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  1. #1
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    Mar 2008

    Default The Rapist Enabler Can't Take The Heat

    Seems she got light headed and dizzy in nyc this morning and had to check out of the 911 ceremony early with a lot of help from her handlers . Said it was from the heat .Can't wait for Trump to turn up the heat on her in these debates is it going to be fun to watch !

  2. #2
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    May 2007


    They say it is pneumonia.......don't believe it for a second she lies so much kinda like the kid crying wolf.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I don't know about her having pneumonia. But, Trump had something more severe tonight than pneumonia!! I believe his stamina was down some tonight! He should have just went to the ER and skipped the debate. That was painful to watch. She handed him his hair piece tonight! Ouch!! She could have stood up there and just had that fake smile all night and not said a word and let him keep putting his foot in his mouth!! How about the comment "he's smart for not paying his taxes"?? How's he going to pay for all those great things he promises when he's not even paying taxes!! Boys, you can spin it all you want!! You allowed the worst candidate you could to become the Republican nominee and you believe him?! Again, Hillary appreciates you for allowing him to be the Republican nominee. Maybe it's not to late for him to bow out?? HAHA It's even painful to watch his staff trying to sin it for him!! I bet it was all the fault of that microphone for his idiotic performance! I'll get back to you come election night. Carry on boys!!
    Last edited by mud duck; 09-26-2016 at 11:59 PM.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by mud duck View Post
    I don't know about her having pneumonia. But, Trump had something more severe tonight than pneumonia!! I believe his stamina was down some tonight! He should have just went to the ER and skipped the debate. That was painful to watch. She handed him his hair piece tonight! Ouch!! She could have stood up there and just had that fake smile all night and not said a word and let him keep putting his foot in his mouth!! How about the comment "he's smart for not paying his taxes"?? How's he going to pay for all those great things he promises when he's not even paying taxes!! Boys, you can spin it all you want!! You allowed the worst candidate you could to become the Republican nominee and you believe him?! Again, Hillary appreciates you for allowing him to be the Republican nominee. Maybe it's not to late for him to bow out?? HAHA It's even painful to watch his staff trying to sin it for him!! I bet it was all the fault of that microphone for his idiotic performance! I'll get back to you come election night. Carry on boys!!
    You would have to be on out of your head to think in the slightest degree that the Hildabeast even remotely won the debate ! I would have to agree with the many people that show that they are free thinking and able to think in terms of common sense that Mr. Trump clearly won this debate without even trying. Everybody please remember that it is written in the Bible that anyone that votes with pure greed to a false idol such as a Clinton or a Obama wont find their way into Heaven !

  5. #5
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    Sep 2007


    The polls showed 72% Clinton and 27% Trump. He got Trumped!!!!! As they would say in racing, Trump was in a different country (RUSSIA). Can he even answer a question that is asked? Okay you moonies lets hear what you have to say that is intelligent. LOL and LOL some mmmooorrriiisss..............

  6. #6
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    Jan 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by mud duck View Post
    I don't know about her having pneumonia. But, Trump had something more severe tonight than pneumonia!! I believe his stamina was down some tonight! He should have just went to the ER and skipped the debate. That was painful to watch. She handed him his hair piece tonight! Ouch!! She could have stood up there and just had that fake smile all night and not said a word and let him keep putting his foot in his mouth!! How about the comment "he's smart for not paying his taxes"?? How's he going to pay for all those great things he promises when he's not even paying taxes!! Boys, you can spin it all you want!! You allowed the worst candidate you could to become the Republican nominee and you believe him?! Again, Hillary appreciates you for allowing him to be the Republican nominee. Maybe it's not to late for him to bow out?? HAHA It's even painful to watch his staff trying to sin it for him!! I bet it was all the fault of that microphone for his idiotic performance! I'll get back to you come election night. Carry on boys!!
    and your eyes are brown

  7. #7
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    Mar 2008


    nothing new from either candidate............................... but the fact that the rapist enabler is going to fix the economy fix the inner city problems fix isis etc etc etc ....................................... like DONALD SAID WHERE HAS SHE BEEN FOR THE LAST 8 MAYBE 30 YRS ? TYPICAL POLITICAL REDDERICK AND HE HAS THE BALLSA TO CALL HER OUT ON IT WHICH NONE OF THE COWARDLY REP NOMINEES IN THE LAST 2 ELECTIONS HAD THE BALLS TO PUSH BACK !!! TRUMP IN A LANDSLIUDE IN NOVEMBER!!!!!!

