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  1. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    hey Jeff, dont let all this bullsh!t scare you off, ive been around dirt racing a long time and can count on one hand the ACTUAL law suits concerning something like this , years ago when a track down here changed the rules during a race and DQed me, i actually thought about legal action , and had every right to, but in the end, wasn't worth it, it worked out though, there just a shadow now of what they were then. I know we have had a few disagreements in the past, but the truth is, racing needs deals like yours, so hang in there...........
    That's the thing, nobody was picking on Jeff or bullsh1ting him. They were trying to help him over and over again. Nobody questioned his integrity or love for the sport. We all love the sport or we wouldn't be on this site. There a tracks rules and then are local, state and federal laws.

  2. #442
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    hey Jeff, dont let all this bullsh!t scare you off, ive been around dirt racing a long time and can count on one hand the ACTUAL law suits concerning something like this , years ago when a track down here changed the rules during a race and DQed me, i actually thought about legal action , and had every right to, but in the end, wasn't worth it, it worked out though, there just a shadow now of what they were then. I know we have had a few disagreements in the past, but the truth is, racing needs deals like yours, so hang in there...........
    Thanks man, if there were more guys like you I wouldn't worry about it at all. Hopefully racing can get back to that -- I'd rather have someone come up and yell in my face, or hit me or whatever than I would have someone go around and involve lawyers and what not because when that happens nobody ever wins. Fortunately up until now I've had a lot of people yell at me but nobody has ever files a lawsuit so I'm happy to continue dealing with it!

  3. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    it say track scales prevail 2300 lbs no fuel burn off or anything 2300 lbs if its 2299 you are done
    But they have PROVE its 2299 and not 2300 pounds and the way they did is NOT by the Law.. Fuel burn off or not.. and yes I said 3200 not 2300 by act,,,, on the post be for and most people would have seen that all but you.. Track Scales DO not prevail if they are WRONG.. and when checked THEY were WRONG.. for the 10th over Track.. What DONT you get ....

  4. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by D. Tidrow View Post
    That's the thing, nobody was picking on Jeff or bullsh1ting him. They were trying to help him over and over again. Nobody questioned his integrity or love for the sport. We all love the sport or we wouldn't be on this site. There a tracks rules and then are local, state and federal laws.
    How so? I'm not disputing the state laws, federal laws, etc. I'm stating how the involvement of lawyers, etc. don't help the sport especially small series with small budgets. I've given an example, and while others may consider it unrealistic it is an issue that will be faced. If someone wants to confirm that every state requires tracks to have their scales certified (by saying directly that tracks need to certify scales, not implying that as weighing cars are a commercial transaction whereby money is given out based on the results) then it is a non issue (although still there will be tracks that don't stay on top of it even when it is required). I'm not saying anyone is wrong, or that their ideas are bad (tr3--- I don't remember exactly the rest of his UN had a great idea for instance) just that there are other considerations to be made from my experience dealing with this stuff. If you think every small series is headed up by someone that knows where to dot all the i's and cross all the t's legally you are very incorrect. I see a lot of series where people don't even know how to run a fb page or website -- but the sport certainly has always needed those series. This is going to become an issue as more drivers see this as a possible avenue (whether they actually deserve to win the case or not). I'm pretty well versed in all the possible risks involved but I know guys that are promoting series on handshake type deals and have in the past done well with that -- I think that is a lot of the spirit of dirt racing, we might fights and argue and what not but we all love the sport and try to do what we think is best for it. We are getting away from that as more people look to do what is best for only themselves. I consider Bloomquist to be a really smart guy, the only way I can rationalize this classic example of biting the hand that feeds you is that he sees he will be retiring soon or something and wants to cash in on this because it will do irreversible damage to the grassroots level of the sport.

  5. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by x5lives View Post
    Doesn't Bloomer actually have to prove that his car did way 2300 pounds, where's that.
    WHY do you think he called in the State to check the Scales.. And when the State said they were Wrong he Proved it...If they were off by 30 or more pounds and he was lite 10 pounds that means he was over 2300 pounds .. GOD a 4 year old can add that up.....

  6. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by W2Racing09 View Post
    Thanks man, if there were more guys like you I wouldn't worry about it at all. Hopefully racing can get back to that -- I'd rather have someone come up and yell in my face, or hit me or whatever than I would have someone go around and involve lawyers and what not because when that happens nobody ever wins. Fortunately up until now I've had a lot of people yell at me but nobody has ever files a lawsuit so I'm happy to continue dealing with it!
    Further proof that you do not read very well. Do you even get why the five filed the lawsuit??? It's not 1975, it's not your good old boys dirt track. It's not an attack on 4m or I just ignore you. I have never had a problem with you. It's crazy that you are a promoter in this sport that I love. I don't mean to pick on you but (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word).

  7. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    Yep sure does AT THE TIME OF THE EVENT
    NOT BY LAW They have to PROVE he is not.. GOD do Hate bloomer that much that you will Die to keep on the cause you are on...

