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Thread: Jobs

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    D'Souza my film making hero who went to jail for making a film exposing the real Obama, is making one again (factual I am sure) on Hillary Clinton a history of other Democratic facts. Talk about a history of violations against human rights. BTW anyone ever hear of Jim Crow, slavery and the party that tried to stop the equal rights revolution of 1964? He said if the last one got him 8 months in jail, this one will earn him a life sentence.
    Obummer used the IRS to do his dirty work. lol

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    I see that you are set in stone on voting TRUMP, that is your right and choice.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Reduce corp tax. Start there. Lift restrictions small business. Continue there. There is plenty you can do on in the coal industry, fuel industry, and lure companies back with favorable taxes. I see you are another one that doesn't understand tax breaks for the rich. Democrat talking points used to get the clueless to vote for them. OH yeah, the rich people create the jobs and if you over tax them that reflects back to the middle class who actually pays taxes. Need the able bodied people working, not sitting around watching their large screen TVs. Govt fraud and waste is out of hand too. People are scamming the Govt. It needs to be cut out with a leader who is actually interested in bettering the opportunities for the worker. Clinton started the sub prime loan fiasco and Todd and Frank covered it up until it jump up and bit them and the country in butt. Clinton did not guard against the SEC allowing all kinds of fake start up Nasdaq companies. Reps are not free of blame, because they didn't stop it. I would like to see what an outsider like Cruz who is smart and a constitution lawyer does for our country. It is sure to be far superior to Jezebel or Raul Castro.
    so are you telling me tax breaks for the rich don't make them richer? Funny you talk about people scamming the government but, yet your party does nothing and I mean nothing to fix that problem but, they sure do use that as talking points every year
    More jobs are created by small business not by the rich. And who repealed the glass steagle act. Which was a huge mistake in this country. Wasn't it Bush who started Nafta and yes Clinton signed into law. One of the top job killers in this country. The problem with Cruz is the most hated person in your party. Those jobs are not coming back because it will throw the global economy into a recession and this economy will be worse then what your guy W did to this economy.
    Last edited by kidrock; 03-14-2016 at 07:04 PM.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    I see that you are set in stone on voting TRUMP, that is your right and choice.
    yes clayton beause he can not be bought unlike cruz Rubio Kasich and of course sanders and billary plus he is not part of the good ole boys

  5. #125
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    In the driver's seat


    I'll be voting for John Kasich tomorrow!!

  6. #126
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    figures you would he is about as worthless as Bernie or the jail bird
    Last edited by old fan; 03-14-2016 at 06:45 PM.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    so are you telling me tax breaks for the rich don't make them richer? Funny you talk about people scamming the government but, yet your party does nothing and I mean nothing to fix that problem but, they sure do use that as talking points every yearMore jobs are created by small business not by the rich. And who repealed the glass steagle act. Which was a huge mistake in this country. Wasn't it Bush who started Nafta and yes Clinton signed into law. One of the top job killers in this country. The problem with Cruz is the most hated people in your party. Those jobs are not coming back because it will throw the global economy into a recession and this economy will be worse then what your guy W did to this economy.
    but tax breaks for the working class would benefit all and wouldn't have to raise wages either

  8. #128
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  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Oh I agree it's not helping the economy but, these companies put profit over the good of the American people plain and simpleHow about this W was in office did you see these companies lining up to come back to the states NOPE
    It helps the 10% that are wealthy period. And if you recall it was Clinton that signrd NAFTA W jus walked into a pile of sh*t

  10. #130
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    forgive him he'd from ILLNOIS LOL

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    I'll be voting for John Kasich tomorrow!!

    Well good for you!!! You sure showed me!!!

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    forgive him he'd from ILLNOIS LOL
    That's why they make padded rooms!!!

