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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Central Ky

    Default Time to end this

    Please come to Central Kentucky and try this!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I agree. These people might have had a legitimate complaint like most people have, but the way they are going about it is embarrassing to our country. Altogether a different kind of people. Can you imagine these folks running our country. Oh God in heaven, help us.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Having grown up at a time when I was able to know those people that lived before and during the Great Depression I can understand what I saw in a study a couple years ago. It doesn't make what is happening right but it is a progression of our society. I learned from those people the ideology of saving, of putting up supplies for difficult times and not allowing myself to get caught up in the materialism of this world that has people feeling the economic crunch, many of whom do not even know that they have gotten themselves into an economic crunch as it has become an accepted way of life. I recently had an economic crunch and had for the last four years felt that I was just getting by. When I made the necessary adjustment to be able to deal with the crunch I found that I was saving much more than I thought I was capable of. Along with the amount of supplies I had put up I am moving through the financial crunch steadily.

    The study I saw stated that many families of the Great depression era and WWII were understanding enough to know that you do what you got to do to get through life. You took whatever job you could get and you went from there. There have been many people that have started out like that and have made the most of things to even become wealthy, but not without effort. Some of these people, though, decided that they did not want to see their kids go through what they had been through. This began to establish a trend that by the '70s' many kids were becoming latch key kids as mother and dad both went to work to be able to get everything they wanted. This was the beginning of the breakdown of the American nuclear family unit. From that point on kids got what they wanted but families became more out of touch with each other. Seldom was the full family there to eat supper together or seldom did the whole family do things together any more. About the same time many people started feeling that there was no life without a college education. Myself, I went to college to become a radio and television studio control operator and/or announcer. What I saw was prerequesite courses with hundreds in each. I began to realize that in many cases there would be many college graduates and not enough jobs to go around. That was eventually what happened. I got out of college and became a fabrication welder and built a good life for myself.

    What has happened, according to the study, is that our society has destroyed itself by trying to make everything easier on the next generation to the point that now the next generation wants everything done for them. Sure, there are some that have been able to avoid this trap and they will succeed but there are many that will continue to expect a life of entitlement from the rich and from the government because they were not willing to accept what the times offered and learned to adjust. Not everyone can go to college and come out with a successful career. Not everyone can get rich. Many expect everything and are not happy with a what most people have while there are those that are willing to accept what life offers them and they take those jobs that do not offer quite as much glamor but they end up having fulfilling and rewarding lives. Today, many of our youth have, also by the admission of the far left themselves, been indoctrinated in schools with the socialist ideology that gives them also this sense of entitlement. What is happening is the gradual but the obvious destruction of the America that has in the past been so wonderful to so many people who were more than willing to take what life gave them and make the most of what was offered. One can only feel sorry for the people that have been sucked into this great catastrophe that is building and hope that it will lose steam and people will once again begin to see and realize what is truly important in life.
    I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
    ~Hillary Clinton~

    Thank you C4Vette

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Central Ky


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorMouth View Post
    Having grown up at a time when I was able to know those people that lived before and during the Great Depression I can understand what I saw in a study a couple years ago. It doesn't make what is happening right but it is a progression of our society. I learned from those people the ideology of saving, of putting up supplies for difficult times and not allowing myself to get caught up in the materialism of this world that has people feeling the economic crunch, many of whom do not even know that they have gotten themselves into an economic crunch as it has become an accepted way of life. I recently had an economic crunch and had for the last four years felt that I was just getting by. When I made the necessary adjustment to be able to deal with the crunch I found that I was saving much more than I thought I was capable of. Along with the amount of supplies I had put up I am moving through the financial crunch steadily.

    The study I saw stated that many families of the Great depression era and WWII were understanding enough to know that you do what you got to do to get through life. You took whatever job you could get and you went from there. There have been many people that have started out like that and have made the most of things to even become wealthy, but not without effort. Some of these people, though, decided that they did not want to see their kids go through what they had been through. This began to establish a trend that by the '70s' many kids were becoming latch key kids as mother and dad both went to work to be able to get everything they wanted. This was the beginning of the breakdown of the American nuclear family unit. From that point on kids got what they wanted but families became more out of touch with each other. Seldom was the full family there to eat supper together or seldom did the whole family do things together any more. About the same time many people started feeling that there was no life without a college education. Myself, I went to college to become a radio and television studio control operator and/or announcer. What I saw was prerequesite courses with hundreds in each. I began to realize that in many cases there would be many college graduates and not enough jobs to go around. That was eventually what happened. I got out of college and became a fabrication welder and built a good life for myself.

