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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Trump's base is the "EVERYMAN". I am sure they will support his responding to keep us safe. There is a difference in what he is doing vs the Iraq situation of 2003 for those who thought that was a bad move. BTW I supported that at the time. So i cannot say I didn't.
    "WE" will not support perpetual wars.

    Fighting "terrorists" creates more "terrorists".

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    30 min from BMS


    Quote Originally Posted by Black F View Post
    What's happened...?It's trying to be taken down by people who have no clue what it takes to make it on thier own. To work your fingers to the bone!! It's going down a poop shoot because some think it's ok to harbor terrorists and respect thier values!!! ??? This once proud and wonerful Country is being lead astray by cry babies who was put in time out as children instead of getting an ass wiping!!!!!!
    For me it was when that judge agreed with that woman that got burnt with that coffee from Micky Ds. Seems like everybody started suing everybody over nonsense after that. We are the United States of the Offended.
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  3. #23
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    30 min from BMS


    What worries me is that Ive been seeing more and more Muslims in my town. My town has less than 100k people in it. But twenty minutes away is a facility that makes the nuclear fuel for the Navy. Plus in a two hour drive span there are three power plants and a material storage facility. Call me crazy but I just dont trust those mofos living here
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    The turning point, where we lost control of our government, both sides, was when the Supreme Court decided that Corporations where people and completely ruined any election laws. What politician did you buy last year? You have no reason to expect any of them to do what you want or what is best for you.

  5. #25
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    "WE" will not support perpetual wars.

    Fighting "terrorists" creates more "terrorists".
    Does not matter what the citizens want. Google Wars and conflicts since WW2. I believe it's in the 140 area. That is pretty much a perpetual war. These wars are big business. We spend more on war than the next 8 countries. That is very good profit for the military industrial complex. They bought the politicians, we didn't. We get to go suck eggs. And like it. By the way, becoming a Congressman or Representative is a good way to become a Millionaire Look at them poor guys that spent more than they ever made in their life time to get the job that doesn't pay enough to pay that campaign bill , yet retire a millionaire. My dad said,"If you can't retire after being the county Sheriff for a couple years, You wasn't smart enough to be Sheriff."

  6. #26
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    "WE" will not support perpetual wars.

    Fighting "terrorists" creates more "terrorists".
    Killing terrorists is the only choice, they will not be reasoned with and are forcing the issue. Ignoring murderers only let's more get murdered. Radical Muslim can only be defeated by it's own death.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 04-12-2017 at 05:51 PM.

  7. #27
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Killing terrorists is the only choice, they will not be reasoned with and are forcing the issue. Ignoring murderers only let's more get murdered. Radical Muslim can only be defeated by it's death.
    That is what the Crusaders thought also. If you don't learn from history, you will repeat it. Same with Afghanistan, since med evil times, Afghanistan has been a place where Army's go to die. Ask GB or Russia or even Alexander the great. Even Genghis Khan didn't fair to well.

    This isn't about religion, protection or humanitarian aid. It's about the oil dollar and the people that need that oil dollar and the ones that profit from war, paid to start these wars. Sending our kids there to keep them from invading us is a good story but very hard to believe after it's used over and over.

  8. #28
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    Realville, USA


    So you are willing to let the Trojan Horses keep rolling into our nation and the rest of the world? They are actually here. Maybe take a trip to Dearborn for starters?

  9. #29
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    I expect our government to enforce present immigration laws. all of them. That would cure that problem for the most part. Did Congress increase immigration numbers by law or was that just a Executive order?

    Immigration has nothing to do with fighting these perpetual wars. Well, other than it's the same kind that buy politicians to do their bidding. One wants war profits and the other wants cheap labor profits. Do you think they really care what we want? If they even thought about us, they would have made up a more believable story.

  10. #30
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    Realville, USA


    So you are thinking that our own government is the main problem?

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Yes I do and not just one party. If you use just a little logic, you can rule out a lot of these fairy tale stories about why they start these wars and I was in one. I believed the BS about fighting there and not here. The domino theory and humanitarian BS. I did my patriotic duty. I sometimes have regrets about it. Why fight a war with your hands tued and after all the people on both sides died the country was worse than it started and the next domino didn't drop and no one thanked us for our service until 50 years later. My one step son fought in Desert storm and Iraqi freedom. He was an interpreter. He said, you know the drillm these people don't want war anymore than we do. They want a good life, education for their kids and to come home and sit in a ez chair and watch TV. War is always a government thing. We just get the joy of fighting them. It is the same for the guy we are trying to kill.

    Just look at the reasons. They say humanitarian. Our country is not humanitarian or they would have stopped the killing of whole villages, women and children in Africa. Even Aids and hunger was left to the churches. Hint Africa didn't have anything we want. They say stability but keep funding and propping up dictators and killing them a few years later. How can you not believe government is the problem? I voted for Trump. I thought he was different. Now I'm not sure. We shall see. I realize Trump has to kiss up to some republicans that hate him, to get anything done, but if the kissing up involves killing our kids and giving our money to war profiteers, I'm not good with that. Are you?

