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  1. #1
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    Default America is at war from within.

    The trashing of America has reached new heights with the affirmation in all three branches of the United States government of everything that pulls down a nation and a denial of everything that makes a nation great.

    The great Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn once wrote this warning,
    "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots."

    The Collectivist forces in America have made it clear that the foundations, the roots that have undergirded this nation are no longer valid. Character no longer matters, honesty is not a value worth protecting, life is no longer cherished, the U.S. Constitution is not followed, and corruption is not only tolerated but embraced throughout the government and marketplace.

    Perhaps President Bill Clinton said it best in 1997, "We are redefining in practical terms the immutable ideals that have guided us from the beginning."

    We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - Declaration of Independence

    A New Vision for America

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, when are we going to get it through our heads that all-out war is being waged against us right now-and has been for a long time. And by all-out war, I mean total war, not just military war. We're so used to thinking in terms of the old-fashioned concepts of warfare, in which the primary weapons were guns and bombs, we've failed to realize that, for the first time in history, we're facing an enemy that has mastered the concept of total warfare. World War III that rages around us right now is a political war, an economic war, a psychological war, a spiritual war and a military war, but the military aspect is the least important of all." ( G. Edward Griffin , The Grand Design)

    As the balance of power continues to swing towards a Godless agenda, Americans are increasingly being manipulated by a massive propaganda machine to adopt a new perspective of who we are: one based not on immutable ideals and values, truth, justice, personal freedom and the Constitution of the United States, rather one based on relative values, deceit, unequal justice, Marxism and a redefined globalist constitution.

    The voices are growing louder here and abroad calling for a New World Order that will reshape our world into an Orwellian existence ruled by Godless tyrants in preparation for the appearance of the antichrist. Many of the events we see unfolding before our eyes were prophecied thousands of years ago as the end time signs of the impending emergence of the antichrist and the setting up of his one world government.

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    Sadly, a large part of the population is totally clueless about what's going on and remains silent about the things that matter... and that too is part of the agenda. Each manufactured crisis that unfolds is designed to instill fear in the public's mind so they will be more willing to trade their liberty for perceived safety. Vast numbers of Americans fall for the ploy. Take for example those that accept trading their liberties for perceived safety when they travel by air saying, "It's okay for government officials to search, restrict, and invade the privacy of airline passengers if it makes it safer to fly."

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
    deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

    Chuck Balwin wrote, "This is what so many people within the so-called Religious Right and establishment GOP just do not understand: they do not understand the fact that America is in the throes of a burgeoning police state. They have buried their heads in the sand for so long that they wouldn't know what tyranny looked like if it came up and bit them on their blessed assurance! They have totally drunk the propaganda Kool Aid that purports that the biggest threat to our liberties comes from the Sand People. Our Founding Fathers were a much wiser lot, of course. They understood perfectly that the biggest threat to our liberties comes from Washington, D.C., not Baghdad, or Tehran, or any other foreign entity.

    "There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing." - Daniel Webster

    Most pulpits in churches across the nation are silent about the growing menace. Some pastors have been enlisted by the conspirators to mislead and placate their congregations. Others have been bought off with tax schemes to keep them compliant.

    A Dumbed Down America

    Like the anti-literacy laws enacted during the 1800's following the Nat Turner Slave Rebellion, today most Americans are kept poor and stupid by big government, business, the media, and academia; all designed to keep them from being free while making them think it's for their own good.

    "None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe

    SheepleMost dumbed down Americans rely on the State-run Corporate owned mainstream media to learn about the world around them. If they don't see it on the nightly news, for them... it doesn't exist. Instead, these sheep like people are fed a steady stream of 30-second sound bites, intelligent sounding pundits, and news stories all manufactured to keep them uninformed.

    Today, the majority of the population have dysfunctional brains that cannot think logically and are not able to comprehend the consequences of their actions. They are lazy thinkers, apathetic. They do not understand and grasp what is happening in the world around them and don't really seem to care about that condition, let alone the future. Instead of valuing the values that made this country great, they are instead addicted to pleasure and ease. No longer do they consider what they might do for their country but are more concerned about what their country will do for them.

