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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Pres G 20 speech. For the love of grace. This fool is self destructing. Lecturing Europe on DEBT???
    This man is more full of it than a portapotty that has been filled to the lid!!
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 11-06-2011 at 08:49 PM.

  2. #62
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    or your buddy bloomer

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    or your buddy bloomer
    Your comparing someone who has real legitimate accomplishments over a fabricated massiah propped up with puppet strings!!

  4. #64
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    Clayton you do make some good points about the Democratic party but, the same thing can be said for the Republican party. They have been hijack by the extreme right. As far these corporations passing on the cost to think for a minute they would not do that you are crazy no matter what times we are in. Look what they have done in the last 10 years they have moved these jobs out of this country for some of the cheapest labor in the world but, still selling there products as if it was being made by the cost of labor in this country. Now what do we have people without jobs that can not even afford their products. It's just to da-m bad both parties can not come to some type of compromise for the good of the American people. If both parties want to keep fighting with one another all the while people are without jobs it might come at a cost to both parties. I'm sick of the bickering from both sides. It makes me sick to think this is the greatest country on earth and these guys are destroying it. Get off your azzez and put your differences apart for the good of this country.

  5. #65


    The problem is the republicans HAVE been compromising with the democrats. They let clinton install NAFTA and GATT. They let clinton repeal the Glass-Stegal act causing the housing bubble which caused the bailouts which prolonged and deepened the rescession. They have allowed the democrats to increase regulations to the point of driving jobs out of the country. They have allowed democrats to increase regulations in the insurance industry to drive out competition. They have allowed democrats to reward failure and punish achievement. It is time to give the libertarians a chance.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    You can believe that if you want but you are dismissing some of the facts that I just mentioned in the name of being a Democrat at all costs. I used to be a Democrat myself at one time. The John and Robert Kennedy are what I associated the party with for a long time. They were great in my book, the party has basically been hijacked more and more for some time now. Now I realize just how warped Jimmy Carter, the Clintons, and many of most of the present ones are. Pelosi, Reid, Clyburn, Hoyer, Debbie Shultz, are just a tip of the iceburg of the progressives that have taken over that party. And they have taken over the news networks also, except for one. Of course that one is the most popular. They have purposely tried to discredit them because they want to completely control the entire news media.
    As for passing these new imposed expenses on to consumers, at this present time of unemployment and underemployment, rising costs of food, fuel, insurance and any other expenses that I have not mentioned, they could and are putting themselves out of business if they do. The dollar has less purchasing power than ever, yet the government and it's supporting media with it's skewed polls keep covering up the facts like a cat litter box that is stinking more by the day.

    We have an administration that sues states for trying to enforce federal laws and a Department of Justice that is siding with illegal aliens over it's own citizens.

    Just a very brief rant that could be expanded to the point of overloading 4m's bandwidth if all was told!!
    Let's just take one of 'Obama's' regs, the MACT ACT. The underlying studies for the creation of this EPA reg have been in the works since the mid-90's. The final rule with amendments came out in 2008. Obama's EPA is enacting it yes, but it is far from his administration's creation alone. So, Obama is being blamed for simply enacting some rules that prior administrations had begun to work on. The job creators SHOULD HAVE SEEN COMING and BEEN ABLE TO PLAN FOR ENACTMENT, if they truly are worth their salary.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by bostinks View Post
    When HUD pays money to a private party that means they took the money from another private party (taxes). That means zero net gain and more than likely a loss because the govt is very inefficient.
    How is net gain zero? If you are solely talking about a jobs created, the indigent helped with several in this chain: the Federal HUD worker, the state administering agency worker, the private rental manager, private rental owner (whose job is investor), and a maintenance worker. Without this transfer payment, two of the positions here would possibly not exist. Thus, a net gain of two employment positions. Yes they are govt positions, but they would not exist without the poor person. And if you use the LIEAP program instead as an example, a new layer of employment is created through a local (community action or development council) administering agency. These are not govt agencies, but rather a private not-for-profits.

  8. #68
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    Question 2012

    Once again,the GOP field of canidates is not very impressive to anyone other than their own constituents...I'm just saying.
    We are Cardinal Nation! Go Cards! Albert who?????

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by biker6403 View Post
    Once again,the GOP field of canidates is not very impressive to anyone other than their own constituents...I'm just saying.
    I'm just saying that a high school student would be better than what we have now, because we have nothing now. Obama is an embarrassment to our country and he's out and about talking about debt. Go figure. Politics aside, the man is a loser. History will show that this has been the worst administration in the history of our country. Jimmy Carter should be happy!!!!

