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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Does your Boss make more then you? It is unbelievable that your that small minded. Wallyworld creates (makes,offers) jobs that require zero experience, none what so ever and they get paid for what they know, nothing. As they gain experience and advance in the store echelon, their pay goes up accordingly, just like every other business in the whole effing world...Are you that lame that you can't figure that out? My sister worked at Wallyworld for about 6 yrs as a floor designer, and made great money with good insurance, close to her home. One of my close friends wife works at Wallyworld and contracted cancer, she has the insurance from Wally and so far its taken care of them quite nicely, not 100% but rarely do you find one that does. On a side note, Wally has rules about being able to keep your insurance when your only working part time, because of her cancer and her longevity with the company, they waved it and allow her to keep her insurance and only work a couple days a week because of her condition...what a dastardly company, ya putz...
    1st of all I'm retired and for the last 10 years why being employed I did make more than my boss. I was in the union and he was not. I don't have a problem with employer making more than me. The problem I have is when they are making 1034 time more than the mediam employee. This is according to one of several articles that I readed which Mike Dukes makes. When he makes more in one hour than the majority of the emploees make in a year thats when I have a problem.
    Last edited by ss12; 05-08-2013 at 12:50 PM.

  2. #82
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    Realville, USA


    I don't understand this idea the Wal-Mart or any employee is required to pay unskilled labor high wages right off the bat. It makes no sense what so ever. Wages affect costs of services and goods. You seem to think the top is running roughshod over America and the world and becoming filthy rich is their only concern. Why are some of you guys continuing to blame Wal-Mart, corporations, and Wall Street for the problems of the nation? You are led to believe these things by a deflective group in government and the media. While the real guilty continue to benefit and make up the rules and regulations that are in reality the biggest problems. Many of these corporations are in bed with the government such as General Electric. Working together to dictate which companies fail and which ones (who cooperate) will survive.

    Besides the nonsense of misdirecting your blame, you don't think it through to see what happens if you were to get your way, then apparently everything would be unionized. Then it would of course take five people to screw in a light bulb (one to do it, and four to watch) and everyone would make great wages, strikes and voilence would be the answer to all pay and benefit issues, and still nobody could afford anything because the price of products and services would be driven through the roof. The government would have to step in as they (the Progressives) eventually intend to do and take over all commerce. Basically the collapse of the entire economy would be sped up greatly by your own wishes.

    A couple of you think unions are doing great things for workers, but then if the lower wage earner got pay increases, you would turn around are cry for increases for yourselves because the unskilled would be making as much as you do. Your vicious cycle would never end.

    It's time to redirect your blame and disgruntlement at the corrupt government who are doing more to create problems for the nation than to try and do any honest fixes. Then you bad mouth any politicians who are honestly trying to fix problems.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 05-08-2013 at 02:54 PM.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    I don't understand this idea the Wal-Mart or any employee is required to pay unskilled labor high wages right off the bat. It makes no sense what so ever. Wages affect costs of services and goods. You seem to think the top is running roughshod over America and the world and becoming filthy rich is their only concern. Why are some of you guys continuing to blame Wal-Mart, corporations, and Wall Street for the problems of the nation? You are led to believe these things by a deflective group in government and the media. While the real guilty continue to benefit and make up the rules and regulations that are in reality the biggest problems. Many of these corporations are in bed with the government such as General Electric. Working together to dictate which companies fail and which ones (who cooperate) will survive.

    Besides the nonsense of misdirecting your blame, you don't think it through to see what happens if you were to get your way, then apparently everything would be unionized. Then it would of course take five people to screw in a light bulb (one to do it, and four to watch) and everyone would make great wages, strikes and voilence would be the answer to all pay and benefit issues, and still nobody could afford anything because the price of products and services would be driven through the roof. The government would have to step in as they (the Progressives) eventually intend to do and take over all commerce. Basically the collapse of the entire economy would be sped up greatly by your own wishes.

    A couple of you think unions are doing great things for workers, but then if the lower wage earner got pay increases, you would turn around are cry for increases for yourselves because the unskilled would be making as much as you do. Your vicious cycle would never end.

    It's time to redirect your blame and disgruntlement at the corrupt government who are doing more to create problems for the nation than to try and do any honest fixes. Then you bad mouth any politicians who are honestly trying to fix problems.
    Unskilled or not, a job should mean you are not on food stamps or Medicare. It used to be, back in the 50's and 60's, a single person working full time could support a family. Then in the 70's, households had to have dual incomes to be middle class. These days, even 2 incomes is often not enough to pull you up into a comfortable standard of living.

