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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25drtrkr View Post
    I don't really like the pissing match either, but at least Trump is calling her out for her continuous lies. I'd like to see a little more detailed plan from Trump, to fix our countries' problems.

    One thing for sure, I believe it was Jeb Bush that said during the last debate, that anyone on that stage would do a far better job than what we have right now! I'll give a big AMEN, right there!
    I also remember Jeb calling "The Donald" a jerk.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    I will be voting for the Jill Stein the Green party. In a 2 horse race where both horses share the same owner, dose it really matter which horse finishes in 1st? The owner wins either way.
    You may as well stay home.....your wasting your gas....

    And if you haven't figured out yet that Donald isn't "OWNED" by anyone, as a matter of fact, I'd venture a guess that he probably owns a few politicians himself... You want outside the box fresh and unproven, "the Donald" is your only choice...not some clown from a party that never has and never will have a viable candidate....
    Last edited by mudslinger47; 12-23-2015 at 12:34 AM.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    You may as well stay home.....your wasting your gas....

    And if you haven't figured out yet that Donald isn't "OWNED" by anyone, as a matter of fact, I'd venture a guess that he probably owns a few politicians himself... You want outside the box fresh and unproven, "the Donald" is your only choice...not some clown from a party that never has and never will have a viable candidate....
    But, your problem with that is the Donald won't be your nominee when it's all said and done. I could be wrong but, only time will tell. Then what maybe ss12 is right.

    That's the problem in this country the media only wants to push a 2 party system and not let a third party have a voice. Now would have been a good time for a third party as you can tell. If the Donald can be the front runner that should tell you the people are tired of the status quo.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    But, your problem with that is the Donald won't be your nominee when it's all said and done. I could be wrong but, only time will tell. Then what maybe ss12 is right.

    That's the problem in this country the media only wants to push a 2 party system and not let a third party have a voice. Now would have been a good time for a third party as you can tell. If the Donald can be the front runner that should tell you the people are tired of the status quo.
    Kid, I love ya bro but there isn't ever going to be a winning "Green Party" candidate...ever!!!! We don't need a third party, we need to get a hold of the two that we do have, kick the chitbirds out that piss us off and retrain the rest...

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Kid, I love ya bro but there isn't ever going to be a winning "Green Party" candidate...ever!!!! We don't need a third party, we need to get a hold of the two that we do have, kick the chitbirds out that piss us off and retrain the rest...

    I know what you mean and its to bad. You have to admit though a viable third party candidate would shake things up and just maybe we could get some things done. I wonder if you and I could sit in a room and get something accomplished even knowing we don't agree on much when it comes to politics. It would be fun to try it sometime.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    i know what you mean and its to bad. You have to admit though a viable third party candidate would shake things up and just maybe we could get some things done. I wonder if you and i could sit in a room and get something accomplished even knowing we don't agree on much when it comes to politics. It would be fun to try it sometime.
    the donald is the actual 3rd party !!!! None of the other two claim him and have done everything in their power to rid this race of him and it just keeps driving his #'s up and frustrating the he!! Out of them !!!!!!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtMAN007 View Post
    the donald is the actual 3rd party !!!! None of the other two claim him and have done everything in their power to rid this race of him and it just keeps driving his #'s up and frustrating the he!! Out of them !!!!!!
    I do agree he is really not a conservative but, wants to act like one now. You are right he has them so pissed off they don't know what to do and that is kind of funny. Heck he has Hillary spinning her wheels now lol.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    You may as well stay home.....your wasting your gas....

    And if you haven't figured out yet that Donald isn't "OWNED" by anyone, as a matter of fact, I'd venture a guess that he probably owns a few politicians himself... You want outside the box fresh and unproven, "the Donald" is your only choice...not some clown from a party that never has and never will have a viable candidate....

    So Mud what you are telling me if Trump doesn't win the republican nominee and runs has an independent you will vote for Trump?
    The whole problem with American politics is we only have 2 parties. The problems with the republican party is you have a group(s) that are really not republicans but have jumped on their wagon clamming to be republicans. They started with what 15 candidates and still have 12 left.
    The party it in disarray now they are trying to figure out how to get rid of Trump. They(Special interest groups) know if he wins their control is over.

    All of you so called voters haven't figured it out yet. Nothing is going to change as long as you keep voting for one of these parties. The national debt will keep increasing, we will keep fighting wars we can't afford, keep sending jobs over seas, Health insurance premiums will keep increasing and our wages will keep decreasing. They(Republicans and democrats) always run on social issues( Abortion, Guns, Gay marriage, Jobs, and immigration) and clam if they get elected they will get them changed but in reality they won't change a thing because they are going to use these issues again during the next election cycle. They really never talk about real issues. So mud just keep voting for this insanity (Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results Albert Einstein) and see if you get different results.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtMAN007 View Post
    the donald is the actual 3rd party !!!! None of the other two claim him and have done everything in their power to rid this race of him and it just keeps driving his #'s up and frustrating the he!! Out of them !!!!!! can't buy him!

