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  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    All news networks slant or out right lie. What they say depends on the intrests of the owners. The other day one said it was confirmed, the Syria government did the gassing. It's very hard to find any reason, this would benefit Assad. In fact it would be the worse thing, he could ever do to him self. You would have to be crazy and stupid. But the news expected everyone to be stupid enough to believe that story with no facts behind it. Only now are they going to investigate. Which was it, confirmed or investigate? We are not really sure it was gas. The gruesome pictures of the victims where being treated by people not wearing hazmat suits. You do know Serrin gas can get in your system from breathing, food or absorbed threw the skin.

    It reminds me of another historical event. Randolph Hurst, the newspaper magnate, said something to the effect, that If you give him a few days and his news papers, he would create a reason for a war with Spain. And he did. Sinking of the Maine. That was a century ago and we are no smarter now than then. My advice is, believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see, even if you like what they say. Critical thinking has to make a comeback. Everyone needs to see the problems, before we can do anything about them. Or maybe you don't mind being lied to as long as it's you party.
    He doesn't understand what you are saying. Forgive him lol

  2. #42
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    No one has forced "our" kids to enlist in the military. If you do, you should expect to defend our country at all costs. In life, you gotta do what your job requirements are, whether you agree or not! if you don't agree, find a new job!
    Do you think for one minute that the government, wouldn't reinstate the draft if they fail to meet the quotas? If not, it seems signing up when your 18, is a big waste of taxpayers money.

    There are a lot of things that enter into this enlistment deal. One of the main reasons is the minimum wage. Our own government has done a lot to keep it low. Increased immigration, alowing ilegal immigration, anti union and now not letting the kids refi their school loans. Business wants educated employees but they don't want to pay the wage that pays off these school loans. Our kids are not very smart at that age and easy prey for free education to join the Army. Most of them serve 4 years and that is not negotiable and that is all they need most of them for. Cannon fodder as they used to say. So they can't change jobs as you say. Your argument fails.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    Yes I do and not just one party. If you use just a little logic, you can rule out a lot of these fairy tale stories about why they start these wars and I was in one. I believed the BS about fighting there and not here. The domino theory and humanitarian BS. I did my patriotic duty. I sometimes have regrets about it. Why fight a war with your hands tued and after all the people on both sides died the country was worse than it started and the next domino didn't drop and no one thanked us for our service until 50 years later. My one step son fought in Desert storm and Iraqi freedom. He was an interpreter. He said, you know the drillm these people don't want war anymore than we do. They want a good life, education for their kids and to come home and sit in a ez chair and watch TV. War is always a government thing. We just get the joy of fighting them. It is the same for the guy we are trying to kill.

    Just look at the reasons. They say humanitarian. Our country is not humanitarian or they would have stopped the killing of whole villages, women and children in Africa. Even Aids and hunger was left to the churches. Hint Africa didn't have anything we want. They say stability but keep funding and propping up dictators and killing them a few years later. How can you not believe government is the problem? I voted for Trump. I thought he was different. Now I'm not sure. We shall see. I realize Trump has to kiss up to some republicans that hate him, to get anything done, but if the kissing up involves killing our kids and giving our money to war profiteers, I'm not good with that. Are you?
    ISIS and the Muslim militant groups Muslim Brotherhood, al qaeda, Taliban, etc are not Government, they are THE reasons for the killing in the middle east. Or are you going to pin it on us? Or some other government? Sorry but no.

    Your reasoning is a bit distorted by your experiences, maybe? Yes?

    You leave them alone and the murdering will eventually be on our on land, and that is a fact.

    Ignoring murderous dictators in Africa, how is that helping. Ignoring Iran will eventually get us put it the dark, that's a reality. These people have to be dealt with and I'm sorry but the war for OIL excuse is a total cop out.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by gator 49 View Post
    very true Bubstr. except Afaghanistan isn't a oil producer. They are the largest Opium producer in the world and that's big money for politicans, and easy to cover up.
    Yes, the Poppy does grow there, but the start of our involvement was when Russia invaded them. Russia has oil and wanted a pipeline to the World threw Afghanistan. The US paid Osama Bin Laudin and armed his army to fight Rusia. Another Frankenstein experiment gone wrong. That is why we are there now. It took out the government and left a void that the only ones powerful enough to fill it, where bad guys that wouldn't work with the US. They didn't have a plan, going in, they don't have a plan now and some day We will just walk out and leave it in worse shape than what we found it.

