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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    That's not what he said. He said we should have taken their oil. And yes if they sell the oil not the US taking their oil and selling it.
    This is what cryin wyninn losin Democrats cant seem to understand . They are like the media,
    take sound bites and change how is was stated to seem to say something different. When
    he said like other statements we should have taken the oil , did not mean to steal the oil.
    I know that as well as all the other REP, that he was not stating we are thieves . The media
    ( CNN ) this morning the only thing that came from this morning prayer service covered,
    was that Trump said about Arnold . Cant find or say anything that seems positive or important about that service , just petty little digs that they can change to make them feel better .
    anything he says . Just find any parts of his statements they can and cut it down . This is why
    the take back our country people won the election . Sick of the media , Hollywood and the
    left wanting to give our country away to anyone that lands on these shores . He dont want their
    free oil . He just didn't want ISIS to use it to rise up with . So the media should not play dumb
    fuk in games with words because their sore fuk in losers .They are the ones who say words
    matter . so report the truth, not some sound bites to say what they want the losers to here .
    get over it .

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by castone View Post
    If Saddam was still in power in Iraq there would be no Isis!
    And Trump has said many many times the invasion was wrong . Now check and see who voted
    on that war . Not Trump. He did not vote for the war . The left and the right did . And because
    one idiot did and another idiot was not smart enough to know how to exit , had nothing to do
    with OUR NEW PRESIDENT . Thank GOD .

  3. #63
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by just dust View Post
    This is what cryin wyninn losin Democrats cant seem to understand . They are like the media,
    take sound bites and change how is was stated to seem to say something different. When
    he said like other statements we should have taken the oil , did not mean to steal the oil.
    I know that as well as all the other REP, that he was not stating we are thieves . The media
    ( CNN ) this morning the only thing that came from this morning prayer service covered,
    was that Trump said about Arnold . Cant find or say anything that seems positive or important about that service , just petty little digs that they can change to make them feel better .
    anything he says . Just find any parts of his statements they can and cut it down . This is why
    the take back our country people won the election . Sick of the media , Hollywood and the
    left wanting to give our country away to anyone that lands on these shores . He dont want their
    free oil . He just didn't want ISIS to use it to rise up with . So the media should not play dumb
    fuk in games with words because their sore fuk in losers .They are the ones who say words
    matter . so report the truth, not some sound bites to say what they want the losers to here .
    get over it .
    Oh so when Trump and his staff says its a ban 100 times and thats what the media reports and then Trump's staff say it's not a ban that's what the media is calling it. so is this the sore losers your talking about. Trump said we should have taken their oil. I'm not sure what you think that means but, you do realize that's a war crime right? taking ones oil and selling would that not be stealing it?

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    not taking. Just stage a coup and have new leader give it away.

  5. #65
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    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Oh so when Trump and his staff says its a ban 100 times and thats what the media reports and then Trump's staff say it's not a ban that's what the media is calling it. so is this the sore losers your talking about. Trump said we should have taken their oil. I'm not sure what you think that means but, you do realize that's a war crime right? taking ones oil and selling would that not be stealing it?
    Ok lets say it again , do you really think that he meant take it . Not without some form
    of trade or payment . I mean look at his fortune . He didn't just go take it . He says things
    that the left and the media try to use to down him . I know that his statements are not
    precise . One better not political correct . But even you should realize that the man did not
    mean take for free , without a trade of some sort . He was smart enough to be elected
    President. right . And a ban I for one am one hundred % behind him . Lose the freeloaders
    and the threat to all of us . Wake up or those pictures of Irac could be us sooner than later.
    When the media is the cause of a all out war among whoever . For their lies and half truths,
    I hope they pay the price . Very under handed liars , thieves , and just plain crooked .
    So I know you are smart enough to be able to see twisted words . And that's the truth.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Trump would be off his rocker.
    Finally something I can agree with.

