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  1. #141
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Thank you for signing up to receive my email newsletter. These newsletters will cover a variety of topics, including events happening in Indiana, legislation being considered in Congress, and my perspective on current issues. My hope is to keep you updated and informed on how issues in Washington may impact Hoosiers. I welcome your feedback. Thanks for reading, Dan Coats Response to President Obama's Gun Control Proposals Today, President Obama released a series of executive actions and legislative ideas as part of his recently announced gun control initiative. As we learn more details about the President’s proposals, I believe we must protect Second Amendment rights and ensure the federal government does not punish responsible gun owners. I will not support legislation or executive actions that would affect gun ownership rights for law-abiding citizens, including any assault weapons ban. The Newtown shooting was a horrific tragedy that had an impact on all Americans but especially every parent, teacher and student, and it is right for our country to reflect on how we can prevent such events in the future. Laws alone cannot eliminate all acts of violence. As Americans we need to examine a culture that increasingly glamorizes violence and determine how we can better identify and address mental illness in our society.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    colchester il.


    A group has 4.25 million members and get 6.5 million per years from gun mfg's who do they really support and do they really just help sell gun's with propaganda and lie's to meat the end goal.I was once a member of the nra as a young hunter here in the mid west but now they aren't for firearm education and safety like they were back then now it's sell everyone a gun as fast as possible and take no responsablity. like I've said many time I'm not anti gun or a hater(hell as a tool and die maker I've made parts for guns) I just don't think everyone should have a gun. the second amendment was writen when guns were single shots and took a little time to reload so you didn't have a mass shooting by one crazy coward.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by racin6mod View Post
    A group has 4.25 million members and get 6.5 million per years from gun mfg's who do they really support and do they really just help sell gun's with propaganda and lie's to meat the end goal.I was once a member of the nra as a young hunter here in the mid west but now they aren't for firearm education and safety like they were back then now it's sell everyone a gun as fast as possible and take no responsablity. like I've said many time I'm not anti gun or a hater(hell as a tool and die maker I've made parts for guns) I just don't think everyone should have a gun. the second amendment was writen when guns were single shots and took a little time to reload so you didn't have a mass shooting by one crazy coward.
    So you're a NAY on the second amendment? They don't make single shot muskets anymore. And the crazy coward is at fault, not the mass majority of law abiding citizens.

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by racin6mod View Post
    A group has 4.25 million members and get 6.5 million per years from gun mfg's who do they really support and do they really just help sell gun's with propaganda and lie's to meat the end goal.I was once a member of the nra as a young hunter here in the mid west but now they aren't for firearm education and safety like they were back then now it's sell everyone a gun as fast as possible and take no responsablity. like I've said many time I'm not anti gun or a hater(hell as a tool and die maker I've made parts for guns) I just don't think everyone should have a gun. the second amendment was writen when guns were single shots and took a little time to reload so you didn't have a mass shooting by one crazy coward.
    There hasn't been an OK Corral shoot out ever in modern times. The second amendment was written to keep a tyrannical government under control. Read Jefferson, its in there.

  5. #145
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    There hasn't been an OK Corral shoot out ever in modern times. The second amendment was written to keep a tyrannical government under control. Read Jefferson, its in there.
    No, it wasn't. The 2nd amendment was never intended to protect us from our government. But go ahead and keep on preaching the NRA bullcrap. W all know you don't know any better.

  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    So you're a NAY on the second amendment? They don't make single shot muskets anymore. And the crazy coward is at fault, not the mass majority of law abiding citizens.
    The mass majority supports restrictions. Read the "heller" decision. The second amendment is not without constraints. Settled law. Government CAN limit your firearms. Already decided. Get over it.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    if another government steps on these lands i sure as hell hope i got something besides muskets sticks and stones to protect the family,even if its this government wanting to be evil.

  8. #148
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    No, it wasn't. The 2nd amendment was never intended to protect us from our government. But go ahead and keep on preaching the NRA bullcrap. W all know you don't know any better.
    It's not NRA bullcrap. When you sit down to an actual copy of the Second Amendment and read all of it. Then get back with us with a crow in hand.

    Quit reading twisted material.

  9. #149
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by Busheetreats View Post
    Clayton take the wang out of your mouth for a minute and read. In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) the Court considered the following question: Do D.C. Code Section 7-2502.02(a)(4), which generally bars the registration of handguns; Section 22-4504(a), which bars carrying a pistol without a license; and Section 7-2507.02, which requires that all lawfully owned firearms be kept unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock, violate the Second Amendment rights of individuals who are not affiliated with any state-regulated militia, but who wish to keep handguns and other firearms for private use in their homes? The Court concluded that the Second Amendment does establish an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense and hunting. The Court concluded that the D.C. gun ban could not stand. At the same time, the Court recognized that the government can regulate gun rights. The Court said its decision should not be interpreted to question the right of government to: prohibit felons and the mentally ill from owning weapons, prohibit guns in schools or public buildings, ban certain categories of guns not commonly used for self-defense, and to establish certain other conditions on gun ownership.

  10. #150
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    corner of walk & don't walk


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    The mass majority supports restrictions. Read the "heller" decision. The second amendment is not without constraints. Settled law. Government CAN limit your firearms. Already decided. Get over it.
    WAKE UP! The guns and background checks these idiots are trying to bring attention for themselves,are already limited. I'll tell you how ignorant some of your kind are when it comes to an assult weapon,or firearms in general.

