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  1. #21
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Looked like this.
    It might looked like that but that was not from his Tuesday night speech.

  2. #22
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    Feb 2008


    You will know if they started draining the swamp, when a election contribution bill gets passed, that takes Congress from the rich and gives it back to the people. As of now, you start seeing Cat Tails as you drive into Va or MD.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Thumbs up

    Your Right no teleprompter
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAOS View Post
    Your Right no teleprompter
    That's better .

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Hey anyone else want to talk to the Russians lmao!!!!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Hey anyone else want to talk to the Russians lmao!!!!
    Here you go with the Russians.. wheres the proof?
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  7. #27
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    Is this better? Jokers

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdobber45 View Post
    Here you go with the Russians.. wheres the proof?

    Yep Flynn never talk to the Russians either lmao!!!

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALLDIRT View Post
    I don't know what channel you watched be he most certainly said we will continue to
    drain the swamp . Maybe ( CNN ) who reports the distorted truth . They will keep you
    blinded from the truth .
    Well if he's draining the swamp, he doesn't have far to go. He can start with his entire cabinet and all of his advisors. Easily, the MOST corrupt group that's ever been in the White House, and that's saying a lot.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Well if he's draining the swamp, he doesn't have far to go. He can start with his entire cabinet and all of his advisors. Easily, the MOST corrupt group that's ever been in the White House, and that's saying a lot.
    In order to drain the swamp one has to know where that swamp is and how to attack it. Takes insiders. Silly troll

  11. #31
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    Aug 2011


    Drain swamp? Start here:

    Sources in Japanese military intelligence, meanwhile, say the payroll for all these Unification Church linked goons has been traced through several routes to the French branch of the Rothschild family, and to the Federal Reserve Board shareholders Jennie K. Scaife and David N. Scaife. Their foundation, among other things, financed the 911 linked Project for a New American Century. These are the people who called for a “New Pearl Harbour.”

    The Scaife Foundations refer collectively to three foundations in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The three subdivisions are: the Allegheny Foundation, the Sarah Scaife …

    Japan will soon be rid of all of these traitors and the US military and agency white hats are going after their paymasters like the Scaifes and the Rothschilds in the US and Europe. The Japanese intelligence sources also say the US military and agencies should take a close look at the activities of the Cabot family of Boston

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I'm curious what will he do you convience you he has drained the swamp? I'm not saying he will or won't just curious as to what you think
    Sadly the swamp includes certain GOP so called big dogs like McLame and Graham that really need to go.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 03-03-2017 at 03:31 PM.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash 4 View Post
    Well if he's draining the swamp, he doesn't have far to go. He can start with his entire cabinet and all of his advisors. Easily, the MOST corrupt group that's ever been in the White House, and that's saying a lot.
    You call honest people corrupt and support the criminals, says a lot about you mister.

  14. #34
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    No wonder Tucson is a dump while across the border Heroica Nogales is thriving with US businesses. I see Otis Elevators has a nice plant there. Houses look better in Mexico than Tucson.

  15. #35
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    I wouldn't necessarily call his Cabinet corrupt, but you gotta scratch your head and wonder how so many people buying this idea that Trump is changing things in Washington. All I see is a cabinet of the 1%ers of America and I see nothing that would make me think any of them are the least bit aware or concerned with the welfare of the other 99%.

    I just see a whole gaggle of trickle down economic guys who believe that if people like them get extravagantly richer, the rest of the country benefits in some way.

    Which, as Robert Reich, a senior economist in the Bill Clinton administration stated, is true.

    I heard him do a presentation and he basically put it to the audience at the very beginning of his speech, would you embrace an economic strategy that benefitted the poorest by 5% if it meant the wealthiest benefitted by 80%? And the audience overwhelmingly voted "NO."

    Then he said to them hang on a minute, you mean you would deny the poorest Americans a real increase in their overall wealth and prosperity of 5% and make them stay where they are if the richest got an 80% increase in their wealth too? Really? You would give the poor NOTHING before you would allow the wealthy to benefit greatly? Are you serious?

    It was pretty interesting commentary from a "lefty liberal" economist. But he made a good point, that yes, Trickle Down does help the poorest by some measurable margin, but it does help the wealthiest disproporationately.

    But apparently thats the only deal in town, because that is exactly what Trump has populated his cabinet with. People who believe they should reap the most rewards or our society and economic system, and as long as the middle class and poor get some crumbs, that's fair.

  16. #36
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    I chuckled when all these buttheads seem to think Trump became president during that speech... He has said the same stuff for the last 18 months...those of us that supported him and listened to him knew that...he did not veer one millimeter from where he started.... you see, the problem was, none of you were ever listening to him speak, you were listening to what the media said he said....