    My guess is our Oil Companies lobbied for that war threw that Texan congressman that had oil connections and they made a movie about it and just left out the underhanded stuff out. What was the name of that movie? Foils war or something like that.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    Do you think for one minute that the government, wouldn't reinstate the draft if they fail to meet the quotas? If not, it seems signing up when your 18, is a big waste of taxpayers money.

    There are a lot of things that enter into this enlistment deal. One of the main reasons is the minimum wage. Our own government has done a lot to keep it low. Increased immigration, alowing ilegal immigration, anti union and now not letting the kids refi their school loans. Business wants educated employees but they don't want to pay the wage that pays off these school loans. Our kids are not very smart at that age and easy prey for free education to join the Army. Most of them serve 4 years and that is not negotiable and that is all they need most of them for. Cannon fodder as they used to say. So they can't change jobs as you say. Your argument fails.
    My argument fails...haha! Its called supply and demand. Its also called PATRIOTISM! With all the wars and rumors of wars, the military isn't lacking any volunteers!

    I would strongly urge any kids, even my own, to join the military! Sign the dotted line, got to college, earn a degree, stay in the military if you like, then retire at an early age. In my business, I see many in their late 30's to early 40's already drawing a retirement from the military. Its a pretty good gig!
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    ISIS and the Muslim militant groups Muslim Brotherhood, al qaeda, Taliban, etc are not Government, they are THE reasons for the killing in the middle east. Or are you going to pin it on us? Or some other government? Sorry but no.

    Your reasoning is a bit distorted by your experiences, maybe? Yes?

    You leave them alone and the murdering will eventually be on our on land, and that is a fact.

    Ignoring murderous dictators in Africa, how is that helping. Ignoring Iran will eventually get us put it the dark, that's a reality. These people have to be dealt with and I'm sorry but the war for OIL excuse is a total cop out.
    Explain how Syrian government would benefit from gassing their own?
    If fighting there instead of here was true, where are the Communists after Korea and Viet Nam?
    I believe your reasoning is distorted by not having my experiences.
    I didn't think you understood about the Oil. It's not the oil, it's what currency the oil can be paid for. We used to have a gold standard to back our dollar. We no longer have that. The thing that makes the dollar worth more than paper is, you need it to buy oil. So back in the old days there was a golld dollar, there is now a oil dollar. Did you ever wonder why we invaded Iraq instead of Saudi? Most of the 9 11 terrorist came from Saudi. It's because we have a agreement with Saudi that they can only sell oil for US dollars, Iraq didn't. ^ou can believe that or not. You will have company. A lot of people got fooled.

  7. #47
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    I can't explain Assad doing that. This happened once before and he blamed the rebels and this could well be the case again. I do have the opinion that the rebels which are not all good people could do the gassing and then blame Assad hoping to get us to respond like Trump did. So I'm leaning on blaming the rebels, but not ruling out that Assad actually did it also.

    I try to be positive but like you can see the possibilities. I guess I'm just not quite as skeptical. Or maybe not quite off the deep end. Just kidding.
    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 04-13-2017 at 08:00 PM.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    I can't explain Assad doing that. This happened once before and he blamed the rebels and this could well be the case again. I do have the opinion that the rebels which are not all good people could do the gassing and then blame Assad hoping to get us to respond like Trump did. So I'm leaning on blaming the rebels, but not ruling out that Assad actually did it also.

    I try to be positive but like you can see the possibilities. I guess I'm just not quite as skeptical. Or maybe not quite off the deep end. Just kidding.
    That would be like saying, would Saddam do that to his people? We know the answer to that one!
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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    My argument fails...haha! Its called supply and demand. Its also called PATRIOTISM! With all the wars and rumors of wars, the military isn't lacking any volunteers!

    I would strongly urge any kids, even my own, to join the military!!
    What would Jesus Do?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    What would Jesus Do?
    Jesus told David to kill Goliath....and he did!

    You might wanna read the Bible, many immoral nationalities of people were anihalated and destroyed (even women and children) by the Israelites because Jesus instructed them to! He's your best friend or your WORST judge! You don't want Him to be your judge!
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    I can't explain Assad doing that. This happened once before and he blamed the rebels and this could well be the case again. I do have the opinion that the rebels which are not all good people could do the gassing and then blame Assad hoping to get us to respond like Trump did. So I'm leaning on blaming the rebels, but not ruling out that Assad actually did it also.