    Now, while this shift from single income=comfortable middle class lifestyle to dual incomes=barely making ends meet has been very good for people with wealth, for the majority, not so much. And one of the consequences of this change in the labor market is more people working and on food stamps/Medicare, in other words, the taxpayer now has to make up for the lower wage jobs.

    Dude, I make good money. Combined, my wife and I are doing very very well compared to most. I guess if I was a purely capitalistic, "get yours cuz I'm GETTIN MINE!" type of mentality, then I would agree with you 100%. Why should I give a ratz behind what Fred makes as a delivery boy? Why should I care that Wally World workers are on food stamps and Medicare? It takes zero skill to be a checker, no brains to stock shelves and the work I do requires education and experience, so I DESERVE all that I earn and they don't, right?

    Sorry. I beg to differ. Where this comes apart in my eyes is the fact that my tax dollars now have to subsidize Wally World's workers, and I personally feel that a company that posts the profits it does should not have its workers on food stamps and Medicare. I guess you like that kind of socialism, because the taxpayer paying for the Walmart workers food is nothing but socialism.

    I think if someone wants to work, they should get paid at least a decent enough wage to be able to pay their own way and not rely on the thousands of dollars in taxes I pay to eat. Bottom line, I pay my own way, Walmart can pay it's own way too. All their low wage, low priced goods are doing for me is saving me money if I go buy something there, but costing me money because I'M the guy paying for the food stamps, I'M the guy paying for the Medicare for the Walmart worker. The greater cost is the increased food stamp pool and Medicare pool, rather than the higher price I might pay for goods at Walmart IF they took care of their people in an ethical and morally responsible way.

  4. #84
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    tnie you don't have clue do you there are many many jobs that pay less then wally world if some is on food stamps etc and working at wally world sounds to me they can't keep their pants on if youn know what I mean and the reason people don't have enough is because gas being almosy 4 bucks a galllon groceries skyrocketing ultitiies getting higher and higher ALSO PEOPLE HAVE CHOICE TO WORK AT WALL WORLD OR NOT JUST LIKE THEY HAVE A CHOICE OF SHOPPING THERE OR NOT

  5. #85
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  6. #86
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  7. #87
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  8. #88
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    You are right, they do have a choice to work at Walmart or not. But we have no choice but to subsidize the low wage workers. Of course, in your world, the victim is always to blame. That's what those right wing talking heads preach at you all day, all night. Limbaugh-"She got raped? She deserved it." Romney-"47% of Americans don't want to work, won't take responsibility for their lives."

    This kind of garbage is just perpetuating a myth that isn't true. And we aren't talking about people that genuinely are a problem and have never worked. We are talking about people who work and still have to rely on public aid.

    I remember a time in America where the difference between food stamps and being poor and being able to pay your own way was a job, and if you didn't have a job, you really didn't want to work, because everyone could find something to do that wanted to work.

    Oh, and here is the stats from Glass Door. Notice that the majority of workers who took the survey did not even rate Walmart as a satisfactory employer. Yes, there are worse, no doubt, but it really shouldn't be hard to keep people happy.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #89
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    You are right, they do have a choice to work at Walmart or not. But we have no choice but to subsidize the low wage workers. Of course, in your world, the victim is always to blame. That's what those right wing talking heads preach at you all day, all night. Limbaugh-"She got raped? She deserved it." Romney-"47% of Americans don't want to work, won't take responsibility for their lives."

    This kind of garbage is just perpetuating a myth that isn't true. And we aren't talking about people that genuinely are a problem and have never worked. We are talking about people who work and still have to rely on public aid.

    I remember a time in America where the difference between food stamps and being poor and being able to pay your own way was a job, and if you didn't have a job, you really didn't want to work, because everyone could find something to do that wanted to work.

    Oh, and here is the stats from Glass Door. Notice that the majority of workers who took the survey did not even rate Walmart as a satisfactory employer. Yes, there are worse, no doubt, but it really shouldn't be hard to keep people happy.
    Last edited by LITE-INN; 05-09-2013 at 10:06 AM.

  10. #90
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    May 2007


    So, if a guy can't make a fortune, then what would be his incentive to start a "walmart". Is he supposed to do it for the greater good of mankind? If so why didn't you?