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    I wouldn't necessarily call his Cabinet corrupt, but you gotta scratch your head and wonder how so many people buying this idea that Trump is changing things in Washington. All I see is a cabinet of the 1%ers of America and I see nothing that would make me think any of them are the least bit aware or concerned with the welfare of the other 99%.

    I just see a whole gaggle of trickle down economic guys who believe that if people like them get extravagantly richer, the rest of the country benefits in some way.

    Which, as Robert Reich, a senior economist in the Bill Clinton administration stated, is true.

    I heard him do a presentation and he basically put it to the audience at the very beginning of his speech, would you embrace an economic strategy that benefitted the poorest by 5% if it meant the wealthiest benefitted by 80%? And the audience overwhelmingly voted "NO."

    Then he said to them hang on a minute, you mean you would deny the poorest Americans a real increase in their overall wealth and prosperity of 5% and make them stay where they are if the richest got an 80% increase in their wealth too? Really? You would give the poor NOTHING before you would allow the wealthy to benefit greatly? Are you serious?

    It was pretty interesting commentary from a "lefty liberal" economist. But he made a good point, that yes, Trickle Down does help the poorest by some measurable margin, but it does help the wealthiest disproporationately.

    But apparently thats the only deal in town, because that is exactly what Trump has populated his cabinet with. People who believe they should reap the most rewards or our society and economic system, and as long as the middle class and poor get some crumbs, that's fair.
    Let me address each one....

    one percenters.... They can not be bought,,, really quite simple and they have creds with President Trump...

    Trickle down.... America has ran , since its inception, on trickle down.... your just smart enough to see it I guess...Farmer buys a tractor, someone builds that tractor, someone makes the steel for that tractor and someone makes the tires for that tractor...when the farmer buys it, the people get paid for it and they pay their employees and in turn the employees go out and buy stuff, go out to dinner and get groceries and cloths and such... then the markets and the store make money and pay their employees and on and on and on... Our economy has been trickle down for 250 years, give or take a couple....

    Riech is a leftist wacko.... he has an agenda, just like everyone else.... President Trump has a plan, you'll know it when your need to know comes about and not until.... He built a 10 billion dollar business, you don't do that by laying every card you have on the table, you do that by holding your cards close to your vest and play them at appropriate times when they benefit you... in this case, they'll benefit the USA...and that's just fine with me...
    Last edited by mudslinger47; 03-02-2017 at 10:15 PM.

  18. #38
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    Except that's not trickle down economic theory. Trickle down economic theory is based on the idea the reducing taxes for the richest incentivizes them to use that money to reinvest, thus benefitting all.

    Which they don't do, and that has been well documented. In the two years following Reagan's big rich guys tax cuts to create jobs, America saw the largest transfer of wealth OUT of corporations and INTO the private hands of executives and investors in history, and the lowest rate or corporate investment ever seen.

    But don't let facts get in the way when you confuse trickle down with the flow of money in the economy in general.

    Oh, and Donald's "big double secret super special plan" he isn't showing anyone till he is ready?

    That's about in the same league as the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and The Easter Bunny.

    Just like his "fantastic, greatest every Health Care plan" that he touted that everyone was just going to love, and now we see the facts that he never had a clue what he was going to propose on Health Care and his latest comments are "who knew health care could be so complicated" just PROVEs he didn't have any plan or the foggiest idea about health care during the campaign.

    This guy is the biggest con man fraudster we have ever seen in the Oval Office. Don't let your shame and embarrasment get the better of you when you see what a con artist he really is. Or just keep looking the other way with your head buried in the sand, and keep believing he really has this super secret double dare you plan the Snake Oil guy keeps telling you he has.

    He has nothing, and all this garbage is just him trying to keep people gullible enough to buy his crap on the hook.
    Last edited by t.nie; 03-02-2017 at 10:25 PM.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Except that's not trickle down economic theory. Trickle down economic theory is based on the idea the reducing taxes for the richest incentivizes them to use that money to reinvest, thus benefitting all.

    Which they don't do, and that has been well documented. In the two years following Reagan's big rich guys tax cuts to create jobs, America saw the largest transfer of wealth OUT of corporations and INTO the private hands of executives and investors in history, and the lowest rate or corporate investment ever seen.

    But don't let facts get in the way when you confuse trickle down with the flow of money in the economy in general.

    Makes no difference what "theory" you call it, it is true trickle down and has been for 250 years

  20. #40
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    Taxes were part of it but not all of it... supply side economics and trickle down are one of the same... while they do favor the upper echelon the workin' man does OK too...

    "Trickle-down economics", also referred to as "trickle-down theory", is a term associated with laissez-faire capitalism in general and more specifically supply-side economics, used to characterize economic policies as favoring the wealthy or privileged.


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