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  1. #61
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    You need a new financial advisor. I'm available. If he or she told you that, they are nothing more than a Trump hating lefty.
    HIS GUY KNOWS ONE THING And he said it the market will crash but at what time he has no way of knowing ................... what a smart guy !!!! kinda like saying THERE WILL BE ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE OR FLOOD !!!!!

  2. #62
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Where did you get your $11 and 12 million figures? And you know, you can see every year how much the Obamas, and the Clintons make from their tax returns which they made public.

    Of course, with Trump, we'll never know because he likes his secrets and will never tell the American people the truth about them or anything else for that matter. It's not like he is choosing to lie about particular things really either, he just lies out of habit. It's just his nature to tell stories, and it really doesn't matter to him if there is any truth to what he says or not.

    That's what Conway, Spicer, Bannon and the rest of his rogue's gallery is there for. To try and cover for his mouth. Thats where this "alternative facts" that Conway made up one day comes from, trying to justify and rationalize the irresponsible nonsense that spews forth from Mr President.
    Oh no humpty dumpty the sky is falling. You should insert Obama for Trump in your first paragraph.
    You just keep parroting these left wing nit wits.
    Did you see where the Trump adm is worse than 911 or even Pearl Harbor? Where he is partnered up with Russia to bring down the U.S.? Keep soaking it up LOLOLOLOL

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtMAN007 View Post
    HIS GUY KNOWS ONE THING And he said it the market will crash but at what time he has no way of knowing ................... what a smart guy !!!! kinda like saying THERE WILL BE ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE OR FLOOD !!!!!
    That is what they do. All over the internet there is fear mongering about the market crashing. Has been that way forever. sometimes they want you to buy gold and silver. But, everyone wants to get attention. BTW, financial advisors should never advise chasing markets up or down. Portfolio should be set up to weather all storms and be about how close to retirement someone is. Markets are definitely somewhat manipulated by big money these days. Again, up and down. However if a person has a good rebalancing portfolio set up for their situation, over all they should be fine.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    That's in their own country? Oh, so you cease to have American values when you go to Mexico? You don't get it. Now all the Japanese big wigs are vying to book a week at Mar a Lago, because it's bragging rights back in their own country. See how that works? They get to name drop it at their local club... "I played Mar a Lago last month... very nice place... Yes, the place where Prime Minister Abe and President Trump met... yes, ate in the same dining room, very elegant..." etc. Bragging rights. Like who has the latest and greatest Learjet, who owns the rarest sports car, who got the biggest golden parachute... You think Trump doesn't know how his cronies think and how to play them to drum up business for his resort using it as a getaway when entertaining foreign nationals?And he didn't give up his assets, that is called divestiture. Every other President put their private holdings in a verifiable blind trust to ensure there was no perception they still were involved in the day to day dealings in their businesses. Trump is way to much of a micromanaging control freak to do that and could care less if he looks like a sleazy self serving profiteer, so he gave it to his kids but still has his hands on the levers through them every single day. So no, he isn't out of his own businesses at all, and anyone who thinks so is not living in reality. With all the best will in the world, it would be almost impossible for someone, anyone of Trump's level of business magnate empire runner to divest themselves completely while in office. Which is just another reason why he shouldn't be running this nation, he just isn't in a position to do it and do it right without a never ending flow of conflicts of interest between making himself wealthier and looking out for the nation. The price of a membership wasn't raised to "protect the President." That's comical. "Yes, Mr. President, you should raise the membership cost of your private golf resort, it will enhance your security..." Ummm... if he wasn't safe there at $100,000 a year, raising it to $200,000 isn't making him any safer.... lol The way you secure a President is to keep him in a known secured environment. Like, ummm...... The White House, for instance? Just a guess, but I would think a building built like a fortress, designed to be the residency of the most powerful man in the world might just be a teensie weensie bit more secure than a golf club? Maybe? Just guessing, you know, taking a wild shot in the dark here? hmmmm. Golf Club vs White House, which might be more secure... hmmmmm. tough one right there. But its ok, just raise the price of membership, THAT'LL secure the President..... sure... that's all you need to do.And you didn't speak your minds, you obstructed. Big difference. You can't lead the unleadable.
    WOW!!! Trump is dealing with making America better with jobs and such. Dealing with these other countries. Dealing with the backstabbers. AND running ALL his companies all in one day... everyday. WOW when does he rest???
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50j View Post
    i don't really have an issue with some japanese guys spending money on golf and vacationing and american employees getting paid. I'm sure it was a much nicer, more relaxed setting there too.
    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    appears to me, the green monster has reared his ugly head!all you snowflakes, get a life!
    exactly x 2 ^^^^^^^
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  6. #66
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    Here's what a good businessman does:

    Trump initially offered $28 million for Mar-A-Largo and was turned down. He stayed persistent. He eventually bought the 128 room estate of Mar-A-Largo for $5 million plus $3 million for the antique furniture and furnishings; a total of $8 million. Marjorie Post turned over in her grave but nobody cared.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by pig tracker View Post
    Surely, you will agree that was the sorriest bunch of candidates that the American people had to choice from for at least 30-40 years. There wasn't a qualified person amongst any of them.
    I get up every morning and say i love this guy . Finally someone who says they are going to do something for the people of america and not the Washington b, asterds that keep everything there
    way . And i hope everyone puts stickers on the cars and trucks promoting all Trumps business .
    Better than the Clintons and Obomas making all the millions . I love you Donald Trump.
    Just make america great and drain the swamp. I never seen such a big bunch of losers .
    good thing you guys dont drive race cars . kill the flag man, kill the leader, kill somebody .

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by pig tracker View Post
    Ya right. His red hat should have said "make Russia great". Grab another cool aide.
    Yea wrong. Your hat says Black Lives Matter but Muslim and Illegal More. Drink some real Kool-Aid.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Every President profits from HAVING BEEN the President, Republican or Democrat, it makes no difference. They get a lot of coin after leaving office on speaking tours, books, etc. The difference is every other President has done it AFTER leaving office.

    This guy has been there for less than a month and he's ALREADY using it for personal gain. Be as deaf dumb and blind to it as you want, but that is what the Trumpster has spent his life solely devoted to, making a buck for himself and screwing everyone else.

    Just see it for what it is. Time will tell whether the American people or Congress will continue to look the other way. My gut is if America does great under his leadership, no one will care if he uses it for personal gain. But if we all tank while he makes out like a bandit?
    All you guys on here supporting him will be the loudest voices calling for his head.
    Hey he can make a billion as long as I make a million . That,s how it works . At least
    he,s going the right direction . Your Hillery was going to the far east for her money and
    you were not getting nothing but a bigger welfare line . watch that stock market . and just
    what have you got with Hillery , Or that racist piece of $hit . Remember Treyvon .
    he looks just like him .

  10. #70
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    Trump press conference today is one for the ages. the left is going into full panic mode. The poor nit wits just do not get it. LOLOLOLOL

    Straight talk!!!!!! CNN moving into their bunkers

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    That's not going to happen. It appears as if Flynn will be the first of this administration to be sent to jail. He certainly won't be the last. The corruption goes all the way to the top.

    What are you on anyway? Flynn did no crime and will do no time. You're wishful thinking is insane.

    The corruption is what Trump is trying to fix,but you would rather pretend.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 02-16-2017 at 04:33 PM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Trump press conference today is one for the ages. the left is going into full panic mode. The poor nit wits just do not get it. LOLOLOLOL

    Straight talk!!!!!! CNN moving into their bunkers
    CNN is so corrupt. Literally political activists posing as a news network. Freedom of speech abuse for sure.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    CNN is so corrupt. Literally political activists posing as a news network. Freedom of speech abuse for sure.
    Alll CNN could talk about , was the illegal that was deported and is now staying in a church .
    Not that Russia , was on our door step, or Iran was in violation of the ridiculous nuclear deal.
    And that North Korea was shooting off missiles .