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    1st of all I'm retired and for the last 10 years why being employed I did make more than my boss. I was in the union and he was not. I don't have a problem with employer making more than me. The problem I have is when they are making 1034 time more than the mediam employee. This is according to one of several articles that I readed which Mike Dukes makes. When he makes more in one hour than the majority of the emploees make in a year thats when I have a problem.
    WHY!!!! Do you ever go into Walmart? There is a fair amount of Walmart employees that are over paid at minimum wage....and whether or not they can make ends meet on that salary isn't a concern of mine, they can do what I did for the bulk of my life, work two jobs!!!

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Lower wages and the lowering of the standard of living will cause a escalation of prices for almost all goods....

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hollis View Post
    Lower wages and the lowering of the standard of living will cause a escalation of prices for almost all goods....
    That statement is only partially right. the wages are not exactly lowered. They stay the same with very few raises. Inflation that is built into our debt based economy is a given and it increases the prices.

    When guys say the unions make more that they are worth or minimum wage is more than starting employees are worth, they are completely wrong. The fact is union wages have kept closer to inflation than non union jobs. We can see this in how many job holders it takes to support a family. If in fact minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be somewhere around $18 an hour, based off of 1960 when this trend started.

    The trouble is most of the people that prefer not to raise minimum wage, see no problem with illegal immigration and out sourcing and detest unions, either benefit from the profits, haven't lived long enough to see the results or just plain didn't pay attention. I for one would love to go back to that $1.25 an hour minimum wage if the inflation followed suit. This business model that makes their profit from their own employees, rather than the consumer is going to destroy all of the middle class if left unchecked. For the ones that don't mind longer hours for the same standard of living, what are you going to do when there aren't enough hours in the day? Send your kids to work? Maybe you will wake up when they try to change the child labor laws.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Unskilled or not, a job should mean you are not on food stamps or Medicare. It used to be, back in the 50's and 60's, a single person working full time could support a family. Then in the 70's, households had to have dual incomes to be middle class. These days, even 2 incomes is often not enough to pull you up into a comfortable standard of living.
    This goes back to what is "poverty"? What is a "comfortable standard of living"?

    In the 50's and 60's people could put clothes on their family, food in their bellies and a roof over their head with one income because most knew what they NEEDED and what they could AFFORD and spent their money accordingly.

    Compare that to today. How many of these "poor" families have cell phones, internet, T.V.s (many are big screens), 2 vehicles? How much do they spend on beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets????

    Heard a story about a guy who saw a lady on food stamps buying pounds and pounds of ground beef. He asked what it was for. She said she feeds it to her dog because she can't buy dog food with food stamps. If you think this kind of abuse of the system is rare, you are ignorant. Here's an idea....get rid of the (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) dog!! The majority just don't think that way. It's all about "how can I get more for free?" The fact that liberals refuse to see this is beyond comprehension.

    How many of these families consist of kids from multiple fathers? Seems to me if people could control their hormones and be a role model with a work ethic, we'd have a whole lot less problems with welfare.

    Call me whatever names you want. You can't dispute my points. Nobody is going to convince me that the majority of this upcoming generation is not LAZY!! I see it first hand in people I try to hire. They don't/won't work long enough to make more money. They go back to going home and sit on their couch and collect public aid and whatever else "free" money they can for doing nothing.

    If people would be willing to give up some unnecessary expenses, they could provide the essentials for their family and work their way up from an entry level job. They just don't want to make the sacrifices necessary. It's that "entitlement" mentality that is running rampant and an administration that is fueling it more and more all the time.

  15. #95
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Union Hiring Undocumented workers!!! California

    I belong to a Union and the Union has developed apractice of Hiriing Illegas to join the Union!!!! I am completely taken back by this. To me this violates the very thing that UNION stands for. I have no problem with people coming to this beloved country and earnig thier right to work. However this is not the case. I have worked with guys that have openly admitted to having fake documentation and got in the union. I have also heard of Union Reps taking some of these guys out to dinner and lunch to persuade the to join the Union and even offered help in obtaining fake documentation. I am appalled by the actions of this Union. I do not know who to bring this to but I feel it needs to be stopped immediately and those that are in the Union with illegal papers kicked out immediately. can somebody please help. I do not want to name the union for fear of my personal safety butI do not trust anybody that can actually stop this within the Union. Can some one please help?

    Hope ya'll unioniodes like this info!