  8. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by D. Tidrow View Post
    For fukks sake, just stop!!!!!!!!!!!! You have four people trying to help you and you haven't listened to a (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) word of it.
    He!! i PM him my phone N after i spent a hour on the Phone with My Lawyer to help him.. Hes a Dirt nut like Me,, and Gave me a way too help Him,, so far no call so i guess he Realy dont want the help....

  9. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    It really doesn't make a difference what the courts find on the weight suit now, as far as reputation goes. Until the law suit, it was a mistake, that happened, like a weight fell off or more fuel was burned than expected. Now that the law suit came up, It turned that mistake into a cheat. The scales where weighing light, so Scott decided to cheat everyone that followed the rules out of that weight handicap.

    As far as the tire doping, It's clear 5 tests didn't come back the same as the 32 others that where collected that night. If the driver didn't know what he had, his crew must have kept him in the dark. By opening this court case, any I didn't know stories, changed to a cheat the other race team story. They all fell to the bottom in the reputation pool now and I would have given those that this was a first time offense the benefit of the doubt. Now there are two outcomes. One, they cheated and got away with it or two, they cheated, got caught and cried like a baby about it.

    The whole sprint car world, turned on Wolfgang for his law suit to get his medical expenses paid and he needed that badly. How many fans are these guys going to have after this? At least these guys are not in a coma and power of atty filed the suit. They will deserve the hard feelings.
    Or they can just get the tire thing correct from the beginning..........which it looks like they are desperately trying to get a handle on........people are calling them out.

    I do think you are probably pretty close on the scale deal........somebody found an unclosed loophole and walked right through it.

    But in the loopholers defense, the scales should be right at a place like eldora.......they should be right everywhere, but especially at a place like eldora.

    I doubt Tony is going to talk too much sht about what these guys are doing.........he will be getting off easier in his other high profile case because of the " ward was high" loophole.........
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  10. #450
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    Quote Originally Posted by D. Tidrow View Post
    Further proof that you do not read very well. Do you even get why the five filed the lawsuit??? It's not 1975, it's not your good old boys dirt track. It's not an attack on 4m or I just ignore you. I have never had a problem with you. It's crazy that you are a promoter in this sport that I love. I don't mean to pick on you but (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word).
    Well maybe that is the problem, nobody wants dirt racing to turn into NASCAR. "Good Old Boys" is how dirt racing has always been and why it has survived. If we get away from that then it isn't the same going forward one way or the other and in my opinion it is worse. I think most if not every driver I've ever dealt with has the good old boys mentality, even the guys who pull in and unload a modified from a stacker trailer I don't ever worry they are going to take me to court. They all have my phone number and we are friends on facebook, etc. we get along well and if there is a problem they come to me and we solve it if possible. Again, I'm just saying it is setting a bad precedent -- most of dirt racing is still "Good Old Boys" as you call it, and it takes a lot of money to button everything up like is required when lawyers are trying to pick everything apart. A lot of guys would just call it quits before having to learn to do all that. I don't understand why you seem to think it is offensive for me to have an opinion and argue my point of view.

  11. #451
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    hey Jeff, dont let all this bullsh!t scare you off, ive been around dirt racing a long time and can count on one hand the ACTUAL law suits concerning something like this , years ago when a track down here changed the rules during a race and DQed me, i actually thought about legal action , and had every right to, but in the end, wasn't worth it, it worked out though, there just a shadow now of what they were then. I know we have had a few disagreements in the past, but the truth is, racing needs deals like yours, so hang in there........... jeffs earlier dramatizations of how dirt racing was over because of this lawsuit he mentioned that he was concerned about getting sued and the costs associated of getting his scales right.

    The weekenders will be fine and most will have the same feelings toward it that you's just not worth the hassle.

    The touring guys however, have every right to expect everything to be 100% buttoned up on rules, regulations and their enforcement...........they roll in on million dollar budgets and high profile sponsors you really think these guys are going to not demand a better system and more transparent policy in place???
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  12. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardirt0 View Post
    He!! i PM him my phone N after i spent a hour on the Phone with My Lawyer to help him.. Hes a Dirt nut like Me,, and Gave me a way too help Him,, so far no call so i guess he Realy dont want the help....
    A few things

    1 ). Being a promoter isn't my day job (I'm currently at my day job on site at a training in a room full of people so I can't be on the phone)

    2 ). I didn't see that I had a PM

    3 ). Is your lawyer working for free? Is every lawyer working for free? Because that is the issue - I certainly appreciate any help I can get but unless someone can provide a free lawyer for every series and track out there the issues I'm talking about still exist for other small series and tracks that I'm not involved with as well.


  13. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by W2Racing09 View Post
    I can be PM you a guide on how to block someone. I've used that feature before myself.

    Please PM me so I don't have to read the Bloomaroids crap as much.

  14. #454
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    Quote Originally Posted by W2Racing09 View Post
    I deleted my posts at the advice of someone else for no reason other than that I continually referenced my affiliation with a series and some of my posts were less than pleasant toward you or others and don't want that affiliation made at least not in the same posts. From the beginning I said I wasn't going to stop being a fan of racing and that includes posting on here, but I'm going to try not to mention the series in posts that are talking about other stuff. I'm never going to be like Kelley Carlton or other series promoters who get on here to just promote their series and answer questions and that it, they do it the right way but I can't help myself so I just need to keep things separate as much as possible.