    What has happened, according to the study, is that our society has destroyed itself by trying to make everything easier on the next generation to the point that now the next generation wants everything done for them. Sure, there are some that have been able to avoid this trap and they will succeed but there are many that will continue to expect a life of entitlement from the rich and from the government because they were not willing to accept what the times offered and learned to adjust. Not everyone can go to college and come out with a successful career. Not everyone can get rich. Many expect everything and are not happy with a what most people have while there are those that are willing to accept what life offers them and they take those jobs that do not offer quite as much glamor but they end up having fulfilling and rewarding lives. Today, many of our youth have, also by the admission of the far left themselves, been indoctrinated in schools with the socialist ideology that gives them also this sense of entitlement. What is happening is the gradual but the obvious destruction of the America that has in the past been so wonderful to so many people who were more than willing to take what life gave them and make the most of what was offered. One can only feel sorry for the people that have been sucked into this great catastrophe that is building and hope that it will lose steam and people will once again begin to see and realize what is truly important in life.
    ...So you're saying they need a spanking?..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    The farther away we get from our principals, the farther away we get from the important things. Principles are good values and important things are Faith, Family and Friends, and taking care of those in need and I don't mean the lazy muchers who want to change our way of life. Seems like pride these days is getting something for nothing.

  6. #6
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by J. Steve Davis View Post
    The farther away we get from our principals, the farther away we get from the important things. Principles are good values and important things are Faith, Family and Friends, and taking care of those in need and I don't mean the lazy muchers who want to change our way of life. Seems like pride these days is getting something for nothing.

    Regarding Wallcrusher's post - It is far too late for spankings. I was spanked for doing wrong when I was a child. I have no problem with that. There should always be some form of retribution for doing wrong. Because of today's open and immoral society there was a recent study that said that only 2% of all people interviewed believed that when they died they would go to hell. There will be many people surprised when that time comes. Hell is the biggest spanking of all and if parents did not teach their children right they have done their children the biggest disservice of all. If people are not taught the difference between right and wrong at an early age they will continue to do as they wish. If they just received slaps on the hands they will continue to do what want as well. There was a supposedly true story about nine boys from "the old neighborhood" who got together one time. They got to talking about being spanked as a child. It turned out that all nine that were there had been spanked. The one that was not there was never spanked as a child and died in prison. Not all cases are like this or as severe but it does give reason for thought.

    J. Steve Davis - There was a major shift in our social values with two particular issues in this country being very representative of what has happened to America. One started quite some time ago when many men got into the habit of not being concerned in being respectable about taking their hats off in doors. When I lived in Texas there was a "county club" where were dances every Saturday night. They had to start asking all men to leave their western hats off when they came in. It seemed like every time there was a fight it usually was two guys both wearing their western hats. This hat thing was not the start or the main issue that began the change but it was representative of how America was being to no longer care about the things that the founding fathers were so adamant about. It was respect for others, principles, ethics, morals, virtues and education that made America great. When we started forgetting about these things we allowed the complacency and apathy to begin to take hold. We, as a people, have gotten very lazy with our manners and respect for others and it has begun to show in our society.

    Another telling time that really took things over the line was when many of the black people began to sound off about "dissing." This basically reversed the reality of society. From that point on many people began to believe that "you better not "dis" me. Life has always been about showing respect to others as part of showing brotherly love and loving thy neighbor. Today if you are in the wrong place, and it has happened, that some one got beat up because some one said that the other person "dissed" him. Or even some one not knowing they did it gave a gang sign and got killed. If people had respect for others there not have to be concern over whether someone is going to jump them for something they did not know they did.

    This is the crumbling of a nation. It is people who now today have come to the point where a large majority of people believe that "I" come first and to heck with every one else. Add to that the entitlement mentality and you have the basic destruction of society well under way.

    There must be a major movement in the nation today by people in this country to start impressing on others the need for the principles and ethics that are needed for this society to continue to exist without breaking down into a state of anarchy which is exactly where we are heading. Don't believe it. Look at all the recent talk about "killing cops" and how the early part of this year how it seemed that there was a war already on as there were a lot of cop killings. It all starts at home and from there it goes to telling others. No longer can we all just sit back and act like nothing is happening. It is time for us all to start trying to help change America back to a people that cares about each other.

    I would also say that there is one other very good way to straighten things out. That is for people start going to church and learn the ways of God and His Holy Son so that we can learn to love instead of hate.
    Last edited by MotorMouth; 11-18-2011 at 02:11 PM.
    I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
    ~Hillary Clinton~

    Thank you C4Vette

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Central Ky


    My Mom said she loved me, with every wack of that evil little plastic brush.....and, I wasn't going to argue!......There is hope!......A little fear, goes a long way!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Time for an Occupy Jail Movement!!!

    Maybe Alcatraz could be reopened???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Central Ky


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Time for an Occupy Jail Movement!!!

    Maybe Alcatraz could be reopened???
    ....freakin' genius!


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