  8. #8
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by mud duck View Post
    I don't know about her having pneumonia. But, Trump had something more severe tonight than pneumonia!! I believe his stamina was down some tonight! He should have just went to the ER and skipped the debate. That was painful to watch. She handed him his hair piece tonight! Ouch!! She could have stood up there and just had that fake smile all night and not said a word and let him keep putting his foot in his mouth!! How about the comment "he's smart for not paying his taxes"?? How's he going to pay for all those great things he promises when he's not even paying taxes!! Boys, you can spin it all you want!! You allowed the worst candidate you could to become the Republican nominee and you believe him?! Again, Hillary appreciates you for allowing him to be the Republican nominee. Maybe it's not to late for him to bow out?? HAHA It's even painful to watch his staff trying to sin it for him!! I bet it was all the fault of that microphone for his idiotic performance! I'll get back to you come election night. Carry on boys!!
    You have never owned a business I can tell, if he payed no taxes yes he is smart like he said he is just using the law of the land and using loop holes that the government have created which she has been a part of most of her life and what debate did you watch because the one I saw Trump mopped the floor with that old hag.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2016


    and clayton wetter is in love again

  10. #10
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    Land of Lincoln


    Just saying, the Time magazine pole had Trump 54% to 46% and the CNBC pole had Trump way ahead winning the debate.

  11. #11
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    I called it a draw........which is VERY bad for hillary. Her coaching was as expected. Trump missed MANY opportunities, that I expect will be fixed before the next debate.

  12. #12
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    I called it a farce. Neither wins anything in what passes for "debate" in this country any more. It's just parading two puppets in front of a camera to see who can toss the best insult or snide comment at the other to the cheers and jeers of their followers.

    Only one poll matters. The one in November when we all get to make our pick for real. All the rest of this nonsense is fodder for networks and political pundits to make money off of. It's just theater.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by plunks7 View Post
    The polls showed 72% Clinton and 27% Trump. He got Trumped!!!!! As they would say in racing, Trump was in a different country (RUSSIA). Can he even answer a question that is asked? Okay you moonies lets hear what you have to say that is intelligent. LOL and LOL some mmmooorrriiisss..............
    Dose of reality for you. That was a Dem poll. Every other poll had people saying Trump won. Did you learn nothing from the Rep debates? Policy wonks haven't got a chance this round. I am voting for Trump but he is not my ideal candidate. However Clinton is simply going to lose and you might as well face the facts. People want change and they are going to show up to vote. Clinton generates about as much enthusiasm as watching a turtle cross the road. Unless something earth shattering happens with Trump, he is going to win.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by formercrewguy View Post
    I called it a draw........which is VERY bad for hillary. Her coaching was as expected. Trump missed MANY opportunities, that I expect will be fixed before the next debate.
    This is the year of change and Trump won just like all the Rep debates. What voters think is all the matters. When the Dems did their victory laps last night, they have not been introduce to the Donald
    for Change factor. When they realize what the voters thought, panic will ensue. Stay tuned.

  15. #15
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    I would tend to agree. Most people in this nation don't seem to give two craps about truth or fact or leadership any more, they just keep screaming for someone to come along and beat everyone up they dislike. The more hateful and malicious, the better.

    I just can't imagine what a complete train wreck this nation is going to be after 4 years of wishy washy man who makes everything up on the spur of the moment, with no plan, no knowledge and no well thought out strategy for the nation and foreign policy leading us.

    We are going to fast become a has been on the world stage with this clown at the helm. Hopefully he will do so much damage so fast we can impeach him for incompetence or at the very least his legion of followers will see the big mistake they made and we can have someone with some sense in 2020.

    PT Barnum was right.

