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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default "The Russian" Trumpgate

    If anyone was looking for proof that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia, I think we got a really good look at where things really stood today.

    When Sessions was asked during his hearing how he would deal with "people that may have had contact with Russia" during the election, he immediately jumped to his OWN defense with that false statement that "he had been called a surrogate but had no contact with the Russians."

    That wasn't the question. No one was asking HIM if HE had any contact, he was asked how he would deal with the situation if it came up concerning people in our government in general, should he be confirmed as Attorney General.

    So why did he feel the need to try to head off any direct accusations about his own contact with the Russian ambassador while campaigning for Trump? What was he trying to hide?

    In light of the cold hard facts that this was a blatant lie to Congress, and today he did as much as admit that by recusing himself (which given the lie he told to the Senators in his confirmation hearing would seem like he is trying to do something to appease people without resigning completely and throwing more egg on Trump and his administration's face...), it appears he is admitting he is guilty of something.

    What exactly, we don't know. And as has been pointed out, if you can't remember what you talked about in this highly unusual meeting, then you sure as heck cannot say you didn't discuss the election with him, now can you?

    It seems really odd that he claims he talked to the Russian ambassador because he is a US Senator and he is on the Armed Forces Committee, but 26 other members of that committee were contacted and asked if they ever met with the Russian Ambassador in the course of their work and 20 of the 26, including John McCain, the Chair of the Committee, said No, they had never talked to the guy.

    We are barely over a month into this administration's reign and the corruption and lies and misrepresentations are spinning wildly out of control. And just think, we have close to 4 more years of this side show.

    I agree with CIRF though, it really makes for great theater and the comedy is just nonstop.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    For some folks it's going to be a looooooong 4 to 8 years. LOLOL!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Trump for starters. You can already see he hates the job.

    People say "impeach him," I say why bother? He'll quit on his own soon enough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007


    So sick of "the Russians are coming the Russians are coming" It wasn't the Russians, you guys had a flawed candidate!!! If there was any involvement by the Russians, it was only to show the Email stuff telling the public what a pack of liars the Democrats are and that the media was in the tank for her... and no one, not one single person has refuted any of the claims in the Emails... of which the WIKI guy says, the Russians had absolutely nothing to do with releasing them and the FBI has ZERO evidence showing the Russians have had squat to do with this election, any more then the last 96 that have also tried to interfere in.... grow up, you lost, fair and square!!!

  5. #5
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    Aug 2008


    But see, that really isn't a true statement if the Russians were meddling in our election.

    IF the Comey thing had never happened, IF Sessions had not met with the Russian Ambassador while being in the Trump campaign before the election, IF there was no evidence of Russian hacking the DNC, IF there was no evidence showing Trump has deep financial and personal ties with his Russian gangster business ties, then you could definitely say "Clinton Lost Fair and Square, GET OVER IT."

    But there are some huge question marks over whether that really is the case. I could care less Clinton lost, big deal. You run, you win some, you lose some. Less than half the country wanted her, the coasts were for her, the rural middle country dwellers wanted the con man from New York. Big deal, who cares. So she wins the popular vote by over 10 million, the whole thing turned on less than 100,000 voters in three key states, they go Clinton's way, we have another Clinton to deal with in the White House. Big deal.

    But it is a big deal if another country, particularly as Trey Gowdy has said Russia, an ENEMY of the US, meddled in the election and affected the outcome to a candidate they thought favorable to their interests.

    THAT is a BIG DEAL, Duane. And I can't believe you really care more about your guy being in office more than you care about the integrity of our nation and protecting it from foreign meddling in our elections.

    Some Patriotic American you are.

  6. #6
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    30 min from BMS


    Here we go with that "it worked once lets do it again" dog and pony show. If your a Senator dont you have the right to talk to other diplomats from other countrys? Or is it just ok for the Democrats too? The reason I ask is that Senator Claire McCaskill a Dem from MO. who is on the Senate Armed Service Committee for ten years is one of the 'chicken littles' screaming about this Sessions deal but LIED today when she said she had never talked to an Ambassador in her ten years and theres tweets from 2013 and 2015 where she says that she was talking to the Ambassador of Russia and other Ambassadors. Whats the dif and will they be an inquiry into that?
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Of course you do. But using that as a cover story, when no other Senator on your committee, not even the Chair, speaks to the guy at all, you have to say it makes you look mighty suspect when that's what you claim when you are also campaigning for a President and this meeting is during a campaign that was definitely the target of Russian interests.

    I am quite willing to say that there is no way of knowing what was talked about. But its a little different saying, under oath for your confirmation hearing as AG of the USA, that you never had any communications with Russians when it was so obvious and apparent you did.

    As far as McCaskill, she made it clear she never had any one on one meeting with the Russian ambassador and her contact with him was in meeting with other people present, and this was at the earliest a year and a half ago. I think it is a real stretch to compare the two scenarios and say Sessions was in the same situation as McCaskill when it is clear there are some pretty big differences between the two. Not least important is the one on one element which did occur in the Sessions situation, but not with McCaskill.

    Sessions did meet one on one with him and when asked not 3 months later what he would do if he learned that people had contact with Russians, he said he had no contact. That was not the question in the first place, but he jumped to defend himself and disclaim he had any contact when he did.

