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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    somewhere near the land of OZ


    bull chit tnie

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    Well said Bubstr. I would only add that getting care at Mayo Clinic is only a local doctor referral away. And, if you are not a present patient but have a serious enough problem and you come in off the street the clinic will set you up with what is known as a "priority interview" with a general practitioner and if that doctor deems your condition serious enough they will give you immediate clinic appointments or admittance to either St. Mary's or Methodist. This is not speculation but fact gleaned from experience.

    A sample group of 23 physicians at Mayo Clinic make between $127,000 and $483,000 with the median income of $275,500. He!!, I know farmers who make a lot more than $275,000 and most of them couldn't diagnose a bad case of crab lice.

    I will promise you this, and I know what I'm talking about, medical care at Mayo Clinic is no more expensive, and in many cases less expensive than our local hospitals and doctors. And, as Bubstr said, anyone with insurance or proof of funds to cover diagnosis and/or treatment, regardless of their social or economic status can get care at Mayo.
    "Proof of insurance" or "cash" to pay for it just confirms what I said. It is the preserve of those who are better off in the USA, and you can have the best quality health care money can buy.

    Millions of people do not have insurance to cover it, and if they don't have insurance, chances are they don't have the cash either. So it is health care for those that can afford it, which is exactly what I said before.

    Most people in this nation who are actually affluent by our nation's standards have no idea they fall in that category. Case in point, my wife. I pointed out to her we are wealthy by comparison in America, and she was like, no, we are not.

    Then we went and did the research into the demographics. If your household combined income is 6 figures, you are in the top 10 percent. Needless to say, it was a huge eye opener for her. So, yes, I can afford Mayo. No problem. But I am in the top 10% with good insurance.

    9/10 people probably can't. And by the way, you contradict yourself when you say "those with the insurance or cash to pay, regardless of their economic status" can get care. "Economic status" defines your ability to pay. So if your "economic status" is such that you do not have the means to pay, you don't get care.

    Your "economic status" is probably the greatest single factor in determining your ability to go to Mayo, not "you can get care regardless of your economic status."
    Last edited by t.nie; 12-14-2013 at 11:19 AM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    If you've never been a patient there you don't know what you're talking about. When you don't know what you're talking about that means you're full of chit.

    Violent left wing extremist that doesn't know what they're talking about aka full of chit.

  4. #44
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    Realville, USA


    CIRF, some times you have to call a spade a spade and consider the source. It's depressing to see examples like this, because that kind of warped thinking has put us where we are now. Freedom is becoming a false pretense more every day.

  5. #45
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    I want to know where this free health care is. It's just like buying racing parts, there is fast, cheap and reliable, pick two.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    how about AFFORDABLE LOL

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    If you've never been a patient there you don't know what you're talking about. When you don't know what you're talking about that means you're full of chit.

    Violent left wing extremist that doesn't know what they're talking about aka full of chit.
    And as usual, when backed into a corner, the right winger starts slinging accusations at people they disagree with.

    Nice to see you can have a civilized debate, be shown where your logic falls apart and then resort to name calling like a three year old.

    And you right wingers wonder why so many people in this nation can't stand you.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Realville, USA


    Not being a Communist like yourself does not necessarily mean one is a right winger. We simply don't like your Professing socialistic propaganda that you actually believe or believe in as truth when we know that it is not. Like I said before, maybe moving to China, Europe, or the middle east would help you realize that you should value this nations founding concept much better. There is nothing more disgusting than listening to a radical left wing hack distort and lie!!!

    As far as people that can't stand conservative and Christian values, you are a small minority with the big mouth of government Progressives and most all of the media speaking out and ACTING like they are actually a majority. When the majority finally gets enough of this lieing con game, you will see an end to the Unaffordable Obummer Care, and the Democrat party crashing.

  9. #49
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    At breakfast this morning we were talking about the ACA. it was brought up about some people having their policy canceled because of the ACA and I said it's already happening and the ACA is not even implemented yet. My Aunt had her policy canceled and it had nothing to do with the ACA it was because she has cancer. it was brought up that they are going to deny you test and I said really that's already happening because i had chest pains and went to see my Doctor and he wanted to do a test on my heart because my family has a history of heart problems but, the insurance company denied his request. It was brought up about that you might have to switch Doctors and my wife said that she had already had it happened to her and she had to switch Doctors because of a policy change in my company insurance. It was brought up that some are going to have to pay more for insurance and I said we have been having to pay more every year for the last 5 years. so, everything people are saying about the ACA is already happening. You could only imagine the stories many many more people could tell about the health care system that has nothing to do with the ACA but, of course none of that matters. Well to some that don't matter but, I would bet many many more would beg to differ because I would bet it matters to them.

