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  1. #181
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    Aug 2008


    a25, for someone who claims to be a follower of Christ, can you point out the scriptures where Jesus berated and belittled and insulted those he disagreed with?

    I am as guilty as anyone of being a real jerk and using my tongue to lash other people, but one day I realized that this was not how Christ conducted himself and if I am going to publicly proclaim myself a Christian, I needed to stop being so hateful toward those i didn't agree with. I am not always successful, but sometimes it's better to just step away from the keyboard.

    You know, if my hand is going to cause me to sin, it would be better to cut it off than sin? Since you like to proclaim scriptures to point out other people's sins, I am sure you won't mind me pointing out that one to you.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    a25, for someone who claims to be a follower of Christ, can you point out the scriptures where Jesus berated and belittled and insulted those he disagreed with?

    I am as guilty as anyone of being a real jerk and using my tongue to lash other people, but one day I realized that this was not how Christ conducted himself and if I am going to publicly proclaim myself a Christian, I needed to stop being so hateful toward those i didn't agree with. I am not always successful, but sometimes it's better to just step away from the keyboard.

    You know, if my hand is going to cause me to sin, it would be better to cut it off than sin? Since you like to proclaim scriptures to point out other people's sins, I am sure you won't mind me pointing out that one to you.
    I haven't belittled anyone, but I have corrected some when they twist the words of the Bible to suit themselves and their agenda. Theres nothing worse than people mis-quoting or mis-interpreting Gods word! All one has to do is study it!

    Im a Southern Baptist, theres nothing you can say that I haven't already heard! That's not bragging, that's just being brought up under God-fearing parents and pastors who only preach the word of God and don't worry what people think! I don't need Joel Osteens feel good messages, those are the kind that sends people to Hell!

    Billy Graham will go down as the greatest preacher we will ever hear. His simple message of accepting Christ or you will be doomed to Hell! Theres no doubt , he will receive the Crown of Glory from God himself for the souls he has brought to Christ!
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  3. #183
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mud duck View Post
    Very poor wording on my part. I do apologize for that stupid set of words! It' s still should be a woman's decision, not mine.
    You can apologize for stupid sets of words but Trump can't ? I see !!!!

  4. #184
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    a25, for someone who claims to be a follower of Christ, can you point out the scriptures where Jesus berated and belittled and insulted those he disagreed with?
    I'd refer you to Matt. 12:34 where he refers to them as "evil" and "vipers". And Matt. 22:18 where he says they are "hypocrites". I don't believe any of those are compliments.

    That being said, I understand what you are saying about getting carried away at times and we sometimes need to step back away from the keyboard.

    a25jr needs to realize while he is on the correct side, he does nothing good for the message of Christ by his approach. Just as the Bible thumpers on the street corner that shout "you're going to hell without Jesus!!" While what they say is TRUE, the WAY they say it is not effective and is actually counter productive.

    Beating people up with the Bible is no way to win them to Christ.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by skids View Post
    I'd refer you to Matt. 12:34 where he refers to them as "evil" and "vipers". And Matt. 22:18 where he says they are "hypocrites". I don't believe any of those are compliments.

    That being said, I understand what you are saying about getting carried away at times and we sometimes need to step back away from the keyboard.

    a25jr needs to realize while he is on the correct side, he does nothing good for the message of Christ by his approach. Just as the Bible thumpers on the street corner that shout "you're going to hell without Jesus!!" While what they say is TRUE, the WAY they say it is not effective and is actually counter productive.

    Beating people up with the Bible is no way to win them to Christ.
    Don't forget when Jesus ran the money-changers out of the temple, he called them a "den of thieves"!

    I really don't have a problem if you believe different than me. However, if you're going to use the Bible to defend yourself, you need to know what it says and means. Being an evangelists son, I am programmed to defend what the Bible says about particular subjects.

    It also makes a huge difference, typing on a keyboard. If we met in public, my approach would be a lot softer, but since im a "hunt and pecker" on a keyboard, my words are short and to the point.

