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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default I'm glad Trump got elected.

    Seeing the boastful hate and malice being spewed on these boards, it's nice to see the true colors flying in all it's racist, malignant glory for the whole world to see.

    I think Obama really set you guys off, but while he was in office you kept your garbage and hate in check because you didn't know which way the country was headed and didn't want to say things the way you would naturally say them, didn't want to show people who you really are. If in fact the nation was moving in a better direction than the prejudice and racism of the past, you didn't want to be the target, out of touch and out of power.

    Now that the White Supremacist enabler is in office, you all feel like it's "your" country again and all the nasty people who tried to move America in a direction of inclusion, not bigotry and hate, are gone.

    I got a newsflash for you... People didn't vote Trump because they believe in White Supremacy, no matter how much leverage you think it gives that point of view. They voted Trump because years of Republican policies have left them broke and struggling and the Democrats have been thwarted again and again trying to right that ship.

    But make no mistake, America is better than this, and America will be better than this in the years to come. This is just 3 steps forward (Obama) and 2 steps back (Trump) as the nation inevitably moves toward a more equal and perfect union where ALL are represented.

    Eventually, in my lifetime, we will see a revolt once and for all against this ideology, simply based on demographics. My parents and all their friends voted Trump, guess what? They might not even be alive next election. So the Republican base is dying, dying fast.

    Don't boast too much in victory. Your days are numbered and if you are under 60, you will live to see all that you are gloating over now get turned on its ear and thrown out for good. You cannot stop Progressive thinking. Historically the old guard with its old, outdated ideas always loses to future thinking. Unless Republicans manage to legislate themselves into power, they certainly are NOT winning the popular vote in this nation.

    But good luck to you in your futures.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Obama was and is the biggest racist ever to run for office and you know it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    WOW!! Your hate is palpable, to say the least. The sour grape syndrome is alive and well and working overtime in your little world, isn't it tnie old boy.

    One fact that is clearly indisputable, the hussein presidency and his disdain for white upper class and middle class voters is the heavily overriding reason Trump was elected. If you're going to be pissed off be pissed off at hussein. All your whining and thinly veiled hatred towards those that voted for Trump isn't going to change a thing.

    The fact that you keep harping over and over on how anyone who voted for Trump is a racist only serves to verify how bitter and hateful you really are.

    Hate on tnie, it's the progressive way!!! LOL!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    So how did the Republicans win the Senate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Heres the thing: Not all immigrants are going to vote Democrat. Immigrants, like 95% of the rest of us, are horrified at the Democrats LBGT movement. "Rural white voters, he explained, aren’t the only ones frightened by the specter of feminism, Muslim immigrants and L.G.B.T. rights." Also legal immigrants worked hard to be ALLOWED to enter the USA.

    "I waited so many years to be allowed to enter the United States; why should others get amnesty? I finally have my work permit; I don’t want an undocumented person to take my job for less money."

    "According to Helen Marrow, a sociologist at Tufts University who specializes in Latino immigration to the rural South, people of similar ethnicity are the ones most likely to feel the negative impact of undocumented immigration. Mexican or Central Americans who cross the border without papers are more likely to take jobs from their compatriots than from non-Hispanic whites."

    As the older generation of Republicans die off, look for them to be replaced by assimilated legal immigrants.
    Last edited by balljoint_; 11-18-2016 at 09:39 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    LOLOLOLOL this thread is other worldly. So much silliness and delusional thinking is a hallmark of a Leftist.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Yes we need that young stud Bernie Sanders lmfao

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    30 min from BMS


    Racial?? Really??? I know my ancestry and Im far from being racist. I voted for a change. Someone that wasnt influenced by the political bs. I believe Trump can get us out of this downward spiral that we have been in for past 8 years.
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Been a downward spiral since 1912.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Seeing the boastful hate and malice being spewed on these boards, it's nice to see the true colors flying in all it's racist, malignant glory for the whole world to see.

    I think Obama really set you guys off, but while he was in office you kept your garbage and hate in check because you didn't know which way the country was headed and didn't want to say things the way you would naturally say them, didn't want to show people who you really are. If in fact the nation was moving in a better direction than the prejudice and racism of the past, you didn't want to be the target, out of touch and out of power.

    Now that the White Supremacist enabler is in office, you all feel like it's "your" country again and all the nasty people who tried to move America in a direction of inclusion, not bigotry and hate, are gone.