  10. #50
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    Dam those EVIL INSURANCE COMPANIES! So let blame the insurance companies? Right Kidrock? What do you do,read the democrats and liberal talking points. I think your a little to early to blame them, the democrats were waiting a little longer then you did. Untill ACA was started on Jan 1st. Simply amazing. IF the insurance company's were doing this the last couple of years the media and democrats would have been all over it. It does matter, because our president stated "If you like your Health insurance, you can keep it. PERIOD! If you like your Dr, you can keep Dr, PERIOD!

    You had chest pain and the dr orders the test, and labs, If Dr thought you had a MI ( Heart attack in simple terms.) He would have sent you to a nearest ER and Hospital. The insurance company would have never be notified that quick. Insurance companies can NOT deny access for possible cardiac event. That simply is a lie. You better change your Dr if you had chest pain, and complete work up for possible heart attack was not done.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtisforracin View Post
    Dam those EVIL INSURANCE COMPANIES! So let blame the insurance companies? Right Kidrock? What do you do,read the democrats and liberal talking points. I think your a little to early to blame them, the democrats were waiting a little longer then you did. Untill ACA was started on Jan 1st. Simply amazing. IF the insurance company's were doing this the last couple of years the media and democrats would have been all over it. It does matter, because our president stated "If you like your Health insurance, you can keep it. PERIOD! If you like your Dr, you can keep Dr, PERIOD!

    You had chest pain and the dr orders the test, and labs, If Dr thought you had a MI ( Heart attack in simple terms.) He would have sent you to a nearest ER and Hospital. The insurance company would have never be notified that quick. Insurance companies can NOT deny access for possible cardiac event. That simply is a lie. You better change your Dr if you had chest pain, and complete work up for possible heart attack was not done.
    I really hate to disappoint you but, it was not a lie. It was already determine that I did not have a heart attack. The test my Doctor ordered was not to see if I had a heart attack but, a test to see if I had the same kind of heart problems the rest of my family has. I have had 2 uncles die of heart attacks, my dad has had 2 heart surgeries 3 of my cousins have multiple stints and yes my insurance company denied my test. My brothers wife works at the same medical facility as a nurse and can tell you that the insurance companies do and have denied such test in the past. I can also tell you now they allow preventive test because the insurance industry found out it can save them money in the long run.

    I'm not here to blame the insurance companies just stating what has happened to my family. You don't have to believe me I really don't care but, all those things people are talking about the ACA are already happening.

  12. #52
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    At breakfast this morning we were talking about the ACA. it was brought up about some people having their policy canceled because of the ACA and I said it's already happening and the ACA is not even implemented yet. My Aunt had her policy canceled and it had nothing to do with the ACA it was because she has cancer. it was brought up that they are going to deny you test and I said really that's already happening because i had chest pains and went to see my Doctor and he wanted to do a test on my heart because my family has a history of heart problems but, the insurance company denied his request. It was brought up about that you might have to switch Doctors and my wife said that she had already had it happened to her and she had to switch Doctors because of a policy change in my company insurance. It was brought up that some are going to have to pay more for insurance and I said we have been having to pay more every year for the last 5 years. so, everything people are saying about the ACA is already happening. You could only imagine the stories many many more people could tell about the health care system that has nothing to do with the ACA but, of course none of that matters. Well to some that don't matter but, I would bet many many more would beg to differ because I would bet it matters to them.
    The ACA is forcing the cancellations due to changes in insurance policy content. Anyone that can't see that the ACA (Obummercare) is the root of the cancellations is either too stubborn to see the truth or too dumb to find and understand the truth.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    The ACA is forcing the cancellations due to changes in insurance policy content. Anyone that can't see that the ACA (Obummercare) is the root of the cancellations is either too stubborn to see the truth or too dumb to find and understand the truth.
    I understand why they are canceling these policies and have said over and over again it's total bs this is happening but, what I'm saying is the insurance companies have been canceling people's insurance before the ACA bill was even passed but, for different reasons.

  14. #54
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    The cost of insurance has been going up for years. People have been getting canceled for years. The employer benefit of healthcare cost has been shifting to the employe for years. Now all these things are blamed on a program that hasn't even taken effect yet.

    I don't see this being a smooth transition especially with people fighting it all the way. What I do see is, good or bad it's the law of the land, and a good chance after a couple years, it will never be repealed. I don't see it cutting costs. That was written out with the insurance mandate. I do see it decreasing insurance black listing and pre existing conditions. I even see it cutting costs at hospitals. If it gets passed down to us, is another story. It would have to be passed to insurance companies, then passed to us. that's a long way threw greedy for profit companies that have no real competition.