    I try to be positive but like you can see the possibilities. I guess I'm just not quite as skeptical. Or maybe not quite off the deep end. Just kidding.
    "News broke early Tuesday morning of yet another tragedy in the nearly six-year-long “civil war” in Syria, this time in the northwestern province of Idlib, where a chemical gas attack is estimated to have killed 58 people, including 11 children, according to multiple media reports. Two groups – the White Helmets and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – have blamed the Syrian government for the attack."

    "USAID now appears to be the largest donor, having contributed at least $23 million from 2013 to March 2016.[48][49] The British government had provided £15 million of funding between 2012 and November 2015,[50] increased to £32 million by October 2016."

    So a group primarily funded by CIA/MI6 is claiming the Sarin attack was from Assad.

    Those are both facts. Darn those biased facts! haha

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    I can't explain Assad doing that. This happened once before and he blamed the rebels and this could well be the case again. I do have the opinion that the rebels which are not all good people could do the gassing and then blame Assad hoping to get us to respond like Trump did. So I'm leaning on blaming the rebels, but not ruling out that Assad actually did it also.

    I try to be positive but like you can see the possibilities. I guess I'm just not quite as skeptical. Or maybe not quite off the deep end. Just kidding.
    You must be talking about the 2013 event. That one was investigated and they found no remnants of sarrin gas, but if you say it enough, it becomes true. Gas don't blow away with the wind and leave no traces. I remember a gas chamber in boot camp. The DI said they haven't added new gas for 5 years and it was intense. That was tear gas.

    Something bothers me about these gruesome pictures of the kids also. The people doing the rescue are not wearing full hazmat suits with full face masks. That gas hangs around and even if you injected the Atropin, it does not keep you from getting sick, it just gives you a chance to live. It's just when things don't add up, they don't add up and yes I am skeptical. Just because the news says it's confirmed, Assaid did it, don't mean he did or even if it was done, especially when the same news says they are investigating the next day. Investigating and confirmed don't fit together.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubstr View Post
    The people doing the rescue are not wearing full hazmat suits with full face masks. That gas hangs around and even if you injected the Atropin, it does not keep you from getting sick, it just gives you a chance to live. It's just when things don't add up, they don't add up and yes I am skeptical. .

  14. #54
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    That's what I'm talking about, Balljoint.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    Jesus told David to kill Goliath....and he did!

    You might wanna read the Bible, many immoral nationalities of people were anihalated and destroyed (even women and children) by the Israelites because Jesus instructed them to! He's your best friend or your WORST judge! You don't want Him to be your judge!
    Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

    Love your enemies. Mercy AND forgiveness.

    Spring is coming along nicely.

  16. #56
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    We need to take care of whats going on in THIS country. Minnesota Montana Idaho and N.Dakota are all ok with SHAIRA LAW... WTF? Have these people ever read the Quran? Or better yet seen whats going on in other countries that have let them in? Yes I know 'freedom of religion' but Im pretty sure when our Constitution was written no one knew about Muslims and their beliefs. If we dont do something now its going to get out of hand and what America has fought for for all these years will be flushed down the toilet. Funny that the mayor of Seattle is ok with Shaira Law except since he has been accused of raping a 15 yr old boy at one time he would be stoned or beheaded for doing that if under their laws. We need to wake the h€ll up!!!
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  17. #57
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    And one more thing... these sanctuary cities.. the mayors should be held accountable for what goes on in those cities. If an illegal immigrant breaks the law the mayor should be charged for aiding and abetting. Sick of these dumb@$$ liberals that have no freaking clue
    If I havent offended you please be patient Ill get to you as soon as I can...... and yes Im a Bloomquist w it!!! WWG1WGA!!!

  18. #58
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    [QUOTE=balljoint;2096465]Judge not, and you shall not be judged.

    Please explain what this means. You and the rest of the world ALWAYS take this out of enlighten us all! This is not a verse that can be taken literally out of its context!
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by balljoint View Post
    Judge not, and you shall not be judged.

    Please explain what this means. You and the rest of the world ALWAYS take this out of enlighten us all! This is not a verse that can be taken literally out of its context!
    Thought it was pretty straight forward. What does it mean to you good brother?

  20. #60
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    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    Thought it was pretty straight forward. What does it mean to you good brother?
    Our fake country is looking to invade Syria. Our own intelligence community wants to take out Assad. Just like Iraq and Afghanistan and Egypt. How did that work out? How is a country the side of Rhode Island so powerful?


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