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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    Feel free to see it how you wish, but others find those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. And, said history has primarily been written from the winner's stand-point. Whereas, the essay is from a downtrodden vantage.

    While I don't, I can see how one could find the essay as inciting. To me, its meant to open a dialogue about how people can see the same situation sooooo differently and that one's point of sight does have an influence over the record of historic events.
    as long as there are people like you , sharpton , jackson and so on to stir the pot , race relations will suffer , its kind of strange that down here in the south where all this suppression took place , our race relations are better than anywhere , there is more blacks living in mississippi than ever , from the time i was 6 years old till i was 17 , there was an old black lady that took care of me and my handicapped brother while my parents tried to make a living , and she came to us to offer her help , she taught me things that most young white boys of that era would never know , but i can tell you now , she would be embarrassed at how a lot of her race are acting today , i loved that old black woman with all my heart and she loved me and when she passed , it was no different than loosing a grand parent to me , maybe worse , so as far as im concerned , we have done all we can to make things right , the only one that can help race relations now are the ones that can put the dark past behind them and work on today , when al sharpton and the likes are finally gone , i feel things will improve.....

  2. #22
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    Nov 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    What truth? I guess you missed the big letters at the top of your website posting that say COMMENTARY? Always knew you had trouble telling fact from opinion but GEEZ, they did the work for you and you still missed it! TWICE!!

    And, where is that proof of it being in classrooms again?

    Again not quick on the uptake here. The essay from the NYT Magazine was the entire basis for the premise of said COMMENTARY piece you posted. So, I can't reference that which is referenced in one of your sources? No wonder the stuff you throw out ain't worth a squat.
    Antonio, you have been sucked up the hind end of the Democrat party so far that reality and facts are of no use to you. And you of such a high education, or was it more of an indoctrination??

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetters View Post
    Antonio, you have been sucked up the hind end of the Democrat party so far that reality and facts are of no use to you. And you of such a high education, or was it more of an indoctrination??
    None of the above, it's called empathy for a fellow human.
    Last edited by anthonycacace; 03-11-2020 at 10:36 AM. Reason: phrasing change

  4. #24
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    Nov 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    None of the above, it's called empathy for a fellow human.
    A rather biased "empathy" wouldn't you say? hahahahaahaa

  5. #25
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    as long as there are people like you , sharpton , jackson and so on to stir the pot , race relations will suffer , its kind of strange that down here in the south where all this suppression took place , our race relations are better than anywhere , there is more blacks living in mississippi than ever , from the time i was 6 years old till i was 17 , there was an old black lady that took care of me and my handicapped brother while my parents tried to make a living , and she came to us to offer her help , she taught me things that most young white boys of that era would never know , but i can tell you now , she would be embarrassed at how a lot of her race are acting today , i loved that old black woman with all my heart and she loved me and when she passed , it was no different than loosing a grand parent to me , maybe worse , so as far as im concerned , we have done all we can to make things right , the only one that can help race relations now are the ones that can put the dark past behind them and work on today , when al sharpton and the likes are finally gone , i feel things will improve.....
    While you're totally entitled to the opinion, one's anecdotal observations and second-hand assumptions cannot reflect the story and history of millions of other people which live a life that is not livable in the same manner as you, IMO.

    And to reiterate, despite your labeling/belittling of me, I see the essay as stimulating a conversation rather an act of incitement. But, I get it; you disagree and see the essay as inciting.

    That said, I doubt anyone is completely proud of everyone in their cultural, ethnic, or other related demographic background. For example, I'm not proud that my follow Appalachians, and WV in particular, have the dubious honor of being the group with the statically highest opioid use/overdosing. But, I grasp (or at least have empathy for) how this population got to this point.

  6. #26
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    and you are entitled as well , and i do believe that we , as a society , benefit from the lessons of history , but some , and i feel you are one of them , simply use history to hold back the advancement of our society as a whole , sure blacks in mississippi in the 60,s , as well as some slaves 150 years ago were mistreated , history tells us this , but history also tells us that the majority were not , i feel that if certain parts of history were to finally be accepted for what it was and the lesson was learned , we would all be in a better place , as far as belittling you , i dont see it that way , you have expressed your opinion and i have expressed mine , as i read your thoughts , i cant help but think you align your self with the instigators i mentioned earlier , if i am wrong , then so be it , but your the only one that really knows.......

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    and you are entitled as well , and i do believe that we , as a society , benefit from the lessons of history , but some , and i feel you are one of them , simply use history to hold back the advancement of our society as a whole , sure blacks in mississippi in the 60,s , as well as some slaves 150 years ago were mistreated , history tells us this , but history also tells us that the majority were not , i feel that if certain parts of history were to finally be accepted for what it was and the lesson was learned , we would all be in a better place , as far as belittling you , i dont see it that way , you have expressed your opinion and i have expressed mine , as i read your thoughts , i cant help but think you align your self with the instigators i mentioned earlier , if i am wrong , then so be it , but your the only one that really knows.......
    But he aligns himself with the party that started the KKK!...….hypocrisy much???

