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  1. #21
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by 15D View Post
    We went to war with Iraq to remove a despot from power. During his tenure he started two wars with his neighbors; Iran and Kuwait and was stopped from invading Saudi Arabia by the US and Coalition forces. He was known to use chemical and biological weapons in the war against Iran, he used it against the Kurds to stymie a revolution in '88. After 9/11 he was paying bounties to the families of suicide bombers who attacked Israli's. In direct violation of the Cease Fire Agreement he refused to let UN Weapons Inspectors access to suspected WMD facilites in addition he failed to destroy the WMD's while observed by UN Inspectors. He routinely shot at our Air Craft while they were enforcing the No-Fly Zone in Norther Iraq. In short he needed to either be completed isolated or overthrown.

    If the manner in which we deposed of him you have issues with, I'm good with that as I didn't think the execution after the initial over through was very good. It is quite possible that he could know is that our supposed ally France was creating Iraq as a client state and was assisting the of been isolated and his threat to his neighbors and the world greatly diminished. What we do Iraq's in breaking the trade sanctions placed on them, so the isolation possibility isn't without it's problems either.

    Your assertion that the Iraq War was precipitated by Corporate Interests or the Military Industrial Complex I just don't see and would need to see hard evidence, not some crazied conspiracy theory.

    Kind of playing fast and loose with the truth here is what I see in your analysis of why we went to war.

    Couple of points the Chief Inspector Hans Blix would disagree with you on, and he was the guy on the spot doing the inspections.

    1-Iraq did disarm as required. They just didn't cooperate as fast or as fully as mandated by the UN resolution 1441. They didn't respond immediately, and they never provided the documentation proving they had destroyed their WMDs. Although at this juncture, it is perfectly well known fact they had destroyed them.

    2-They provided full access to the inspectors in the early 2000s as required. No problem during that go round when Bush Jr was in office and itching for war. Blix attests to that as well. But he does state his overriding concerns and doubts were based on the reasoning "if they had complied, why the song and dance in the 90s, why not just comply, verify and get the world off your back? There must be something to it..." Although he does go on to state that while he could not give Iraq a clean bill of health on WMDs based on all of the inspections and evidence, he was convinced personally there was nothing there but couldn't provide empirical evidence to back that up. So he reported the facts he gathered, gave the evidence he had, and then let the UN run its course.

    3-He does go on to declare that Blair tried to get full support from the other UN nations for war, but failed. The other nations wanted more inspections. Blix synopsis is "Bush could have cared less about the Charter, but Blair was concerned about wider support as it would influence British public opinion."

    So in the end, Bush went to war without the sanction of the UN. If he were some third world leader, he would be tried for war crimes. But when you are the US President, you get away with a lot more than others.

    And don't forget Halliburton, Cheney's old pals, made BILLIONS and BILLIONS off that war. So it's kind of hard not to imagine there may have been some pretty stout corporate pressure in the background just itching to make some money, and in order for that to happen, the heck with the UN and inspections and other nation's being part of a coalition.

    Here's and interview with Blix anyway, for some interesting facts and notes on the subject.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    very good blaming bush again and again you are like a broken record

  3. #23
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    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Kind of playing fast and loose with the truth here is what I see in your analysis of why we went to war.

    Couple of points the Chief Inspector Hans Blix would disagree with you on, and he was the guy on the spot doing the inspections.

    1-Iraq did disarm as required. They just didn't cooperate as fast or as fully as mandated by the UN resolution 1441. They didn't respond immediately, and they never provided the documentation proving they had destroyed their WMDs. Although at this juncture, it is perfectly well known fact they had destroyed them.

    2-They provided full access to the inspectors in the early 2000s as required. No problem during that go round when Bush Jr was in office and itching for war. Blix attests to that as well. But he does state his overriding concerns and doubts were based on the reasoning "if they had complied, why the song and dance in the 90s, why not just comply, verify and get the world off your back? There must be something to it..." Although he does go on to state that while he could not give Iraq a clean bill of health on WMDs based on all of the inspections and evidence, he was convinced personally there was nothing there but couldn't provide empirical evidence to back that up. So he reported the facts he gathered, gave the evidence he had, and then let the UN run its course.

    3-He does go on to declare that Blair tried to get full support from the other UN nations for war, but failed. The other nations wanted more inspections. Blix synopsis is "Bush could have cared less about the Charter, but Blair was concerned about wider support as it would influence British public opinion."

    So in the end, Bush went to war without the sanction of the UN. If he were some third world leader, he would be tried for war crimes. But when you are the US President, you get away with a lot more than others.

    And don't forget Halliburton, Cheney's old pals, made BILLIONS and BILLIONS off that war. So it's kind of hard not to imagine there may have been some pretty stout corporate pressure in the background just itching to make some money, and in order for that to happen, the heck with the UN and inspections and other nation's being part of a coalition.

    Here's and interview with Blix anyway, for some interesting facts and notes on the subject.
    Nope; I was pretty close to spot-on. Bush and his team laid out Ten Reasons why we went into Iraq and the reasons I laid out coincide with them.

    The weapons inspectors were pulled out during the Clinton Administration because of the Iraqi's weren't allowing access and also to get them out of Harm's Way as Clinton fired nearly 300 Tomahawks into the country for obstructing the inspectors.

    It was the threat of a second invasion that got the inspection teams back into country in 2002. Despite what Blix States publicly he wasn't given unconditional access or we would have known there weren't any weapons there before we invaded. The only reason we know or at least believe the weapons were destroyed is with the interviews we had with Saddam once he was in our custody. Incidentally he told the interviewers that he kept up the facade he still had the weapons to keep his enemy's at bay. Hell, his own Generals thought they still had them.