    He keeps mumbling something about a W and tin foil hats!
    Goofy SOB!!!! lololol
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 03-14-2016 at 08:24 PM.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdobber45 View Post
    It helps the 10% that are wealthy period. And if you recall it was Clinton that signrd NAFTA W jus walked into a pile of sh*t
    It was W's dad that started nafta and yes Clinton signed it into law. Sure it helps the 10% and guess who pays for that you guess it you and I

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    I'll be voting for John Kasich tomorrow!!
    This GOP candidate really needs to quit while he’s ahead — because this news is really bad advertisement for his already dead campaign.

    There’s no question that leftist liberal George Soros is heavily involved in the Democratic campaigns for presidency, but some may be surprised to learn some Republican candidates are also on the take. Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) has been the beneficiary of Soros funds. In a tweet by Scottie Nell Hughes, Hughes revealed Kasich has received $202,700 from Soros’ fund management.

    ss, You have real ^%$ judgement.

  15. #135
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    and you buddy cruz GO TRUMP

  16. #136
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    Many outraged Republican voters said over the weekend that they were switching their votes from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to Donald Trump because they were concerned that the Texas senator may support the rights of Black Lives Matter protesters after he admonished the billionaire GOP front-runner for encouraging violence at his rallies. After Trump chose to call off a rally in Chicago on Friday because of organized protests, Cruz said at a press conference that the “campaign bears responsibility for creating an environment where the candidate urges supporters to engage in violence.”On Sunday, Cruz told ABC host George Stephanopoulos that it would be wrong for protesters to try to shut down a political rally, but he said that it was also Trump’s responsibility not to incite violence among his supporters. “In any campaign, the responsibility starts at the top,” the senator opined. “And it is not beneficial when you have a candidate like Donald Trump who is telling his protesters, ‘Punch that guy in the face.’ You know, I don’t think you should be encouraging people to violence.”Many conservative voters, however, saw Cruz’s attack on Trump as de facto support for Black Lives Matter. (In fact, Cruz has constantly opposed Black Lives Matter or any left-leaning group. He accused accused Black Lives Matter last year of “literally… celebrating the murder of police officers.”) “So Ted Cruz blamed Trump for the, Black Lives Matter and all other hate organizing groups protesting in Chicago because Trump stands up for calling things what they are?” blogger Dianne Marshall wrote. “It is now obvious to all that Cruz stands more for the progressive left leaning extreme thinking who stand up in support for those who want to ignore the laws, create strife, spew hate, and destroy America from within.”On Saturday, a Breitbart headline declared: “Voters Slam Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio for Blaming Chicago Rally Shutdown on Donald Trump.” Voters on Twitter linked Cruz to Black Lives Matter, George Soros and Bill Ayers — while pledging to switch their support to Donald Trump.

  17. #137
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    Now I got a good laugh out of that post lity lol, and some come on here and say how dumb democratic voters are and then I read this about their voters. That had to be some pretty bright voters to think someone like Cruz would support black lives matter or moveon. org LMAO!!!

    I wonder what TS FAN has to say about some of his clueless voters on his side now lol
    boy this sure does even up the playing field lol

  18. #138
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    He is backed by soros soros is giving money to all the greedy no bastards from both parties to take down trump the only that has balls

  19. #139
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    Hey Kid, have you heard of the crossover voters? Its Democrats crossing over to Republican.. most notably Trump, but a few to Cruz too... its just that you guys got no one to vote for, no one.... 22 to 40 % in one poll... don't know how true it is but I do know the independents are 60-40 for Trump... doesn't bode well for the Democrats...

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    It was W's dad that started nafta and yes Clinton signed it into law. Sure it helps the 10% and guess who pays for that you guess it you and I
    All Im saying is that Clinton knew what would happen and signed it. I worked at a place that made wheels for GM making good money and 6 months after NAFTA was signed everybody was told we were shutting down and they were moving to Mexico... that put almost 600 people out of a job. Until the federal government changes there will not be any big jobs in this country except in the medical or computer fields. Thats how it is around here(my area) already.


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