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  1. #1
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    Default A Book Every U.S. Citizen Should Read

    Just got a glimpse of Bill O'Reilly's most recent book release "Killing Reagan". This book is a exemplary read about a man who is irrefutably the most productive and successful U.S. President of the 20th Century.

    I was never an ardent Reagan supporter during his 2 terms as President but looking back on the way he cleaned up the mess that Carter left the country in and the way he reestablished national pride and exceptionalism his time as President was truly remarkable.

    I would strongly advise all those who both loved him and those who, for whatever reason, hated him to read O'Reilly's book. It tells the whole story, not just the good parts. Reportedly, O'Reilly has caught some flack from some for his objectivity and his avoidance of sugar coating of President Reagan's political career but I believe he tells all the the things that are essential to an honest depiction of history.

    Take a look, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

  2. #2
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    Reagan wasn't nearly as conservative as folks like to portray him, but what he did for the soul of the American people and the pride they had in their country will probably never be matched....

  3. #3
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    Don't bull$hit yourself, Reagan was plenty conservative.

    According to people I know that have lived in the strange land of fruits, nuts, weirdo's and leftist's long enough to know, they say without reservation that Reagan was the last competent governor of that state. Some of those people are democrats, too.

    The fact that Cali maintained financial solvency under Reagan (actually he presided over some sizable surplus's) and is now on the brink of bankruptcy is proof enough, I reckon. Reagan increased taxes during his tenure as governor of California, but, he also provided tax rebates totaling $5 billion when his policies produced a revenue surplus.

    Many believe his greatest accomplishment as governor was forcefully quelling the violence and destruction being disguised as protesting at UC Berkeley and the subsequent occupation of that campus and city for two weeks. The half wits in Berkeley found out the hard way that law and order would be maintained. We could use a bit more of that these days.

    The biggest mistake Ronald Reagan made as President was giving amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens without securing the Southern border. After he left office he readily admitted it, too.

  4. #4
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    Chill a little bit will ya CIRF.... I'm not calling you out, I live here in Southern Ca.... all I'm saying is he wasn't as conservative as he could have been.... no harm no foul... he was still a great great president...

  5. #5
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    Look at where we are at today because of Reagan. Trickle down is really helping the middle class. Oh wait a minute where did the middle class go? Anything O'reilly put out I wouldn't waste my time reading.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Chill a little bit will ya CIRF.... I'm not calling you out, I live here in Southern Ca.... all I'm saying is he wasn't as conservative as he could have been.... no harm no foul... he was still a great great president...
    I'm chilled, and I didn't think you were calling me out, we're on the same page here, mud. My take on Reagan's political career is that he was very conservative but knew the limitations of his conservatism. He knew what he could get done and he was able, for the most part, to get most of it enacted. I believe he knew he could only go so far given the opposition present during his day and he pushed his agenda as far as it was possible to push it. He wasn't an all or nothing kind of politician
    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Look at where we are at today because of Reagan. Trickle down is really helping the middle class. Oh wait a minute where did the middle class go? Anything O'reilly put out I wouldn't waste my time reading.
    I don't know where you were during the 4 years of Carter but I was very young trying to get myself established in my chosen career and trust me, Carter had the country in a veritable shambles. I personally paid loan interest as high as 20% and double digit inflation was the norm. Ronald Reagan reigned most of that in. However, we're told these days that inflation in nearly flat but prices are going up every day.

    Ronald Reagan's leadership provided the foundation that precipitated and sustained the largest economic boom since WWII during the klinton administration. klinton had very little to do with that 1990's phenomenon, the groundwork was laid during Reagan's 2nd term as President. It took about 6 to 7 years for the benefits to be realized nationwide and the rapist in chief (klinton) erroneously gets way, way more of the credit than he deserves.

    Bill O'Reilly puts his name on these books he supposedly writes but the vast majority of the research and writing is done by others so your hatred of O'Reilly clouds your personal objectivity but doesn't diminish the credibility of the book itself. He may give his blessing to these books but his influence is limited to generalities.

    Reading O'Reilly's book on Reagan is far, far from a waste of time. It gives objective insight to the best President of the 20th Century. Your hatred is partially your path to ignorance, but as they say, ignorance is bliss.
    Last edited by CIRF; 10-15-2015 at 08:55 AM.

  7. #7
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    Would have been a better president without Bush Sr lurking behind his back
    Last edited by balljoint; 10-15-2015 at 08:56 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Look at where we are at today because of Reagan. Trickle down is really helping the middle class. Oh wait a minute where did the middle class go? Anything O'reilly put out I wouldn't waste my time reading.

    Try Sal Alinsky's Rules for Radicals!!! Maybe you would enjoy that!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    I'm chilled, and I didn't think you were calling me out, we're on the same page here, mud. My take on Reagan's political career is that he was very conservative but knew the limitations of his conservatism. He knew what he could get done and he was able, for the most part, to get most of it enacted. I believe he knew he could only go so far given the opposition present during his day and he pushed his agenda as far as it was possible to push it. He wasn't an all or nothing kind of politician
    I don't know where you were during the 4 years of Carter but I was very young trying to get myself established in my chosen career and trust me, Carter had the country in a veritable shambles. I personally paid loan interest as high as 20% and double digit inflation was the norm. Ronald Reagan reigned most of that in. However, we're told these days that inflation in nearly flat but prices are going up every day.

