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  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2007


    You gonna get ethanol from that there reef?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    We're not gonna get nuthn if we keep usin that there pesticide/herbicide

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    The oceans will be dead by 2030.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2007


    1. Fukushima: Fukushima is obviously a big problem. However, Fukushima cannot be what is killing the Carribbean, the Atlantic, the South Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and other oceans. Due to ocean currents Fukushima is North Pacific only. It cannot contaminate the south pacific in our lifetimes because the ocean systems do not substantially mix north and south of the equator. They obviously mix a little, but not a lot. There is a current barrier there, due to the earth's rotation. If the oceans are dying everywhere, it cannot be Fukushima causing it.

    2. Though over fishing is a huge problem, over fishing won't kill off the coral, barnacles, sea sponges, starfish and other species on a reef, and won't render huge sections of reef dead. New reefs pop up everywhere, even on oil rigs, and that is stopping now. Reefs do not need pristine environments to thrive. An oil rig or old shipwreck will get a reef on it quickly. Yet something is killing the oceans unilaterally - everywhere, in all situations.

    3. It is not global warming or the use of fuels that is triggering phytoplankton die offs. There are a few carbon tax scammers, including the New York Times that are claiming it is high Co2 levels triggering the die offs. But since Co2 is plant food, the phytoplankton that form the basis of the food chain that are dying off now should instead be exploding in population with more Co2 and there should be more life in the oceans now than there ever was. In large industrial scale greenhouses, they typically try to get the Co2 levels approximately 3 times as high as normal atmospheric Co2 by artificially adding it to the air because that's the sweet spot where everything grows like crazy. There is no way a slight rise in Co2 levels produced by man, that add only few percent to the total atmospheric level would trigger anything bad when it is well proven plants like Co2 levels to be hundreds of percent higher than natural levels. Whatever is killing the phytoplankton is not a little extra Co2, and not any sort of "ocean acidification due to Co2" scam the carbon taxers are pushing.

    4. I believe glyphosate killing the oceans was part of a plan since Monsanto introduced it. There is no conceivable way they did not know that the ocean would permanently retain it, once it made it to the ocean. More importantly, Monsanto's claims that glyphosate de-activates in soil are also partially fraudulent, because though it is true it stops killing plants once it binds with soil, all it takes to un-bind it with soil is erosion, and having it wash into a waterway. Once in fresh water it will reduce in strength by 50 percent over 90 days, but even the Mississippi river, which is a long trek to the ocean, makes the entire trip from the headwaters in Minnesota to the gulf of Mexico in less than half that time. Once in the ocean, the alkaline environment produced by the salts in the ocean, - cause glyphosate which is also a salt - to stay active indefinitely. So once it gets in the ocean, it keeps building up year after year. That is a dead end with catastrophe, once you get that situation it is only a matter of time before you reach the end of life in the sea. And worse yet is the fact that in alkaline environments, the power of glyphosate is boosted dramatically. A little does a lot more damage.

    5. I believe that even if Monsanto knew for certain their product was killing the oceans, AND that if the New World Order crowd knew glyphosate was killing the oceans, including the likes of the Rothchilds, Rockefeller, Soros, and the entire Jewish community, that nothing would be done to stop it because glyphosate is one of the key supporting points for GMO crops, and they want GMO at all cost. The entire selling point for GMO is that it is glyphosate resistant, so farmers can REALLY kill the weeds by spraying glyphosate like a hurricane. Get rid of GMO's, and it makes no sense to do that. Get rid of glyphosate, and there is no reason for GMO's, which don't produce any better than natural hybrids. The entire marketing point for both is killing weeds, and bringing in a clean crop at the end of the year. That is all it boils down to from the farmer's perspective, but from the NWO perspective there are obviously things more sinister.

    Pet agendas are going to bury the truth. Even if it is not glyphosate killing the ocean, many evil people have pet agendas that are going to prevent the truth from being discovered.
    Pet Agenda 1: Man made global warming and the carbon tax. These people got outed on the warming part, but if they can front an entirely new scam and say the increased Co2 is acidifying the oceans and triggering die offs, and that gets them cash from a scam carbon tax, they'll never let go of that, no matter what they personally know the truth is.

    Pet agenda 2: Fukushima - This is not really a big one, because it seems only a few people in alt media have this as an agenda. It gets them clicks to say Fukushima is killing everything everywhere, but it is utter nonsense when the die offs are happening in oceans that are not even associated with Fukushima.

