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  1. #1
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    Oct 2013

    Default The vote on Funding the Benefits for our Veterans.

    Easy call, correct? Who is against funding our nation's heroes? Well, apparently not an easy call as 164 Democratic members of Congress voted NO on this measure. Ladies and gentlemen, I really do not care what Party you claim, but I do care what values we claim. This is a disgrace to everything our flag represents.

  2. #2
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    Realville, USA


    And a dozen of these Progressive Democrats are fine with opening the National Mall to an Illegal Immigrants protest and demands for amnesty. They were arrested yet probably not actually put in a jail cell. The Mall was supposed to by closed down to the public, but them new voters are more important than our own public, right?

    Tnie, you proud of these disgraceful actions by your Marxist buddies too???

  3. #3
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    It's funny now how the Republicans are trying to save face. Now that there is backlash over some of the problems they have created with the shutdown they want to try and piece mill this back together. I agree though the Dems are stupid for voting against the bill when in fact they should have voted for it and then went to the American people and explain to them what just happened. Both sides are so incompetent we will ever get back on our feet.

    The Republicans had their chance to negotiate the ACA but, instead were more concerned about making sure Obama did not get reelected they instead just voted no on everything. They did not want to see him succeed in any way and that has all back fired on them.

  4. #4
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    I didn't know the VA was shut down, I went this week for a check up and blood work, it was operating fine.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2013


    Excuse me Kidrock i do not mean to ruffle anyone's feathers..but If the Republicans let him succeed anymore than he already has this whole country will be gone. He succeeded in much of what he set out to do..we are 18 trillion dollars in debt. Christians are looked at as terrorist. we are arming The Mexican drug lords along with the Muslim brother hood. He is trying to force a health care law down our throats the will bankrupt the country. It was never about healthcare it has always been about getting your money and controlling the population. see he gave so much of our money to the people who don't want to work" just to get votes " that now someone has to make up the difference. I always judge a man by what he does not what he says. sit back and look at what he does not what he says and you will see the same thing i hope.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DirtRacer2014 View Post
    Excuse me Kidrock i do not mean to ruffle anyone's feathers..but If the Republicans let him succeed anymore than he already has this whole country will be gone. He succeeded in much of what he set out to do..we are 18 trillion dollars in debt. Christians are looked at as terrorist. we are arming The Mexican drug lords along with the Muslim brother hood. He is trying to force a health care law down our throats the will bankrupt the country. It was never about healthcare it has always been about getting your money and controlling the population. see he gave so much of our money to the people who don't want to work" just to get votes " that now someone has to make up the difference. I always judge a man by what he does not what he says. sit back and look at what he does not what he says and you will see the same thing i hope.

    Or just maybe this country would be getting back on track if they would have just governed instead of just trying everything in their power to make sure he did not get reelected which they failed miserably at. Just look at the money they spent this last election trying to make that happen. Pretty said if you ask me. At least I can admit that both sides have made a mess of things unlike some on here that just want to blame one side. I guess that's what you get when we don't have a unbiased new corp and they feed you nothing but,what you want to hear. I will say it again Both the President and Congress need to get off their azz ans start governing oh that's right they can't because the elitist want it this way. They want us all to be broke so, they can own it all.

    I can see what they are both doing and it ain't pretty I hope you can see that.
    Last edited by kidrock; 10-09-2013 at 06:40 PM.

  7. #7
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    Kid, you are truely need to study up. I know your an upstanding guy, but this mess is all the Democraps, 100%. Obummer dropped to his lowest approval rating, 37%, not because its the Republicans fault, cause he lacks the leadership to get it rollin'. He's only willing to negociate when the whole thing is voted in, wait a minute, that would be a little late, wouldn't it? From Harry Reid and the cancer deal to the closing of the Amber Alert to the closing of the mall "Except" to the illegal alians..this stinks of Democrap. The law is the law, the mall is either closed or its not and the obummer care is either the law of the land or its not. No pickin' and chosin' for your buddies. No one should be able to run outside the law, not even the president. the SCOTUS stated that obummer care is a tax, the president doesn't have the athurity to excuse anyone from federal tax. Thia is still a democracy, not a dictatorship. When the liberal pundants like Jon Stewart and those on CNN start seeing the light, its time you get on the right side of the issue.
    Last edited by mudslinger47; 10-09-2013 at 06:39 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Kid, you are truely need to study up. I know your an upstanding guy, but this mess is all the Democraps, 100%. Obummer dropped to his lowest approval rating, 37%, not because its the Republicans fault, cause he lacks the leadership to get it rollin'. He's only willing to negociate when the whole thing is voted in, wait a minute, that would be a little late, wouldn't it? From Harry Reid and the cancer deal to the closing of the Amber Alert to the closing of the mall "Except" to the illegal alians..this stinks of Democrap. The law is the law, the mall is either closed or its not and the obummer care is either the law of the land or its not. No pickin' and chosin' for your buddies. No one should be able to run outside the law, not even the president. the SCOTUS stated that obummer care is a tax, the president doesn't have the athurity to excuse anyone from federal tax. Thia is still a democracy, not a dictatorship. When the liberal pundants like Jon Stewart and those on CNN start seeing the light, its time you get on the right side of the issue.
    Mud, I know you are as well but, that's total BS. I agree Obama has lacked leadership but, so has your beloved Republicans you just can't bring yourself to admit it.

