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  1. #21
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    dirtMAN007 is offline
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    But TRUMP is really the only one you care about ? I will make a prediction that NO ONE receives any punishment for anything. ........... the only punishment will be on the TAXPAYERS !Just a gigantic waste of our money and time ! And TRUMP will still be president when it is all said and done and if he gets nothing else accomplished what he has already done to MAGA will satisfy my voting for him ! That really P!SSES you off doesn’t it ? His 2 SCOTUS picks are enough for me by themselves !

    Nobody will receive any punishment? What about George Papadopoulos isn't he serving time right now, what about Flynn isn't he getting ready to be sentence next week. Yep you are right nobody will get any punishment. The ones who cooperated received a lesser sentence.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    You just side with the low life Washington Establishment and believe their garbage. LOL, you just keep on hoping. I know it is more important that we get another Marxism lying President like Obama. They are waiting in line to bring about their socialist marxism for people like you who believe politicians.
    Funny thing. Trump does things to protect the Country and in some cases the same as Obama. When he did them they were patriotic and when Trump does them he is a Nazi. How stupid can people be?
    But, yet you guys lambasted Obama for doing the same thing as Trump but, now you think it's ok. go figure.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALLDIRT View Post
    That's a crazy statement , Trump has done something illegal . Searching for anything
    is ridiculous . Like what , talking to someone about dirt on the Clintons . 30 million dollars
    later , really . You are right again , no one is above the law . But searching for anything
    is absurd . I cannot believe the people keep putting up with our country being ran this way .
    Searching for it , when Its obvious who' doing it .
    Typical republican response its all right to investigate democrats but don't investigate republicans because they wouldn't do nothing wrong. Republican always go after democrats but it a different game if democrats go after republicans. Welcome to politics what goes around comes around. Keep on blaming Clinton's and Obama but expect the same treatment. If the Clinton's and Obama have done something wrong go and indict them. If Mueller investigation finds nothing on Trump I'm all right with it but let the investigation continue. When Trump pull the stunts that he has pulled it would make one to believe he has done something wrong.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Mueller is on the hot seat to justify the billions of dollars he has spent to find nothing on the subject he was hired to investigate. However the Dem moron base is all giddy of the nothing that Cohan plea deal is going to bring. I just laugh at the moron Washington leading Dems and the Dem media like CNN and PMSNBC spouting their idiotic comments and delusional hopes. Here are some facts. Dems started this investigation on phony dossier and Comey, Clinton, and the former head of the CIA are just some of the people who absolutely lied to the FEDs. This would also include Clapper who said there is no spying going on concerning American Citizens. The whole bunch of them including Obama broke the law and brought about Trump who was voted in to clean the mess up. Trump is in no danger with all of this nonsense. Mueller should retire anyway, he is just another hack. He and his merry band of low lifes who have ruined financially among other things several people lives. Lives in some case of honorable military men who have served this Country!!!!!!!!
    Why isn't Trump's team going after them then. The republicans have held all branches of the government for the last 2 years. If any of these allegations are true they should have went after them. Obviously there wasn't no facts or they would have went after them.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Typical republican response its all right to investigate democrats but don't investigate republicans because they wouldn't do nothing wrong. Republican always go after democrats but it a different game if democrats go after republicans. Welcome to politics what goes around comes around. Keep on blaming Clinton's and Obama but expect the same treatment. If the Clinton's and Obama have done something wrong go and indict them. If Mueller investigation finds nothing on Trump I'm all right with it but let the investigation continue. When Trump pull the stunts that he has pulled it would make one to believe he has done something wrong.
    Yeah I think he is his own worst enemy. He did nothing wrong so, move on and keep getting things done for the people of this country. He needs to quit obsessing over it. He's going to come out smelling like a rose when all said and done.