    There is a thing called righteous anger. What you see me respond to, comes from that. Maybe its how the gospel is preached in your area, but many of you would not pass the "believer" test, in my area. I don't like to say that, but Christianity is very abrasive in todays society!
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  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    a25, for someone who claims to be a follower of Christ, can you point out the scriptures where Jesus berated and belittled and insulted those he disagreed with? I am as guilty as anyone of being a real jerk and using my tongue to lash other people, but one day I realized that this was not how Christ conducted himself and if I am going to publicly proclaim myself a Christian, I needed to stop being so hateful toward those i didn't agree with. I am not always successful, but sometimes it's better to just step away from the keyboard. You know, if my hand is going to cause me to sin, it would be better to cut it off than sin? Since you like to proclaim scriptures to point out other people's sins, I am sure you won't mind me pointing out that one to you.
    boy that's line of b s if there ever was one

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    boy that's line of b s if there ever was one
    Its a shame someone claims to be a Christian and continually defends Hilary and her party!

    No one is perfect but I wonder what Jesus would say, considering he died for his sins too!
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  8. #188
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    yep you can't be a Christian and vote for Hillary Trump is borderline but who do have left of course it does help to have Pense

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    yep you can't be a Christian and vote for Hillary Trump is borderline but who do have left of course it does help to have Pense
    Exactly..........Pence will make a great President one day!
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  10. #190
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    Ted Cruz 2020
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 10-13-2016 at 07:58 PM.

  11. #191
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    Below is the true nature of the so-called congressional investigation of the Benghazi murder cover-up so far. Our socialists, communists, liberals, progressives, college professors in “social sciences”, Eco-Nazis, Democrats, government employee union goons, subhuman garbage and other bottom-feeders, slime and scum of our once free society praised that utter lying POS Hillary Clinton (or was it Rodham?) as “the greatest Secretary of State ever”. Whatever has she done during her 4-year tenure? She visited 120 countries, stayed in luxury suites, ate meals prepared by best chefs, and distributed American taxpayers’ money to worthy socialist and jihadist governments. Our timid and gutless RINO’s never asked that criminal to tell us the real purpose of that Benghazi outpost. When she shouted loudly: “What does it matter now?” Not a single RINO said “Because you lied to the American people!” No RINO asked the big question: “Who gave the order to our military to stand down when our ambassador and guards asked repeatedly for help?” Only one person could have issued that order – our Community Organizer-in-Chief B. Hussein Obama who had urgent campaigning obligations early next day in Las Vegas. In Hillary’s view the Benghazi affair was just a small glitch in the Obama’s Arab Spring program designed to bring jihadist governments to Muslim countries in North Africa and the Middle East and the consequent destruction of Israel (plus the recent “agreement” with the Iranian Ayatollah, and the $400 million ransom for the 4 imprisoned Americans). By the end of that congressional “investigation” Hillary’s nose was two feet long., comparable to Obama’s Pinocchio-like nose. I remember well the Hilary’s ingenuity while still in college, when she renamed Marxism by calling it “Politics of Meaning”. She also revolutionized cattle futures trading by amassing huge overnight profits. Simple, really: your trader both buys and sells the same trades, and after the end of the trading day he keeps the winning trades for you and sloughs off the losing ones to your political supporters. In one month of such trading she amassed about $100,000 in “profits”. When asked how she could outsmart all those professional traders, she answered that she “read about it in the Wall Street Journal”; this criminal garbage needs no comment. The 40-year long political trail of both Clintons has left some 46 unexplained and premature deaths and “suicides” of people who had worked for them and then turned unreliable; to this number should be added the 4 murders in Benghazi. Among other awards collected by Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Margaret Sanders Award by the Planned Parenthood of America, thus joining the fellow recipients Jane Fonda and Ted Turner, and celebrating the 320,000 annual abortions performed by the PP and paid largely for by the taxpayers, with a huge majority of those abortions performed on the Blacks and similar “inferior races”. Hollywood is now preparing films celebrating Hillary’s “achievements”, leading into her presidential candidacy in 2016. Her unique qualification: she is the wife of that impeached disbarred felon and serial rapist Bill Clinton....

