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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    New England

    Default 4 and no more !!!

    My tire inventory for next season....that is....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    colchester il.


    And that is the plan that got rejected last night maybe now they will all work together for a change.

    those tires that is ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    It takes a right side and a left side working together to move forward.

    Got to have cooperative tires.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007


    "It takes a right side and a left side working together to move forward.

    Got to have cooperative tires."

    True---except usually it's the right rear that that does most of the work and carries most of the responsibilty for the entire "car". Now, the right rear doesn't mind helping those other tires that need help, but at some point the "crew chief" has to stop blaming the right rear for the failure of the left front and the other tires. The crew chief has got to develop a better plan to where all tires do their job, or atleast try---the race team credit card is buying tires and is over the limit and borrowing money it doesn't have to keep compensating for those tires and other expenses the team just can't afford. The right rear is getting tired of being asking to do more for those that won't help themselves--tires, that is.
    "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
    --George Orwell

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    SE Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Henry View Post
    "It takes a right side and a left side working together to move forward.

    Got to have cooperative tires."

    True---except usually it's the right rear that that does most of the work and carries most of the responsibilty for the entire "car". Now, the right rear doesn't mind helping those other tires that need help, but at some point the "crew chief" has to stop blaming the right rear for the failure of the left front and the other tires. The crew chief has got to develop a better plan to where all tires do their job, or atleast try---the race team credit card is buying tires and is over the limit and borrowing money it doesn't have to keep compensating for those tires and other expenses the team just can't afford. The right rear is getting tired of being asking to do more for those that won't help themselves--tires, that is.
    Quite possible the best analogy and/or post EVER on 4m!!!!

    Don't know this guy, but he must be genius!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy henry View Post
    "it takes a right side and a left side working together to move forward.

    Got to have cooperative tires."

    true---except usually it's the right rear that that does most of the work and carries most of the responsibilty for the entire "car". Now, the right rear doesn't mind helping those other tires that need help, but at some point the "crew chief" has to stop blaming the right rear for the failure of the left front and the other tires. The crew chief has got to develop a better plan to where all tires do their job, or atleast try---the race team credit card is buying tires and is over the limit and borrowing money it doesn't have to keep compensating for those tires and other expenses the team just can't afford. The right rear is getting tired of being asking to do more for those that won't help themselves--tires, that is.
    I didn't say it was your fault - I just said I was blaming you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy henry View Post
    "it takes a right side and a left side working together to move forward.

    Got to have cooperative tires."

    true---except usually it's the right rear that that does most of the work and carries most of the responsibilty for the entire "car". Now, the right rear doesn't mind helping those other tires that need help, but at some point the "crew chief" has to stop blaming the right rear for the failure of the left front and the other tires. The crew chief has got to develop a better plan to where all tires do their job, or atleast try---the race team credit card is buying tires and is over the limit and borrowing money it doesn't have to keep compensating for those tires and other expenses the team just can't afford. The right rear is getting tired of being asking to do more for those that won't help themselves--tires, that is.
    jimmy henry for crew chief!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    It's always gonna be that 25% that does ALL the work and receives the fewest rewards.
    Steve Adams, another RR tire.
    Old enuf to know better, still too young to givadamm.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    True---except usually it's the right rear that that does most of the work and carries most of the responsibilty for the entire "car"
    Only if you want your car to go in circles!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quite possible the best analogy and/or post EVER on 4m!!!!
    Maybe the best you've seen, but no longer accurate. The similarities were lost once he introduced replacement.

    You can't win a race on a worn out, 80 year old tire. Nor can you expect an 80 year old body to carry the same weight it could at 25.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Henry View Post
    "It takes a right side and a left side working together to move forward.

    Got to have cooperative tires."

    True---except usually it's the right rear that that does most of the work and carries most of the responsibilty for the entire "car". Now, the right rear doesn't mind helping those other tires that need help, but at some point the "crew chief" has to stop blaming the right rear for the failure of the left front and the other tires. The crew chief has got to develop a better plan to where all tires do their job, or atleast try---the race team credit card is buying tires and is over the limit and borrowing money it doesn't have to keep compensating for those tires and other expenses the team just can't afford. The right rear is getting tired of being asking to do more for those that won't help themselves--tires, that is.
    Nailed it! nothing else needs to be said.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Personally, I'd like to see the RR give about 40-60%. Statistically, that's when this economy grows the most.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default ???????????????????????????