  6. #26
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    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Yeah I think he is his own worst enemy. He did nothing wrong so, move on and keep getting things done for the people of this country. He needs to quit obsessing over it. He's going to come out smelling like a rose when all said and done.
    Kid, I don't think he is going to come out smelling like a rose. He knows what they have on him and that why he keep panicking. He keep trying to speak to his base by claiming that this is a witch hunt when in fact he knows he's in trouble. Hopefully his base will keep on supporting him. Some of the republican senators are starting to turn on him. Did you see the photo op of all of the G-20 leaders? Trump couldn't stand still for nothing. He definitely look a little nervous about something.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Kid, I don't think he is going to come out smelling like a rose. He knows what they have on him and that why he keep panicking. He keep trying to speak to his base by claiming that this is a witch hunt when in fact he knows he's in trouble. Hopefully his base will keep on supporting him. Some of the republican senators are starting to turn on him. Did you see the photo op of all of the G-20 leaders? Trump couldn't stand still for nothing. He definitely look a little nervous about something.
    ss are you drunk or high or is someone else writing for you ? yoju usually speak properly with good grammar but your last couple posts are not normal for your writing ! are you nervous about something ?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Typical republican response its all right to investigate democrats but don't investigate republicans because they wouldn't do nothing wrong. Republican always go after democrats but it a different game if democrats go after republicans. Welcome to politics what goes around comes around. Keep on blaming Clinton's and Obama but expect the same treatment. If the Clinton's and Obama have done something wrong go and indict them. If Mueller investigation finds nothing on Trump I'm all right with it but let the investigation continue. When Trump pull the stunts that he has pulled it would make one to believe he has done something wrong.
    You see , you said you didn't lean left or right . I don't either . I am straight down the middle .
    When I said to you that was a crazy statement , you are only leaning left . You accuse no one
    other than The President . This whole absurd attack on him is because , the Clinton / obummer
    thing lost . And lost big time of the deals that were yet to made . It killed them . What I don't
    understand , is you say that you don't lean left or right , why you defend the left and not right ,
    and search for the truth on both sides , When its obvious one side has a mountain of scandals ,
    and the other has this complete stupid made up RUSSIA COLLUSION by the left . You cant look
    on each hand , and in good thinking not see How one sided this is , and admit it to yourself .
    I will not say , that maybe someone searched for the dirt on the B itch . But what kind of crime
    do you relate that to , compared is a mountain of evidence of the last administration . HOW .

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Yeah I think he is his own worst enemy. He did nothing wrong so, move on and keep getting things done for the people of this country. He needs to quit obsessing over it. He's going to come out smelling like a rose when all said and done.
    They are not turning on him . They have never been behind him . That's what should
    be obvious . They only support him to save their self .The people that voted for him are
    done with the crooks , the swamp . The swamp want him out because he's not one of them .
    Quit supporting the swamp , and support the one that's fighting for the country . not chasing
    collusion , and dragging the country down . I don't think Kidrock agrees with it all , but he is not completely blind to the swamp . by his post he knows that the President will be reelected , because
    he will not be convicted of any crime .

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Yeah I think he is his own worst enemy. He did nothing wrong so, move on and keep getting things done for the people of this country. He needs to quit obsessing over it. He's going to come out smelling like a rose when all said and done.
    That's right Kid , he is sometimes his own worst enemy . That's his biggest down fall .
    He is not a crook . Famous words right . He doe's over do it . But as long as he says
    that America first , I support him . Working to make this country stronger and better .
    Lets chase the crime that we know happened . there is a rat , and its not Trump . and
    that's RATS .

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Kid, I don't think he is going to come out smelling like a rose. He knows what they have on him and that why he keep panicking. He keep trying to speak to his base by claiming that this is a witch hunt when in fact he knows he's in trouble. Hopefully his base will keep on supporting him. Some of the republican senators are starting to turn on him. Did you see the photo op of all of the G-20 leaders? Trump couldn't stand still for nothing. He definitely look a little nervous about something.
    You also talk about people being prosecuted . For what , nothing to do with trump .
    Only things before him . way before him . even Cohen . nothing on Trump . Nothing to do
    with collusion . So what about Comey . Lawyers trying to stop his indictment . not wanting
    to testify behind doors , he will take the fifth , like many others . what about all that . Your
    kidding me , you wont admit that and still think the President is hiding something . What's
    the crime they are accusing the President of . What's the crime . Oh , collusion .

  13. #33
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    reminiscent of all the trash republicans talked about him.

    he won.

    All the trash Everyone talked Nov 6.

    he won.

    and he will win again. this isn't stopping.

    and why would anyone want it to? we were inches away from being, well, Canada. Maybe Mexico. want that?

    that is the only other option. we were 4 years away

  14. #34
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    imagine if ANY of the other GOP candidates were elected. what a sorry bunch.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALLDIRT View Post
    That's right Kid , he is sometimes his own worst enemy . That's his biggest down fall .
    He is not a crook . Famous words right . He doe's over do it . But as long as he says
    that America first , I support him . Working to make this country stronger and better .
    Lets chase the crime that we know happened . there is a rat , and its not Trump . and
    that's RATS .
    Alldirt I wouldn't go as far to say he is not a crook but, as of today from what we have seen there doesn't seem to be no collusion but, his finances now that might be another story. Cohen is signing to Mueller and he has a lot of dirt on Trump so, I'm waiting for all this to shake out and see where the chips fall.