    "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth." - Aldous Huxley

    Corruption in government and corporate media towers of power have all but abandoned the First Amendment protection of a free and independent press and that once great bastion of freedom has been warped to become little more than a propaganda tool of socialist government and fascist corporations. It is foolish to expect any longer a fair and balanced accounting of events or even the slightest hint of truth from the mainstream media. Media outlets no longer "report" the news, rather they "create" news to advance a political agenda, improve their ratings and add to their advertising profits. Meanwhile, their crony government counterpart enables the deceit with unconstitutional laws to conceal the fraud.

    Dr. Edwin Vieira writes in, "Don't Count on Washington to Protect Us from Looming Banking Crisis"

    U.S. Peace Dollar
    Truth About Money
    "...many other Americans will never even consider a constitutional solution to this country's monetary and banking problems, because they are totally unaware that any such problems exist, or that the Constitution provides the necessary solutions. The Establishment has been remarkably successful in banishing the fundamental economic and legal issues of money and banking from political debate, and in defaming and demonizing advocates of strict constitutionalism in general, and of sound money and honest banking in particular."

    America has become the destroyer of the heritage of God. America has denied her inheritance to be a light on a hill. She has rejected the truth of God and is now infected with a body of apostacy and lies.

    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 01-06-2017 at 03:01 PM.

  2. #2
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    A Vision For America

    Zombie AttackMany years ago, God spoke to my heart in a dream regarding the dumbing down of America and the struggle to hold to the truth. In the dream, nearly all the population were infected with what appeared to be a chemically induced virus that left its host in a delusional state with only one goal... to spread their infection to others. My dream turned to a nightmare of my struggle to keep from being infected in the wake of formidable odds. It was quite frustrating trying to warn others not yet infected of the danger, as they would not believe. The infected did not comprehended their infection, and like zombies had one mission: to infect others - and in my dream, to infect me. Nothing I could do in my flesh would change their minds or deter the onslaught of attackers and it was only by the grace of God I was spared.

    Years later, as I learned more about GMO's and chemicals in our food, water, and air, I began to better understand the vision God had placed on my heart. Today, I know much more about the satanic controlled corporations that provide our food, control our water supply, and spray or pump chemicals into the air. Like those zombie-like people in my dream, people today do not comprehend the degree of their dumbing down through chemical means by evil Satan inspired Corporations, and similarly support, defend, and promote the malicious intentions of the globalist elite.

    The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of America

    On one side, you have people who are struggling to achieve good lives for themselves and their children, and who believe in living by a set of divinely inspired moral absolutes - or, at the very least, they believe that following such a moral code represents the best way to avoid chaos and instability. These people are struggling to defend their present standard of living and indeed working to improve it.

    On the other side, are those who wish to exploit and dominate people, lower their standard of living and prevent them from improving it. And 'to exploit' includes the whole range of antisocial decisions and activities of those who put profit before people and community. These people insist that morality is relative and simply a personal decision. Any attempt to enforce a set of standards is viewed as oppression. Many liberals believe that efforts to adhere to and enforce behavioral rights and wrongs is simply the powerful in society attempting to force their views and judgments on the "victims" of society, rather than what it is: an attempt to maintain the standards that have evolved and survived throughout human civilization and which produce a quality life.

    Which will it be?

    Drug Addiction
    Freedom from Religion
    False pride
    Fidelity in Marriage
    Clean Living
    Free Markets
    Personal Freedom
    Freedom of Religion
    American politics is no longer about Democrats, Republicans, or Independents ... It's not a fight between the Liberal Left and the Christian Right ... It is about what America is.

    It's a war of competing ideas and worldviews. It's about Right vs. Wrong. Truth vs. Untruth. Freedom vs. Slavery. It's a conflict over beliefs and values, over the ideas that will rule society. It's about how we live our lives. It's about the direction we want this country to go in the future. It's about the world we leave for our children. It's about what god we acknowledge or whether we acknowledge any god at all.

    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Ephesians 6:12

    It's the same struggle man has gone through since the beginning of time, the struggle between good and evil.