    I'm curious how this thread would have evolved had the analogy been about road tracks instead of ovals.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    I say the tires need to be confiscated immediately and tested for tampering!
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 11-10-2012 at 04:22 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    somewhere near the land of OZ


    yep they came of the O car and 4 and no more I thought we were talking about jeff gordon again

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by StuckInReverse View Post
    Only if you want your car to go in circles!
    is there any other way and road racing sux

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    yep they came of the O car and 4 and no more I thought we were talking about jeff gordon again
    I'm talking about the "O" alright but it's not a car!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    I want all 4 of them tires IM...pounded adn if i have to ill seperate your truck and trailer to get the point across that teams shall remain free to mount any tires they vote on and do it with an air gun as their 2nd amendment to the track rules allow!!! and if not ill take a tire iron to the side of a helmet or two if necessary.....and the trophy girl is comign home with me

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Ask for Ben Ghazi at the impound center located on Hillary Lane to have your tires placed in a "Holder".

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Once upon a time there was a racecar that had 4 good tires. The one on the left front to hold the car close to or up on the berm to keep the car stable in the corners and help the right rear get more traction to launch onto the straights. A good right front that gripped the track well and helped turn the car up on the high side when the right rear slammed into the cushion. A left rear that grabbed the moisture on the inside when the right rear just slipped all over, unable to gain traction. And of course, the right rear that loved the action, excitement and all the "power" being shoved into it all night long.

    All the tires had different roles, each did it well, all respected the contributions of each, money was spent maintaining all 4 tires and great care and attention was paid to making sure all 4 were looked after as much as was necessary to keep them in prime, tip-top condition. Sure, the right rear got a little more attention than the others, after all it was responsible for handling the power put in it's tread. The left front didn't get changed as often, didn't need as much attention from the crew, but all the same it was not ignored or forgotten just because the right rear needed some special help. If the left front needed siping, grooving, air or changing, it got that attention promptly and without the other tires resenting it. All the tires were treated as equally important to the outcome, because ALL the tires knew that when the time came, if they ALL didn't perform or were not kept in the best condition, the result would be ALL the tires losing together.

    The result was the car they were bolted to won. A lot. And all 4 tires shared in the spoils, with each recognizing that without the other three, they were nothing more than a tire swing with no chance of winning anything, ever.

    Then one day, the right rear looked at the left front and said "hey, you don't matter so much. Most of the time I'm doing the heavy lifting and all you do is ride up in the air off all my hard work. Whey does the crew spend 15 minutes on you? They should spend 5 minutes, since you don't do much. And that extra time should be spent on ME, since I'M the STAR of the CAR and DO ALL THE WORK!!! So there!"

    And then the right rear looked at the right front and said "Hey, you do a little work, if you aren't at least round and black, then I have nothing to push my power into up front, so I guess it's ok the crew spends 20 minutes on you. But not every day. How about every... oh... other month? You don't need to be in good shape, you just gotta be functional. So let's spend that extra time on ME, and let's not change you so often, you don't need to be refreshed that often. Which leaves more time for ME, the RIGHT REAR, the SUPERSTAR of the CAR who does it ALL!!! So there!"

    Then the Royal Right Rear (as he had taken to calling himself now) turned to the left rear and said "Hey... theres no need for you to be given 30 minutes of attention and changed every other race, let's cut you back to 15 minutes and change you every 5th race or so... You can manage with less... After all, that will leave more for ME!! THE ROYAL RIGHT REAR SUPERSTAR OF THE CAR AND WINNER OF EVERYTHING ON BEHALF OF YOU SMALLER LESS IMPORTANT TIRES WHO DONT MATTER CAUSE I DO ALL THE WORK!!!! SO THERE!"

    And so it came to pass that the Royal Right Rear got three extra tire people, was changed every third lap, got powdered and buffed and pampered and enjoyed the very best nitrogen money could buy, had it's rim polished multiple times each day, was allowed to travel in its own hauler to and from races and stayed in the best hotels. While all the other tires got worn out, blistered, bulges, stayed in the tire rack on the hauler in all weathers and were just generally disregarded in favor of the Big Royal Right Rear that Wins It All for the team. And as the other tires wore out, fell apart, and generally became ineffective, the Big Right Rear took to saying "I work hard, I DO my JOB, its YOU GUYS FAULT we don't win like we used to. And besides, since I do ALL the work, I SHOULD get the extras, the big rewards. If you guys would just quit complaining and being jealous of MY Success and do SOME WORK instead of just RIDING AROUND with me PUSHING you all day, maybe we WOULD win again. SO THERE!"

    And the team went from winninig big, to losing big. But that Big Royal Right Rear no longer cared if the team won or lost, because it was invested heavily in overseas markets where tires were cheap and Big Royal Right Rears were worshipped.

    The moral of the story, kiddies? Don't put all your money on the Big Right Rear and forget the other tires, because it takes ALL 4 tires to win, not just a fancy, egotistical and selfish Right Rear.
    Last edited by t.nie; 11-14-2012 at 08:02 AM.


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