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    That's in their own country? Oh, so you cease to have American values when you go to Mexico? You don't get it. Now all the Japanese big wigs are vying to book a week at Mar a Lago, because it's bragging rights back in their own country. See how that works? They get to name drop it at their local club... "I played Mar a Lago last month... very nice place... Yes, the place where Prime Minister Abe and President Trump met... yes, ate in the same dining room, very elegant..." etc. Bragging rights. Like who has the latest and greatest Learjet, who owns the rarest sports car, who got the biggest golden parachute... You think Trump doesn't know how his cronies think and how to play them to drum up business for his resort using it as a getaway when entertaining foreign nationals?

    And he didn't give up his assets, that is called divestiture. Every other President put their private holdings in a verifiable blind trust to ensure there was no perception they still were involved in the day to day dealings in their businesses. Trump is way to much of a micromanaging control freak to do that and could care less if he looks like a sleazy self serving profiteer, so he gave it to his kids but still has his hands on the levers through them every single day. So no, he isn't out of his own businesses at all, and anyone who thinks so is not living in reality. With all the best will in the world, it would be almost impossible for someone, anyone of Trump's level of business magnate empire runner to divest themselves completely while in office. Which is just another reason why he shouldn't be running this nation, he just isn't in a position to do it and do it right without a never ending flow of conflicts of interest between making himself wealthier and looking out for the nation.

    The price of a membership wasn't raised to "protect the President." That's comical. "Yes, Mr. President, you should raise the membership cost of your private golf resort, it will enhance your security..." Ummm... if he wasn't safe there at $100,000 a year, raising it to $200,000 isn't making him any safer.... lol The way you secure a President is to keep him in a known secured environment. Like, ummm...... The White House, for instance? Just a guess, but I would think a building built like a fortress, designed to be the residency of the most powerful man in the world might just be a teensie weensie bit more secure than a golf club? Maybe? Just guessing, you know, taking a wild shot in the dark here? hmmmm. Golf Club vs White House, which might be more secure... hmmmmm. tough one right there. But its ok, just raise the price of membership, THAT'LL secure the President..... sure... that's all you need to do.

    And you didn't speak your minds, you obstructed. Big difference. You can't lead the unleadable.
    Wow you could get a hack job at CNN or some other Distorted News Network!!! I don't care if Trump makes a few bucks. They all have. What counts is if the nation is better off. The guy is making a real effort to clean up DC and you are parroting about utter BS that the left wing fabricates and whining like a three year old in a time out chair!!

  15. #75
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    Trump is not taking a dime of out tax paying money for being president... why not make a little on the side for when he leaves office... in eight years
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    What are you on anyway? Flynn did no crime and will do no time. You're wishful thinking is insane.

    The corruption is what Trump is trying to fix,but you would rather pretend.
    Lying to the FBI is a felony. Lucky he's in the USA, in Russia Putin would have him killed. At least I don't think we're part of Russia yet, are we Comrade Wetter?

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Anyone know the real reason Trump hosted the Japanese Prime Minister at Mar a Lago instead of hosting an official State visit at the White House, which would have been befitting a President of the USA?

    Because it sells Mar a Lago to Japanese tycoons as a vacation destination. Trump knows those guys are all about power and status, what better way to market his resort as "The Place where Presidents and Prime Ministers Play Golf" than to host USA state visits there?

    If you don't believe Trump is using the office and title President of the United States of America as a marketing tool for his own empire, you need to open your eyes.
    Well, he isn't taking a paycheck so he has to make a buck some how...LOL Pure Genius, not to mention he loves the place...

  18. #78
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Lying to the FBI is a felony. Lucky he's in the USA, in Russia Putin would have him killed. At least I don't think we're part of Russia yet, are we Comrade Wetter?
    If that was case lock her up .

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Lying to the FBI is a felony. Lucky he's in the USA, in Russia Putin would have him killed. At least I don't think we're part of Russia yet, are we Comrade Wetter?
    As Alldirt said lock her up. And while your at it lets put Obama Graham and McCain in also.
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  20. #80
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    Jul 2008


    I love it. The Dems are in the pocket of Wall Street. They go campaign against them, Wall Street chuckles and the poor misguided Left votes for them. In the mean time a guy runs on his own money and gets elected on his message against all odds, and the left tries to make him out to be a crook. It cannot possibly get any dumber than this. Too stupid.
    Dems know that most of their base either has low IQs or lives in a bubble. Wall Street is the DEM party.


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