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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by skids View Post
    Kid, what you fail to point out is that the vacancy that Kennedy eventually filled started in June of 1987 (almost a year and a half before the end of Reagan's term). Scalia's vacancy leaves far less than a year to the end of Obama's term) Sooooo actually the dems you want to paint as so reasonable took longer to fill the vacancy than the republicans are talking about taking now.

    Would you feel better if they let Obama put up two nominees only to be rejected like the Dems. did in 1987??? The end result is the same.
    Ok so what a year or year and half not that much of a difference. You guys have controlled the Supreme Court for how long. And your just worried it's going to go in favor of the liberals for a change

    Keenedy was confirmed in Febuary 1988 the last year of Reagans term

    At least they will doing their job. So yes I hope Obama does nominate someone and then let's see what they do. That's how the constitution was set up. You guy don't get to cherry pick the constitution.

    I like how some are saying we haven't confirmed a Supreme Court Justice in 80 years of a election year but, their not saying the last 200 plus years so, it sounds like it's been done before

    Both side are just a bunch of hypocrites and that's what's wrong with out politics.
    Last edited by kidrock; 02-15-2016 at 10:22 PM.

  2. #22
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    Watch both videos. See what Sen. Grassley(R)has to say.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Watch both videos. See what Sen. Grassley(R)has to say.
    President Reagan said it best. Now what you say. They keep saying 80 years, was it really 80 years ago Reagan was president. Hypocrites

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Dems are bunch of liars who change rules when they have power, and change them back when they are not in power. I love the statement most Americas are upset with Reps for always blocking Obama. How about this, most Americans are upset because the voted in REPS are failing to stop Obama? Try that one out. The majority of this Country is not behind Obama. That is why you are seeing the uprising in the voting.

  5. #25
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    BTW do not accuse me of saying Obama was born outside the USA. I never said it. But apparently the ignorant on here are now going to accuse Cruz of not being a legit candidate. Pot meet Kettle. Good heavens!!!!!!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Your "we" is a very small group and is getting smaller every year.


  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headhunter View Post
    So I take it that to the conservatives the Constitution where it says The President "SHALL" nominate judges no longer matters when it is ignored to benefit the GOP and conservatives. Seems that you hold it in high standards when you can claim a Democrat is not going by the letter of the Constitution yet oh so willing to use it to wipe your collective backsides when it gets in the way of what you believe. ........... And you claim the Democrats are Hypocrites ? Hypocrite: someone who says they have ​particular ​moral ​beliefs but ​behaves in way that ​shows these are not ​sincere
    You should be careful and educated on what you wish for. Liberalism will take this country into something we will all suffer in. Wishing for liberal Judges that will destroy the Constitution is insane. Democrats are the epitome of the words hypocrite, liars, and immorality. I just don't understand why people flock to these people without question. It's your future and your children's future at stake.

    If you want a partisan judge without the people even having a say, then I guess you are far to gone as many people have become in the way the nation was founded.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 02-16-2016 at 02:01 PM.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    I hope the senate doesn't approve Obama's nominee so Bernie can nominate his when he wins.
    Yes we need Loretta Lynch in there to victimize this nation with corrupt partisan injustice. By the way Bernie is not going to win squat.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Bs the repubs are no better just a bunch of hypocrites pure and simple. They prove it over and over again. Cruz was born in another country but yet he's legal to run forpresident. Then you guys say Obama was born in Kenya yet he is not legal hypocrites
    It doesn't matter who the President nominates it's his right you know his constitutional right.
    So what your saying is the Dems did the right thing when they confirmed Reagans nominee but, yet the repubs are saying they won't confirm Obamas so, really the Dems are worse then the repubs.
    Of course they are no worse to you. But in the real world it is a fact that the Democrat parties goal is to destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That can not be said about the Republican party.

    To go through life believing lies and ignoring the truth will have to be answered for in the end.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Your "we" is a very small group and is getting smaller every year.
    If anything it is much bigger than you know. But the people's voice has not been listened to for seven years.