  10. #70
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    Will port and polish for cash

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by biker6403 View Post
    Once again,the GOP(Scratch GOP and replace with Dems.) field of canidates is not very impressive to anyone other than their own constituents...I'm just saying.
    Once again, the Dems. field of candidates is not very impressive to anyone other than their own constituents...I'm just sayin!
    I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
    ~Hillary Clinton~

    Thank you C4Vette

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Clayton you do make some good points about the Democratic party but, the same thing can be said for the Republican party. They have been hijack by the extreme right. As far these corporations passing on the cost to think for a minute they would not do that you are crazy no matter what times we are in. Look what they have done in the last 10 years they have moved these jobs out of this country for some of the cheapest labor in the world but, still selling there products as if it was being made by the cost of labor in this country. Now what do we have people without jobs that can not even afford their products. It's just to da-m bad both parties can not come to some type of compromise for the good of the American people. If both parties want to keep fighting with one another all the while people are without jobs it might come at a cost to both parties. I'm sick of the bickering from both sides. It makes me sick to think this is the greatest country on earth and these guys are destroying it. Get off your azzez and put your differences apart for the good of this country.
    I agree about some Republicans being worthless abusers of their positions. I'm not sure what you mean about the extreme right but if you are referring to the Tea Party, can't see it. What is wrong with conserative people who are common citizens who don't by the way occupy, obstruct, and destroy things to get attention, but instead just speak their values and vote for candidates who have a common belief of the constitition, not Marxism, communism, anarchy. What's wrong with trying to balance the budget and cutting wastefull or control agenda motivated use of the people's tax money?

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    Let's just take one of 'Obama's' regs, the MACT ACT. The underlying studies for the creation of this EPA reg have been in the works since the mid-90's. The final rule with amendments came out in 2008. Obama's EPA is enacting it yes, but it is far from his administration's creation alone. So, Obama is being blamed for simply enacting some rules that prior administrations had begun to work on. The job creators SHOULD HAVE SEEN COMING and BEEN ABLE TO PLAN FOR ENACTMENT, if they truly are worth their salary.
    As I said, the EPA has been a tool for some time now and as I pointed out, this takeover has been slowly but surely progressing for many years now. Obama has abuses his position with the aid of his cohorts and the media to great success simply by the stratagy of the race card itself. Yes they are guilty of the very thing that they accuse the right of. They know polititions and citizens would back off from attacking this president because the left has set the race card up so well.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by bostinks View Post
    The problem is the republicans HAVE been compromising with the democrats. They let clinton install NAFTA and GATT. They let clinton repeal the Glass-Stegal act causing the housing bubble which caused the bailouts which prolonged and deepened the rescession. They have allowed the democrats to increase regulations to the point of driving jobs out of the country. They have allowed democrats to increase regulations in the insurance industry to drive out competition. They have allowed democrats to reward failure and punish achievement. It is time to give the libertarians a chance.

    Believe me there is plenty of blame to go around from both parties and I hope you are not to blind to see it but, to keep blaming one another is not going to fix the problem. It's time to move forward and not backwards before it's to late.

  15. #75
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    Filed Under Tea Party Movement

  16. #76


    If they had not taken the money from the taxpayer (producer) in the first place he could have hired the guy instead of giving him a handout he does not appreciate or will take care of.

    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    How is net gain zero? If you are solely talking about a jobs created, the indigent helped with several in this chain: the Federal HUD worker, the state administering agency worker, the private rental manager, private rental owner (whose job is investor), and a maintenance worker. Without this transfer payment, two of the positions here would possibly not exist. Thus, a net gain of two employment positions. Yes they are govt positions, but they would not exist without the poor person. And if you use the LIEAP program instead as an example, a new layer of employment is created through a local (community action or development council) administering agency. These are not govt agencies, but rather a private not-for-profits.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    As I said, the EPA has been a tool for some time now and as I pointed out, this takeover has been slowly but surely progressing for many years now. Obama has abuses his position with the aid of his cohorts and the media to great success simply by the stratagy of the race card itself. Yes they are guilty of the very thing that they accuse the right of. They know polititions and citizens would back off from attacking this president because the left has set the race card up so well.
    So, you are saying Repub and Dem administrations alike are scrapping jobs because of new regulations imposed? If not, please explain this EPA slow and steady thing further. WOW, the race card? I have yet to mention this and based on some of your other comments about Obama's inabilities, you sure are giving him BIG credits on leadership related to this.

    I note you chose to avoid why 'job creators' deserve their millions in salary and bonuses, despite being unable to steer their companies' future and continued regulatory compliance. Care to take a shot this time?

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by bostinks View Post
    If they had not taken the money from the taxpayer (producer) in the first place he could have hired the guy instead of giving him a handout he does not appreciate or will take care of.
    If this is true, why are corps sitting on over a trillion in off-shore profits when they could do:

    A. Hire more US workers, or

    B. Declare a dividend and provide it to shareholders to spend in the marketplace, creating

    C. More demand which in turn leads back to A.
    Last edited by anthonycacace; 11-08-2011 at 07:55 AM. Reason: grammer

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCR#16 View Post
    is that barries other job lol

  20. #80


    Because the tax laws the democrats have written make it a financial gain for these companies to do so. The tax laws democrats won't let the republicans change would allow the corps to bring the money back tax free but the Saul Alinskey plans which obama and many other democrats are following want to hurt the US not help us. Why do you think clinton repealed the Glass-Stegal Act? Inacted NAFTA and GATT, it sure was not for the good of the USA. Why did clinton allow the mergers of all the big oil companies and then not say anything when his own party demonizes the same companies he made to big? THEY HATE THE IDEALS OF OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!!!! and the sheople are allowing them to destroy us from the inside.

    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    If this is true, why are corps sitting on over a trillion in off-shore profits when they could do:

    A. Hire more US workers, or

    B. Declare a dividend and provide it to shareholders to spend in the marketplace, creating

    C. More demand which in turn leads back to A.


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