    Ronald Reagan's leadership provided the foundation that precipitated and sustained the largest economic boom since WWII during the klinton administration. klinton had very little to do with that 1990's phenomenon, the groundwork was laid during Reagan's 2nd term as President. It took about 6 to 7 years for the benefits to be realized nationwide and the rapist in chief (klinton) erroneously gets way, way more of the credit than he deserves.

    Bill O'Reilly puts his name on these books he supposedly writes but the vast majority of the research and writing is done by others so your hatred of O'Reilly clouds your personal objectivity but doesn't diminish the credibility of the book itself. He may give his blessing to these books but his influence is limited to generalities.

    Reading O'Reilly's book on Reagan is far, far from a waste of time. It gives objective insight to the best President of the 20th Century. Your hatred is partially your path to ignorance, but as they say, ignorance is bliss.
    There is a reason O'Reilly's books are best sellers, people like to read great books with documentation to back them up. In a time of the left trying to destroy history, they are even more desired.

  10. #10
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    Did Reagan raise taxes? Reagan had the biggest tax increase in history when a war wasn't going on. Did he increase the national debt? Who sold guns to Iran?

    O'reilly really didn't write this book he just put his name on it? Kool aid anyone?

    Reagan's Benghazi - Around dawn on October 23, 1983, Beirut, Lebanon, a suicide bomber drove a truck laden with the equivalent of twenty-one thousand pounds of TNT into the heart of a U.S. Marine compound, killing two hundred and forty-one servicemen.
    Last edited by ss12; 10-15-2015 at 07:29 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Did Reagan raise taxes? Reagan had the biggest tax increase in history when a war wasn't going on. Did he increase the national debt? Who sold guns to Iran?

    O'reilly really didn't write this book he just put his name on it? Kool aid anyone?

    Reagan's Benghazi - Around dawn on October 23, 1983, Beirut, Lebanon, a suicide bomber drove a truck laden with the equivalent of twenty-one thousand pounds of TNT into the heart of a U.S. Marine compound, killing two hundred and forty-one servicemen.
    You are not going to put down Reagan to me. That is your feelings. And not actually the facts, and that is misleading.

  12. #12
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    Reagan raised taxes in 82,84,85,86,& 87. Now there is one thing the democrats screw him on and I will let you figured that one out. Here is a little hint 1 to 3. He cut the taxes for the top bracket from 70% to 28% so the job creators could create jobs. He just didn't say the jobs would be created in China.

  13. #13
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    But one thing you can not deny..... Reagan was loved, deeply loved by a huge plurality of the American public....we felt good about our leadership...didn't have to worry about him lying every other sentence like we have now... we have the bulk of the country proud of their country and their leadership...and you guys got Obama... he wouldn't be worthy to suck the sweat of Reagans sack....

  14. #14
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    Mud I didn't really mine President Reagan. I even voted for him. My whole point was he was no better than anyone else. Now if you where to say the last good president he had since the 80's was Ronald Reagan I could agree to that.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Reagan raised taxes in 82,84,85,86,& 87. Now there is one thing the democrats screw him on and I will let you figured that one out. Here is a little hint 1 to 3. He cut the taxes for the top bracket from 70% to 28% so the job creators could create jobs. He just didn't say the jobs would be created in China.
    The largest tax increases instituted by Reagan administration policies was social security taxes and the closing of loopholes in the tax code. The Reagan SS tax increases are the reason why SS security is still barely sovent. Without those increases SS would be completely broke.

    Every economic parameter except personal savings was at better levels during the Reagan years than before or after. Interest rates and inflation dropped precipitously during the Reagan years. Personal income jumped by an average of over $4000.00 per household. Carter had the country in such dire straights it took someone like Reagan to hammer out solutions.

    The biggest reasons for the increase in the federal debt under Reagan was the build up of military might that brought about the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It's safe to say it was probably worth the cost.

    I suggest you you put aside your bitter hatred for Reagan and O'Reilly and read O'Reilly's book about Reagan and get your facts and perspective straight.

    The raw hatred for Ronald Reagan by many Democrats is palpable to this day. A lot of the reason why is because the contrast between Carter and Reagan was stark and undeniable. Reagan fixed much of what Carter fukked up and Reagan debunked much of what Carter and those of his ilk stand for and it galls the hard core haters to this day.

    Ronald Reagan would handily beat every U.S. President we've elected since he left office in 1989 and would still be in office to this day if he were alive and the 22nd amendment didn't exist. Reagan epitomized the class and dignity befitting of the office. Something sorely missing in the present occupant of the White House. Does Al Sharpton, pimp with a limp, Zach Galifianakis, GloZell, Shawn Carter among others ring any bells? Those are just a few of the folks that have been embraced by the present President. Plenty of class and dignity among those names, don't ya' think?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Mud I didn't really mine President Reagan. I even voted for him. My whole point was he was no better than anyone else. Now if you where to say the last good president he had since the 80's was Ronald Reagan I could agree to that.
    Reagan great because he stood for Americas people first. Their freedoms, national defense, and many values that the left seeks to destroy.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    The largest tax increases instituted by Reagan administration policies was social security taxes and the closing of loopholes in the tax code. The Reagan SS tax increases are the reason why SS security is still barely sovent. Without those increases SS would be completely broke.