    Ah yes Halliburton, the Great Satan to all those who are liberal. So, they did a job in a terrible place and was paid accordingly. I found it quite funny that they retained there position as a no-bid contractor when Obama and Company took over. Must be that they did indeed do the job they were paid to do.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    very good blaming bush again and again you are like a broken record
    And why not? He did so much wrong. What other president started two wars for bogus reasons. Only Hoover and GW had a stock market crash and biggest recession since the great depression. What other president took your rights away like GW did with the Patriot act. As a matter of fact, he did such a bad job, that Bozo the clown could have defeated the next republican candidate. Wait a minute Obozo did.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    And why not? He did so much wrong. What other president started two wars for bogus reasons. Only Hoover and GW had a stock market crash and biggest recession since the great depression. What other president took your rights away like GW did with the Patriot act. As a matter of fact, he did such a bad job, that Bozo the clown could have defeated the next republican candidate. Wait a minute Obozo did.
    do we have show you what bozo the clown aka obama has done the last 5 years it will take a life time to straighten out his mess

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    And why not? He did so much wrong. What other president started two wars for bogus reasons. Only Hoover and GW had a stock market crash and biggest recession since the great depression. What other president took your rights away like GW did with the Patriot act. As a matter of fact, he did such a bad job, that Bozo the clown could have defeated the next republican candidate. Wait a minute Obozo did.
    So; flying Commercial Jet Airliners loaded with Americans into buildings with fellow Americans in them and flying Commercial Jet Airliners into the Pentagon aren't reasons to go to war with a country who harbored those who committed these acts? What the hell is then?

    Your Statement about Bush and Hoover doesn't make any since.

  7. #27
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    Maybe they should 've land in chicago or near his home

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    So this twisted disrespecting idiot is in a union, how bout all but 36 of congress, that may not have said it, but did screw that guy out of thousands of dollars. It wasn't that he didn't earn or could use them.

    It just don't make a lot of sense for the average guy to bash unions. They did a lot more for the average guy than congress has, in the past 100 years. I can see why big business bashes them. They present a problem for their goal of cheap abundant labor and are the only opposition when it comes to campaign finance. But, it's in print, it must be true. All union members hate all Vets. So, this translates to, mudslinger47 hates all union members. Makes perfect sense. NOT!!!
    Yes it does make total sense. Just because they made you the big bucks don't make the big unions a good thing. Quite the opposite!

  9. #29
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 15D View Post
    So; flying Commercial Jet Airliners loaded with Americans into buildings with fellow Americans in them and flying Commercial Jet Airliners into the Pentagon aren't reasons to go to war with a country who harbored those who committed these acts? What the hell is then?

    Your Statement about Bush and Hoover doesn't make any since.
    Believe me, if Bush had done nothing, Bubster would have drug him across the coals for the next two hundred years anyway!

  11. #31
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    him and tnie you can bet on it except they can't blame obamcare on him what f'n disaster that is

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 15D View Post
    Nope; I was pretty close to spot-on. Bush and his team laid out Ten Reasons why we went into Iraq and the reasons I laid out coincide with them.

    The weapons inspectors were pulled out during the Clinton Administration because of the Iraqi's weren't allowing access and also to get them out of Harm's Way as Clinton fired nearly 300 Tomahawks into the country for obstructing the inspectors.

    It was the threat of a second invasion that got the inspection teams back into country in 2002. Despite what Blix States publicly he wasn't given unconditional access or we would have known there weren't any weapons there before we invaded. The only reason we know or at least believe the weapons were destroyed is with the interviews we had with Saddam once he was in our custody. Incidentally he told the interviewers that he kept up the facade he still had the weapons to keep his enemy's at bay. Hell, his own Generals thought they still had them.

    Ah yes Halliburton, the Great Satan to all those who are liberal. So, they did a job in a terrible place and was paid accordingly. I found it quite funny that they retained there position as a no-bid contractor when Obama and Company took over. Must be that they did indeed do the job they were paid to do.
    Bush administration plain lied to the congress and the American public.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by 15D View Post
    Nope; I was pretty close to spot-on. Bush and his team laid out Ten Reasons why we went into Iraq and the reasons I laid out coincide with them.

    The weapons inspectors were pulled out during the Clinton Administration because of the Iraqi's weren't allowing access and also to get them out of Harm's Way as Clinton fired nearly 300 Tomahawks into the country for obstructing the inspectors.

    It was the threat of a second invasion that got the inspection teams back into country in 2002. Despite what Blix States publicly he wasn't given unconditional access or we would have known there weren't any weapons there before we invaded. The only reason we know or at least believe the weapons were destroyed is with the interviews we had with Saddam once he was in our custody. Incidentally he told the interviewers that he kept up the facade he still had the weapons to keep his enemy's at bay. Hell, his own Generals thought they still had them.

    Ah yes Halliburton, the Great Satan to all those who are liberal. So, they did a job in a terrible place and was paid accordingly. I found it quite funny that they retained there position as a no-bid contractor when Obama and Company took over. Must be that they did indeed do the job they were paid to do.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Bush administration plain lied to the congress and the American public.
    but really how long should obummers nose be

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    very good blaming bush again and again you are like a broken record
    So are you saying Bush did no wrong?

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    but really how long should obummers nose be
    About as long as any other President out there. I take it you think Obama is the only President to lie to the American people.

  17. #37
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    no but thats all tnie does they all do something wrong the no 1 thing obummer did wrong is run for office

  18. #38
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    No, what happened the elitist took over and like many other Presidents they become puppets.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Bush administration plain lied to the congress and the American public.
    Yep, even the Twin Towers are still standing!!!

  20. #40
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    it s amazing


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