    Sounding the Trumpet!

    The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.’
    - Ezekiel 33:16

    As a trumpet warning the people, this web site is dedicated to exposing the schemes of the enemy, both foreign and domestic, to deceive even the elect and a call to action by those who fear God and who value truth, honesty, justice, and believe the American dream of our forefathers is worth saving.

  3. #3
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    Realville, USA


    We can only hope and pray the President Trump see's this and takes it on 100%.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2011


    Chuck BALDWIN.

    Heck of a guy.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Chuck BALDWIN.

    Heck of a guy.

    Okay, if you say so.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2011


    Yes that's him.

    Here's one for you: Serving God without distraction
    About Chuck Baldwin

    "Chuck Baldwin, a 35-year Florida “guns and God” pastor and a leader in the antigovernment “Patriot” movement, moved his apocalyptic mission to Montana in 2010, forming a new church in a burgeoning center for antigovernment and white supremacist extremists. Baldwin’s arrival in the Flathead Valley, where his Liberty Fellowship is drawing an array of radical-right congregants, followed years of activity on the far right. He was the presidential candidate of the Constitution Party in 2008 and its vice-presidential candidate in 2004. In recent rants, he’s raged against any form of gun control and warned darkly of an imminent and violent confrontation with government forces. The U.S. as we know it is going down, Baldwin insists, and patriotic citizens must lead the charge to save it.

    In His Own Words
    “I believe homosexuality is moral perversion and deserves no special consideration under the law. … I believe the South was right in the War Between the States, and I am not a racist.”
    —“Me in a Nutshell,” May 2, 2006

    “The massive integration of women in combat may serve the interests of political correctness, but it does not serve the interests of combat effectiveness. Neither does it serve the interests of family and child rearing.”
    —“Not Your Father’s Army” February 5, 2010

    “ [I]f our governmental and military leaders would cover up the raping of American servicewomen by servicemen, don’t you know that they will cover up the raping of American servicemen by homosexual servicemen? Mark this down: mixing sex (heterosexual or homosexual) and military service is a recipe for disaster. And the potential damage inflicted upon military units (especially combat units) is exacerbated exponentially by the introduction of large numbers of homosexuals and women into those units.”
    —“Not Your Father’s Army” February 5, 2010

    “For the most part, Zionists control America’s television news networks, America’s major newspapers, the Federal Reserve and most of America’s major banking interests--as well as America’s entertainment and educational institutions--and even our legal institutions.”
    —“Kill The Infidels” December 17, 2015

    “The Muslim religion has been a bloody, murderous religion since its inception.”
    —“What Every Christian Should Know About Islam,” Feb. 1, 2002

    “America is headed for an almost certain cataclysm. As Christians, we suspect that this cataclysm could include the judgment of God. As students of history, we believe that this cataclysm will most certainly include a fight between Big-Government globalists and freedom-loving, independent-minded patriots. I would even argue that this fight has already started.”
    —“Why We Are Moving to Montana,” Sept. 15, 2010

    “To take away an American’s right to a semi-automatic rifle is to fully disarm him. … There is no liberty without the semi-automatic rifle. … We are not going to surrender our semi-automatic firearms, period.”
    —“If Americans Lose Semi-Automatic Guns, Tyranny will Engulf the World,” Jan. 26, 2013

    The far right firebrand says he actually was a Democrat until his late 20s. Born in a small town in Indiana, Baldwin was raised by religious parents. His father was a welder and a lay preacher in jails. Baldwin says he grew up expecting to pursue a career in law enforcement. But at the age of 17, he felt called by God to enter the ministry. He became an evangelical minister, forming the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Fla., in 1975. He preached an anti-abortion, anti-gay, fundamentalist gospel, and the church grew rapidly. It became a Christian evangelical Mecca, complete with a mock graveyard that honored aborted fetuses.