    Yes an the ACA is the law now lets get it over it and move froward and then in the next election when and if you get control back change it but, for now it's the law.

  9. #9
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    Ignoring the situation won't make it go away, Kid. I'm rather amazed by your responce... What about the carve outs for his friends in high places? what about the carve out for congress? Your saying thats OK with you? Your willing to stand by your Democrap president whether he's lawful or not? Really?

    Let me tell ya one other thing, the only reason the Republicans ar hangin' tough on this one is because public opinion is on their side, you know as well as I they have no spine. The public is 60% and rising against the ACA, that my friend is a mandate....

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Ignoring the situation won't make it go away, Kid. I'm rather amazed by your responce... What about the carve outs for his friends in high places? what about the carve out for congress? Your saying thats OK with you? Your willing to stand by your Democrap president whether he's lawful or not? Really?

    Let me tell ya one other thing, the only reason the Republicans ar hangin' tough on this one is because public opinion is on their side, you know as well as I they have no spine. The public is 60% and rising against the ACA, that my friend is a mandate....

    No it's bs what he did, catering to the fine folks of WALL ST. again. We don't have a fighting chance with those people in high places. They run everything and the President is just their puppets. Heck look how they controlled W. BUT IT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND LIKE IT OR NOT TIME TO MOVE ON AND MAKE CHANGES TO THE LAW TO MAKE IT BETTER.

    Do you realize that some of the reason some people are against it because it did not go far enough right
    Last edited by kidrock; 10-09-2013 at 07:33 PM.

  11. #11
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    So Kidrock you will have no problem if ACA is repealed after congress and a conservative president is elected to repeal it. Im sick in tired of hearing ACA is the law of the land. Marriage between a women and men, Slavery, women not allowed to vote, were all laws of the land. They were changed. Also when the president changed the law of the land, with out congress approval that law should have been voided.
    In the end Progressive democrats and republicans want a single payor system PERIOD, and mark my word thats where this ACA will end up. So good buy to the best health care in the world. Yes its the best and everyone has access to it, some dont have health insurance, but still have access to it.
    I'm sick and tired of inside beltway politics of DC. The word needs to be progressive, not republican or democrat. JFK was not a progressive. Reagan was not a progressive. There are plenty of progressive republicans in DC, they are just as bad as progressive democrats. I ask what not what your Country can do for you, but what can you do for your country. We as a country have lost that, its what can the country do for me!!!
    BTW 8% approval rating is for all congress, the republican lead house and Democrat lead senate. Seems everyone forgets that Democrats control the senate.

  12. #12
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    Have you even looked at any ACA policy material Kidrock. You're just blind partisan. And that's one of the biggest reasons we even have this atrocity jammed down our throats. They forced it on the people.

    They were elected? YES. By whatever means yes they were, but that does not mean that they are to ignore the people and do as they please. They are supposed to be working for us. But instead they are working for themselves and telling you through a boldfaced lying media that they are doing what's best and that the other party or whatever the excuse of the day is to place the blame on the very "crisis" that they actually create themselves. They assault the church, the schools and universities, the small businesses, the fossil fuel industry, and the moral issues of this nation every day and you set back and bad mouth those that would oppose them. You should be ashamed.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 10-10-2013 at 02:57 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtisforracin View Post
    So Kidrock you will have no problem if ACA is repealed after congress and a conservative president is elected to repeal it. Im sick in tired of hearing ACA is the law of the land. Marriage between a women and men, Slavery, women not allowed to vote, were all laws of the land. They were changed. Also when the president changed the law of the land, with out congress approval that law should have been voided.
    In the end Progressive democrats and republicans want a single payor system PERIOD, and mark my word thats where this ACA will end up. So good buy to the best health care in the world. Yes its the best and everyone has access to it, some dont have health insurance, but still have access to it.
    I'm sick and tired of inside beltway politics of DC. The word needs to be progressive, not republican or democrat. JFK was not a progressive. Reagan was not a progressive. There are plenty of progressive republicans in DC, they are just as bad as progressive democrats. I ask what not what your Country can do for you, but what can you do for your country. We as a country have lost that, its what can the country do for me!!!
    BTW 8% approval rating is for all congress, the republican lead house and Democrat lead senate. Seems everyone forgets that Democrats control the senate.