  15. #55
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    Realville, USA


    Millions don't see this as a TRANSITION that should take place at all. And with good reasons.

    Name why you think a total government takeover is good.

  16. #56
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    In order for it to a total government takeover the private insurance companies would have to get out of the way but, we know they helped write the bill and we know they are not going anywhere.

    Millions might not have wanted the bill we have in its current form but, I would bet there are millions if they knew everything that has been going on with the existing health care system they would want change as a matter of fact I bet they would insist change.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    The cost of insurance has been going up for years. People have been getting canceled for years. The employer benefit of healthcare cost has been shifting to the employe for years. Now all these things are blamed on a program that hasn't even taken effect yet.

    I don't see this being a smooth transition especially with people fighting it all the way. What I do see is, good or bad it's the law of the land, and a good chance after a couple years, it will never be repealed. I don't see it cutting costs. That was written out with the insurance mandate. I do see it decreasing insurance black listing and pre existing conditions. I even see it cutting costs at hospitals. If it gets passed down to us, is another story. It would have to be passed to insurance companies, then passed to us. that's a long way threw greedy for profit companies that have no real competition.
    If people would take some time to actually read what the ACA was intended to do, it was never intended to "across the board" lower the cost of healthcare immediately. It was intended to slow down the rate at which health care costs were rising, in some cases it would lower the costs for some people. Case in point, there is already plenty of anecdotal evidence out there (for the simpler ones on 4m tailgate, "anecdotal" means someone told their story of their experience) regarding the health care law and much of it is positive.

    As with any new law that means people have to take responsibility for their own selves, the ones who would prefer to remain reliant on others to provide for them will complain when told they now have to pay. For those that want to be responsible for themselves and not be forced into bankruptcy due to illness, this is a huge blessing.

    And yes, this means those of you who had the cheap-n-nasty, low premium, little coverage policies and were rolling the dice nothing major would happen to you, you now have to buy actual insurance that costs something more than the piece of paper you were buying before that did little and ultimately left the taxpayer covering your major illnesses.

  18. #58
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    Kidrock due you want a single payor system? Millions? Just how may millions? There are now more millions without insurance come Jan 1st then had it in October 2013. I want to see where all the outrage of the americans of whom which were being denied medical care and test because Insurance companies told them they could not be completed are. Where are they and where have they been for the last 10-15 yrs. Yes there are problems with Health insurance, but before this STUPID Obamacare, 60% of the people were statisfied with there health insurance. Guess me and the rest of those 60% of people were just to stupid to know any better. We have crappy plans.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    In order for it to a total government takeover the private insurance companies would have to get out of the way but, we know they helped write the bill and we know they are not going anywhere.

    Millions might not have wanted the bill we have in its current form but, I would bet there are millions if they knew everything that has been going on with the existing health care system they would want change as a matter of fact I bet they would insist change.
    You make a great point. When surveyed and asked "do you like Obamacare?" people flip out and resounding scream "heeeeellllll NOOOOO!!!! Get government's filthy hands off my MEDICARE!!!"

    But when asked about specific provisions mandated by the law, without bringing up the name "Obama" at all, why, by golly, the SAME people resounding LIKE what they hear...

    It's all about perception versus reality. The right wing spin machine does a great job misrepresenting and smearing anything the rich folk oppose in this nation, and then we don't have discussions based on fact, we have discussions where one side debates with the lies and misrepresentations of the right wing talking heads and the other side trying to debate using statistics and facts gleaned from reputable sources.

    Simplest thing to do is ignore the idiots who are so immersed in the right wing propaganda and conspiracy theories that there is no speaking to them without being blasted as a "socialist commie lovin' 'merica hatin liberal" no matter what you really are.

    Stupid is as stupid does is proven each and every day on 4M's Tailgate. For some morons on here, they have proven it over 8000 times in less than 5 years.
    Last edited by t.nie; 12-17-2013 at 07:44 AM.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Sorry Tnie. You guys point to miliions? How many millions? This country has over 300 million. Did 150-200 million want the change, what number of americans wanted the change? There were suppose to be 40 million without health insurance. What is that number going to be come Jan 1st? 43-44 million? Its not spin when our president states and I repeat " IF you like your health insurance, you can keep it. PERIOD! If you like your Dr, you can keep your DR, PERIOD! He and his cronies lied. Period especially during an election year to affect the outcome. Do you believe if Obama was truthful with the mess of obamacare, he would have been elected again? Guess the media (CBS, NBC, and ABC) pointing out facts about Obamacare are right wing media?? The fact that more americans will be without health insurance come Jan 1st then had in Oct is a fact. Maybe it will improve, but right now, its a complete mess.


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