    Every economic parameter except personal savings was at better levels during the Reagan years than before or after. Interest rates and inflation dropped precipitously during the Reagan years. Personal income jumped by an average of over $4000.00 per household. Carter had the country in such dire straights it took someone like Reagan to hammer out solutions.

    The biggest reasons for the increase in the federal debt under Reagan was the build up of military might that brought about the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It's safe to say it was probably worth the cost.

    I suggest you you put aside your bitter hatred for Reagan and O'Reilly and read O'Reilly's book about Reagan and get your facts and perspective straight.

    The raw hatred for Ronald Reagan by many Democrats is palpable to this day. A lot of the reason why is because the contrast between Carter and Reagan was stark and undeniable. Reagan fixed much of what Carter fukked up and Reagan debunked much of what Carter and those of his ilk stand for and it galls the hard core haters to this day.

    Ronald Reagan would handily beat every U.S. President we've elected since he left office in 1989 and would still be in office to this day if he were alive and the 22nd amendment didn't exist. Reagan epitomized the class and dignity befitting of the office. Something sorely missing in the present occupant of the White House. Does Al Sharpton, pimp with a limp, Zach Galifianakis, GloZell, Shawn Carter among others ring any bells? Those are just a few of the folks that have been embraced by the present President. Plenty of class and dignity among those names, don't ya' think?
    Just think Bill Clinton could have won a third term and beaten W by a landslide and then beaten Obama and whoever the retards put up as well and would still be our President.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Just think Bill Clinton could have won a third term and beaten W by a landslide and then beaten Obama and whoever the retards put up as well and would still be our President.
    NAAA.... the country was sick of Klinton, and much of it still is, hence my doubt of Hilary doing beans this time around... the Klintons are slime ... they ignore law and are powerful enough to sidestep any major charges... those aren't the kind of people that make me proud to be an American.... those types of people are the type that you lambast on Wallstreet...
    Last edited by mudslinger47; 10-17-2015 at 01:35 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Just think Bill Clinton could have won a third term and beaten W by a landslide and then beaten Obama and whoever the retards put up as well and would still be our President.
    With all due respect to Mud's evaluation, I believe you may be right about klinton beating GWB. But there was a klinton fatigue in the country at that time and whoever he'd have run against for a third term would have giddily danced on the fact that klinton was disbarred and the rampant lies he told during the oval office blow job investigation. Plus, Juanita Broaddrick, one of the women klinton raped, would have been interviewed on every major network and klinton would have had to deal with that situation beyond his silence and stonewalling. I think Mrs. klinton would have had to weigh in on that deal, too, which would have put her political career in jeopardy. Imagine defending and standing by a rapist.

    Again, you may be right but it wouldn't have been a cakewalk against GWB. But on the same token, klinton wouldn't have had a chance in he!! of beating Ronald Reagan for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd term.

  20. #20
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    Cirf again Reagan was no better than any other president. According to you right wing war mongers if a republican raises taxes it justified but if a democrats then its the end of the world. I like your little paragraph explaining the economy. "Every economic parameter except personal savings was at better levels during the Reagan years than before or after" Let me get this straight Personal saving didn't improve but the average citizen seen an increase in their income of $4000 and inflation was down? I guarantee you that If my income goes up so the my personal savings. Now interest rates, high or low rates always has a pluses and minuses. At this time in my life I would like to see higher interest rates. I have a "little" nest egg right now but is earning nothing. Lower interest rates is killing the middle class of their wealth. Do I blame this on any president? The answer is no. I blame the federal reserve (private banks) that set the rates. Seems to me I have always been on the wrong side. When I was young the interest rates were high and now that I old the rates are low. Now for my children they can afford a home because the rates are low. Maybe when they are older the rates will be high.

    "The biggest reasons for the increase in the federal debt under Reagan was the build up of military might that brought about the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It's safe to say it was probably worth the cost"
    Another spin by the right wing war mongers. According to you war mongers Russia wasn't a threat anymore. Once an enemy always a enemy. This is why you right wing war mongers can't win a war. Look at Russia today in Syria they went right after to rebels that we(USA) is backing knowing we will do nothing because we can't afford another war with anybody. It has nothing to do who is in the White house. War cost money and when your country is the biggest debtor in the world nobody wants to loan you anymore money. USA debt 18 trillion dollars, Russia debt 2 billion dollars. Who would you loan money to. A country that is 18 trillion and probably will never pay you back or a country that is only 2 billion dollars in debt and probably will be able to afford to pay you back. Was it worth it?
    Reagan helped build the military industrial complex and it has help increase our national debt every year since.
    Last edited by ss12; 10-17-2015 at 06:02 PM.


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