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  1. #141
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    What is it with your right wingers that you can never quote a whole post, you just cherry pick parts and respond, and you never seem to get the message?

    I never said you did need my permission. I could care less what your spend your money on. But this little storm in a teacup just demonstrated again that all the networks care about is money. In fact, in this nation that is ALL we care about, money.

    Phil is also on record promoting being a pedophile and advocating marrying underage girls. The left will recoil in horror at the moral indecency of the man while the right will again denounce any denouncement of their favored son as impinging his right to "religious freedom" and "free speech."

    The best analysis of this whole situation I read brought back the Dixie Chicks fiasco when one of them said she was against the war and ashamed to admit to being from Texas after Bush declared war. The right lost their minds, burned CDs by the thousands and called for boycotts of anything to do with the Dixie Chicks. Of course, the conservative crowd thought this was all perfectly acceptable behavior, right up until their little bearded darling got his wings clipped for being a racist homophobe, then it was all about "freedom of speech" rights being infringed upon.

    It's always the same, on these boards and in our nation in general. We don't hold everyone to the same standard, we pick and choose. If the person being penalized is someone we disagree with, then it's fair play. When it's not, we scream about our constitutional right to be ignorant morons. It happens on both sides. And it's a complete waste of time discussing it.
    You do have some valid points and what happened to the Dixie chicks was just plain wrong. The right got all butt hurt over what Natalie Maines said about their beloved George Bush

  2. #142
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    I never said you did need my permission.
    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    So be good little supporters and keep buying your Duck Dynasty merchandise. Both A&E and the Robertsons appreciate your support, especially your money.
    You didn't ? Then what am I reading here ?
    Looks like somebody must have gotten ahold of your password then..
    Last edited by mudeater18; 01-01-2014 at 03:33 PM.

  3. #143
    Join Date
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    What is it with your right wingers that you can never quote a whole post, you just cherry pick parts and respond, and you never seem to get the message?I never said you did need my permission. I could care less what your spend your money on. But this little storm in a teacup just demonstrated again that all the networks care about is money. In fact, in this nation that is ALL we care about, money.Phil is also on record promoting being a pedophile and advocating marrying underage girls. The left will recoil in horror at the moral indecency of the man while the right will again denounce any denouncement of their favored son as impinging his right to "religious freedom" and "free speech."The best analysis of this whole situation I read brought back the Dixie Chicks fiasco when one of them said she was against the war and ashamed to admit to being from Texas after Bush declared war. The right lost their minds, burned CDs by the thousands and called for boycotts of anything to do with the Dixie Chicks. Of course, the conservative crowd thought this was all perfectly acceptable behavior, right up until their little bearded darling got his wings clipped for being a racist homophobe, then it was all about "freedom of speech" rights being infringed upon.It's always the same, on these boards and in our nation in general. We don't hold everyone to the same standard, we pick and choose. If the person being penalized is someone we disagree with, then it's fair play. When it's not, we scream about our constitutional right to be ignorant morons. It happens on both sides. And it's a complete waste of time discussing it.
    it might just be what they beleive on not who they are betcha most of the dixie chicks supporters where conservative when she spoke now they are playing in in Europe and such on a limited basis

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudeater18 View Post
    You didn't ? Then what am I reading here ?
    Looks like somebody must have gotten ahold of your password then..
    You're kinda weird. I made a statement, "keep buying the koolaid," and you take that as me giving permission?

    Ok. Just looks to me like you just want to fight with someone, over something, and you will twist whatever someone you personally hate says into something to argue over.

    Have a nice day.

  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    You're kinda weird. I made a statement, "keep buying the koolaid," and you take that as me giving permission?

    Ok. Just looks to me like you just want to fight with someone, over something, and you will twist whatever someone you personally hate says into something to argue over.

    Have a nice day.
    Didn't "twist" anything. Just quoted "your" words. Verbatim. And I will have a nice day. Thanks.

  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudeater18 View Post
    You didn't ? Then what am I reading here ?
    Looks like somebody must have gotten ahold of your password then..
    I found tnies password!!!!! liberalidiot#1 !!!!!!!!

  7. #147
    Join Date
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    Dixie chicks are bad examples. Because, folks simply quit going to their concerts and buying their music. If people quit watching Duck Dynasty the show will go away as well. Phil has his right to say what he said, but A&E also had a right to do what they did. With all thats going on in this country and world. I think we all have alot more to worry about, then what some guy who makes duck calls says.
    I will say this conservatives have to quit saying stupid things in public. Reagan was pro-life through and through, but he never talked about it, and when asked, he simply said he was pro--life. Romney 47% statement lost him the election. Other republicans spout off about aborition. Just say your pro-life, and support the laws on the books.

  8. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    What is it with your right wingers that you can never quote a whole post, you just cherry pick parts and respond, and you never seem to get the message?
    You don't get the message either. I pointed out how you were accusing Phil of saying things ("his words") when they were actually quotes from scripture. You didn't exactly own up to your mistake on that one did you?

    Phil is also on record promoting being a pedophile and advocating marrying underage girls.
    Really? Could you provide a link to this being "on record". I'd like to see how you twisted this one too.

    The best analysis of this whole situation I read brought back the Dixie Chicks fiasco when one of them said she was against the war and ashamed to admit to being from Texas after Bush declared war. The right lost their minds, burned CDs by the thousands and called for boycotts of anything to do with the Dixie Chicks. Of course, the conservative crowd thought this was all perfectly acceptable behavior, right up until their little bearded darling got his wings clipped for being a racist homophobe, then it was all about "freedom of speech" rights being infringed upon.