    President Bannon and his stooge front man Donny need to go. I'm afraid these two are going to get us all killed. They're trying to start a "Holy" war, and there's no guarantee it will be fought in Europe or the Mideast.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Finally something I can agree with.

    President Bannon and his stooge front man Donny need to go. I'm afraid these two are going to get us all killed. They're trying to start a "Holy" war, and there's no guarantee it will be fought in Europe or the Mideast.
    Paint chips? Power lines? Head injury?

    What ever it is. Must be hard.


  8. #68
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    May 2007

    Default New trend in msm lies

    Drudge got punked by this, so it can happen to anyone. Here's the deal:

    Wishful liberals and other assorted communists (whoever) want to create the image that Trump has no faithful people surrounding him. And their latest attempts at this have come in the form of "leaked transcripts" of phone calls to world leaders, which were provided by "moles in Trump's staff." PROBLEM: The transcripts are fake.

    Yesterday, one such attempt at this was launched against Trump by someone who wanted to undermine Mexican relations. Supposedly, in a call to Pena Nieto Trump threatened to send troops to Mexico to "take out some bad hombres" in the drug cartels because "Mexico's troops were too afraid to do it themselves". It went viral. Even Drudge posted it. But as it turned out, no such thing was ever said, and in fact Trump's call to Pena Nieto went extremely well.

    Now there is a report about a leaked transcript with Australia's PM that once again "showed Trump as being rude and pushy". We already got the heads up with a fake report regarding Mexico, if you see any report about a phone call not going well, treat it with the greatest skepticism.

    Whoever is doing this has a direct pipeline into the heart of the media apparatus. And they are spewing absolute crap, completely dreamed up garbage in the hopes of inflicting as much damage as possible. The Mexican media vetted the "troops in Mexico" report and called it pure crap. The story then fell over everywhere like a stack of dominoes.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by just dust View Post
    Ok lets say it again , do you really think that he meant take it . Not without some form
    of trade or payment . I mean look at his fortune . He didn't just go take it . He says things
    that the left and the media try to use to down him . I know that his statements are not
    precise . One better not political correct . But even you should realize that the man did not
    mean take for free , without a trade of some sort . He was smart enough to be elected
    President. right . And a ban I for one am one hundred % behind him . Lose the freeloaders
    and the threat to all of us . Wake up or those pictures of Irac could be us sooner than later.
    When the media is the cause of a all out war among whoever . For their lies and half truths,
    I hope they pay the price . Very under handed liars , thieves , and just plain crooked .
    So I know you are smart enough to be able to see twisted words . And that's the truth.
    I'm not sure what he mean't and not sure how you know what he mean't. If you take their oil it's a war crime. You can't just take a nations resources no matter what your intentions are. Now if you want to gaurd their oil so it doesn't get in the wrong hands that's different.

    I'm not against the (NOT BAN ) extreme vetting or not wanting a known terroist into this country so, not sure why they didn't include those country that actually harbor terroist, did you ever wonder why they didn't? yes they should wake up I agree.

    The way they rolled it out was not the way it should have been done but, they are learning.

    If we go to war it won't be beacuse of the media it will be because of the action of others and not the media. when was the last time the media got us into a war? Did the media crash a plane into the towers?

  10. #70
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Finally something I can agree with.

    President Bannon and his stooge front man Donny need to go. I'm afraid these two are going to get us all killed. They're trying to start a "Holy" war, and there's no guarantee it will be fought in Europe or the Mideast.
    If ANYTHING is going to get us all killed it's Progressive liberal Democrats working to dismantle this nation, hand it over to the United Nations and watch them achieve their final goals of destroying the west (US) and establishing their ultimate goal of a one world government .Of which you are a brainwashed lemming assisting their cause!

    You eat up the fake media (actually a left wing political tool) which makes every and ANY thing the Republican party does including any President that they would have elected out as unfit, just because they say so and have the freedoms of this nation, to lie and try to shape public opinion through lies and propaganda, through their owned news medias.

    But carry on and keep making a duped fool of yourself!! Each day just as dumbed down as the previous one. Never wising up to the real truth!!