    After registering as a Republican in 1980, Baldwin became active in the Moral Majority. He rose to become chairman of the Florida chapter even as he increasingly linked Christianity to political activism against gays and abortion rights. Over the years, Baldwin also evolved into a prolific propagandist, hosting his own call-in radio show, “Chuck Baldwin Live,” appearing as a frequent spokesman for political and religious conservatism on media outlets such as MSNBC and CNN, and posting frequent columns to online sites. He also has appeared on “The Political Cesspool,” a white nationalist radio program whose guests have also included former Klan leader David Duke and a variety of other professional racists. And Baldwin’s columns are archived on, an immigrant-bashing hate website.

    Moving even further to the right, Baldwin gave up on the Republican Party in 2000 because he considered the Bush-Cheney ticket too liberal. Instead, he allied himself with the Constitution Party, a virulently antigovernment, anti-gay and anti-immigration group. In 2004, Michael Peroutka, the Constitution Party’s presidential candidate, tapped Baldwin as his running mate. In his acceptance speech, Baldwin confided that, when Peroutka asked him to join the ticket, “I thought it was a joke.” But after realizing Peroutka was serious, Baldwin seized the opportunity. In 2008, Baldwin himself became the party’s presidential candidate.

    Unleashing a flood of extremist rhetoric, he campaigned as the best alternative for patriotic Americans fed up with both major political parties. He claimed that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks might have been a conspiracy, an “inside job,” and that they needed to be investigated further. During the campaign, Baldwin also blasted Republicans for reneging on promises to eliminate several federal departments in their 1994 “Contract with America.” He called for wiping out the Education and Energy departments, as well as the IRS and Federal Reserve. He also said the U.S. should withdraw from the United Nations. In one campaign appearance, Baldwin termed the United Nations “a sinister organization run by Marxists, socialists and communists.” On Election Day, he won the votes of 199,314 Americans, or 0.15% of the popular vote, which put him ahead of the Green Party but behind independent Ralph Nader and libertarian Bob Barr."

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  8. #8
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    "Equating the modern State of Israel created in 1948 to Biblical or prophetic Israel is the devil’s greatest deception upon the church. As long as the church--and our country--lies buried under this delusion, the light of Christ and His truth can never shine on this nation.

    I preached the "Israel First" doctrine for most of my life, but the more I taught it, the more dissatisfied I became with it. A few years ago, I began a systematic search of the Bible with an open mind and discovered that the promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and in those who believe in Him, as clearly explained in Galatians 3:16.

    The misapplication of Genesis 12:3 to the modern State of Israel has produced untold death, carnage, and war. And sadly, it is Christians who are the loudest cheerleaders for all of these global wars of aggression. And the reason for this "spirit of war" is the egregious misinterpretation of Genesis 12:3 that inaccurately applies the promise to Abraham to the modern State of Israel.

    Let me be clear: I’m NOT talking about race--the Jewish race or any other race. I’m talking about false theology. Many rabbis and Jews are as opposed to the false teachings of Talmudic Zionism as anyone."

    Drop the mic!
    Last edited by balljoint; 01-06-2017 at 06:57 PM.

  9. #9
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    The land of Irma


    Anyone worth their religious-salt, knows the Jewish people have not accepted Jesus Christ. They misinterpreted the Bible, thinking Jesus would be their earthly king. Even so, they still are Gods chosen people, and He will restore them during the Tribulation. They are the 144,00 mentioned in Revelations that will be preaching the gospel during the Tribulation. In fact, that is the only way one can be saved!

    Thank God for his forgiveness and restoration!
    Turn LEFT, Vote RIGHT!

  10. #10
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    What really needs to be done is crack down on cyber security , clean the swamp so to speak there should no politics when it come to national security

  11. #11
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    And the goyim are their cattle, right?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    And the goyim are their cattle, right?
    Nope, the Jews rejected Christ, so the gospel was spread to us Gentiles!
    Turn LEFT, Vote RIGHT!

  13. #13
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    You are treading on dangerous ground it appears to me. Before I comment further, I want to know who you think Jerusalem belongs too. I don't care a bit about the debate on the man of topic here BTW
    This post is for Balljoint BTW
    Last edited by TS FAN; 01-07-2017 at 02:28 PM.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    Anyone worth their religious-salt, knows the Jewish people have not accepted Jesus Christ. They misinterpreted the Bible, thinking Jesus would be their earthly king. Even so, they still are Gods chosen people, and He will restore them during the Tribulation. They are the 144,00 mentioned in Revelations that will be preaching the gospel during the Tribulation. In fact, that is the only way one can be saved!

