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Thread: new chassis

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Call me stupid, but shat is a Kryptonitr chassis?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by RSS View Post
    Call me stupid, but shat is a Kryptonitr chassis?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Now anybody know anything of them?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    After the song, I can't take them serious. lol

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by HuckleberryB4 View Post
    After the song, I can't take them serious. lol
    Kinda reminded me of TNT website

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I had to add the SCD Idiot to the ignore list. I have no idea why people act that way. Sorry for anyone that has to read eyewash back and forth because of him.

  7. #47
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    montevideo mn 56265


    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    I can read j just can type you know the feelling you have a race car but can't win a race
    so true so true! all ill say is if you understood what was said what's the problem . I am lousy at English but I build great motors and cars and we win with them .
    I was told one time you now the difference between a race car driver and a English major is? a driver can win races, a English major can only wright about it . witch would you want to be
    this is what it feels like when you win a race (my son and grandson)
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #48
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    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by stock car driver View Post
    Just go shoot yourself or suck on some exhaust in a confined space, if your about to start critiquing spelling on a race forum or grammar..
    Maybe you should look up what karma means...
    And I think you're missing the point SCD. I'm not calling people stupid while simultaneously looking uneducated by not being able to complete a sentence. Do you not see the irony and humor there? Yes, spelling and grammatical errors are to be expected from time to time in any setting but when you want to make an attempt to insult someone's intelligence, it's taken a lot more seriously if you don't write like you're on a first grade reading level which is what your friend LITE does pretty consistently.

    You and LITE have a lot in common. Most of your posts are insulting and attempt chop people down. Anytime you see me doing that, it's in direct response to an idiotic comment, not just for the sake of being an @ss.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattworx View Post
    so true so true! all ill say is if you understood what was said what's the problem . I am lousy at English but I build great motors and cars and we win with them .
    I was told one time you now the difference between a race car driver and a English major is? a driver can win races, a English major can only wright about it . witch would you want to be
    this is what it feels like when you win a race (my son and grandson)
    That's fantastic! I've won plenty of races in other forms of racing. Picked up our first feature win in a late model last year BUT it was a non-winners feature so...we'll keep up in the top 5 and find the extra tenth or so we need to be consistently up front. For us, it's mostly between the seat and the steering wheel. I've never denied that. The guys that consistently out run us have decades of driving experience in late models where I've got a little more than 100 nights behind the wheel.
    None of this information discredits any of the technical assistance I have helped people with on this board. I get PMs from people all the time thanking me for their help after they have taken a suggestion and made it work for them. Maybe I should quit helping people. I guess it doesn't benefit me any. We could certainly get our car faster (everybody can) but it's mostly seat time that I need.
    Most of the information I provide on here is pretty spot-on although you and I have had differences of opinion. But the fact is that some people on this site are just agitators; it's all they know how to do. On the other hand, people like you, even SCD, and I actually contribute information to this site that people can use. Then people like LITE ruin it for everybody . I've added him to ignore as it's just best not to feed the trolls I think.
    The gossip section of this board used to be a great place to get information about dirt racing from a fan perspective. Those days are long gone. Now it might as well be a girls high school bathroom. No thread gets past the first page without a bunch of garbage. I just don't want the same thing to become of the tech sections. They help a lot of people, myself included.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    When did I proclaim myself a genius? Please refer me to some of this "nonsense" you're talking about.

  11. #51
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    I can tell everyone this for sure .... I drove a steel head limited late with 525hP then a spec with 625 and now open motors with 800+ and the 800 is 10 times harder to drive than the small stuff was and the crate is taking that to a whole different level . For years I have ran 430's with 2.125" of pedal travel ... Try that sometime ...

  12. #52


    We won a lot of races this year after we used advise. Turned our whole season around. Glad I don't have him on my ignore list or we would still suck. Just sayin!!!!

  13. #53
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    montevideo mn 56265


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt49 View Post
    When did I proclaim myself a genius? Please refer me to some of this "nonsense" you're talking about.
    hi matt may name is matt I don't know you and you don't know me so I just want you to understand where I come from ,looking down on someone for how they speak ,write, dress, look is very childish. take time to think before you write and don't be emotional . I all ways do . I now what the fallout is going to be wile I am writing it . I don't get upset over words ,they are just that, words. I learn from everyone that opens there mouth young or old even when there being a AZZ. I guess that's how I learned how to build cars and race . I am not the smartest person around but after running my machine shop for 18 years working for another shop for 16 years ,winning 27 features and 1 track champion ship , I maybe know something.
    i understand that's not many compared to professionals but doing this with my wife and kids while earning a living, wile working for some one I think its ok . I put my son as the driver after the champion ship and I became the crew chief . I am not telling you this to blow my own horn ,just don't think you are the only enlightened racer out there. To me you sound like you know something and if you listen more and keep your attitude in check you might earn respect . I am guessing your 25ish with a engineering background ,nascar school maybe , i could be wrong and I am sometimes . All am saying is ignore us that offend you and put all this in perspective ! in a minute or 100 years no one will care what was said or how it was spelled.
    matt you can take this 2 ways I hope you can take it as I intended as a little constructive criticism . I get criticized sometimes myself, its founded sometimes , but I don't belittle anyone even if they deserve it ! its just not cool
    to how it may concern I have been wanting a red dot and finely got one! only people that are insecure don't leave there names

