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  1. #21
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Ask the criminals, terrorists, and mental whackos that question, not me.
    Simple question part 1-10 people in a room, 3 of which have guns. Is it possible to get shot in that room?

    Part 2-10 people in a room, none of which has a gun. Is it possible to get shot in that room?

    This is where the gun advocates get stumped, because the obvious answer doesn't suit their preference. It's simple, guns don't kill, people WITH guns do.

    Removing all guns from our communities is out of the question, I know that and wouldn't advocate for that anyway. But let's take a look at another really simple question that is maybe a bit more realistic:

    100 people in a room, 50 have guns.
    100 people in a room, 10 have guns.

    In which room is there a greater chance of you getting shot? Where the guns are in half the people's hands, or when only 1/10 people have a gun?

    Pretty simple logic. All things being equal, 30% of the people in the room are going to have mental health issues if you go by what the AMA says about the American populace in general. So that means in a room of 100 and 50 have guns, it is likely that about 15 of them are going to be mentally unstable.

    Room of 100 and 10 have guns, 3 are going to be mentally unstable, if the numbers hold true and all things being equal.

    So, simple math tells me that I am 5 times more likely to get shot by a mentally unstable person if 50 people have guns than if only 10 people have guns of which 3 are mentally unstable.

    Why the NRA thinks more guns is the answer can only be answered logically by one important fact about the NRA--it isn't about preserving the average person's right to bear arms. It's about promoting anything that will sell more guns, up to and including more gun violence so that more folks will feel compelled to buy more guns. The NRA isn't appalled by mass shootings, they reap the rewards of them. So there is nothing in the leaderships interests to curtail gun violence in America, and even more incentive to further proliferate guns in our society.

    Next to abortion clinics the NRA is possibly the next biggest threat to the life of the average American today, because they promote violence as much as Planned Parenthood promotes the killing of innocent unborn children. As long as the NRA keeps promoting expanded gun ownership as the answer to gun violence, they are only advancing the proliferation of guns in our society that can only result in more gun related deaths.
    Last edited by t.nie; 12-03-2015 at 09:59 PM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Ok enlighten me. I will be waiting. This should be good. LMAO. Don't forget since I'm a liberal you are talking to the devil LMAO.
    The stats were posted above!

    The Bible says there are 2 masters whom you can serve, God or Satan? So, whom do you serve?

    Remember, don't shoot the messenger!
    Lions don't worry about the opinions of sheep.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25drtrkr View Post
    The stats were posted above!

    The Bible says there are 2 masters whom you can serve, God or Satan? So, whom do you serve?

    Remember, don't shoot the messenger!
    According to you since I'm a liberal I serve satan so, you answered your question.

    The stats are just that a stat. It means nothing as far as lying fault at someone's legs.
    Last edited by kidrock; 12-03-2015 at 10:16 PM.

  4. #24
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    The Bible also says to be very careful about whom you choose as your trusted council. In other words, know what the Bible says, study it, read it, pray over it, and be very careful whom you trust to guide you in your Christian walk.

    Again, if your preacher is preaching to his church that they need to vote for Donald Trump, I would be immediately seeking another church. I would not trust any preacher who was that deeply committed to his political views that he would risk alienating people from Christ by bringing his personal political preferences into his church or using his pulpit or position to influence people politically.

    Sorry, but that is just wrong on every level.
    Last edited by t.nie; 12-03-2015 at 10:38 PM.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    The Bible also says to be very careful about whom you choose as your trusted council. In other words, know what the Bible says, study it, read it, pray over it, and be very careful whom you trust to guide you in your Christian walk.

    Again, if your preacher is preaching to his church that they need to vote for Donald Trump, I would be immediately seeking another church. I would not trust any preacher who was that deeply committed to his political views that he would risk alienating people from Christ by bringing his personal political preferences into his church or using his pulpit or position to influence people politically.

    Sorry, but that is just wrong on every level.
    Very well said!!