    The left nutjobs can't figure why he is so popular....he is speaking what the majority of Americans are saying. I really like him saying that he will hire the BEST people to solve our problems. Thats what real leaders do! They dont proclaim to know everything, but they can hire people that do!
    Lions don't worry about the opinions of sheep.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25drtrkr View Post can't buy him!

    The left nutjobs can't figure why he is so popular....he is speaking what the majority of Americans are saying. I really like him saying that he will hire the BEST people to solve our problems. Thats what real leaders do! They dont proclaim to know everything, but they can hire people that do!
    I bet you right wing extremist will tell us LOL!!!!

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    So Mud what you are telling me if Trump doesn't win the republican nominee and runs has an independent you will vote for Trump?
    The whole problem with American politics is we only have 2 parties. The problems with the republican party is you have a group(s) that are really not republicans but have jumped on their wagon clamming to be republicans. They started with what 15 candidates and still have 12 left.
    The party it in disarray now they are trying to figure out how to get rid of Trump. They(Special interest groups) know if he wins their control is over.

    All of you so called voters haven't figured it out yet. Nothing is going to change as long as you keep voting for one of these parties. The national debt will keep increasing, we will keep fighting wars we can't afford, keep sending jobs over seas, Health insurance premiums will keep increasing and our wages will keep decreasing. They(Republicans and democrats) always run on social issues( Abortion, Guns, Gay marriage, Jobs, and immigration) and clam if they get elected they will get them changed but in reality they won't change a thing because they are going to use these issues again during the next election cycle. They really never talk about real issues. So mud just keep voting for this insanity (Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results Albert Einstein) and see if you get different results.
    First, I have to take Trump at his word, he said he would not third party it so I have no problem with that.... if Trump doesn't make it, most the follow Trump will fall to Cruz who is just fine with me... You didn't read what I wrote, get rid of the morons (leadership) and retrain the rest...actually, the rank and file would fall into place and be the representatives we want them to be "IF" you SC the leadership... It is the leadership that is the problem on both sides... I saw that when the Democrats ramrodded obummer care through....they had to buy a bunch and threaten the rest to get that bill passed...

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25drtrkr View Post can't buy him!

    The left nutjobs can't figure why he is so popular....he is speaking what the majority of Americans are saying. I really like him saying that he will hire the BEST people to solve our problems. Thats what real leaders do! They dont proclaim to know everything, but they can hire people that do!
    25 how about some fact to back up your allegations. A poll where Trump is a head of Clinton. What % of Americans are republicans or lean republican? What % of the "Majority" of the population supports Trump? I have this information but I will let you tell everyone the numbers.

  13. #33
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    This is one thing I like about Trump. At the 4:00 mark where is talks about the mistake we made In Iraq. You are not going to believe this but its from Fox News.

  14. #34
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    I have heard this before, and he's probably right, but as with most anyone, Monday morning Q-Back is quite a bit easier then running the play live... I think Trump is quick enough on his feet and would surround himself with competent people so as not to make any brash mistakes.... what ever you think of the man, he made his fortune in America and is (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ed thankful of that fact... I watched a couple of programs, the making of Trump on A&E... worth the watch if you want to se where and when he came... he hasn't did much changing from his younger days..

  15. #35
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    Kidrock, I have a message to give to you from a close friend of yours!!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I also would like to say the same thing. Sorry fellas carry on.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    I will be voting for the Jill Stein the Green party. In a 2 horse race where both horses share the same owner, dose it really matter which horse finishes in 1st? The owner wins either way.
    Not a true race fan EH ? Anybody knows that when the Green party gets wind of the fact that there is precious fossil fuel being wasted by cars running in circles and tire smoke along with clay dust polluting the global warmed air then we are in trouble ! This is why people who I know who love racing with all of their heart and soul couldn't believe that other so called race fans admitted to have voted for Obummer and his quest to shut down anything that may pollute.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by plunks7 View Post
    Kidrock, I have a message to give to you from a close friend of yours!!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I also would like to say the same thing. Sorry fellas carry on.
    Tell that close friend of mine I said Merry Christmas and a Happy anew Year to him and his entire family.

    Plunks, you and your entire family have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    First, I have to take Trump at his word, he said he would not third party it so I have no problem with that.... if Trump doesn't make it, most the follow Trump will fall to Cruz who is just fine with me... You didn't read what I wrote, get rid of the morons (leadership) and retrain the rest...actually, the rank and file would fall into place and be the representatives we want them to be "IF" you SC the leadership... It is the leadership that is the problem on both sides... I saw that when the Democrats ramrodded obummer care through....they had to buy a bunch and threaten the rest to get that bill passed...
    Mud the truth is who ever is the republican candidate is you will vote for him including the devil. And there are some democrats that will do the same. Its funny how you voters make this out to be a team sport. This is were we are different some citizen are followers(Mud) and some are leaders(ss12). LOL At least if I see something that is not working I will think outside of the box.

    May you and your families be blessed with a Merry Christmas.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I bet you right wing extremist will tell us LOL!!!!
    Its called MORALS.....something you liberals care nothing about!
    Lions don't worry about the opinions of sheep.

  20. #40
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