value. As a professional training racers in peak fitness for winning races, I thrive because that story is true.

    Here's the 4th Golden Key:
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  16. #16
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    Default quick shout out to the Craig Dollansky, WOO

    Hey everyone,

    My guy Craig Dollansky was the World of Outlaw Sprint Series winner this weekend in Chico, California. Chalk up another one for a talented driver, who works hard at his craft. This is a driver that takes his fitness seriously too.

    A background story for you about Preparation: While out on the west coast the last 20 days. The Dollansky boys stay near a Golds Gym. Craig along with his brother Troy an son luke. They called me. Troy Dollansky asked me for some recommened work outs to get stronger and better for the races. They weren't interested in sitting around letting the competition get ahead of them. So I gave them the GUNS FROM HELL work. They loved it and the loved the results out on the track. I'll be (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ed if he didn't win that world of outlaw race saturday night. You wanna win races like the Dollanskys. That's what we're here for.

    This is a tough person's sport and we'll make you tougher and better.

    Here's the link to the article about Craig's win:

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  17. #17
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Great advice for the proper mental state for winning at anything

    Hi Racers,

    I wanted to wish you great success this weekend if you are competing. If you aren't, best in all your other endeavors. A friend of mine has a great motto that is so powerful. He says: "Now is a perfect time to turn it all around." When you think about it, what we have is where we are at right now. If you aren't where you want to be in any area of your life, it is fine. Just start on the new path right now and put the past away.

    The journey of many miles begins and is built with small consistent steps. Like the great baseball manager Sparky Anderson was fond of saying: "I don't live in the past, there's now future in it." As we get to know each other better, I'd like to share some more of my story and how making the commitment to start fresh in the moment really saved me and brought me to the exciting place of being here with all you racers. For now, just have a great weekend and I'll probably be on here tomorrow if anyone wants to chat about fitness or peak performance in general.

    Here's to winning! Russ(not a nice word)
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  18. #18
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    Default The vital importance of following the right path

    I like to call this post: Things change in a big way if you get your mind right.

    Back in a past life before I got serious into training, I was involved heavily in the "unreal" world of professional wrestling. Back in Minnesota, I was a ring announcer for the American Wrestling Alliance (AWA). I knew well known guys like Mean Gene Okerlund, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Curt Henning. I knew them very well. I met a lot of great people. But overall wrestling is an insanely tough unforgiving business that often leads huge burnout and many times serious post traumatic type difficulties among the wrestlers.(not a nice word)

    Myself, I was involved in a lot of partying and not taking proper care of myself. The whole lifestyle and the people I was around was promoting a direction that was leading to a lot of dissatisfaction. I was medicating the deep seeded negativity for a temporary good time. Luckily I was able to take stock and decided what I wanted my ideal life to look like. I got brutally honest with myself about whether the path I was on was taking me there.

    I started a new journey towards exciting fun goals and even though it can be a long path with set backs, I would never trade it for the temporary highs of too many late nights with the wrong crowd. Racers Workout really is something special just like all the racers around the country who put it all on the line. It is for them. The thing that really makes it go is you. A racer who has that clear vision, is sticking with the right crowd of positive people and will do the work, will see indescribable gains in the gym and big time results on the track.

    The commitment to that new you starts now. You'll have more fun then any old over the top night with the wrong crowd of people holding you back. I promise you that.

    Best and we'll be talking soon,

    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  19. #19
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Fats. Eat lots of them to kick butt on the track.

    This is a great article from the Beach Body people who brought the world P90x. I love a lot of their nutrition info and thought you guys would get a lot out of this in particular. I want you eating good fats, which to me means natural fats. I want you to eat lots of them and I don't want you belly aching (no pun intended) about portion size

    Eat lots of good foods!
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

  20. #20
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    Forney, Texas

    Default Travis Rilat: back behind the wheel! a nice word) Hey M4m gang: Travis Rilat update in this short report on my blog. He was back at it last night!
    Check out my Racer's Workout; the first sport specific workout for auto and moto racers. Make your last lap as strong as your first. Let's win some races!

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