  16. #16
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    I am not worried about Trump, he is a lot smarter than people want to think. He is not a fool, and will be pragmatic. Just look at the family he raised. He is surrounding himself with people who I do admire. He did his early campaign to get noticed and elected, it worked. His opponent is completely corrupt and has proven it. I am tired of it. Obama administration has lied and mislead people and that has been proven. He and Hillary have made a mess of the middle east. The next President has a job that is scary on that note alone. Trump impeached? not a chance IMO Least of my worries

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    I would tend to agree. Most people in this nation don't seem to give two craps about truth or fact or leadership any more, they just keep screaming for someone to come along and beat everyone up they dislike. The more hateful and malicious, the better.

    I just can't imagine what a complete train wreck this nation is going to be after 4 years of wishy washy man who makes everything up on the spur of the moment, with no plan, no knowledge and no well thought out strategy for the nation and foreign policy leading us.

    We are going to fast become a has been on the world stage with this clown at the helm. Hopefully he will do so much damage so fast we can impeach him for incompetence or at the very least his legion of followers will see the big mistake they made and we can have someone with some sense inthe answer?

    PT Barnum was right.
    You certainly cannot think Hillary is any better? BTW your a Church person, how can you support the Dem party with their current platforms? In my Church we have union people and more people raised Dem than Rep. Now, they have all abandon the Dem party based on Bible teaching. I do not really like politics, although I talk about it on here. I do not love any of them, but one party has taken things completely away from Biblical teaching. BTW we do not talk politics in the pulpit. All info is discussed in social setting, although not much time spent on it. A lot of head shaking on DEM positions that contrast with Biblical teaching though. My biggest concern is getting a conservative on the Supreme Court to protect it from becoming a complete extension of the liberal party and making laws which is not its job
    Last edited by TS FAN; 09-27-2016 at 02:43 PM.

  18. #18
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    The land of Irma


    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    You certainly cannot think Hillary is any better? BTW your a Church person, how can you support the Dem party with their current platforms? In my Church we have union people and more people raised Dem than Rep. Now, they have all abandon the Dem party based on Bible teaching. I do not really like politics, although I talk about it on here. I do not love any of them, but one party has taken things completely away from Biblical teaching. BTW we do not talk politics in the pulpit. All info is discussed in social setting, although not much time spent on it. A lot of head shaking on DEM positions that contrast with Biblical teaching though. My biggest concern is getting a conservative on the Supreme Court to protect it from becoming a complete extension of the liberal party and making laws which is not its job
    There's a HUGE difference between a "church person" and a true believer. There will be a lot of church members wondering how they ended up in Hell! Look at what he posts and supports! "Ye shall know them by their fruits"!

    Write it down! Evangelicals will show up in droves to defeat Hilary and Liberalism. We/them have had enough of the most immoral political party the world has ever seen!

    All one has to do is follow Franklin Graham and his decision America tour!
    Last edited by a25rjr; 09-27-2016 at 04:33 PM.
    Turn LEFT, Vote RIGHT!

  19. #19
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    Trumps mic wasn't working for the live crowd and Hillary had an extra mic with box running up her back probably helping her answers. Or maybe that was a lil container of baby blood piped in to keep her going

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    i would tend to agree. Most people in this nation don't seem to give two craps about truth or fact or leadership any more, they just keep screaming for someone to come along and beat everyone up they dislike. The more hateful and malicious, the better.

    I just can't imagine what a complete train wreck this nation is going to be after 4 years of wishy washy man who makes everything up on the spur of the moment, with no plan, no knowledge and no well thought out strategy for the nation and foreign policy leading us.

    We are going to fast become a has been on the world stage with this clown at the helm. Hopefully he will do so much damage so fast we can impeach him for incompetence or at the very least his legion of followers will see the big mistake they made and we can have someone with some sense in 2020.

    Pt barnum was right.
    i'll take 4 yrs of wishy washy trump over the last 20 yrs or so of what the rapist enabler and her pals( dems and republicans) have given us !!!! Nothing wrong with trying something new unless you as a career politician have a lot to lose which it seems many establishment politicians do and will with trump in power !!!!!


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