    It's always the same, on these boards and in our nation in general. We don't hold everyone to the same standard, we pick and choose. If the person being penalized is someone we disagree with, then it's fair play. When it's not, we scream about our constitutional right to be ignorant morons. It happens on both sides. And it's a complete waste of time discussing it.
    You really don't get it, do you? The Dixie Chicks thing is apples to oranges. The right doesn't have a problem with people speaking their minds. We have a problem with people being fired for doing so. This is especially true in Phil's case. He was asked a question and answered it. For that he was "suspended indefinitely"? How does that make ANY sense in your liberal mind?

    Your blather brings up another point that has yet to be discussed here. You refer to him as racist. How was anything he said "racist"???? He spoke about when HE worked with blacks in the fields. And what HE heard (or didn't hear) them say. Tell me, please, how what he said can be racist???

    Please don't ignore my questions. I would appreciate answers (and a link to him being on record saying what you claim).

  9. #149
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    Yep your right the right does not have a problem with people speaking their mind as long as they agree with what they are saying.

  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Yep your right the right does not have a problem with people speaking their mind as long as they agree with what they are saying.
    You just ain't payin' attention are ya kid.... this whole "Phil" contrivearcy was brought on by the left, all of it.

  11. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    You just ain't payin' attention are ya kid.... this whole "Phil" contrivearcy was brought on by the left, all of it.
    I never said it wasn't but, you know what I'm talking about don't yeah. If you agree with what someone is saying then its ok for them to say but, if you don't look out.

  12. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by skids View Post
    You don't get the message either. I pointed out how you were accusing Phil of saying things ("his words") when they were actually quotes from scripture. You didn't exactly own up to your mistake on that one did you? So, Pennsylvania is referenced in the Bible? News to me. Please provide a reference.

    Really? Could you provide a link to this being "on record". I'd like to see how you twisted this one too.Not going to do your research and thinking for you. Look it up yourself. And for some who say this is the end of the stupid things he has said, I doubt it. It's just the beginning.

    You really don't get it, do you? The Dixie Chicks thing is apples to oranges. The right doesn't have a problem with people speaking their minds. We have a problem with people being fired for doing so. This is especially true in Phil's case. He was asked a question and answered it. For that he was "suspended indefinitely"? How does that make ANY sense in your liberal mind? So, calling for boycotts against an entertainer for speaking out against the Bush led invasion of another country--GOOD! Putting an ignorant redneck off his TV Show for spouting off stupid stuff.... BAD!! My mind is neither liberal nor conservative, it's rooted in logic and fact. And again, as usual, because you are so completely narrow minded and will take anything and twist it around upside down and backwards to be right, you miss the point. I said BOTH sides do it. You just want to argue stupidly about the example, while I make the point that you right wing zealots change your tune with whatever comes down the pike. I will say it again--when it suits YOUR agenda, it's Freedom of Speech rights being infringed. When you agree that a person should be punished because you personally disagree with their position, you conveniently forget to defend their rights.

    Kidrock said it in much fewer words than I, but he sums it up perfectly. You pick and choose when someone is entitled to their rights to free speech when what they are saying is what you agree with.

    Your blather brings up another point that has yet to be discussed here. You refer to him as racist. How was anything he said "racist"???? He spoke about when HE worked with blacks in the fields. And what HE heard (or didn't hear) them say. Tell me, please, how what he said can be racist???First you would have to understand how other people respond to stuff you say to understand how saying Blacks was happy happy happy as slaves would be very offensive. It's called empathetic listening, but that is way beyond your level of comprehension in the world. You have ZERO ability to see any issue from other than your won perspective. If you don't think it's racist, it's not. And that is as far as you go with anything in your world. It works very well for you and most right wingers, but you have no idea how colossally ignorant you are in the real world where other people are more open minded and can think beyond their own nose on their own face. It's "enlightened" thinking, but don't worry, you will never experience it, therefore you will never understand or grasp how his comments were abhorrently disrespectful, arrogant and bigoted.

    Please don't ignore my questions. I would appreciate answers (and a link to him being on record saying what you claim).
    There. Now you get to join the rest of the Neanderthals on my ignore list. At some point it becomes pointless talking to you and you offer nothing of interest to discuss.

  13. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I never said it wasn't but, you know what I'm talking about don't yeah. If you agree with what someone is saying then its ok for them to say but, if you don't look out.
    I thought the right wingers were all about personal responsibility? Now it's "The Left" who somehow are to blame for Phil Robertson's words.

  14. #154
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    Looks like Phil is ok with underage girls though!

  15. #155
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    Tnie will soon be talking to himself

  16. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by stockcar5 View Post
    Looks like Phil is ok with underage girls though!
    Phil married a under aged girl . that is true. but he stayed with her had kids raised them with out government assistance. Many today have sex with under aged girls get them pregnant and then we the people have to pay to raise them.So if we had more like Phil we would have less ignorant low life's living off the Government!

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Yep your right the right does not have a problem with people speaking their mind as long as they agree with what they are saying.
    And where did you learn that myth? You are many years down the road from learning that it's all about right and wrong, not right and left.

  18. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I never said it wasn't but, you know what I'm talking about don't yeah. If you agree with what someone is saying then its ok for them to say but, if you don't look out.

    Look out for what? There's a huge difference between standing up for what's right over standing up for taking away a persons freedom of opinion and speech.

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    There. Now you get to join the rest of the Neanderthals on my ignore list. At some point it becomes pointless talking to you and you offer nothing of interest to discuss.
    Wow, boy you really showed him, but since I'm also on your ignore list, I guess you won't get to read this. How sad!

  20. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    I thought the right wingers were all about personal responsibility? Now it's "The Left" who somehow are to blame for Phil Robertson's words.
    Talk about pointless talking and offering nothing of interest to discuss.


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