    BREAKING: RNC Weighing Obama Impeachment
    Keith Farrell January 6, 2016 2016 Presidential Race, Abuse of Authority, Headline News

    Members of the Republican National Committee will consider a resolution that would urge House Republicans to begin impeachment proceedings for president Obama.

    Michigan’s RNC committeeman Dave Agema will introduce the resolution at the RNC’s next meetings which will take place from January 13th-15th.

    “It’s simply asking our House of Representatives…to abide by their oath of office and accomplish what they should do,” Agema said.

    The resolution details 48 criminal charges, including executive actions on guns and immigration, Syrian refugees, and spying on congress.

    “The way it works is one House of Representatives member puts in impeachment articles for the House and it starts the process,” Agema said. “Recently, we didn’t own the House and the Senate, but Republicans do now, and the purpose of it really is we’re a nation of laws and separation of powers.”

    If the House introduce articles of impeachment, they would go to the Judiciary Committee, where 20 votes would be needed for the proceedings to continue– there are 23 Republicans on that committee. It would require 218 votes to pass the House, where there are 246 Republicans. Ultimately, the Senate would decide the president’s fate, with two-thirds needed to remove him from office.

    The articles, which were written by the North American Law Center, also list Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as co-conspirators.

    “It lets the president, Obama, know that we’re not going to put up with his ability to go around the Constitution. Secondly, it warns any future president that he doesn’t have that right either, and it encourages the base to get involved,” Agema concluded.

    The North American Law Center made a Facebook post dispelling some of the most common critiques of impeachment:

    We don’t have the votes to impeach! – Why not, since we only need 20 of 23 Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee to advance Articles to the full House, only 218 of 247 House Republicans to Impeach in the House… no democrats needed until the Senate trial.
    The Senate won’t convict! – We need 2/3 of the senators “present” at the end of the trial in order to convict and remove. The Senate is NOT a “legislative” body under legislative rules in the case of impeachment. They are a “criminal jury” operating under very strict Rules similar to any criminal jury. NO “co-conspirator” can sit on the jury…. How many Senators will be “present” at the end of the trial?
    We will get Joe Biden! – No… because Joe Biden was directly involved in every Obama crime, he is ineligible to succeed Obama to the Oval Office. Evidence presented in the Obama trial will demonstrate Biden’s complicity, as well and that of Hillary Clinton.
    What about the Court of Public Opinion? – An impeachment trial must be aired on open TV for the nation and world to see. The court of public opinion is more important that the Senate Jury, who will be swayed by the Court of Public Opinion.
    Big donors don’t matter, compared to the voters! – No matter how many millions a handful of GOP donors pour into the 2016 election — it will not result in votes in the election booth. Republicans must regain the faith of their voters, which they cannot do at this point without impeachment of President Obama!

    Read more:
    Follow us: @TheLibRepublic on Twitter

  11. #31
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    Expect the mainstream media to bombard us with false narratives telling us how "sick" he was, when in fact, it was witnessed that he was jovial and healthy just before he was murdered. Even his own physician said all he suffered from was a painful bruising of his shoulder! There is motive and opportunity. This is a changing narrative. There are unanswered questions. And there is a pattern of assassinating people who do not agree with this totalitarian dictatorship.

    You people on here that are ignoring the possibilities that Scalia was murdered and are just worried about how the President can replace him with a radical liberal are not even giving the news of his death ANY respect. Just shows how Democrats are heartless in reality and only concerned about what their political party can gain from any and all tragedies. To you people the real possibility that this was a good man doing the right things concerning his important job does not even matter.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Dems are bunch of liars who change rules when they have power, and change them back when they are not in power. I love the statement most Americas are upset with Reps for always blocking Obama. How about this, most Americans are upset because the voted in REPS are failing to stop Obama? Try that one out. The majority of this Country is not behind Obama. That is why you are seeing the uprising in the voting.
    How can they change rules when they are not in power, no the reason your seeing uprising in voting because they are sick of the same people in power. They want new blood and as you can tell it's needed now more then ever

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    BTW do not accuse me of saying Obama was born outside the USA. I never said it. But apparently the ignorant on here are now going to accuse Cruz of not being a legit candidate. Pot meet Kettle. Good heavens!!!!!!
    So then your saying Obama was born in the U.S.