    Thank God for his forgiveness and restoration!
    In case some others view this, I want to add a truth. Millions of Jews have been saved over the years and continue to be today. However once that happens they are no longer Practicing Judaism. So the Religious system is blinded and unfortunately many unconverted Jewish people are too. As you know there are of course millions and millions of non Jews that are too.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    In case some others view this, I want to add a truth. Millions of Jews have been saved over the years and continue to be today. However once that happens they are no longer Practicing Judaism. So the Religious system is blinded and unfortunately many unconverted Jewish people are too. As you know there are of course millions and millions of non Jews that are too.
    True.....I was speaking about the Jewish nation as a whole, did not mean to refer that all Jews were lost.
    Turn LEFT, Vote RIGHT!

  16. #16
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    You are treading on dangerous ground it appears to me. Before I comment further, I want to know who you think Jerusalem belongs too. I don't care a bit about the debate on the man of topic here BTW
    This post is for Balljoint BTW
    It most certainly belongs to the good Jewish people. There seems to be a lot of deception and misinformation out there giving people the wrong opinions.

    The Jewish state must be supported by America.

  17. #17
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    the Jewish people must be either Jewish or democratic they can't be both lmao what moron said that

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by calverton View Post
    the Jewish people must be either Jewish or democratic they can't be both lmao what moron said that
    Learch Kerry Right?

  19. #19
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    Defunding the Marxist Madrassas

    by Cliff Kincaid on April 25, 2016
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    Noam Chomsky, a Marxist professor who says he has been at MIT for 65 years, maintains that we need a new economic system. He has endorsed something called “the next system,” which is supposed to replace free enterprise capitalism. My counter-proposal is for a “next system” to replace Chomsky and other Marxists in academia. My old friend, “Jimmy from Brooklyn,” a legendary anti-communist, says what we need is the defunding of the “Marxist Madrassas,” otherwise known as college and universities.

    Going further, I propose we eventually abolish the brick-and-mortar universities that employ the Marxist academics who brainwash young people in fields of study that produce few jobs, and leave them saddled with debt.

    Michael Walsh is the latest to document the influence of cultural Marxism in academia and American society at large. His book, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West, examines how American institutions have been taken over by the likes of Chomsky. The solution, however, cannot rest simply with exposure or even reform. The cultural Marxists will not cede power over the minds of the young. Instead, the solution is to establish new institutions that attract parents and young people to educational alternatives which promise marketable skills and jobs in the real economy. Those alternatives are usually grouped under the rubric of online learning. These low-cost alternatives to brick-and-mortar colleges and universities can also address another pressing problem for many young people—massive college debt through federal loans that in 40 percent of the cases are not repaid. The current federal student loan debt stands at a staggering $1.2 trillion. The current system is unsustainable.

    Of course, Chomsky does not want to replace the system that pays his salary and provides a platform for his Marxism. A real alternative to the current economic system would take the taxpayers off the hook for subsidizing state colleges and universities that keep Marxists like Chomsky on the payroll and undermine traditional values.

    It is said that Chomsky is a “philosopher, linguist, and social critic.” Whatever this means, it looks like he has more time to spout his Marxism than to teach his students anything worthwhile. Perhaps that is his intention. By failing to educate students in practical skills useful for real jobs, he leaves them hopeless and despondent about the system that he wants them to replace. His students are his cannon fodder for “the next system,” which is supposed to be brought into being by students who are turned into activists through brainwashing sessions organized by the likes of Chomsky.

    To be sure, there are some “jobs” for these activists. But holding protest signs and occupying Wall Street does not take a lot of intelligence or produce much income. There are many more students who want to become part of the system, rather than change it. They want to be business people, engineers, accountants and scientists. They want to produce and build things. These are the young people who have been abandoned by colleges and universities emphasizing women’s and queer studies.