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Such as?...


    From the Washington Free Beacon:
    White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner is leading an unprecedented effort to meddle in the White House's National Security Council, causing mayhem for senior staff who say the president's son-in-law is interfering in key foreign policy debates, according to Trump administration officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

    Kushner has taken aggressive action to micro-manage the NSC, overshadowing even recently installed National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, according to sources both inside and outside the White House who described Kushner's behavior as highly unusual and damaging to the country's national security infrastructure.

    Never before has a White House permitted such a figure to intervene in the NSC, which is traditionally given leeway to investigate foreign policy matters and bring advice to the president.

    Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon described wide-ranging frustration at the NSC over Kushner's influence over some of the most important foreign policy portfolios, such as Iraq, Israel, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and China, among others.

    Senior NSC staff are finding their hands tied when it comes to performing even perfunctory duties, such as talking points and statements on high profile issues that must go through Kushner for approval. Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon described this level of involvement as kneecapping the NSC and contributing to its difficulties formulating policy.

    "Kushner is meddling in a lot of things," according to one NSC official who spoke to the Free Beacon only on background. "Such direct control of foreign policy from the West Wing has never happened before. It just creates a lot of drama. People just don't know how to deal with it. We're respectful of his position, but it's confusing the policymaking process."

    Officials working at the NSC, State Department, and Department of Defense "are not happy that Jared is so powerful in foreign policy," said one White House official. "They are expected to implement the president's agenda, but have no input or ability to get ideas in front of Jared. It's a one-man show and that's creating a lot of frustration."

    There is more detail HERE and there you have it folks, the REAL reason why Trump has seriously started to SUCK. He's no doubt whacked out while ziocommie JARED runs the show!

  13. #33
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    30 min from BMS


    I believe that McCain and maybe Graham are involved some how. It has been said not just me that McCain set this up. I believe it happened a couple of months ( I think) McCain was over in the Middle East and on his return he stopped somewhere that wasnt on the agenda. Whose to say that thats when the deal went down? Ill see if I can find the article about why he was over there.
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    PROBLEM BUSTED: JARED KUSHNER IS A CONFIRMED MOLE AND IVANKA IS NOTHING MORE THAN AN EASILY MANIPULATED VALLEY GIRLKEY WHITE HOUSE STAFF SPILLED THE BEANS TO THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON. WE HAVE OUR ANSWER: TRUMP BLINDLY TRUSTS FAMILY, IT IS A CRITICAL WEAKNESS AND KUSHNER IS USING THAT TRUST TO DESTROY THIS COUNTRY. IVANKA IS TOO IMMATURE AND NAIVE TO SEE IT!From the Washington Free Beacon: White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner is leading an unprecedented effort to meddle in the White House's National Security Council, causing mayhem for senior staff who say the president's son-in-law is interfering in key foreign policy debates, according to Trump administration officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.Kushner has taken aggressive action to micro-manage the NSC, overshadowing even recently installed National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, according to sources both inside and outside the White House who described Kushner's behavior as highly unusual and damaging to the country's national security infrastructure.Never before has a White House permitted such a figure to intervene in the NSC, which is traditionally given leeway to investigate foreign policy matters and bring advice to the president.Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon described wide-ranging frustration at the NSC over Kushner's influence over some of the most important foreign policy portfolios, such as Iraq, Israel, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and China, among others.Senior NSC staff are finding their hands tied when it comes to performing even perfunctory duties, such as talking points and statements on high profile issues that must go through Kushner for approval. Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon described this level of involvement as kneecapping the NSC and contributing to its difficulties formulating policy."Kushner is meddling in a lot of things," according to one NSC official who spoke to the Free Beacon only on background. "Such direct control of foreign policy from the West Wing has never happened before. It just creates a lot of drama. People just don't know how to deal with it. We're respectful of his position, but it's confusing the policymaking process."Officials working at the NSC, State Department, and Department of Defense "are not happy that Jared is so powerful in foreign policy," said one White House official. "They are expected to implement the president's agenda, but have no input or ability to get ideas in front of Jared. It's a one-man show and that's creating a lot of frustration."There is more detail HERE and there you have it folks, the REAL reason why Trump has seriously started to SUCK. He's no doubt whacked out while ziocommie JARED runs the show!
    For what its worth Balljoint a quote from Ben Fulford... "In case you find it hard to believe Kushner is a Satanist, you might ask yourself why he bought the building 666 Fifth Avenue that housed a company called Lucent Technology that was developing micro-chips to be implanted into humans i.e. the mark of the beast" And another..."Kushner is now an official target and is not expected to remain long on this planet, CIA and agency sources say."
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  15. #35
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    Yes I do and not just one party. If you use just a little logic, you can rule out a lot of these fairy tale stories about why they start these wars and I was in one. I believed the BS about fighting there and not here. The domino theory and humanitarian BS. I did my patriotic duty. I sometimes have regrets about it. Why fight a war with your hands tued and after all the people on both sides died the country was worse than it started and the next domino didn't drop and no one thanked us for our service until 50 years later. My one step son fought in Desert storm and Iraqi freedom. He was an interpreter. He said, you know the drillm these people don't want war anymore than we do. They want a good life, education for their kids and to come home and sit in a ez chair and watch TV. War is always a government thing. We just get the joy of fighting them. It is the same for the guy we are trying to kill.

