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Thread: Walmart

  1. #1
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    In the driver's seat

  2. #2
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    Oh yeah their fair and balanced.....

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Come on Skids, don't be givin them truth. It'll hurt their little egos.

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    I would bet most of the guys on here that are ok with the low paying wages by these mega billionaires would not work for those wages. How about Mud? Would you work for those low paying wages to raise your family on.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    guess what kidrock walmart is probably one retail business that pays the best
    I know been there done that

  8. #8
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    Oh, and a recent report came out analyzing Walmart's pay structure. If you start at $8.15 an hour, in 16 years of full performance raises you'll be all the way up to.... $10.65 an hour. Basically they say the reason they don't pay their employees squat is because all the jobs are low/no skill jobs, so there is no reason to pay more.

    Frankly, having shopped at Walmart, I begrudgingly agree. Cheap crap, cheap prices, and cheap labor all equals saving money on what you buy, but forget about customer service if anything goes wrong.
    Btu what do you expect from full grown adults serving the public for part time High School burger flipper money? Sure, we all love the cheap crap, and I guess it at least provides employment for people who would otherwise compete for jobs frying tater tots at Sonic.

  9. #9
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    Hey? Why was my post removed? If your going to remove it fine, but have the nads enough to let me know why.

    Last edited by mudslinger47; 11-22-2012 at 11:12 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Oh, and a recent report came out analyzing Walmart's pay structure. If you start at $8.15 an hour, in 16 years of full performance raises you'll be all the way up to.... $10.65 an hour. Basically they say the reason they don't pay their employees squat is because all the jobs are low/no skill jobs, so there is no reason to pay more.
    Could you link to this report so we can read it?

  11. #11
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    hellp anybody home its called retail, try 7.50 an hour and your raise is 7 cents wow

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by skids View Post
    Could you link to this report so we can read it?

    The actual Walmart pay structure document can be seen here:

    Take into consideration that the combined wealth of 6 Waltons exceeds the entire shared wealth of 30% of the nation, that pay scale looks pretty crappy. But, in the Walton's defense, they are just taking advantage of the employment laws of our nation and paying as little as they can get away with. Which makes billionaires billionaires and the unskilled workers at Walmart peasants.

    And the nation becomes the caretakers of the employees children, and many of the employees, because so many Walmart workers are on food stamps and get state health care because they don't earn enough at their jobs to afford anything else. So we all pay the bills at Walmart, whether we want to or not.

  13. #13
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    why is their pay any different than lets say target penny's K mart they get paid what the market can handle

  14. #14
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    That's the same thing the Forbes thing about "debunking Walmart myths" said. Walmart pays crap, has crap benefits, but that's the industry standard.

    My question to you Fred is when is enough enough? When will the Waltons and their shareholders and the wealthy in our nation finally have enough and start raising wages for the people at the bottom? Start providing decent benefit packages?

    The bottom line in all this is the reason why Walmart and every other business in America won't pay squat any more is not because they cannot afford to (just look at the record profits of businesses, highest on record since profit records began, the accumulated combined wealth of the riches in our nation) but because there is no requirement for them too.

    Every working person that has to get food stamps is another testament to everything wrong in our nation today. Not even a JOB is enough to keep you out of poverty any more. And that is just plain and simple wrong, and it takes away a lot of people's motivation and desire to work.

  15. #15
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    whats the big deal if its industry standards then they have done no wrong why should they standout above anyone else hmmm and they are not hurting for getting workers so what is your point would you expect someone flipping hamburgers making 30 bucks an hour I think not

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    That's the same thing the Forbes thing about "debunking Walmart myths" said. Walmart pays crap, has crap benefits, but that's the industry standard.

    My question to you Fred is when is enough enough? When will the Waltons and their shareholders and the wealthy in our nation finally have enough and start raising wages for the people at the bottom? Start providing decent benefit packages?

    The bottom line in all this is the reason why Walmart and every other business in America won't pay squat any more is not because they cannot afford to (just look at the record profits of businesses, highest on record since profit records began, the accumulated combined wealth of the riches in our nation) but because there is no requirement for them too.

    Every working person that has to get food stamps is another testament to everything wrong in our nation today. Not even a JOB is enough to keep you out of poverty any more. And that is just plain and simple wrong, and it takes away a lot of people's motivation and desire to work.
    yes its called inflation that our govt is causing by printing money like its a newspaper but guess what you raise wages even more inflation true the big cats mike the big money not much you can do thier when they own the company
    Last edited by LITE-INN; 11-24-2012 at 09:52 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    whats the big deal if its industry standards then they have done no wrong why should they standout above anyone else hmmm and they are not hurting for getting workers so what is your point would you expect someone flipping hamburgers making 30 bucks an hour I think not

    Yes liteee you are right they have done no wrong. Get real no one is saying they should be paying them 30.00 an hour. They can pay them whatever they want and that's exactly what they are doing but, it sure does tell a lot of people what type of people they are and that is their right. Some of us call them greedy just like the Rockefeller's, Carnegie's and the JP Morgans of the world. It would be nice if they would offer more full time positions with a little better pay but, hey they can be as greedy as they want and if the workers of walmart don't like it they have the option of quitting or finding a new job. The problem right now there are no other jobs for them to go to because those jobs have left this country and gone to 3rd world countries because of the greedy companies but, don't worry it won't be long and this country will be a third world country.

  18. #18
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    no they are paying them 3 percent under the pay the normal pay schedule just because their name is walton they are expected to more sorry I don't think it works that way you pay what the market will bare,the unions want to get in there because its on behemoth business they haven't tap into

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Yes liteee you are right they have done no wrong. Get real no one is saying they should be paying them 30.00 an hour. They can pay them whatever they want and that's exactly what they are doing but, it sure does tell a lot of people what type of people they are and that is their right. Some of us call them greedy just like the Rockefeller's, Carnegie's and the JP Morgans of the world. It would be nice if they would offer more full time positions with a little better pay but, hey they can be as greedy as they want and if the workers of walmart don't like it they have the option of quitting or finding a new job. The problem right now there are no other jobs for them to go to because those jobs have left this country and gone to 3rd world countries because of the greedy companies but, don't worry it won't be long and this country will be a third world country.
    hello there its called retail doesn't matter if its walmart our auto parts they are all the same been there done that

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    hello there its called retail doesn't matter if its walmart our auto parts they are all the same been there done that

    So your gonna tell me since it is a retail business even though they are making billions they can not pay more to better the lives of their own workers. Now that makes no sense.


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