    “We have fundamental problems because of fundamental flaws in our economic and political system,” says the Next System statement. “The crisis now unfolding in so many ways across our country amounts to a systemic crisis.”

    That crisis is higher education. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has exploited a real problem—student debt—but has no solution, except to continue to subsidize the same corrupt system. The Wall Street Journal ran another article on April 7 noting the facts that we should all be familiar with—Americans owe more than $1.2 trillion in student debt and 40 percent of them aren’t paying off the loans. One reason is that these people aren’t getting the jobs necessary to generate enough income to enable them to pay off the loans.

    But the article, an honest look at the student debt problem, does not address the cost of “higher education” that produces the debt in the first place.

    Several years ago Bloomberg looked into the administrative costs at Purdue University, noting, “Purdue has a $313,000-a-year acting provost and six vice and associate vice provosts, including a $198,000 chief diversity officer.” Bloomberg noted, “U.S. universities employed more than 230,000 administrators in 2009, up 60 percent from 1993, or 10 times the rate of growth of the tenured faculty, those with permanent positions and job security, according to U.S. Education Department data.”

    These “diversity officers” are popping up all over the place, including at the University of Virginia, where Queer Studies week includes a workshop on the proper use of pronouns. UVA offers “Women, Gender & Sexuality,” an interdisciplinary program in which students “study gender and sexualities with an emphasis on transnational perspectives.”

    So the “debt” is at least partly due to rising costs at colleges and universities, which are in the business not of preparing students for a real economy, but rather of re-engineering their social lives and their social views.

    Meanwhile, the Journal noted that the Education Department has assembled a “behavioral sciences unit” to study “the psychology” of students who have taken out $1.2 trillion in student loan debt “and why they don’t repay.” Perhaps a study isn’t needed. Perhaps the answer is that many don’t want to pay off their debts because politicians like Senator Sanders are promising free college for all and debt forgiveness.

    The Journal quoted economist Carlo Salerno as saying that the government imposes virtually no credit checks on borrowers, requires no co-signers and doesn’t screen people for their preparedness for college-level course work. He asked, “On what planet does a financing vehicle with those kinds of terms and those kinds of performance metrics make sense?”

    It’s bad enough that people aren’t prepared for the college work. It’s even worse that after four years of this kind of “learning,” they are still not prepared for the real world.

    Judging by the success of Sanders in the presidential race, it would appear that the real crisis is that higher education has failed to prepare young people for the future and has instead left them struggling to pay tens of billions of dollars in student loan debt. However, those turning out for Sanders have been led to believe that more taxes and debt are the solution. This approach leaves Marxists like Chomsky, still ensconced in academia, agitating for the “next system” of socialism that will leave young people even more hopeless.

    Like the commission that closed obsolete military bases, America needs to begin the process of defunding the brick-and-mortar universities that are draining money from students with no real legitimate and worthwhile educational purpose. A process of de-funding so-called “diversity” departments and offices in colleges and universities is actually underway. In Tennessee, Rep. Micah Van Huss (R-Jonesborough) introduced HB 2248 to defund the University of Tennessee’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, after it used state funds for a “Sex Week,” for promotion of gender-neutral pronouns, and for urging “holiday parties” that did not emphasize religion or culture.

    “Having seized academia,” writes Michael Walsh in his book on cultural Marxism, “they left a legacy in the cancerous growth of ‘studies’ departments (gender, race, queer, whatever) that infest the modern university at the expense of classical learning.”


  20. #20
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    This process of subversion has been going on too long to hope for reform of the academic institutions that have been captured and rotted from within. We need to defund those that already exist, and create new institutions to replace those in the hands of the cultural Marxists. Some of them are online structures such as Amberton University and Western Governors University.

    My friend “Jimmy from Brooklyn” says we need to go further, in regard to existing colleges and universities, and demand a “separation of Marx and state,” so that affirmative action for conservative professors can be implemented to strive for some sort of equality and real “diversity.”

    Conservatives must be the true revolutionaries and expose socialists like Sanders as the reactionary defenders of the corrupt system.


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