  6. #26
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    I see nothing has changed over the years. Obama is still the evil ruler of all that happens. I have another question. Billy Bob has a gun and Bubba Bill is banging his wife. A bad guy pulls out a gun and Billy Bob now has a excuse to shoot Bubba Bill because he thought he was a bad guy then Tom Tom Shoots Billy Bob because he though the was a bad guy for defending his butt ugly wife anyway.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25drtrkr View Post
    Wrong again kid!....Have you ever heard, "the buck stops here"! Yes its 100% his fault, the stats don't lie, but you being a liberal still WONT believe them!
    So we can assume you believe Bush was totally responsible for 9/11 and the economic downturn that happened after that, culminating in the economic crash of 2008 then? That a conservative is finally willing to own up and place the blame for the mess Obama inherited and had to spend a fortune to clean up is really Bush's doings?

    We will see how accountable you hold your own. Using your logic, those two things certainly were 100% Bush's fault, because "he was President, the buck stops there, and the facts don't lie."

    I don't think being liberal or conservative has anything to do with one's ability to judge fairly and see facts. There are plenty of fact seeking conservatives out there who can see things for what they are, just as there are plenty of progressive liberals who do the same.

  8. #28
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    So right, Maybe it is time they stop repeating what the ratings driven conservative media shovels down their throat and think for themself... and not get all foaming at the mouth over something that is not even proposed. As upstanding citizens would it be a big deal to wait a couple of days to get your new gun and if you have nothing to hide why are you so against background checks and the new proposal to link a gun sale to the FBI terroist watch and no fly list?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    The Bible also says to be very careful about whom you choose as your trusted council. In other words, know what the Bible says, study it, read it, pray over it, and be very careful whom you trust to guide you in your Christian walk.

    Again, if your preacher is preaching to his church that they need to vote for Donald Trump, I would be immediately seeking another church. I would not trust any preacher who was that deeply committed to his political views that he would risk alienating people from Christ by bringing his personal political preferences into his church or using his pulpit or position to influence people politically.

    Sorry, but that is just wrong on every level.

    Lets agree that Church is no place to preach politics. The Bible teaches the followers that they will be held accountable for whom they cast their lots. IT doesn't mean whom one votes for will win, but it clearly means the believer with be accountable for his/her decision.

  10. #30
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    Ol' George had a good handle on things and could make them funny.

    This is especially true of people who vote. Never was it more true than in the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections and I fear it will be prevalent in the 2016 Presidential election, as well.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Lets agree that Church is no place to preach politics. The Bible teaches the followers that they will be held accountable for whom they cast their lots. IT doesn't mean whom one votes for will win, but it clearly means the believer with be accountable for his/her decision.
    It's also pretty clear that leaders are to lead people to God and keep Him first in their messages. Not serving some politicians candidacy from the pulpit.

    I am in total agreement, the Church should not be a place for preaching politics.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headhunter View Post
    So right, Maybe it is time they stop repeating what the ratings driven conservative media shovels down their throat and think for themself... and not get all foaming at the mouth over something that is not even proposed. As upstanding citizens would it be a big deal to wait a couple of days to get your new gun and if you have nothing to hide why are you so against background checks and the new proposal to link a gun sale to the FBI terroist watch and no fly list?
    I have no idea why anyone would be opposed to registering their weapons. Every single part on your vehicle is listed in a database somewhere so its traceable, why wouldn't you want the same level of tracking on deadly weapons?

    Romans 13:4 "For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

    Now I know some people really like to pick and choose the leaders they will respect, but the Bible affords us none of that. It's pretty clear, whether we like it or not. Paul Ryan, John Boehner, etc are not my favorite people either, but this is pretty clear. They are there because God put them there.

    We will see which side comes out on top in future elections. I would urge anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ to remember that verse in the future, because we all have trouble with leaders we think are not leading the way we think they should lead. But to question God's judgement in placing them in that position is to deny God's ultimate authority over us all.

    I include myself in that too, because I often have problems with some of the elected. But maybe God just puts them there so we can all see what we should be opposed to.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    The Bible also says to be very careful about whom you choose as your trusted council. In other words, know what the Bible says, study it, read it, pray over it, and be very careful whom you trust to guide you in your Christian walk.

    Again, if your preacher is preaching to his church that they need to vote for Donald Trump, I would be immediately seeking another church. I would not trust any preacher who was that deeply committed to his political views that he would risk alienating people from Christ by bringing his personal political preferences into his church or using his pulpit or position to influence people politically.