    No where did I say that I was for the repel of the ACA. What I said was the ACA is the law of the land whether you want to believe it or not and if the Republicans want it changed that's when they can get it done because it's not going to happen as long as Obama is President and the Senate is controlled by the Dems. What I have said is that the 2 parties could get together and get rid of what does not work and leave in place what does work. Lets face it something needed to be done about our health care system. Is the ACA the answer in it's current form maybe not but, we really don't know because it has not even had a chance to to get off the ground. Yes there have been some glitches in the system but, does not mean they can not be fixed. I agree with you Obama should not have been allowed to change the law but, sorry that's catering to Wall St. and you don't mess with them bullies.

    I agree it's a disgrace for both parties to be this low in their approval ratings of how they are doing as a body but, at least you can admit it's both parties and not just one.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Have you even looked at any ACA policy material Kidrock. You're just blind partisan. And that's one of the biggest reasons we even have this atrocity jammed down our throats. They forced it on the people.

    They were elected? YES. By whatever means yes they were, but that does not mean that they are to ignore the people and do as they please. They are supposed to be working for us. But instead they are working for themselves and telling you through a boldfaced lying media that they are doing what's best and that the other party or whatever the excuse of the day is to place the blame on the very "crisis" that they actually create themselves. They assault the church, the schools and universities, the small businesses, the fossil fuel industry, and the moral issues of this nation every day and you set back and bad mouth those that would oppose them. You should be ashamed.
    I think you are the one that is partisan. All you ever do is blame the Dems ALWAYS. I at least admit that both sides are the problem, meaning the dems as well as the repubs. Both sides have their media outlets lie about the bill. Like I have said it's a shame we are were we are in this country. The President and Congress have failed us and the polls reflect that.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    The Republicans had their chance to negotiate the ACA but, instead were more concerned about making sure Obama did not get reelected.
    Are you forgetting that no Republicans voted for ObamaCare in the first place so President Sneaky Underhand passed it at 6 am on Christmas Ever after all of his opposition has left town for the Holidays ?

    Senate passes health-care bill
    By Shailagh Murray and Lori Montgomery
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, December 25, 2009

    Senate Democrats approved landmark legislation just after sunrise Christmas Eve that would transform the nation's health-care system by requiring people without insurance to obtain coverage and protecting those who have it from the most unpopular private insurance practices.
    The Senate bill passed "without a single GOP vote", after a 25-day floor debate marked by biting partisan rhetoric. As Democrats overcame divisions and closed ranks, accepting concessions to push the bill through, Republicans became fierce in opposition. Even Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) -- a moderate courted over many months by Obama -- responded "No," frowning when the Senate clerk called her name.

    And the Libs say what the Replublicans is doing isn't fair WOW !

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I think you are the one that is partisan. All you ever do is blame the Dems ALWAYS. I at least admit that both sides are the problem, meaning the dems as well as the repubs. Both sides have their media outlets lie about the bill. Like I have said it's a shame we are were we are in this country. The President and Congress have failed us and the polls reflect that.
    Okay then, continue to disbelieve the truth, but remember that you were told. Yes they have failed and I've told you why.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Okay then, continue to disbelieve the truth, but remember that you were told. Yes they have failed and I've told you why.
    Fair enough.

  18. #18
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    Democrats mess up our country.
    Republicans mess up other countries

    Neither care about you, the sick, the poor, the environment, the woman and children. They don't care about any of it unless they can use it to their advantage.

    Its all about seving their masters. not us

    Mccain and Graham are more concerned about getting funds back to Egyot.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I think you are the one that is partisan. All you ever do is blame the Dems ALWAYS. I at least admit that both sides are the problem, meaning the dems as well as the repubs. Both sides have their media outlets lie about the bill. Like I have said it's a shame we are were we are in this country. The President and Congress have failed us and the polls reflect that.
    I blame the Democrat Party because they are not Democrats anymore, for heaven sakes!!! Why can't you see it by their actions? Take them blinders off, and get with the program!!
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 10-10-2013 at 08:01 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint_ View Post
    Democrats mess up our country.
    Republicans mess up other countries

    Neither care about you, the sick, the poor, the environment, the woman and children. They don't care about any of it unless they can use it to their advantage.

    Its all about seving their masters. not us

    Mccain and Graham are more concerned about getting funds back to Egyot.
    These guys need to go! Along with a number of other top GOP figureheads.


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