  14. #34
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    Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar.
    Donald leans over, and With A smile on his face, says,
    "The media are really tearing you apart for That Scandal."
    Hillary: "You mean my lying about Benghazi?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean the massive voter fraud?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean the military not
    getting their votes counted?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Using my secret private server with classified
    material to Hide my Activities?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, Hiring Cronies,
    And taking bribes from foreign countries?
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean the drones being operated in our own country without
    The Benefit of the law?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Giving 123
    Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it
    Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and
    hiring them in the White House?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "The IRS targeting conservatives?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Turning Libya into chaos?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Trashing
    Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Turning our backs on Israel?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "The joke Iran Nuke deal? "
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Leaving Iraq in chaos? "
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months
    Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The NSA monitoring citizens'?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General
    Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Threats to all of Bill's former mistresses to keep them quiet"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I've got it!
    When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and China when Bill left Office?"
    Trump: "THAT'S IT! I almost forgot about that one".
    Everything above is true. Yet she still gets the Democratic votes.
    Could there be that many stupid people in this country???
    Does anyone understand this??? I think we're doomed !!!

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    So then your saying Obama was born in the U.S.

    No he didn't say that either. Go to bed.

  16. #36
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    "We don’t have the votes to impeach" Really Clayton tell the conservative republicans to quit wasting tax payers money on Obama impeachment. His second term is almost over and now you retards are thinking about impeachment? Its kind of later isn't. I guess the republicans tried to impeach Clinton and that didn't work so Lets try Obama? And the republicans wonder why did are loosing voters

    This article was written on 8/15.
    In what should be an obvious poll result, the Republican Party’s image has grown more negative overall during the first half of this year. Currently, only 32 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of the Republican Party, while 60 percent have an unfavorable view; that is what happens after six months of raving lunacy and anti-everything extremism borne of truly obscene presidential candidate’s positions. The favorable views of the GOP have tumbled eighteen percentage points since January.

  17. #37
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    January 6, 2016

  18. #38
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    the Muslim can appoint anybody he fricken wants but it`s up to are sorry ass congress to accept or deny his appointed pick which are congress and are sorry ass scotus do not have a very good track record of as late.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    TRUMP AND HILLARY IN A BAR Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and With A smile on his face, says, "The media are really tearing you apart for That Scandal." Hillary: "You mean my lying about Benghazi?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "You mean the massive voter fraud?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, Hiring Cronies, And taking bribes from foreign countries? Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "You mean the drones being operated in our own country without The Benefit of the law?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?" Trump: "No the other one:" Hillary: "The IRS targeting conservatives?" Trump: "No the other one:" Hillary: "Turning Libya into chaos?" Trump: "No the other one:" Hillary: "Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?" Trump: "No the other one:" Hillary: "Turning our backs on Israel?" Trump: "No the other one:" Hillary: "The joke Iran Nuke deal? " Trump: "No the other one:" Hillary: "Leaving Iraq in chaos? " Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "The DOJ spying on the press?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "The NSA monitoring citizens'?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "Threats to all of Bill's former mistresses to keep them quiet" Trump: "No, the other one." Hillary: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I've got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and China when Bill left Office?" Trump: "THAT'S IT! I almost forgot about that one". ********** Everything above is true. Yet she still gets the Democratic votes. Could there be that many stupid people in this country??? Does anyone understand this??? I think we're doomed !!!
    You hid the facts on the head with that classic post ! That's probably only the tip of the iceberg knowing Chilly Hilly !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. #40
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    What a bunch of hypocrites we have on both side of the isle. We have no business telling other countries how they should run theirs when our politicians can't run our own. What a joke.


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