  8. #28
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    Jul 2007


    Empathy? That is a very loaded word these days. Anyone, regardless of their credentials, can us it to demonize, as it has been used here. Even known crackpots, like some who have been identified earlier here, can use it to the detriment of their ideological counterparts. It's generally quite effective, even to those who would normally use common sense, when the truth of an issue isn't completely vetted and understood. It plays on emotion despite when the facts are clearly in the corner of those who are demonized with the use of it.

    All one need do is look back through this thread and see this loaded word used to project a certain degree of just what I'm talking about.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    Empathy? That is a very loaded word these days. Anyone, regardless of their credentials, can us it to demonize, as it has been used here. Even known crackpots, like some who have been identified earlier here, can use it to the detriment of their ideological counterparts. It's generally quite effective, even to those who would normally use common sense, when the truth of an issue isn't completely vetted and understood. It plays on emotion despite when the facts are clearly in the corner of those who are demonized with the use of it.
    Well not exactly. Admittedly, I am a bit harsher on Clayton with language than most here. (He started it! HA HA HA!) However, the overall meaning to convey was that while I cannot live some else' s experience, I try to understand, or at least be empathic to, why they came to the conclusions as they have about life and how to live. It may be hard to fathom, but it's why I come here too.

    And, since no one else found it and we're taking about facts, wanna provide evidence that any classroom used the essay in its history curriculum? I'll take evidence of even one doing such, despite the COMMENTARY claim of 3,500 classrooms.

    All one need do is look back through this thread and see this loaded word used to project a certain degree of just what I'm talking about.
    As noted, Clayton and I go after each other a little differently in debates then I do with most others; but we've been at this for 11+ years now so it's K. That said, while I can see your point, the conclusion was not my intent; that was directed solely at him not a dog whistle to all others who disagree with my opinions. I feel we've debated issues without rancor over the years for example.

    But since you're talking loaded phrasing, what do you think of Trump's messaging then? How is, "There are good people on both sides," or the Mexican rapist comments when he announced his Presidential run, etc., etc., not emotionally charged phrasing? I was taught in marketing class that the ultimate goal was to get people to buy on visceral [emotional] reaction not rational thought; and, Trump is a great marketer if nothing else.

    So do you simply accept it as being ok and not an attempt at emotional baiting on his end? Or, do you find Trump's use of emotional marketing as appalling as it appears you do of my using empathy herein?
    Last edited by anthonycacace; 03-13-2020 at 03:12 PM. Reason: grammar. Felt like it

  10. #30
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    Well not exactly. Admittedly, I am a bit harsher on Clayton with language than most here. (He started it! HA HA HA!) However, the overall meaning to convey was that while I cannot live some else' s experience, I try to understand, or at least be empathic to, why they came to the conclusions as they have about life and how to live. It may be hard to fathom, but it's why I come here too.

    And, since no one else found it and we're taking about facts, wanna provide evidence that any classroom used the essay in its history curriculum? I'll take evidence of even one doing such, despite the COMMENTARY claim of 3,500 classrooms.

    As noted, Clayton and I go after each other a little differently in debates then I do with most others; but we've been at this for 11+ years now so it's K. That said, while I can see your point, the conclusion was not my intent; that was directed solely at him not a dog whistle to all others who disagree with my opinions. I feel we've debated issues without rancor over the years for example.

    But since you're talking loaded phrasing, what do you think of Trump's messaging then? How is, "There are good people on both sides," or the Mexican rapist comments when he announced his Presidential run, etc., etc., not emotionally charged phrasing? I was taught in marketing class that the ultimate goal was to get people to buy on visceral [emotional] reaction not rational thought; and, Trump is a great marketer if nothing else.

    So do you simply accept it as being ok and not an attempt at emotional baiting on his end? Or, do you find Trump's use of emotional marketing as appalling as it appears you do of my using empathy herein?
    What do I think? I think a lotta' things but facts, taken and digested in a fair and objective manner, don't require much thinking. You pretty much lose me when you start spewing more loaded phrases such as "dog whistles", etc. Most all political and ideological rhetoric is "emotionally charged". I take very, very little of it all that seriously no matter the ideological cesspool it comes from. Thus, I didn't put much stock in hussein's clinger BS, his blatant interjection of race into almost every aspect of his administration policy and his anti American rhetoric. Hussein was playing to his audience. On the same token I do not put all that much stock in the "good people on both sides" or what the trumpster says about illegal aliens. Again, playing to an audience. Whether either one does/did what's best overall for the entire country is far more important. I also took marketing in college, and your marketing professor's were/are correct, but that BS doesn't work on some folks who understand the con and is rendered ineffective. I take pride in being from a family where that nonsense doesn't work!