    Ok, if you say so..........
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  15. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by W2Racing09 View Post
    How so? I'm not disputing the state laws, federal laws, etc. I'm stating how the involvement of lawyers, etc. don't help the sport especially small series with small budgets. I've given an example, and while others may consider it unrealistic it is an issue that will be faced. If someone wants to confirm that every state requires tracks to have their scales certified (by saying directly that tracks need to certify scales, not implying that as weighing cars are a commercial transaction whereby money is given out based on the results) then it is a non issue (although still there will be tracks that don't stay on top of it even when it is required). I'm not saying anyone is wrong, or that their ideas are bad (tr3--- I don't remember exactly the rest of his UN had a great idea for instance) just that there are other considerations to be made from my experience dealing with this stuff. If you think every small series is headed up by someone that knows where to dot all the i's and cross all the t's legally you are very incorrect. I see a lot of series where people don't even know how to run a fb page or website -- but the sport certainly has always needed those series. This is going to become an issue as more drivers see this as a possible avenue (whether they actually deserve to win the case or not). I'm pretty well versed in all the possible risks involved but I know guys that are promoting series on handshake type deals and have in the past done well with that -- I think that is a lot of the spirit of dirt racing, we might fights and argue and what not but we all love the sport and try to do what we think is best for it. We are getting away from that as more people look to do what is best for only themselves. I consider Bloomquist to be a really smart guy, the only way I can rationalize this classic example of biting the hand that feeds you is that he sees he will be retiring soon or something and wants to cash in on this because it will do irreversible damage to the grassroots level of the sport.
    The only thing being done that's irreversible is shedding light on a crappy system in place to get the accurate results that the series are looking for.......

    That is what is going to be irreversible , and I don't really see any damage that can come from it ..........except for damaging a few egos that still say everything is just peachy doing it the way we've always done it.

    Nobody stuffing that tire Jeannie back in the bottle.............I'm a fan of smaller series, have helped financially with several and will continue to do so.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  16. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by racingfool32 View Post
    Please PM me so I don't have to read the Bloomaroids crap as much.
    Here is the gist of it. Let me know if you encounter any issues. I've never uploaded an image before so if it does not work I can PM. Also you may need to zoom in to clearly see the screenshots.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  17. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by W2Racing09 View Post
    A few things

    1 ). Being a promoter isn't my day job (I'm currently at my day job on site at a training in a room full of people so I can't be on the phone)

    2 ). I didn't see that I had a PM

    3 ). Is your lawyer working for free? Is every lawyer working for free? Because that is the issue - I certainly appreciate any help I can get but unless someone can provide a free lawyer for every series and track out there the issues I'm talking about still exist for other small series and tracks that I'm not involved with as well.

    (1) will you were not at work when I sent it to you
    (2) sorry you did not see it
    (3) No he dont work for Free If you are Sued.. But he will help me too help you too set it up so you dont get sued... Get it.. I cant speak too good at times cause of my M.S. but if you call and speak to me.. Its hard for he to speak,,, I will try too help you
    (4) Sorry but the Good old days are GONE

  18. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
    The only thing being done that's irreversible is shedding light on a crappy system in place to get the accurate results that the series are looking for.......That is what is going to be irreversible , and I don't really see any damage that can come from it ..........except for damaging a few egos that still say everything is just peachy doing it the way we've always done it.Nobody stuffing that tire Jeannie back in the bottle.............I'm a fan of smaller series, have helped financially with several and will continue to do so.
    This!!!! Post!!! Listen Jeff, I'm not hating on you, but you have to be realistic. I love what you do for the sport. I'm just saying there are certain things that you can do to protect yourself. When somebody labels somebody a cheater, you better be able to back that up. Whether anybody believes these allegations or not, these five drivers not only bloomquest feel otherwise. We can speculate all we want but now it's for the courts to decide.

  19. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
    The only thing being done that's irreversible is shedding light on a crappy system in place to get the accurate results that the series are looking for.......

    That is what is going to be irreversible , and I don't really see any damage that can come from it ..........except for damaging a few egos that still say everything is just peachy doing it the way we've always done it.

    Nobody stuffing that tire Jeannie back in the bottle.............I'm a fan of smaller series, have helped financially with several and will continue to do so.
    I hope you are right that no damage will come from it but I definitely can't shake the feeling that this is really bad. We will see I guess.

    Thanks for supporting racing.


  20. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardirt0 View Post
    WHY do you think he called in the State to check the Scales.. And when the State said they were Wrong he Proved it...If they were off by 30 or more pounds and he was lite 10 pounds that means he was over 2300 pounds .. GOD a 4 year old can add that up.....
    Except according to some timeline, the scales weren't checked for almost a month, start your conspiracy theory. The fact of the matter is the scale was the standard for that night. Maybe we should go ahead and run the car through wash, scrape all the mud off, quarantine it, let it dry and then weigh it. This is a crap deal all around, but it will hurt racing more if the drivers win than the promoters winning.


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