    I got a newsflash for you... People didn't vote Trump because they believe in White Supremacy, no matter how much leverage you think it gives that point of view. They voted Trump because years of Republican policies have left them broke and struggling and the Democrats have been thwarted again and again trying to right that ship.

    But make no mistake, America is better than this, and America will be better than this in the years to come. This is just 3 steps forward (Obama) and 2 steps back (Trump) as the nation inevitably moves toward a more equal and perfect union where ALL are represented.

    Eventually, in my lifetime, we will see a revolt once and for all against this ideology, simply based on demographics. My parents and all their friends voted Trump, guess what? They might not even be alive next election. So the Republican base is dying, dying fast.

    Don't boast too much in victory. Your days are numbered and if you are under 60, you will live to see all that you are gloating over now get turned on its ear and thrown out for good. You cannot stop Progressive thinking. Historically the old guard with its old, outdated ideas always loses to future thinking. Unless Republicans manage to legislate themselves into power, they certainly are NOT winning the popular vote in this nation.

    But good luck to you in your futures.
    Where is the DELETE BUTTON to trash this leftist propaganda??? I have not seen any worse nonsense from the radical left with the likes of Van Jones and the other revolutionaries. Why do you want freedom and everything this nation was founded upon to be lost? Obviously you have a closed and brainwashed mind that can not be touched.

    This nonsense you fabricated on here needs to be called out for what it is and passed over like the plague that it is.

    Living in your little world of liberalism/communism versus a free republic and capitalism for your whole life and never seeing the real truth. Will GOD not question you for these short comings? I would say that you will have to answer for your beliefs.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 11-18-2016 at 02:27 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Apple is talking about bringing manufacturer in jobs back to the US. could bring 700 billion back to the US also.yep bad for the USA lmfao

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Villa Ridge, Mo.


    The boy needs help. He wants to kill off all white males over the age of 60. That should scare the crap out of each and everyone in this country. I just hope and pray he is in the minority and stays there.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    30 min from BMS


    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Been a downward spiral since 1912.
    I would say it was before then. With the 'white man' take natives lands and then bring slaves to this country. Causing war between brothers.
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    the only racist and race baiter is getting ready to leave the white house...thousands of crimes committed each day in u.s.a. but Obama chooses to spout off about:

    Trayvon martin "could've been my son"
    the incident where he said cops acted stupidly, can't remember the specific case, just his response
    Ferguson - which was shown to be a justified shooting..
    and I'm sure are more...

    why would a president pick and choose certain white/black incidents to spout off about...not a word about the recent cop killings in san Antonio, Missouri, Iowa...seems to pick and choose his agendas..

    And while we're on it, Michelle Obama is maybe the biggest racist of all...Everytime she comes on the tv, I bet my wife how it will take her to bring up something regarding race, I always win that bet..

    Black people need to hush...We're coming off a two term black prez, you've the BET, the NAACP, Black Lives Matter, Black music awards...Start a White Entertainment Television Channel, The National Association for the Advancement of White People, White Lives Matter,,,etc and see how fast you're labeled a racist..

    White trash exists, thug blacks exist, we're all in this together whites don't owe blacks anything anymore..Segregation, slavery - all that was a terrible thing but all that's over..get over it and get on with it..

  15. #15
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdobber45 View Post
    I would say it was before then. With the 'white man' take natives lands and then bring slaves to this country. Causing war between brothers.
    Remember, the first slave owners were black men....

    The "Natives" would have had no mercy on us, two way street....

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    30 min from BMS


    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Remember, the first slave owners were black men....The "Natives" would have had no mercy on us, two way street....
    No there were many times the natives were trying to live their lives in peace but the white man had lied and steal the natives their lands. Spreading diseases. Who wouldnt get hostile?
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    30 min from BMS


    Id like to see Trump take these liberal idiots that want to change holiday names behind the White House and putem out of our misery. Plus whoever okd the military not to celebrate Xmas. WTF??
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  18. #18
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdobber45 View Post
    I would say it was before then. With the 'white man' take natives lands and then bring slaves to this country. Causing war between brothers.

    yes. read the old books on the Jesuit Missions. Easy to see through the lies knowing we is known now. Gave Indians all the diseased blankets they could handle.

    1912. Astor died. Good dude

  19. #19
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdobber45 View Post
    Id like to see Trump take these liberal idiots that want to change holiday names behind the White House and putem out of our misery. Plus whoever okd the military not to celebrate Xmas. WTF??
    When you talk about liberal idiots, your talking about 99-9% of the native Americans... a assume you know that....

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    throw t.nie a Deplorable crying towel.


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