  14. #54
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    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by mattworx View Post
    hi matt may name is matt I don't know you and you don't know me so I just want you to understand where I come from ,looking down on someone for how they speak ,write, dress, look is very childish. take time to think before you write and don't be emotional . I all ways do . I now what the fallout is going to be wile I am writing it . I don't get upset over words ,they are just that, words. I learn from everyone that opens there mouth young or old even when there being a AZZ. I guess that's how I learned how to build cars and race . I am not the smartest person around but after running my machine shop for 18 years working for another shop for 16 years ,winning 27 features and 1 track champion ship , I maybe know something.
    i understand that's not many compared to professionals but doing this with my wife and kids while earning a living, wile working for some one I think its ok . I put my son as the driver after the champion ship and I became the crew chief . I am not telling you this to blow my own horn ,just don't think you are the only enlightened racer out there. To me you sound like you know something and if you listen more and keep your attitude in check you might earn respect . I am guessing your 25ish with a engineering background ,nascar school maybe , i could be wrong and I am sometimes . All am saying is ignore us that offend you and put all this in perspective ! in a minute or 100 years no one will care what was said or how it was spelled.
    matt you can take this 2 ways I hope you can take it as I intended as a little constructive criticism . I get criticized sometimes myself, its founded sometimes , but I don't belittle anyone even if they deserve it ! its just not cool
    to how it may concern I have been wanting a red dot and finely got one! only people that are insecure don't leave there names
    I completely understand what you're saying and I don't take that the wrong way at all. Constructive criticism is one thing...people being trolls is another. I respond differently to both :-) Trolls took over the gossip section of this site and ruined it for everybody. The tech section has been fine until pretty recently. Best advice is to ignore the trolls but most of the time I can't help myself. That makes the ignore feature of this site pretty nice :-) Then I don't have to worry about it.
    For what it's worth, you didn't get a red dot from me. Any rep I have ever left anybody (which is very little) has been green or gray and signed.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    This was a pretty good thread, at least I thought so, for a while. But then we get the 4M multiple banned troll finding a simple oversight or misunderstanding and off the rails the thread goes. Then as we start arguing about phonics or grammar he is gone, the rep flys and any worth while pupose past a stupid 8th grade fart joke is gone. Put the blame where the blame should go Lite-Inn.

  16. #56
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    Jun 2007


    You're ultimately correct HP. But all I had to do was ignore him and we'd still be talking about chassis :-)

    Speaking of which...someone asked about Kryptonite. I had never heard of them until I saw a picture of their show car at PRI. I checked out their website over the weekend and (as somebody else stated) that music is atrocious. I couldn't find from the site who is actually building them. The contact info has an email address of and a phone number. The "About Us" page doesn't really say anything about them.
    I'm sure someone could call if really interested or maybe somebody else on here knows something about them.

    Edited: I did notice there is a picture on their page of Tyler Carpenter and it says co-owner Kryptonite Race Cars.
    Last edited by Matt49; 12-17-2014 at 11:04 AM.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Hey I got one from a Troll. They also seem to be the newest to the board, they have to keep changing names so they can keep up their ways. Matt is very informative. Doesn't act like a know it all. He provides physics based facts, sometimes we might not always agree but you can even pull tidbits from info you don't agree with and find something that works for you.

  18. #58
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    And this fills in a couple more pieces of the puzzle:

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt49 View Post
    You're ultimately correct HP. But all I had to do was ignore him and we'd still be talking about chassis :-)

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    theres a wealth or racing knowledge on this form but last year or so every thread turns into a "im god your stupid" discussion,..its so bad i quit coming on here for about 8 months,..just started coming back round here few weeks ago an it ant done nuttun but got worse, news for yall,..every body races at there own mental an budget level,..and there always more than the best/highest cost way to get it done, what works for poor joe racing ant the same as what works for endless budget racing,..whats best for a experienced racer ant same for newbies,...and some yall forget what its like to be inexperienced....and then theres alotta "its my way or stupid" on here too, many witts matching contest and then its not bout racing no more and name calling and non spelling/grammer gets throwed out there,...theres a lot of yall do that one not just matt,...idk if a person can read write type whatever if he knows something bout racing an willing to share im all ears and eyes...i cant spell chit and spellcheck dont always help ether....7 years ago i built my first sportsman car in my front yard with knowledge an wisdom i found here on this fourm, the middle of putting together my first late model,..sadly i dont come here much for info on that,....on a side note,..dang i miss bill h on here....been going down hill since he passed....yall keep on arguing tho',...springer might get into racing forums soon....
    white trash motorsports


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