    My state NRA lobbyist had a 12 guage shot gun "STOCK" inside a recent senate meeting.He held it up and showed all the ignorant people,that it is NOW illegal.That's right! Nothing but a stock wooden 12ga stock,but by drilling a 3/4" hole THRU it,it just became an assault weapon when put back on his 12ga shotgun! HAHAHAHA NO CHIT! IT became an assault weapon. The 12ga still fires 3 rounds,same projectiles,NOT even painted BLACK to make you guys freak out.By drilling a hole thru the wooden stock makes the gun become an assault weapon under these idiots proposed bills!
    Thats the MAIN reason 85% of this country blows these dummies off,because they have no clue.

    THEN,Cullerton,the totally ignorant senate president asked???? Are you ready for this...LOLOLOLOL? He asked,:sir,did you get a permit or permission from the Sheriff and Illinois State Police to bring that WEAPON into this meeting? AreU FKg kidding ME!!! The lobbyist replied...."It's a WOODEN GUN STOCK SIR ! LOLOLOLOLOLOL I FELL out of my CHAIR laughing so hard,i chit you not! LOLOLOL

    This goes to show you how stupid some of you really are about most firearms you know nothing about.

    Why don't these Brady-anti crazies quit wasting time and money and think about trying to figure out ways to protect our children while they are trying to learn. You are just mixing them up.

  11. #151
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    corner of walk & don't walk


    Quote Originally Posted by Busheetreats View Post
    "WAKE UP" My favorite saying from an uneducated dolt. I just love it! Did you happen to marry your cousin? I even like it better when the same scream for armed guards at schools while crying about the country turning into a Police State.
    You must thinking about Obongos kids school?
    Most all you young kids think the same.You SHOULD be following your fathers foot steps and you wouldn't have been brainwashed as bad.Nothing will be passed.WE OWN THE HOUSE! You need to get over it. LOLOLOLOL

    Now,shut down sis's computor and get to bed,you have school tomorrow.
    Last edited by runyou-2; 01-17-2013 at 09:32 PM.

  12. #152
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by runyou-2 View Post
    You must thinking about Obongos kids school?
    Most all you young kids think the same.You SHOULD be following your fathers foot steps and you wouldn't have been brainwashed as bad.Nothing will be passed.WE OWN THE HOUSE! You need to get over it. LOLOLOLOL

    Now,shut down sis's computor and get to bed,you have school tomorrow.
    and tnie quit peeking in on your big sister taking a shower

  13. #153
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    corner of walk & don't walk


    Quote Originally Posted by Busheetreats View Post
    The only thing I need to get over is the crabs I got from your mom.

    I'll bet if your dad hears you talking like that,it'll be no Video games for a week kiddo!

    Now really,get your azz to the other end of the trailer and get to bed.

  14. #154
    Join Date
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by Busheetreats View Post
    I'm probably older than you.
    no you just look it lmao

  15. #155
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    since 1976 there has always been a ban on certain firearms in the DC area.

  16. #156
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    Aug 2007


    Was wondering how many children died in Waco Tx the day our goverment attacked a residence. Criminals break laws, does anyone think
    that they will follow new gun laws? How many children have died in the windy city, a city with the strict gun control laws.
    You can change a magazine clip in less then 2 seconds. Also who's to say the next shooter does just take more guns??? I will bet everything,
    that these new regulation dont stop a thing. Anyone want to bet me on that?
    I will defend my family and I, I cant wait for the police to show up, by the way, where and what are the police, and state troopers thinking,have not
    heard much from them, wonder why?? I tell you they dont want law abiding citizens unable to defend themselves.

  17. #157
    Join Date
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    @ the track


    I will gladly surrender my firearms the day the ATF folks make their trek to Michigan and confiscate Ted Nugents arsenal of weapons. Don't see that happening. If so, look out for the next Civil War.

  18. #158
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    Ted Nugent has commit no crime. He defends gun rights, so he's an enemy of gun control and animal rights activist. I still wonder
    what the police think of more gun control? I have not heard from police organizations. Wonder why?

  19. #159
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    Aug 2007


    busheetreats, please explain Waco? Never did I say do away with laws. Criminals dont follow the laws.
    Police and Military are fine. Police take a while to get to a crime scene they cant be every where. I have three cousins that are
    State Troopers. They all say that none of Obama new regulations will stop any gun crimes. \
    Ak 47's and Grenade launchers are ILLEGAL. So what is your point. Do you think a criminal that
    wants an AK 47 wont get one?
    Did you hear the stories of County deputy off duty who shot a perp that shot his ex girlfriend in resturant,
    others in resturant went to movie theater, Shooter followed them, but deputy shot him before it got worse.
    Where is the media to report that. Mall shooting in OR, was stopped by a guy in mall that he consealed weapons
    drawn on perp that already shot 2 people, then shot himself, after he seen guy that had is gun drawn on him. NO media on
    that story. You see, guns save people as well, but since it fits your need, the liberals needs, presidents needs, and media,
    you all ignore when guns save lives.
    Why dont you ask a criminal if he would prefer an unarmed citizen or some one who is armed? Gun free zone means, a great
    place for criminals and murders to go to to perform this crimes. I personally wont go to a gun free zone, unless you get padded down

  20. #160
    Join Date
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by runyou-2 View Post
    You must thinking about Obongos kids school?
    Most all you young kids think the same.You SHOULD be following your fathers foot steps and you wouldn't have been brainwashed as bad.Nothing will be passed.WE OWN THE HOUSE! You need to get over it. LOLOLOLOL

    Now,shut down sis's computor and get to bed,you have school tomorrow.
    The short bus to Special Education obviously!!


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