  16. #96
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Union Hiring Undocumented workers!!! California

    I belong to a Union and the Union has developed apractice of Hiriing Illegas to join the Union!!!! I am completely taken back by this. To me this violates the very thing that UNION stands for. I have no problem with people coming to this beloved country and earnig thier right to work. However this is not the case. I have worked with guys that have openly admitted to having fake documentation and got in the union. I have also heard of Union Reps taking some of these guys out to dinner and lunch to persuade the to join the Union and even offered help in obtaining fake documentation. I am appalled by the actions of this Union. I do not know who to bring this to but I feel it needs to be stopped immediately and those that are in the Union with illegal papers kicked out immediately. can somebody please help. I do not want to name the union for fear of my personal safety butI do not trust anybody that can actually stop this within the Union. Can some one please help?

    Hope ya'll unioniodes like this info!
    I'm not a die hard union guy but I like it just fine. I don't believe it, but I would rather they worked for union rates than scab off the Home Depot curb and drag everyone else's wage down.

    Undocumented workers is something we are going to be stuck with I believe. Big business really don't want them to get amnesty because if they are legal, they won't be scared to ask for better wages. On the other hand they don't want them all shipped back either. It is a part of the cheap and abundant work force that keeps their profits up. Both parties will make a good show and neither amnesty or deportation will be the result, because the people that fund the politicians want it that way. You watch, an amnesty bill of some sort will pass in the Senate and fail in the house and both parties will say that was the best they could do and the boarders will be forgotten again. It will be business as usual with the Illegals that we aren't supposed to call illegals anymore. There will not even be any discussion about holding business responsible for hiring them, which is the key to stopping illegal immigration.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Since when does a union hire anyone unless is to work FOR the union. My union didn't hire me, my company did. My union represents me. I don't work for my union.
    43 races this year.
    Tulsa Expo- 5, Volusia- 3, Bubba Raceway- 3
    Dillon Speedway- 1, Myrtle Beach Speedway-1, Hickory Speedway- 1
    Southern National- 1, Lincoln Speedway-2, Williams Grove Speedway-2, Indiana State Fairgrounds-1
    Anderson (Indiana) Speedway-1, Indianapolis Motor Speedway- 1
    Bloomington Speedway-1, Lawrenceburg Speedway-1
    Kokomo Speedway- 1, Port Royal-1, Limaland- 1
    Eldora- 2, Knoxville- 6, Oskaloosa-2, Attica-2, Wayne County-1

  18. #98
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    Realville, USA


    Labor leaders said they hope their new policy will help persuade Congress to pass an amnesty law that would enable illegal immigrant workers to stand up for their rights.

    Yes stand up for THEIR rights!!!

  19. #99
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by skids View Post
    This goes back to what is "poverty"? What is a "comfortable standard of living"?

    In the 50's and 60's people could put clothes on their family, food in their bellies and a roof over their head with one income because most knew what they NEEDED and what they could AFFORD and spent their money accordingly.

    Compare that to today. How many of these "poor" families have cell phones, internet, T.V.s (many are big screens), 2 vehicles? How much do they spend on beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets????

    Heard a story about a guy who saw a lady on food stamps buying pounds and pounds of ground beef. He asked what it was for. She said she feeds it to her dog because she can't buy dog food with food stamps. If you think this kind of abuse of the system is rare, you are ignorant. Here's an idea....get rid of the (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) dog!! The majority just don't think that way. It's all about "how can I get more for free?" The fact that liberals refuse to see this is beyond comprehension.

    How many of these families consist of kids from multiple fathers? Seems to me if people could control their hormones and be a role model with a work ethic, we'd have a whole lot less problems with welfare.

    Call me whatever names you want. You can't dispute my points. Nobody is going to convince me that the majority of this upcoming generation is not LAZY!! I see it first hand in people I try to hire. They don't/won't work long enough to make more money. They go back to going home and sit on their couch and collect public aid and whatever else "free" money they can for doing nothing.

    If people would be willing to give up some unnecessary expenses, they could provide the essentials for their family and work their way up from an entry level job. They just don't want to make the sacrifices necessary. It's that "entitlement" mentality that is running rampant and an administration that is fueling it more and more all the time.
    Fine take the numbers from the 50s and 60s multiply them with the yearly inflation rates and you will have around $15 to $18 an hour minimum wage. All of them back then didn't just spend on essentials either, no matter what your dad told you. The kids of that day was underestimated also. Greasy hair, rock and roll and hot rods. They will never amount to anything. My dad was born in 1905 and the young man that pulled his knickerbockers down below the knee and went to town to shoot pool and chew tobacco was never going to amount to anything either. Times change but that is an old story.

  20. #100
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


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