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  1. #101
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    So you think obummers way is better? Talk to them and see if they'll quit? Your welcome to your opinion, but when you disagree with one aspect and agree with many more, I become confused and think that its probably the "R" in front of his name, rather then his views...
    Do you remember who I said for a long time now who I was going to vote for. Well I will remind you it was Chris Christy yes a "R" in front of his name so, it has nothing do with. R or D In front of their name.
    Last edited by kidrock; 02-11-2016 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #102
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    vote the person not the party

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Do you remember who I said for a long time now who I was going to vote for. Well I will remind you it was Chris Christy yes a "R" in front of his name so, it has nothing do with. R or D In front of their name.
    Sorry. but he's history.... Crispy had some good points, he was however a RINO by most standards, kinda like Bush.... "W" was a RINO domestically in my humble opinion as would Jeb be... Jeb was killed on two points, soft on immigration and "W"'s domestic policy..JMO ... I read today that Crispys bear hug on obummer may have been to much for voters to stand... I understood why he did it, but it wasn't a good idea..

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Sorry. but he's history.... Crispy had some good points, he was however a RINO by most standards, kinda like Bush.... "W" was a RINO domestically in my humble opinion as would Jeb be... Jeb was killed on two points, soft on immigration and "W"'s domestic policy..JMO ... I read today that Crispys bear hug on obummer may have been to much for voters to stand... I understood why he did it, but it wasn't a good idea..
    And that's pretty said if you ask me. If people can be influenced that easily that's pretty sad.

    Yep now that he's gone I don't care for any of the rest of them.

  5. #105
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    Best ever service provider in all over the world.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    If the economy is doing so well then why all the stores closing . Please enlighten us all
    ObummerCare, high taxes, EPA regulations, and other new laws and regulations, have made things so good that they must have decided to retire or move out of the country to let and show others how great things are!!!

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    If the economy is doing so well then why all the stores closing . Please enlighten us all
    How do you like capitalism now? It's not about democrats or republicans is all about capitalism! Call it crony capitalism but this is what happens eventually with capitalism. Now we need a president like Sander to get us back on track.

  8. #108
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    I hope sanders is the nominee. Because the GOP nominee will cause the old man to have a coronary in the debates in front of millions!! He will meltdown, thats a given.

  9. #109
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    yeppers that's for sure

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    How do you like capitalism now? It's not about democrats or republicans is all about capitalism! Call it crony capitalism but this is what happens eventually with capitalism. Now we need a president like Sander to get us back on track.
    really like the last 7 yrs lmao and what is Sanders a democrat we need someone lie Trump or Carson you mean

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    How do you like capitalism now? It's not about democrats or republicans is all about capitalism! Call it crony capitalism but this is what happens eventually with capitalism. Now we need a president like Sander to get us back on track.
    And where, pray tell, will you get all your tax money for your free stuff if there were no capitalism?

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    really like the last 7 yrs lmao and what is Sanders a democrat we need someone lie Trump or Carson you mean
    Let don't for get the previous 8 years before Obama when Bush was in office. At the end of his term loosing 850,000 jobs a month. At least Obama created jobs even though they were low paying jobs. The low paying jobs is what the "free market" capitalism was willing to give the American citizens. This is what happen when government(Republican or Democrats) allows the destruction of the working class citizens right to unionized. Capitalism is all about profit at all cost even if it mean to destroy the working class. Capitalism doesn't care about humanity and a long as they can divide and conquer the better for them. Capitalism love republicans it fits their agenda. Don't take me wrong cause the democrats(Hillary) now need their money(no more unions to help them out) also to get elected. The working citizen have nobody to represent then anymore. The closes person is Sanders. Keep voting the way you have been and see if you get any better results. Insanity keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Since Reagan what has gotten better for the working class?

  13. #113
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    I say bs created what jobs at burger king we need someone like trump or carson that are non opoltical crap but wants to get the job done if you think the bern will you are Sadly mistaken HERE HE GOES IN LALA LAND 15 bucks an hour for min wage lmao
    Last edited by old fan; 02-13-2016 at 09:00 AM.

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    I say bs created what jobs at burger king we need someone like trump or carson that are non opoltical crap but wants to get the job done if you think the bern will you are Sadly mistaken HERE HE GOES IN LALA LAND 15 bucks an hour for min wage lmao
    I'm just curious as to what kind of jobs do you think anyone is going to create?

    Remember thanks to Bush1 and Clinton most of the decent paying middle class jobs left this country thanks to Nafta.
    Last edited by kidrock; 02-13-2016 at 11:32 AM.

  15. #115
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    Allow me to field part of the answer... reduce taxation in the US and some manufacturing will come back but more importantly more manufacturing won't leave.... I read where Carrier is leaving Indiana and moving to Mexico... maybe with a kinder tax rate they could stay here ... Burnie talking about more taxing of the rich drives the jobs out, Kid...

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Allow me to field part of the answer... reduce taxation in the US and some manufacturing will come back but more importantly more manufacturing won't leave.... I read where Carrier is leaving Indiana and moving to Mexico... maybe with a kinder tax rate they could stay here ... Burnie talking about more taxing of the rich drives the jobs out, Kid...
    Mud we already done that remember Reagan. Reduced the tax on the rich and they will created jobs? All the rich did was used the money they saved and used it against the masses for their benefit and making us poorer and our voices weaker. Now rich control the government because they have all of the wealth. They knew what they were doing. Lay you off and let you starve a little bit and you would take what ever job they offered for very little pay and no benefits. Shipped all of the manufacturing job overseas for their benefits buy using slave labor and being able to pollute their air and water and making communism stronger, richer, and more powerful. If you thank about this is what they want. Control over the masses, a government that they control for their benefit at or expense. We pay all cost and they just reap the benefits. keep voting for the same thing over and over and they will keep wining. It doesn't matter with its a Democrat or Republican because they own both parties. Sanders is probably the only chance the masses have. All the republicans and Clinton will be status quo for the rich.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Allow me to field part of the answer... reduce taxation in the US and some manufacturing will come back but more importantly more manufacturing won't leave.... I read where Carrier is leaving Indiana and moving to Mexico... maybe with a kinder tax rate they could stay here ... Burnie talking about more taxing of the rich drives the jobs out, Kid...

    So are saying jobs left in this country years ago because there taxes were to high or are saying their leaving now because their taxes were high?

  18. #118
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    1400 jobs just left from carrier to mexico , do you think raising the min wage wil bring more jobs or less

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    1400 jobs just left from carrier to mexico , do you think raising the min wage wil bring more jobs or less

    I'm not for raising the minimum wage but, I am for good paying middle class jobs that have left the country.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    I say bs created what jobs at burger king we need someone like trump or carson that are non opoltical crap but wants to get the job done if you think the bern will you are Sadly mistaken HERE HE GOES IN LALA LAND 15 bucks an hour for min wage lmao
    Please tell how Trump or Carson are going to do this. Some the jobs are already coming back to America but thanks to technology and automation they don't need that many workers. There is not going to be that many good paying jobs in the future. So what little jobs are left these citizen will need to be paid a decent wage so they can survive. This is what the problem is right now. Most of the jobs are $10 an hour jobs and at the end of the week there is nothing left over to buy anything extra are even to buy a ticket for Friday night racing at their local track. If your going to get this economy going again you are going to have to raise their wages. Here is something for you to laugh about the minimum wage being $15.00 an hour. Australia has an minimum wage of$16.00 dollars an hour was not effect by the global recession.


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