    Pet agenda 3: Genetically modified crops. Even if the people pushing these crops and glyphosate knew they were killing the oceans, they would not care. Their end goal is a patent on everything, including the food you eat. If they can wipe out a competing food source - the ocean - they'd be happy with that, and you can bet your life that is the case. To hell with the whales and the reefs and the cute little fishies, if they are gone and everything everyone eats is therefore sourced from something these people have a patent on, all the better for them, because they will own the world. Who cares if it is half dead?

    The main report follows. It makes a very clear case - there is very good reason to conclude the reef and ocean life die offs are being triggered by glyphosate runoff into the oceans.

  5. #45
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    The land of Irma


    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    The oceans will be dead by 2030.
    You know not what you speak of!

    Please educate yourself about "glyphosphate" before you post! Stop falling for tree-hugger websites info!
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  6. #46
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    Realville, USA


    Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is not being killed off because of “global warming” or any other allegedly man-made non-problem, the people who know the area best have confirmed.
    According to local newspaper The Courier-Mail [paywalled]

    Teams of divers in a joint two-week expedition sponsored by Mike Ball Dive and Spirit of Freedom surveyed 28 sites on 24 outer shelf reefs along a 300km section of the hardest-hit part of the reef from Bathurst Head to Raine Island.

    Spirit of Freedom owner Chris Eade said reports of 93 per cent bleaching on the 2300km long Great Barrier Reef had made global headlines and damaged the reputation of the $5 billion reef tourism industry.

    “Scientists had written off that entire northern section as a complete white-out,’’ Mr Eade said.

    “We expected the worst. But it is tremendous condition, most of it is pristine, the rest is in full recovery.

    “It shows the resilience of the reef.’’

    Mike Ball Dive Expeditions operations manager Craig Stephen, who conducted a similar survey on the remote reefs 20 years ago, said there had been almost no change in two decades despite the latest coral bleaching event.

    “It wasn’t until we got underwater that we could get a true picture of what percentage of reef was bleached,’’ Mr Stephen said.

    “The discrepancy is phenomenal. It is so wrong. Everywhere we have been we have found healthy reefs.

    “There has been a great disservice to the Great Barrier Reef and tourism and it has not been good for our industry.”

    All right, so it’s local dive operators saying this stuff and, of course, they have a vested interested in keeping the tourist industry alive.

    But if we’re talking vested interests, what about all the marine biologists and environmental activists whose funding is dependent on promoting catastrophism and junk-scientific environmental scares like “ocean acidification”?

    According to one scaremongering report earlier this year only 7 percent of the reef remains undamaged by “coral bleaching” – one of the dire consequences, we’re repeatedly informed by experts, of global warming.

    However, this was based on a survey by a local environmental activist, Professor Terry Hughes whose National Coral Bleaching Task Force is naturally somewhat dependent on proving there is a major problem. As Jo Nova reports, its findings were considered so suspect that the chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Russell Reichelt refused to endorse them in a planned joint statement. This is how Graham Lloyd reported it in the Australian [paywalled]

    Dr Reichelt said maps accompanying the research had been misleading, exaggerating the (not a nice word)impact. “I don’t know whether it was a deliberate sleight of hand or lack of geographic knowledge but it certainly suits the purpose of the people who sent it out,” he said.

    “This is a frightening enough story with the facts, you don’t need to dress them up. We don’t want to be seen as saying there is no (not a nice word)problem out there but we do want people to understand there is a lot of the reef that is unscathed.”

    Dr Reichelt said there had been widespread misinterpretation of how much of the reef had died.

    “We’ve seen headlines stating that 93 per cent of the reef is prac(not a nice word)tic(not a nice word)ally dead,” he said.

    The problem is that “Great Barrier Reef doing just fine” stories don’t grab headlines in quite the way “Great Barrier Reef is doomed and it’s all our fault” stories do. It is, after all, one of the Seven Great Natural Wonders of the World – and therefore quite a big deal. This is why, along with polar bears and melting ice caps, it is so often seized on by climate campaigners to promote their scare narrative.

    My advice is that if you ever find yourself anywhere near Cairns in Far North Queensland and you’re wondering whether or not to fork out for your Great Barrier Reef dive experience is definitely, definitely to do it.

    The journey to the reef takes a couple of hours and it’s such a mass market experience you do feel a bit like herded cattle. Also, the sea is so rough that I’d say about 50 per cent of everyone who goes ends up vomiting furiously.

    But when you get there, it’s just great. Coral and other marine life of a size and variety you’re unlikely to see anywhere else.