  12. #192
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    Rush recently announced that blacks have committed 74% of all abortions....and they wonder why they stay oppressed!
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  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayton_wetter View Post
    ted cruz 2020
    if you don't vote for trump there may not be a 2020

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    if you don't vote for trump there may not be a 2020
    Oh but I will be!!!

  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    Rush recently announced that blacks have committed 74% of all abortions....and they wonder why they stay oppressed!
    Amazing that Democrats actually are killing their own future voters! They must realize these would be citizens will have wised up to the Democrats by the time they grow???

  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    if you don't vote for trump there may not be a 2020
    nah you will vote for gary johnson

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    nah you will vote for gary johnson
    Never voting for that pothead. lol

  18. #198
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    Skids, it is one thing for someone speaking publicly to express ideas such as "stay away from the vipers" "beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing" as a means of teaching and admonishment and instruction.

    It is quite another to attack an individual personally with those kind of words. Christ NEVER singled out a single person and viciously attacked them. He did admonish people, he did offer words of correction, but he never did it with a malicious heart or to deliberately single out one person and shame them or attack them. Christ did everything as we are instructed to: reach out with love and compassion and kind words.

    As far as "passing the Christian Test" that is completely false. The bible tells us that only God knows the heart and He will judge. This is legalism, and legalism is at the core of why God gave man the Messiah. Because man, no matter what God said to do to purify himself and be holy in the presence of God, couldn't help but try to circumvent the rules. So God said fine, let's just get rid of rules because man can't live by rules, I will send my son who will live a blameless, sinless life and be crucified as a sacrifice and this sacrifice will cover all sins. Then Man will only have one choice to make... accept Christ was the Savior and be forgiven or choose to reject it. And there is no "test" that man can administer to another man to know what is in the heart. Only you and God know where you stand.

    As far as my politics, here is exactly where I stand on the Dem vs Rep thing.

    Republican positions I support--no same sex marriage, ban abortion, personal responsibility.

    Dem positions I support-address wage inequality, raise taxes on the wealthy instead of favoring them, overturn Citizens United and curb the influence of the wealthy to purchase our governance, raise the minimum wage, expand higher education through government programs to assist the underprivileged, expand access to quality health care.

    I have said it before and I will say it again-- I am socially conservative and fiscally liberal. I believe government is there to protect us from the wealthy and powerful who will exploit the nation for their own ends if allowed to by government, and the only thing standing in between us and a corporate oligarchy serving only itself is government. It is plain to me that the wealthy in America know this, so the plan has been for many years to do everything to purchase and control the government. To this end, Citizen's United was a huge step toward corporate ownership of all the people in our government.

    This election is a huge turning point because of the Supreme Court appointees that hang in the balance. If this goes one way, we might get some change in America that is good for the common people instead of just the wealthy. If Trump gets elected, America is over as we know it. We will continue even further down the road of corporate ownership and control of America and all the people in it.

    Oh, and one last thing-- If you met me in real life, I would be the same person you see on here. Like me or not, I am not a different person when I am typing on a keyboard or talking to you face to face.

    And the "righteous anger" excuse? I think some people love to use that because its like the abuser saying to the victim "I only did it because I love you!" It's just an easy excuse to be right when you know you're wrong.

    And here is the verse in Matthew, even when Christ was "righteously angry" he did not call anyone specifically a thief, he did not attack any individual with personal insults, he addressed them as a group and described what they had done to God's Temple. Big difference.

    12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

    13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
    Last edited by t.nie; 10-14-2016 at 08:57 AM.

  19. #199
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    Does anyone else notice that neither of the candidates are addressing the $20 trillion debt that the nation is carrying? It's very seldom mentioned. We know what the rapist enabler and defender will do in that regard but Trump really hasn't specifically addressed this looming national calamity.