    I have no idea of what you boys are talking about in regards to history classroom curriculum and I care even less. But, one thing is for certain, the education system is geared to emphasize a certain ideology from the earliest grade levels and the higher the levels the more intense and widespread the unbalanced emphasis becomes. THAT is an undeniable fact. Some of the total bull sh!t I heard come out of the mouth's of college professors was startling but there were many students that hung on every word. Could you be..................oh, never mind.

    I do not subscribe to the ideological theory that consists of if one doesn't exhibit a predetermined degree of empathy then you are an evil old meany. Empathy is a virtuous human emotion but there are times when it is used to lessen the impact of facts and replace it with emotion which can be detrimental to the common good in the long run. I repeat, empathy is a heavily loaded word in today's societal dialog.

    It appears that your feelings are easily hurt. That sort of thing is popular and in vogue. It's just not my cup of tea but who am I to criticize.

  11. #31
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    Think with all the craziness going on right now in the world, ain't no need for me to continue to add to it.

    With that I say, good day for a bit, wash those hands, and stay safe y'all.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    What do I think? I think a lotta' things but facts, taken and digested in a fair and objective manner, don't require much thinking. You pretty much lose me when you start spewing more loaded phrases such as "dog whistles", etc. Most all political and ideological rhetoric is "emotionally charged". I take very, very little of it all that seriously no matter the ideological cesspool it comes from. Thus, I didn't put much stock in hussein's clinger BS, his blatant interjection of race into almost every aspect of his administration policy and his anti American rhetoric. Hussein was playing to his audience. On the same token I do not put all that much stock in the "good people on both sides" or what the trumpster says about illegal aliens. Again, playing to an audience. Whether either one does/did what's best overall for the entire country is far more important. I also took marketing in college, and your marketing professor's were/are correct, but that BS doesn't work on some folks who understand the con and is rendered ineffective. I take pride in being from a family where that nonsense doesn't work!

    I have no idea of what you boys are talking about in regards to history classroom curriculum and I care even less. But, one thing is for certain, the education system is geared to emphasize a certain ideology from the earliest grade levels and the higher the levels the more intense and widespread the unbalanced emphasis becomes. THAT is an undeniable fact. Some of the total bull sh!t I heard come out of the mouth's of college professors was startling but there were many students that hung on every word. Could you be..................oh, never mind.

    I do not subscribe to the ideological theory that consists of if one doesn't exhibit a predetermined degree of empathy then you are an evil old meany. Empathy is a virtuous human emotion but there are times when it is used to lessen the impact of facts and replace it with emotion which can be detrimental to the common good in the long run. I repeat, empathy is a heavily loaded word in today's societal dialog.

    It appears that your feelings are easily hurt. That sort of thing is popular and in vogue. It's just not my cup of tea but who am I to criticize.
    Dropped the truth bomb on him .............and he’s ...........GONE !

  13. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    Think with all the craziness going on right now in the world, ain't no need for me to continue to add to it.

    With that I say, good day for a bit, wash those hands, and stay safe y'all.
    well said and thanks for being honest with your assumption of yourself.......

  14. #34
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    dirtMAN007, you hit the nail squarely on the head. It's an admirable gesture to placate yourself and bow out of a conversation where the facts are stacked four square against you. To a degree it also allows for the saving of face.

  15. #35
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by anthonycacace View Post
    Well not exactly. Admittedly, I am a bit harsher on Clayton with language than most here. (He started it! HA HA HA!) However, the overall meaning to convey was that while I cannot live some else' s experience, I try to understand, or at least be empathic to, why they came to the conclusions as they have about life and how to live. It may be hard to fathom, but it's why I come here too.

    And, since no one else found it and we're taking about facts, wanna provide evidence that any classroom used the essay in its history curriculum? I'll take evidence of even one doing such, despite the COMMENTARY claim of 3,500 classrooms.

    As noted, Clayton and I go after each other a little differently in debates then I do with most others; but we've been at this for 11+ years now so it's K. That said, while I can see your point, the conclusion was not my intent; that was directed solely at him not a dog whistle to all others who disagree with my opinions. I feel we've debated issues without rancor over the years for example.

    But since you're talking loaded phrasing, what do you think of Trump's messaging then? How is, "There are good people on both sides," or the Mexican rapist comments when he announced his Presidential run, etc., etc., not emotionally charged phrasing? I was taught in marketing class that the ultimate goal was to get people to buy on visceral [emotional] reaction not rational thought; and, Trump is a great marketer if nothing else.

    So do you simply accept it as being ok and not an attempt at emotional baiting on his end? Or, do you find Trump's use of emotional marketing as appalling as it appears you do of my using empathy herein?

    plain and simple...….We voted to have a businessman in the White House, not a politician!

    Successful businessmen all have excellent sales skills.....the gift of gab! We have also learned what a great humanitarian Trump is and is totally sold out on Making America Great Again. He has done that with remarkable ease, despite all the negativity from the Dems and their media controlled outlets!

    He will go down in history as the greatest president America has ever had!


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