  7. #47
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    Realville, USA


    Balljoint, you have to really be careful or it is very easy to get mislead by the flood of propaganda and misinformation on the internet. We are living in a time of the globalist movement and are being flooded with agenda driven misinformation and lies.

    Not saying that you are totally wrong but just pointing how easy it is to be mislead. We are living in times of much deception.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    The oceans will be dead by 2030.
    So will I, so what?

    You actually think the we, man, can affect anything on this earth that God created that God doesn't want to happen? Are you that stupid?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    So will I, so what?

    You actually think the we, man, can affect anything on this earth that God created that God doesn't want to happen? Are you that stupid?
    Good one, mud!

    Im pretty sure he posted that he doesn't believe in the Bible......but I would bet, he would, if someone set him on fire!
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    Good one, mud!

    Im pretty sure he posted that he doesn't believe in the Bible......but I would bet, he would, if someone set him on fire!

    If he doesn't start believing, someone will start him on fire...... and it will never go out and he will never die....

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    You know not what you speak of!

    Please educate yourself about "glyphosphate" before you post! Stop falling for tree-hugger websites info!
    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post

    You actually think the we, man, can affect anything on this earth that God created that God doesn't want to happen? Are you that stupid?
    Trolls are going ballastic about this all over web. You two clowns are right on cue!

    Must be some truth.

    Good to get some input from some knowledgable scientists. Thanks for your contribution. Internet forums wouldnt be the same without people like you.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Balljoint, you have to really be careful or it is very easy to get mislead by the flood of propaganda and misinformation on the internet. We are living in a time of the globalist movement and are being flooded with agenda driven misinformation and lies.

    Not saying that you are totally wrong but just pointing how easy it is to be mislead. We are living in times of much deception.
    That globalist movement is pro Monsanto/Bayer. Right?

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Trolls are going ballastic about this all over web. You two clowns are right on cue!

    Must be some truth.

    Good to get some input from some knowledgable scientists. Thanks for your contribution. Internet forums wouldnt be the same without people like you.
    Our job to plant the seed, God's job to water it and your choice to receive it.... Your decision neither helps me or harms me... its all about you...

  14. #54
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    Jun 2007


    by the time glyphosate if and did get to ocean it would be diluted down it would absolutely do nothing,it diluted down when farmers get it and even more when it` in your local store the key to it is mixing soap with it so it will stick than after a hard rain it pretty much dissolved away 99% of run off kills`s been around since the early 60`s and their is more than agriculture industry making it besides Monsanto.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    If he doesn't start believing, someone will start him on fire...... and it will never go out and he will never die....
    Off topic. Start up a biblical thread if you desire. God and I are good.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by buster83 View Post
    by the time glyphosate if and did get to ocean it would be diluted down it would absolutely do nothing,it diluted down when farmers get it and even more when it` in your local store the key to it is mixing soap with it so it will stick than after a hard rain it pretty much dissolved away 99% of run off kills`s been around since the early 60`s and their is more than agriculture industry making it besides Monsanto.
    He just copies and pastes from liberal websites. All he would have to do is read the product label.....where it states...."there is no residual left in the soil after the initial spray". Roundup is a non-selective weed control that only kills what it is sprayed on. If you spray it on the bark of woody plants it will negate the effect. It works better when sprayed on the leaves.

    btw.....I worked in that industry for 20 plus years!
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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    That globalist movement is pro Monsanto/Bayer. Right?
    The ends justify the means.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    The ends justify the means.
    Sustainable Development?

    2030 agenda 21

    What's wrong with eating a weed?? People did it for years. Why do we need to export crops?? Stay within the means. Big farms and exporting is bad for earth. Balance Daniel son.
    Last edited by balljoint; 03-21-2017 at 03:15 PM.

  19. #59
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    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    He just copies and pastes from liberal websites. All he would have to do is read the product label.....where it states...."there is no residual left in the soil after the initial spray". Roundup is a non-selective weed control that only kills what it is sprayed on. If you spray it on the bark of woody plants it will negate the effect. It works better when sprayed on the leaves.

    btw.....I worked in that industry for 20 plus years!
    Thanks for the input. Enlightening...Always trust product label. Why would they lie? Haha some people..

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Thanks for the input. Enlightening...Always trust product label. Why would they lie? Haha some people..
    Yeah, some people will believe ANYTHING......esp from liberal tree-hugger websites!

    Theres this little org called EPA. Do you know how much testing a chemical has to go through before it is approved?....... I didn't think so!
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