    If he's THAT forgetful, maybe he shouldn't be AG at all.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2015
    30 min from BMS


    Trey also said this: “Russia didn’t target the DNC. It’s not Republicans’ fault that [Hillary Clinton’s campaign chief ] John Podesta picked a password that the guy from [the movie] ‘Slingblade’ could have figured out. Russia targeted America,” said Gowdy.“I am fine for investigating Russia. But to have a show hearing where you’re discussing classified information is not in our country’s best interest,” said Gowdy.(not a nice word)
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    In the driver's seat


    Twinkle twinkle little czar(Trump) Putin put you where you are!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Ok, the Russians hacked the DNC if the Dem's were the little angles they think they are the leaked e-mails should have helped their campaign it would have disclosed all of their great work they do in all these alternative communites and their all inclusiveness they preach....... but none of that was found and instead quite the opposite was found and to no ones surprise.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007


    So what! Did the KGB put a gun to the voters heads? No. Were ANY of the hacked dnc emails false? No. Get over lost!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Chuckie Schumer met with Putin and even bought the Krispy Kreme back in '03... I'm waiting for the investigation.
    Member of the Luxemburg Speedway Hall of Fame
    Class of 2019

  13. #13
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Trump for starters. You can already see he hates the job.

    People say "impeach him," I say why bother? He'll quit on his own soon enough.
    No, you for starters. Due to being on the losing end you get a little more bitter and obsessed every day. Trump winning is well worth it just to watch you and those of you ilk simmer in your own juices day after day! LOL!!

    If the trumpster left office tomorrow malcontent's like you would be left with Mike Pence! It's safe to say Pence is even less palatable in regards to domestic social policy than Trump. Especially in the eyes of urban inbred's and people who have a political affinity for racist hussein, the rapist enabler & defender and the weird old porn author/commie, et al.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    If anyone was looking for proof that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia, I think we got a really good look at where things really stood today.

    When Sessions was asked during his hearing how he would deal with "people that may have had contact with Russia" during the election, he immediately jumped to his OWN defense with that false statement that "he had been called a surrogate but had no contact with the Russians."

    That wasn't the question. No one was asking HIM if HE had any contact, he was asked how he would deal with the situation if it came up concerning people in our government in general, should he be confirmed as Attorney General.

    So why did he feel the need to try to head off any direct accusations about his own contact with the Russian ambassador while campaigning for Trump? What was he trying to hide?

    In light of the cold hard facts that this was a blatant lie to Congress, and today he did as much as admit that by recusing himself (which given the lie he told to the Senators in his confirmation hearing would seem like he is trying to do something to appease people without resigning completely and throwing more egg on Trump and his administration's face...), it appears he is admitting he is guilty of something.

    What exactly, we don't know. And as has been pointed out, if you can't remember what you talked about in this highly unusual meeting, then you sure as heck cannot say you didn't discuss the election with him, now can you?

    It seems really odd that he claims he talked to the Russian ambassador because he is a US Senator and he is on the Armed Forces Committee, but 26 other members of that committee were contacted and asked if they ever met with the Russian Ambassador in the course of their work and 20 of the 26, including John McCain, the Chair of the Committee, said No, they had never talked to the guy.

    We are barely over a month into this administration's reign and the corruption and lies and misrepresentations are spinning wildly out of control. And just think, we have close to 4 more years of this side show.

    I agree with CIRF though, it really makes for great theater and the comedy is just nonstop.

    The Russians are coming the Russians are coming . What the (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) do you think the Russians
    are going to do . You Dems have been so blinded by the fact that the Dems in Washington
    have used this bull(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) to scare Americans of what . The biggest robbery ever was that B1itch
    Hillery sold 20% of our uranium to Russia, the biggest threat of nuclear weapons , and so
    you are afraid of Trump talking to them , what the fuK . Give me a break . Your so
    blinded by the fact you cant see past your FOOLED azzes to see they talked to each other .
    lets hope it helps . Cant hurt geeezzzz. So they talked to them . And how many other country's .
    They are using Russia for scare tactics .

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by formercrewguy View Post
    Get over lost!!!!!!!!!!!
    NO, NO, PLEASE!! We shouldn't want little tnie got get over it. We want him to stay bitter and disconcerted. The entertainment value is far too high. LOL!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    twinkle twinkle little czar(trump) putin put you where you are!
    the hnic (at the time ) caught on an open mic telling the russian rep " i'll have more leverage after the election" and no one says a word for fear of being called a racist or whatever and now you libtards cazn'tr let go of this russian hallucination you guys are having !!!!!!! You libtards just need to let go and let trump work his magic to make things better for all americans !!!!!

  17. #17
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    Just heard how Teddy Kennedy was proven to collude with the Russians in an attempt to de-legitimize Reagan's second term... I remember that controversy. But you will never see any mention on the nightly mainstream news.
    Member of the Luxemburg Speedway Hall of Fame
    Class of 2019

  18. #18
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    What is really amusing is I comment on current affairs, and CIRF pops his troll head out of his cave every single time I say anything to talk about what he thinks of me.

    You are one freakishly weird dude, CIRF. A classic online troll.

    I would only think a total loser in real life would find me online so obsessively engaging.

    Keep posting, you're winning! Of course it is quite bizarre behavior, but then people like you who live their lives online are obviously failing in every other part of their life, so winning the post count on an internet forum has to be the only victory you ever manage.

    Keep up the good work, you are definitely one of the front runners in the internet weirdo of the year stakes.
    Last edited by t.nie; 03-03-2017 at 01:26 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Hey CIRF, I posted some replies on two other threads too, waiting to see your personal attacks on those. You're missing some golden opportunities to score some posts for your post count.

    Come on, man.... Keep posting, you're winning!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    hey cirf, i posted some replies on two other threads too, waiting to see your personal attacks on those. You're missing some golden opportunities to score some posts for your post count.

    Come on, man.... Keep posting, you're winning!
    spoken like the childish leftist libtard that you must be !


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