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  1. #1

    Default weight placement

    Is it better to place lead as far back as possible, or close to the rear end? currently have some in front of rear end and some above

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Auburn, IL


    As much as u can over the rear end and as high as you can get it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    What ToddSmith16 said.

  4. #4


    That's a good question. The easy answer is what Todd said above. But what if you really, really can't remove much more weight from the front and you still have only 51% rear, while being 140# over the class minimum weight. I bought a decent car and it had this problem when there was a nice cluster of heavy lead chunks bolted high and over the rear axle area. I removed weight to where the car was only 60# overweight with driver-simulated weight place on the seat and fuel at a low, end-of-the-feature level. Now the rear % was even worse, so I moved about a total of 90# to the tail end of the car behind the fuel cell. I know a lot of people will cringe and say that a massive pendulum effect will whip my rear end into a crazy loose condition, but I've never experienced that. Didn't mean to hijack the question, but it's related.

    Would you guys rather have ideal weight placement over the rear axle and have very low rear % on a usually dry slick track, or would more weight towards the rear to get the rear closer to 53% be preferred. The other option is to keep adding weight over the axle until I got better rear %, but the car would be very overweight. What do you guys think.

  5. #5


    I guess rear % is only one part of the big picture. For me, 48-50 would probably be way too loose. Unless, maybe I did other things to tighten it up with some of the other adjustments such as: using wheel backspacing and spacers to stick out the LR and RF, adding roll understeer, or letting springs and shock packages control the car in ways that would tighten it up. I've always tried to get a general ballbark for percentages from car builders, successful racers and forum posts and it seems like most are in the 52-54%. Some are higher and now I see that some run lower successfully. My chassis manufacturer (Jet) has a handy (but general) set up sheet that recomends 53% rear. That's the main reason I shot for that number. That, and again, from other searches.

    SCD, do you compensate with other adjustments to be able to run what are considered to be relatively low rear %? Are other fast stock cars running that low rear % on their slick tracks?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Plainfield, IL


    Over the rearend is the textbook answer, but like stated above, it doesnt always work for you that way. I had 200 lbs behind my fuel cell and did just fine with it. I dont think the 'pendulum" effect comes into play unless you mount that 200 on a ten foot pole hanging out the back of your car. 2 feet behind to optimum placement never seemed to change a thing for me. And Yes, I would rather have the rear % I was shooting for, rather than be way over weight and lead 2 ft fwd. Just my .02

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Cochran, GA


    It really depends on the car, the driver, and the racetrack. The sharpness of the corner will greatly influence the pendelum effect, also the type of tire and how easy side bite can be obtained from that tire and track. The driver can also greatly influence how the car reacts to weight placement. So in short, do what works for your car, track, and driving style.... dont be afraid to experiment.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    All the people I talk to say over the rearend, but all the cars I see winning are bolting 50# right behind the fuel cell. So I say every car and driver is different and try different things to see what works and doesn't. I do agree if you race a more stop and go sling the car to get in the corner track that the weight further back will have more of an effect than a wide sweeping momentum track.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Auburn, IL


    Having weight more over the rearend versus on the tail of the creates better side bite and the car doesn't feel as loose so quick. I've helped many guys and for the ones who had alot of weight towards the rear of car were loose, spinning out(not able to safe it) and no side bite. Moving off the rear of car and closer to the rearend took those conditions away for them! I've never spun my current car out by myself but I've come real close a couple times however, I was able to save it and continue racing. With the lead towards the rear, a spinning car is hard to save. A spinning car in front of the field is a disaster and carnage persues!!!!!!!!!! JMO and to each thier own driving styles and set-up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Cochran, GA


    Didnt say you had to Jeff, but not everyone runs the same type of car as you, the same type of engine as you, and the same type of tire as you..... Your stuff isnt the be all to end all! You are the most arrogant and closed minded racer I have ever seen post on here, just because it works for you dont make it perfect.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by carowner73 View Post
    Didnt say you had to Jeff, but not everyone runs the same type of car as you, the same type of engine as you, and the same type of tire as you..... Your stuff isnt the be all to end all! You are the most arrogant and closed minded racer I have ever seen post on here, just because it works for you dont make it perfect.
    Your calling me all those things? That seems funny since I didn't say a thing to you or about you or say anything of mine was perfect or the way it has to be done. Seems to me that the guy doing the name calling and putting down of someone is YOU.

    I simply stated I run my car the same no matter what size shape track I go to, not sure why that would bother you so much. Maybe as usual its just jealousy that you probably haven't raced on 14 or more different tracks this year like I have or you cant get out of your own way on even the one home track you frequent, dunno.

  12. #12
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    Cochran, GA


    LOL, i promise you, you dont wanna compare notes on what your setups have won versus mine. But its not about that... you dont have to say it directly to me... you say it constantly to everyone else that trys to help people on here. You always have a snide comment that rebutes what anyone else is saying.
    Last edited by carowner73; 08-23-2013 at 08:20 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by carowner73 View Post
    LOL, i promise you, you dont wanna compare notes on what your setups have won versus mine. But its not about that... you dont have to say it directly to me... you say it constantly to everyone else that trys to help people on here. You always have a snide comment that rebutes what anyone else is saying.
    You seem like the one name calling and with the pissing contest type comments, maybe you should read what you post before you do it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    As for comparing notes, Ive never seen a single person on here thank you for your complete set up and their wins..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Cochran, GA


    You are a waste of time....LOL.


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