    Sorry, but that is just wrong on every level.
    Very well fabricated psycho babble!!!

    You got evidence of preachers stumping for Trump in their sermons or are you just creating a partisan point of inflammatory rhetoric?

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headhunter View Post
    So right, Maybe it is time they stop repeating what the ratings driven conservative media shovels down their throat and think for themself... and not get all foaming at the mouth over something that is not even proposed. As upstanding citizens would it be a big deal to wait a couple of days to get your new gun and if you have nothing to hide why are you so against background checks and the new proposal to link a gun sale to the FBI terroist watch and no fly list?
    It's not the background checks itself that is a problem to most any law abiding citizen. It's what they are doing quietly as they can to expand what will disqualify citizens from owning guns. If they get all the guns registered to their owners (criminals, mentals, and terrorists excluded). Then they can come after your guns just because your name might be on a no fly list, or you are merely taking antidepressants for example. And yes they are and will add every excuse they can think of to disqualifying citizens from owning firearms. And the sky is the limit with these radicals whackos like Obummer, Pelosi, Reid, Hoyer, etc. leading the way.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    I have no idea why anyone would be opposed to registering their weapons. Every single part on your vehicle is listed in a database somewhere so its traceable, why wouldn't you want the same level of tracking on deadly weapons?

    Romans 13:4 "For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

    Now I know some people really like to pick and choose the leaders they will respect, but the Bible affords us none of that. It's pretty clear, whether we like it or not. Paul Ryan, John Boehner, etc are not my favorite people either, but this is pretty clear. They are there because God put them there.

    We will see which side comes out on top in future elections. I would urge anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ to remember that verse in the future, because we all have trouble with leaders we think are not leading the way we think they should lead. But to question God's judgement in placing them in that position is to deny God's ultimate authority over us all.

    I include myself in that too, because I often have problems with some of the elected. But maybe God just puts them there so we can all see what we should be opposed to.
    More totally partisan slams while thumping the good book again? Yep Paul Ryan and Boehner but no mention of any DEMOCRAT such as the PREZ and his devastating assault on America's freedoms, culture and way of life???

    I find this extremism very very disturbing.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Very well fabricated psycho babble!!!

    You got evidence of preachers stumping for Trump in their sermons or are you just creating a partisan point of inflammatory rhetoric?
    Someone else said their preacher was preaching vote Trump.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    More totally partisan slams while thumping the good book again? Yep Paul Ryan and Boehner but no mention of any DEMOCRAT such as the PREZ and his devastating assault on America's freedoms, culture and way of life???

    I find this extremism very very disturbing.
    I just mentioned a couple of the ones that came to mind that I personally dislike. I also said that everyone has their own list. I wasn't demanding anyone agree with mine.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    More totally partisan slams while thumping the good book again? Yep Paul Ryan and Boehner but no mention of any DEMOCRAT such as the PREZ and his devastating assault on America's freedoms, culture and way of life???

    I find this extremism very very disturbing.
    Yep CW, he thinks God is all LOVE and no JUSTICE!

    Perhaps he should read Revelation, where God says "because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth"!

    I DARE any of you to debate my pastor over what he preaches from the pulpit! None of you, self-proclaimed believers, has the balls to!
    Lions don't worry about the opinions of sheep.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    It's also pretty clear that leaders are to lead people to God and keep Him first in their messages. Not serving some politicians candidacy from the pulpit.

    I am in total agreement, the Church should not be a place for preaching politics.
    I couldn't agree more, another good post.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    So we can assume you believe Bush was totally responsible for 9/11 and the economic downturn that happened after that, culminating in the economic crash of 2008 then? That a conservative is finally willing to own up and place the blame for the mess Obama inherited and had to spend a fortune to clean up is really Bush's doings?

    We will see how accountable you hold your own. Using your logic, those two things certainly were 100% Bush's fault, because "he was President, the buck stops there, and the facts don't lie."

    I don't think being liberal or conservative has anything to do with one's ability to judge fairly and see facts. There are plenty of fact seeking conservatives out there who can see things for what they are, just as there are plenty of progressive liberals who do the same.
    Of course he doesn't believe Bush was at fault. He's probably trying to find a way to blame Obama.


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