    Just look at the reasons. They say humanitarian. Our country is not humanitarian or they would have stopped the killing of whole villages, women and children in Africa. Even Aids and hunger was left to the churches. Hint Africa didn't have anything we want. They say stability but keep funding and propping up dictators and killing them a few years later. How can you not believe government is the problem? I voted for Trump. I thought he was different. Now I'm not sure. We shall see. I realize Trump has to kiss up to some republicans that hate him, to get anything done, but if the kissing up involves killing our kids and giving our money to war profiteers, I'm not good with that. Are you?
    Bubstr not sure why your on here because your making to much sense and this is not a place that under stands that.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Bubstr not sure why your on here because your making to much sense and this is not a place that under stands that.
    Especially the Demerals. They dont believe what you say unless it comes from the Clinton News Network or BSNBC...right Kid? LOL
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    That is what the Crusaders thought also. If you don't learn from history, you will repeat it. Same with Afghanistan, since med evil times, Afghanistan has been a place where Army's go to die. Ask GB or Russia or even Alexander the great. Even Genghis Khan didn't fair to well.

    This isn't about religion, protection or humanitarian aid. It's about the oil dollar and the people that need that oil dollar and the ones that profit from war, paid to start these wars. Sending our kids there to keep them from invading us is a good story but very hard to believe after it's used over and over.
    very true Bubstr. except Afaghanistan isn't a oil producer. They are the largest Opium producer in the world and that's big money for politicans, and easy to cover up.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdobber45 View Post
    Especially the Demerals. They dont believe what you say unless it comes from the Clinton News Network or BSNBC...right Kid? LOL
    All news networks slant or out right lie. What they say depends on the intrests of the owners. The other day one said it was confirmed, the Syria government did the gassing. It's very hard to find any reason, this would benefit Assad. In fact it would be the worse thing, he could ever do to him self. You would have to be crazy and stupid. But the news expected everyone to be stupid enough to believe that story with no facts behind it. Only now are they going to investigate. Which was it, confirmed or investigate? We are not really sure it was gas. The gruesome pictures of the victims where being treated by people not wearing hazmat suits. You do know Serrin gas can get in your system from breathing, food or absorbed threw the skin.

    It reminds me of another historical event. Randolph Hurst, the newspaper magnate, said something to the effect, that If you give him a few days and his news papers, he would create a reason for a war with Spain. And he did. Sinking of the Maine. That was a century ago and we are no smarter now than then. My advice is, believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see, even if you like what they say. Critical thinking has to make a comeback. Everyone needs to see the problems, before we can do anything about them. Or maybe you don't mind being lied to as long as it's you party.

  19. #39
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    The land of Irma


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    Yes I do and not just one party. If you use just a little logic, you can rule out a lot of these fairy tale stories about why they start these wars and I was in one. I believed the BS about fighting there and not here. The domino theory and humanitarian BS. I did my patriotic duty. I sometimes have regrets about it. Why fight a war with your hands tued and after all the people on both sides died the country was worse than it started and the next domino didn't drop and no one thanked us for our service until 50 years later. My one step son fought in Desert storm and Iraqi freedom. He was an interpreter. He said, you know the drillm these people don't want war anymore than we do. They want a good life, education for their kids and to come home and sit in a ez chair and watch TV. War is always a government thing. We just get the joy of fighting them. It is the same for the guy we are trying to kill.

    Just look at the reasons. They say humanitarian. Our country is not humanitarian or they would have stopped the killing of whole villages, women and children in Africa. Even Aids and hunger was left to the churches. Hint Africa didn't have anything we want. They say stability but keep funding and propping up dictators and killing them a few years later. How can you not believe government is the problem? I voted for Trump. I thought he was different. Now I'm not sure. We shall see. I realize Trump has to kiss up to some republicans that hate him, to get anything done, but if the kissing up involves killing our kids and giving our money to war profiteers, I'm not good with that. Are you?
    No one has forced "our" kids to enlist in the military. If you do, you should expect to defend our country at all costs. In life, you gotta do what your job requirements are, whether you agree or not! if you don't agree, find a new job!
    Turn LEFT, Vote RIGHT!

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdobber45 View Post
    Especially the Demerals. They dont believe what you say unless it comes from the Clinton News Network or BSNBC...right Kid? LOL

    I wouldn't know I don't watch any of them. They all have a agenda and the truth evades them when it doesn't fit their agenda.

    And no it's not just the democrats like you want us to believe.


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