  16. #36
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    Halliburton..... this company has a lot to answer for.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALLDIRT View Post
    You also talk about people being prosecuted . For what , nothing to do with trump .
    Only things before him . way before him . even Cohen . nothing on Trump . Nothing to do
    with collusion . So what about Comey . Lawyers trying to stop his indictment . not wanting
    to testify behind doors , he will take the fifth , like many others . what about all that . Your
    kidding me , you wont admit that and still think the President is hiding something . What's
    the crime they are accusing the President of . What's the crime . Oh , collusion .
    Wonder why Trump won't talk to Mueller?? What's he got to hide? Don't give the perjury trap because the greatest mind in the history of the world could not be caught in a trap. lol

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Wonder why Trump won't talk to Mueller?? What's he got to hide? Don't give the perjury trap because the greatest mind in the history of the world could not be caught in a trap. lol
    even the greatest mind in the world will have a tuff time beating a corrupt fbi ;corrupt doj ' corrupt wsashington establishment ;deep state and asenseless billion dollar witch hunt ......................... but TRUMP is the one who can and will do it because he LOVES AMERICA and will not be swayed by all of it !!!!!

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALLDIRT View Post
    You see , you said you didn't lean left or right . I don't either . I am straight down the middle .
    When I said to you that was a crazy statement , you are only leaning left . You accuse no one
    other than The President . This whole absurd attack on him is because , the Clinton / obummer
    thing lost . And lost big time of the deals that were yet to made . It killed them . What I don't
    understand , is you say that you don't lean left or right , why you defend the left and not right ,
    and search for the truth on both sides , When its obvious one side has a mountain of scandals ,
    and the other has this complete stupid made up RUSSIA COLLUSION by the left . You cant look
    on each hand , and in good thinking not see How one sided this is , and admit it to yourself .
    I will not say , that maybe someone searched for the dirt on the B itch . But what kind of crime
    do you relate that to , compared is a mountain of evidence of the last administration . HOW .
    I'm not a democrat or republican but I lean a little more to the left. But that not saying I won't vote for a republican, because I will. I believe in a little balance on this site. This section of this site has a lot of republicans that respond to most of these topics. I could do the same thing for republicans as I do for democrats but then this site would be boring. Believe me I learn from you gentleman and hopefully you see a different view of some of these topics and learn from thing I post. We all need a little balance. As far as the Russia collusion let Mueller's investigation continue and see what he finds. If he finds no collusion I will be find with that. We have went this far let him finish. When Trump keeps trying to stop this investigation it would make one believe he is hiding some thing. A honest person would say let them investigate all they want I have nothing to hide, but Trump isn't smart enough to say that or he is guilty. Have a great day I have to go My grandsons are playing basketball this morning.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    I'm not a democrat or republican but I lean a little more to the left. But that not saying I won't vote for a republican, because I will. I believe in a little balance on this site. This section of this site has a lot of republicans that respond to most of these topics. I could do the same thing for republicans as I do for democrats but then this site would be boring. Believe me I learn from you gentleman and hopefully you see a different view of some of these topics and learn from thing I post. We all need a little balance. As far as the Russia collusion let Mueller's investigation continue and see what he finds. If he finds no collusion I will be find with that. We have went this far let him finish. When Trump keeps trying to stop this investigation it would make one believe he is hiding some thing. A honest person would say let them investigate all they want I have nothing to hide, but Trump isn't smart enough to say that or he is guilty. Have a great day I have to go My grandsons are playing basketball this morning.
    whern has he tried to stop it ? you know as well as i if he wanted it stopped he has the power to do so and has not so now you will say it it wasx he tweets is a dogbwhistle or somethingf eklkse stupid ! i think at this he should stop it because no matter what he does it is wrong in your (libtard anti trumpsters } little minds it is wrong ! fire mueller take the heat and everyone will move on to the next shiny little object to try to destroy the man !!!!!!! you guysare sooooooooooooo pitiful !!!!


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