    The rapist enabler and defender will get it very close to the $25 trillion that most economists have deemed the point of no return. Since I firmly believe the rapist enabler and defender will in fact be elected the SCOTUS appointees won't mean jack $hit when the monetary system collapses and total chaos and anarchy ensue and nationwide martial law is needed to maintain order.

    It will very interesting to see who is in office when this happens and how they handle it. I just hope it's as far down the road as I think it will be.

    I'm sincerely hoping that my days on this earth are over when that happens because it ain't gonna' be very pleasant. I'm still relatively young but our hopes are that the economic stability remains long enough that our days remain comfortable. At this point the politics of economic destruction are irrelevant because neither side has the stomach to attempt to reverse the trend. Least of all hussein and the rapist enabler and defender.

    The social policies are, for the most part, a lost cause and a done deal. The vast majority of young people growing up today are provided no real moral compass therefor there is no turning back on that account thus it's become a deal of who will send us plummeting down the immoral drain the slowest.

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    skids, it is one thing for someone speaking publicly to express ideas such as "stay away from the vipers" "beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing" as a means of teaching and admonishment and instruction.

    It is quite another to attack an individual personally with those kind of words. Christ never singled out a single person and viciously attacked them. He did admonish people, he did offer words of correction, but he never did it with a malicious heart or to deliberately single out one person and shame them or attack them. Christ did everything as we are instructed to: Reach out with love and compassion and kind words.

    As far as "passing the christian test" that is completely false. The bible tells us that only god knows the heart and he will judge. This is legalism, and legalism is at the core of why god gave man the messiah. Because man, no matter what god said to do to purify himself and be holy in the presence of god, couldn't help but try to circumvent the rules. So god said fine, let's just get rid of rules because man can't live by rules, i will send my son who will live a blameless, sinless life and be crucified as a sacrifice and this sacrifice will cover all sins. Then man will only have one choice to make... Accept christ was the savior and be forgiven or choose to reject it. And there is no "test" that man can administer to another man to know what is in the heart. Only you and god know where you stand.

    As far as my politics, here is exactly where i stand on the dem vs rep thing.

    Republican positions i support--no same sex marriage, ban abortion, personal responsibility.

    Dem positions i support-address wage inequality, raise taxes on the wealthy instead of favoring them, overturn citizens united and curb the influence of the wealthy to purchase our governance, raise the minimum wage, expand higher education through government programs to assist the underprivileged, expand access to quality health care.

    I have said it before and i will say it again-- i am socially conservative and fiscally liberal. I believe government is there to protect us from the wealthy and powerful who will exploit the nation for their own ends if allowed to by government, and the only thing standing in between us and a corporate oligarchy serving only itself is government. It is plain to me that the wealthy in america know this, so the plan has been for many years to do everything to purchase and control the government. To this end, citizen's united was a huge step toward corporate ownership of all the people in our government.

    This election is a huge turning point because of the supreme court appointees that hang in the balance. If this goes one way, we might get some change in america that is good for the common people instead of just the wealthy. If trump gets elected, america is over as we know it. We will continue even further down the road of corporate ownership and control of america and all the people in it.

    Oh, and one last thing-- if you met me in real life, i would be the same person you see on here. Like me or not, i am not a different person when i am typing on a keyboard or talking to you face to face.

    And the "righteous anger" excuse? I think some people love to use that because its like the abuser saying to the victim "i only did it because i love you!" it's just an easy excuse to be right when you know you're wrong.

    And here is the verse in matthew, even when christ was "righteously angry" he did not call anyone specifically a thief, he did not attack any individual with personal insults, he addressed them as a group and described what they had done to god's temple. Big difference.

    12 and jesus went into the temple of god, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

    13 and said unto them, it is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
    you seriously think the rapist enabler is for the middle class and not the elitists class to which her and all of her contributors belong ? Have you prayed for guidence on this matter in the last year ? If you have you need to stop talking and listen for answers !!!!!!


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