    Sorry but this is the truth. Total shame on YOU.

    News flash. Muslims have waged this holy war for hundred of years already. This is nothing new. And there is no way of changing this fact outside of finally defeating it. At some time maybe after people like you sit back and let them populate this nation, they will finally have the real ability to Come out of their Trojan Horse, launch a REAL war right here on our own property.Unless of course Iran should be allowed to continue Nuclear warheads and missiles, and actually hit our nation With EMP's. But in your little world, that's not near the enemy as Republicans and a Republican president is. Just so rediculous.

    You are calling the wrong people stooges, BTW.

    CNN would actually start going belly up if not for their worldwide operations broadcasting their propaganda to many other nations worldwide, and also for the fact that many millions of the citizens fund this corrupt news nation through their TV service providers service bills that divides our money up and pays these crooks to lie to us.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 02-02-2017 at 06:07 PM.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint_ View Post
    Paint chips? Power lines? Head injury?

    What ever it is. Must be hard.

    Nope, no problem here. You might want to look in the mirror. You post the most fake crap on this site. On top of that you post links to more fake crap. You might try watching some real news once in a while, you're getting brainwashed by a Ukrainian teenager.

  12. #72
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Nope, no problem here. You might want to look in the mirror. You post the most fake crap on this site. On top of that you post links to more fake crap. You might try watching some real news once in a while, you're getting brainwashed by a Ukrainian teenager.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post

    You are calling the wrong people stooges, BTW.
    Nope, call them as I see them, or when I read their rambling posts about conspiracies. Shame on you. BTW, I have no problem with Republicans, but I do have problem with uneducated gasbag braggarts and the people who stick up for them.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Nope, call them as I see them, or when I read their rambling posts about conspiracies. Shame on you. BTW, I have no problem with Republicans, but I do have problem with uneducated gasbag braggarts and the people who stick up for them.
    I'll take the bragging Billioniare over the Communist revolutionaries any day. And you have the nerve to call someone uneducated??? UUUGGGGGGG!!!!

    No need to duck, it went over your head again???

    Doing the right things and bragging still equals doing the right things!!!

  15. #75
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    Default Trump is antisemitic!

    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Nope, no problem here. You might want to look in the mirror. You post the most fake crap on this site. On top of that you post links to more fake crap. You might try watching some real news once in a while, you're getting brainwashed by a Ukrainian teenager.
    More fake news buddy. Might want to look away. Don't read it. It WILL hurt your feelings

    Will post release when article becomes available.

    Not too late to move back to Canada buddy. They love immigrants. Jobs ready at Tim Horton's.

    Love Canadians. Love em. Best people in the world.
    Last edited by balljoint; 02-02-2017 at 09:50 PM.

  16. #76
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Nope, no problem here. You might want to look in the mirror. You post the most fake crap on this site. On top of that you post links to more fake crap. You might try watching some real news once in a while, you're getting brainwashed by a Ukrainian teenager.
    I will help you out since you seem like a nice kid. When one reads "news" claiming Trump's staff is saying bad stuff about him chances are its a LIE. Pretty obvious. I can help you out on using discernment. Show you the ropes. Improve your BS meter. Be my little prodigy. No charge. Pro bono.

  17. #77
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    Am I missing something I read about some Massacre we had in Boiling Green Ky. When did that happen and why didn't the media report on it? I tell yea you just can't trust the media anymore.

  18. #78
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    Good info here from Oath Keepers:

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Am I missing something I read about some Massacre we had in Boiling Green Ky. When did that happen and why didn't the media report on it? I tell yea you just can't trust the media anymore.
    Alison Lundergan Grimes is Kentucky's Secretary of State. She didn't know about the massacre either. Most have happened in an obscure woodshed.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Alison Lundergan Grimes is Kentucky's Secretary of State. She didn't know about the massacre either. Most have happened in an obscure woodshed.
    it just keeps getting better all the time.


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